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How many of you are staying when GW2 launches?


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I will be sticking around when GW2 launches, though I will be playing both. Since GW2 doesn't have a monthly sub (and honestly, so far I like the look of their free-to-play model better than TOR's), I don't really consider it competition for my subscription to TOR. Besides, I still have several classes I want to see the stories of, so I will be around for awhile.


If/when I leave, it won't be because of GW2 -- I expect a certain other subscription based MMO to draw me away eventually, unless the TOR devs really step up their game and the F2P works better than I am thinking it will.

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I don't give a wet wookie about Guild Wars 1, 2 or any other possible spin off they attempt to make out of it.

























































































































































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Your entire post is what is going to kill gw2, most of your statements are EXTREME exagerations that do NOT reflect the reality of that game. IMO the marketing team for gw2 needs to tone it down before they catch the same disease that's strangling star wars, they make all these big promises about REVOLUTIONARY content, but it's just the same stuff we've been seeing since EQ with a slight twist.


the dynamic events are really staged and not very dynamic at all. the WB's are boring "Stand there and DPS" fests, their dungeons are crawling uninspired and boring with very little replayability, their pvp content requires NO strategy and is simplistic and boring. Teleportation does NOT work how you say it does, and I fully expect there to be cd's and additional ports sold for real money once the game goes live.


I know and understand the basic concepts, I've played the game thouroughly it's just that



At least I know for certain now that you haven't actually played. Give it a shot, you might be surprised


Here is a video of character creation to show you how much more in depth it is then swtor.



Here is a WB in one of the starter areas. Portals, adds, fire, giant boss. I mean yes there is DPS'ing but standing still for more than 2 seconds is a bad idea in GW2,



I don't know what to tell you about the waypoints...


here is a map with all of them labeled: http://www.ign.com/wikis/guild-wars-2/interactive-maps/WorldFull


There are over 15 quick travel waypoints in each zone allowing you to travel pretty much anywhere you want, you just have to discover them first before you can use them.

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i am staying i like this game too much. never played gw1 and when i saw gw2 didnt like the look of it.


So wait.. Are you trying to say you saw the game but didn't actually play it now? Confirmed. You didn't play beta.

Edited by Aricus
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I love Sci-fi games, but EA totally ruined this game for me, BioWare should have told EA to shove off and take back control of their game.


I will always prefer Fantasy games over Sci-fi, I love sword, dragons and magic. I don't think I'll ever tire of fantasy settings like that, they're my favorite. Besides I Love ArenaNet, the community is fantastic and the Devs actually communicate with the players. Plus they're a Local company, Woot! /cheer for Seattle <3

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Another fantasy game. No, thanks. I am here for long run.


This pretty much sums up my feelings on the matter.

To much swords & sorcery fantasy setting in the MMO market, not enough sci-fi. And I'm a SW fan to boot, so here I'm staying.

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I'm not interested in that game at all, and no I'm not a swtor fanboy. I am just being realistic when saying that gw2 is over hyped garbage. Wait a month or so down the road and people will be complaining about that game just like they did with this one.


So you've never played it, have no interest in it yet know it is overhyped garbage.

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I'm still going to play SW:TOR and since I pre-purchased GW2 months ago, I'm gonna have a go at that game too. All I'm really posting to say is that every person that posted in here that they won't touch GW2 because they are tired of fantasy games just aren't very bright; Star Wars is a space fantasy IP. Period. So..you're playing a fantasy game right now. If you clarified and said you didn't want to play a traditional fantasy game, there wouldn't be a problem.
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Science fantasy is not equal "regular" fantasy /grin. By regular I mean elves and other fantasy creatures running with swords, bows etc....

But if we say it is also fantasy then I am all for science fantasy ans not interested in "regular" fantasy.

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Science fantasy is not equal "regular" fantasy /grin. By regular I mean elves and other fantasy creatures running with swords, bows etc....

But if we say it is also fantasy then I am all for science fantasy ans not interested in "regular" fantasy.

I'm not sure different hues of humans, glowing swords and glowing pistols are all that different from different hues of humans, non-glowing swords, and non-glowing pistols.

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I'm not sure different hues of humans, glowing swords and glowing pistols are all that different from different hues of humans, non-glowing swords, and non-glowing pistols.


Lol...exactly. And how about lightening shooting out of you hands and dots you put on mobs....curses...reminds you of warlocks a little? Rogues with stealth, back stabbing, saps..vanishes....even warrs in most MMO's have the knockbacks, shouts ( buffs ) you see in this game. Star Wars certainly falls in the "fantasy" catagory. Space Fantasy...but still fantasy. You could even go with the Sci Fi part...but you need to add the fantasy on the end. Sci Fi fantasy. Granted the "theme" is different, but it is still fantasy anyway you look at it.

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I love Sci-fi games, but EA totally ruined this game for me, BioWare should have told EA to shove off and take back control of their game.


EA owns BioWare, its kinda hard to tell your boss to "shove off" when they control your paycheck. In fact it says on the BioWare homepage right under their name "A Division of EA".

Edited by Blaac
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I'm going to stay, still toying with whether or not to sub or go free to play however, for me I have nearly endless gaming time and I would like to use the free to play option to unlock content I want rather then try and get through all content possible Lol, the unlocking feature would make time management for me a heck of a lot better! Edited by CKNORTH
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ive played GW2 and i can say the hype is worse than it was for this game, its lvling system is the basic grind fest and after TOR i can honestly say i cant go back to text based kill 10 sheep then kill 20 sheep crap.


TOR has shown me one thing, that the non VO lvling doesnt cut it anymore.

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ive played GW2 and i can say the hype is worse than it was for this game, its lvling system is the basic grind fest and after TOR i can honestly say i cant go back to text based kill 10 sheep then kill 20 sheep crap.


TOR has shown me one thing, that the non VO lvling doesnt cut it anymore.

So you are saying you haven't played GW2 then.

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To the topic I am definitely gone by the time GW2 comes out. Not that I am leaving because of gw2 at all but because I barely play this game as it is now for various reasons and I find it pointless to re-new my account when it expires and by the time gw2 does come out I won't wanna play a failed future f2p game. Things that did get me interested was that massive pvp area unlike swtor's mini golf courses and the random events that go on. Stuff like that I can really see my self putting my time in to.


ive played GW2 and i can say the hype is worse than it was for this game, its lvling system is the basic grind fest and after TOR i can honestly say i cant go back to text based kill 10 sheep then kill 20 sheep crap.


TOR has shown me one thing, that the non VO lvling doesnt cut it anymore.


Not liking the "grind" is just another excuse or round about way of saying people don't like putting effort in to their character right? ;) And people actually pay attention to the story cut scenes? lol' that's news to me.

Edited by LordKOLZ
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