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Name your favorite PVP Ability and why!


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TM spam, nothing like being ignored cause i'm a dps merc and free to turret the area into a waste land of ash, cause the other team try to focus our Maras and PTs


People say Merc's/Commandos are weak, but let me tell you, they're kind of like Snipers/Gunslingers. Let them get away with it and they will hit you hard

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40 meters range Takedown. Nobody can deliver instant 5500 damage from this range. Need i say more?


Same here. Many tried to run away and in safe distance finally heal themselves when suddenly BOOM, takedown!

Edited by johnyangelo
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Guardian Leap and whatever the jugg version is called, because there is nothing like leaping to a stealthy on your team and getting called a hacker just because they cant see somone there. Also best used in hutball, and the throw ball works wonders scored twice in a min with that move.
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People say Merc's/Commandos are weak, but let me tell you, they're kind of like Snipers/Gunslingers. Let them get away with it and they will hit you hard


commands/mercs can be moved and int'd far more easily. it's not a dps ceiling issue. it's a lack of effective tools to maintain separation coupled with a dependency on stationary casted abils

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Stealth Scan!


Planting it so fast that they didn't have chance to move. Or pre-empting their steatlth and putting it down a second before they vanish.


Also fun when you catch someone in it, then they immediately vanish in it too... fail.

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Well then sir, I'll see your force push and raise you a force pull...I have yet to feel more joy than our ball carrier dying in the fire trap to only pull someone backup onto that trap and walk it into the endzone.





He was not too clear though. Your guy is marching to the end zone, he gets pulled back into the fire by an enemy and the enemy gets the ball, YOU stand on the very edge of the last firepit facing mid, and pull the enemy puller into the fire, and easily walk the ball in 8 steps. I lol everytime.


That said, being a pt tank is the best. Pull AND Leap is boss. No escape. If they run, they only die tired.

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Orbital Strike

The delay on it makes it the best area denial spell imo. Sure plasma probe does a good job but people see the marker and lasers for an orbital and its like roaches scattering when you flick on the light, its beautiful.


Leg shot gets an honorable mention from when i was marksman... just cause it screws with everyone and is such a long range/short cooldown

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Orbital Strike

The delay on it makes it the best area denial spell imo. Sure plasma probe does a good job but people see the marker and lasers for an orbital and its like roaches scattering when you flick on the light, its beautiful.


I start casting it on a group of healers that get clumped up together in Voidstar and watch them all scatter, then interrupt the cast and keep doing it all the time.


Hours of fun

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Explosive probe - Very strong instant cast, and when combined with other EPs, can take a HUGE chunk out of someone's life without them being able to react.

Surgical probe - Can keep someone alive almost indefinitely sometimes.

Orbital strike - Not to sound like Ron Popeil, but it is a "Set it and forget it" defense. After a bomb is planted in void star, put this down (I have 2 pc sniper bonus for 3 more seconds) and it pretty much guarantees the bomb goes off. Same goes for civil war. Nothing pisses off a zerg more, than you cloaking away after they killed your teammates, only to have you pop up casting OS (in cover ofc) right on the turret. Gives your guys more than enough time to all get back to defend.

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I start casting it on a group of healers that get clumped up together in Voidstar and watch them all scatter, then interrupt the cast and keep doing it all the time.


Hours of fun


Truly my second favorite ability in the game.


My first is































Edited by Brool
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I like Freighter Flyby and Dirty Kick.

Dirty Kick esp at the end of a round lol.

I love finish a NPC with a dirty kick while he was already knocked down by a grenade... seeing him shaking on the ground after recieving the kick in the nuts and then lying down inanimated like he fainted from pain is priceless.

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