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How many of you are staying when GW2 launches?


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To the topic I am definitely gone by the time GW2 comes out. Not that I am leaving because of gw2 at all but because I barely play this game as it is now for various reasons and I find it pointless to re-new my account when it expires and by the time gw2 does come out I won't wanna play a failed future f2p game. Things that did get me interested was that massive pvp area unlike swtor's mini golf courses and the random events that go on. Stuff like that I can really see my self putting my time in to.




Not liking the "grind" is just another excuse or round about way of saying people don't like putting effort in to their character right? ;) And people actually pay attention to the story cut scenes? lol' that's news to me.

i do pay atention to the cut scenes and just because you dont doeant mean a thing. i put effot into my characters and why cant i enjoy myself while doing so. i have re rolled my agent because i enjoyed the story that much are u going to say im not putting effot into the character simply because i enjoy the story and not the mindless grind?

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I for one will still be here and on my operative ( love my gimp class ) who else will be staying? I honestly think GW2 is just another hyped up game that will lose alot of player's after the first few months


I am certain most people will try it , if the price is reasonable.


How long they stay is entirely in the hands of the game.


D3 , for example, was an unmitigated disaster for me. I barely put in 3 hours play time before tossing it aside as boring and uninteresting.

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ive played GW2 and i can say the hype is worse than it was for this game, its lvling system is the basic grind fest and after TOR i can honestly say i cant go back to text based kill 10 sheep then kill 20 sheep crap.


TOR has shown me one thing, that the non VO lvling doesnt cut it anymore.


Have we both played the same game? oO i don't think so, maybe your headphones are broken, i can't remember a not-synched quest in GW2 unlike swtor which has a lot of unsynched quests. The thing that GW2 does different is that it has a dynamic world, npcs aren't just standing around talking about how they are beeing attacked, they are realy beeing attacked and if you don't safe them then they will just be dead for quite a time with no one able to do that quest in that time, so no i'm deffinatly not staying when GW2 launches, not only because of the dynamic world but because it has like 0 grind to it and has actual endgame content and the engine can handle massive pvp battles 200vs200vs200.

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ive played GW2 and i can say the hype is worse than it was for this game, its lvling system is the basic grind fest and after TOR i can honestly say i cant go back to text based kill 10 sheep then kill 20 sheep crap.


TOR has shown me one thing, that the non VO lvling doesnt cut it anymore.


Yeah...I'm going to say that you haven't played GW2.



As for me, I'll be definitely playing GW2, I'll stay sub to this, but I'll probably unsub when F2P hits.

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I'm staying. I prefer the optional sub, since it will encourage the devs to focus on exlusive ops rather than eventually degrading to the awful P2W. Guild Wars, not having any sub at all, will probably do so longer down the road.:rak_03:

Boy, the subs sure encouraged the devs so far.

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I will be playing GW2, I wont be leaving SWTOR unless I have no desire to play it. Something that BW/EA needs to do something about pretty soon though. Running out of EXCITING reasons to log in. The only thing left right now is the quest of 16 50's.
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I will be playing GW2, I wont be leaving SWTOR unless I have no desire to play it. Something that BW/EA needs to do something about pretty soon though. Running out of EXCITING reasons to log in. The only thing left right now is the quest of 16 50's.


16 50's? You got to be kidding..lol. :D I only have one and got one more to level 42 before I got bored with it and unsubbed.

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16 50's? You got to be kidding..lol. :D I only have one and got one more to level 42 before I got bored with it and unsubbed.

I got two to 50 and was so tired of the linear leveling by then that I got my Sorc to 38 before finishing Dromand Kaas. Of course, that was before the warzone XP nerf, which made leveling just seem like something I'd only do if I had a year's supply of Adderall on hand.

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So I can stay here and continue to experience bugs that have been around since launch? Or the hours upon hours of gear grind with the glitches? Or run the same 3 out of 4 warzones I've played since launch? Or for the non-existent open world PvP since everyone quit Ilum with the loss of incentives, and the fact it was a slideshow because SW:TOR has a sucky engine?


It's been fun, I got a nice simple introduction to PvP in a WoW clone to get the gist of things. Thanks for the good times TOR, but I'm already planning to move to GW2, along with what's left of the guild I'm in. :p

Edited by Katsuragisama
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Well TSW is already taking up most of my time. I'm dabbling here til my sub runs out just to get my money's worth. When game goes F2P, I'll come back and "dabble" again I'm sure. GW2 coming out will coincide roughly with when my sub runs out. Regardless, I would of been quitting anyways GW2 notwithstanding.


Not to say I won't give GW2 a try. Curious if the "dynamic" content they promise is going to be as good as Rift's.

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EA owns BioWare, its kinda hard to tell your boss to "shove off" when they control your paycheck. In fact it says on the BioWare homepage right under their name "A Division of EA".


