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Funny PvP comments


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My top 3 funny pvp comments would be DUN DUN DUN....


1. s t f u, i was doing 50 wz, while you were on taris". (made me stop fighting and LOL).


2. A sage and a scoudrel fighting, "Oh yeah your hardcore, because you can throw rocks". (another LOL moment).


3. We lose left node in civil war without the player calling inc, when asked why..... "I was putting a pizza in the oven" (LMFAO)



Whats your funny PvP comments?

Edited by vwsupra
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3 players who were also in the same guild went and camped a node IMMEDIATELY when civil war started. They said 2 things that were frustrating but at the same time hilarious.


1. When I asked them if they were gonna camp out like **** or actually attempt to help the team they replied with. "We got our node... you go get yours"


2. After LOL'ing for a bit with a little rage thrown in I asked why they gave up so quickly and they replied with "They're Republic" :rolleyes:


Both made me LOL while being mad as hell at the same time. :mad::D

Edited by UGLYMRJ
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I was going around on my sentinel, lvl 33 at the time and every time this one imp attacked me a few times. I manged to get the better of him, then he kept yelling: FOTM! G T F O! and so on. It made me laugh because he was a level 47 pyro powertech. Edited by Belly
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we 3 cap novar coast (group of 8 was 2 pre-made 4s, and all 8 were pretty well geared and balanced group).


suddenly, east is capped, no one saw it coming, and no calls.

2 seconds later: [player]East, lol


we recap without much problem - explanation from the guy guarding it: I was outside smoking.:p

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Was in Civil War. And we lost our node because there was no call. Several people asked why and the guy said:


I was stunned


HAHAHAHAHAHA! I can't believe I forgot that one!!! I've heard it a few times at least. Those damn operative stun lock teams have resorted to stun locking key boards now!!!


Nerf Operatives!

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Was in Civil War. And we lost our node because there was no call. Several people asked why and the guy said:


I was stunned


lol, I never get tired of that one!


Once I asked the guy if his keyboard was stunned, he nerd raged at me for a good 3-4 minutes.

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HAHAHAHAHAHA! I can't believe I forgot that one!!! I've heard it a few times at least. Those damn operative stun lock teams have resorted to stun locking key boards now!!!


Nerf Operatives!


Apparently this is an epidemic. After seeing this happen and knowing why it happened, I told the group "when you are alone guarding a node and get stunned, don't break it...just sit there until it wears off, they are waiting for you to break it so they can hit you with the long stun and cap the node".


His response? "I was stunned".

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Lol some of these are pretty good.


Earlier today after a Republic vs Republic match which saw our main healers bail, a teammate pm'd me "Nice heals..." This made me laugh because I'm only semi-spec'd my Commando in healing and the team were we against (It's always good to fight a good Republic team for once haha) just paved right thru us, constantly stunning, etc. Made me laugh a lot that this same teammate continued to pm me on how a BM'd Commadno wasn't able to take on people..even though I pointed out I'm not a healer and all of us getting constant-stun didn't help.


Also: "Get Snow" or "Get Grass" makes me laugh...sad to see people these days lack map reading skills.

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"Zerg left, middle, and mid hard." (we won that game too)


One time I was on my Arsenal Merc and I was the slowest person leaving the node after we cap it, the guy in the middle ask if Snow was okay and I replied; "I'm on it, but I will literally lose to anyone 1on1 if they don't suck and you won't arrive on time to help because I'd be dead so fast" and apparently that was perfectly fine. Later on I went on to lose to the first 1on1 match I ran into in the node and then lose the node.


Another good one was in Huttball: "Guys we need to get the ball to win."

Edited by Astarica
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3 players who were also in the same guild went and camped a node IMMEDIATELY when civil war started. They said 2 things that were frustrating but at the same time hilarious.


1. When I asked them if they were gonna camp out like **** or actually attempt to help the team they replied with. "We got our node... you go get yours"


2. After LOL'ing for a bit with a little rage thrown in I asked why they gave up so quickly and they replied with "They're Republic" :rolleyes:


Both made me LOL while being mad as hell at the same time. :mad::D

LOL obviiously on the red ecplise server, the imps on that server hardly ever win at 50wz's mostly due to thick gaumless headless chicken imps (im not included)

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3 players who were also in the same guild went and camped a node IMMEDIATELY when civil war started. They said 2 things that were frustrating but at the same time hilarious.


1. When I asked them if they were gonna camp out like **** or actually attempt to help the team they replied with. "We got our node... you go get yours"


2. After LOL'ing for a bit with a little rage thrown in I asked why they gave up so quickly and they replied with "They're Republic" :rolleyes:


Both made me LOL while being mad as hell at the same time. :mad::D

LOL obviiously on the red ecplise server, the imps on that server hardly ever win at 50wz's mostly due to thick gaumless headless chicken imps (im not included)

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Me: Two incom west node


One team member: Welcome to Dells Customer Service. Due to quality improvement, your chat session may be monitored.




Same Guy: Hello my name is Bhijada, what is the nature of your problem today?


Me: I've got 2 incom west


Same guy...again: One moment please while I transfer you to one of our Account specialists.


Different guy on our Team: Even when you are waist deep in a warzone, fighting for your life, you still can not escape Dell Customer service....so...who has the dell here?

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fresh one from yesterday night in huttball:


person A has the ball, but is not going anywhere with it, we're healer heavy, so even though he's moving very slowly, he's staying alive (but basically waiting in front of the fire, while we have 3 people for him to pass to on the other side of the fire grates).


everyone's yelling for him to pass it.


person b - guildmate of person a : stop yelling at him, he doesn't know english.


someone pipes in : well, can you please tell him to pass the ball?!


person b - how do you pass the ball?



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