I wish EA were just the ones to write the checks and left the decisions to Bioware....I know that without EA's funding this game would of never been made but I also feel that without EA's interference with the development of the game it could have been much better than what it turned out to be. EA isn't exactly known for quality products.

Edited by Darth-Rammstein
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I will be leaving for Gw2, I thoroughly enjoyed pvp in that game. There is pretty much nothing left for me in this game anymore, most of my close friends have quit, I've cleared all raid content, and edging close to to Elite Warlord title.


The last thing I will do before my sub runs out is leveling up an Imperial Agent. I've heard they have an impressive storyline.

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Well, given that I just dropped my $12.99 for the game (and 30 days access) a few hours ago [after playing 4 characters to level 9-13 while doing the trial in the last week], I guess I will still be around. Hard to beat that for a chance to kick the tires a bit more. SWTOR does have its moments.


Having said that, I am simply stunned at some of the things I have experienced in SWTOR. I have played EQ, EQ2, WOW, GW1, DCUO, DDO, LOTRO, AION, RIFT, and have recently beta'd TSW and GW2. I pre-purchased GW2. I have experienced a bit of difference in games, and variety is good. Bad design is not good. Just two very brief examples.


After unlocking my first ship an hour ago, I ran to mail some stuff and check out GTN. Running through the spaceport in Coruscant, I was struck at what a difference the travel system in GW2 was, and how much less tedious.


GTN simply makes me want to poke out my eyeballs with a dull stick. I really hope i am missing some trick with wildcards, as having to type in part of a name to get an item listing, not being able to sort by price per item, ... you know, I will stop there. It is just mindboggling. I enjoy adventuring, but I truly love crafting and love the auction house game even more. The utter idiocy of the GTN design makes me wonder what the designers at Bioware were thinking when they sketched it out.


Don't get me wrong, there are some nice things about the game. I enjoy the soundtrack as I am adventuring, brings back memories of the first time in the theater watching the movie (yes, I am that old), and am enjoying some of the differences in the classes. Love the sound of the lightsaber as it takes someone down, and enjoyed my first (and only so far, but more to come) flashpoint experience. But for the game to have been out almost a year and have almost none of the things that a competitor offers without requiring a subscription makes me realize that I probably won't be paying a fee after my 30 days.

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I for one will still be here and on my operative ( love my gimp class ) who else will be staying? I honestly think GW2 is just another hyped up game that will lose alot of player's after the first few months


Agreed. Flavor of the week MMORPG. :rolleyes:


Besides, one can play GW2 AND SWTOR AND .... it doesn't have to be an either/or and can be a both/and.


Another fantasy game. No, thanks. I am here for long run.


I know right, yet another Fantasy mmorpg. :eek:

Edited by Urael
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Quote: Originally Posted by Gotheria View Post

I for one will still be here and on my operative ( love my gimp class ) who else will be staying? I honestly think GW2 is just another hyped up game that will lose alot of player's after the first few months





Agreed. Flavor of the week MMORPG. :rolleyes:


Besides, one can play GW2 AND SWTOR AND .... it doesn't have to be an either/or and can be a both/and.




I know right, yet another Fantasy mmorpg. :eek:




My first post on this *********** waste of time forum.


Also my last post as this game is not worth money which also makes it not worth the time to play it.



...so basically you are agreeing with some retard who is actually pointing out the facts that have occurred in THIS GAME. Is that not exactly what has happened to SWTOR? Lost a bunch of subs in the first few months? So basically you want to stay here so you can have the same experience as you FEEL will occur over the next few months with GW2? Just checking to make sure you are actually trying to pull of a full retard here...You know you can't go full retard. NEVER GO FULL RETARD...damn I thought you all knew that.



By the way your going full retard to thinking this is anything but a fantasy game. Look at it this was and it is very easy even at full retard status...


Star Wars= Operatic Drama with fantasy and spiritual overtones to it that implies a higher power (fantasy) exists. NOT SCIENCE.


Star Trek (yes I am using it because it fits to make a point and you can be fans of both.)

= SCIENCE FICTION. It relates real world past events with a possible future while using basic current day science to explain and extrapolate what may occur in the future with technology and future science. Their theories are based in real world current day application or theory regardless of the CHEESE factor. These are the stories and types of stories that REAL science in our world come from.


Do you see the difference or is full retard gonna keep you from true reason? NEVER go...

Edited by jbladder
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I'll just be playing both. :-/ Neither will req. a sub soon. So I don't see why this is a big deal really.


Guess you don't understand the concept of different business models within the same industry.


Some will prefer one type of NO sub over the other. Neither will be exactly like the other but should have similarities... you know like almost everything that is almost like something else but is... you know... NOT.

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Why would I have to leave one game to play another? I'm still having a great time playing SW:TOR, WoW, LotRO and a few others, with friends. If GW2 offered anything that appealed to me, I would just add it, not leave one of the others.
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