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Bioware its not a market shift, its your failure to live up to promises


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So george lucas saying that Boba Fett dies in Return of the Jedi doesn't mean anything? We know he doesn't care about the EU look how much of it was written out because of the Prequels. He likes money which is why those books and games are made but they aren't canon.


George has even gone and said nothing happens after ROTJ


Hey guess what? until Lucas dies there wont be another Star Wars movie made. You honestly think all there is to the SW universe is what was in the movies? You think the fans would be content with just that? Not wanting things to expand further? Time just stops?


Have you looked what game you're on?



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Except they promised frequent content updates and did not deliver.


Explain to me what is entitled about expecting to get what has been promised? Nothing


Go look up the word entitled because you obviously dont understand its meaning.


And in reality they are on par with Blizzard for content updates over the same period post launch.

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Hey guess what? until Lucas dies there wont be another Star Wars movie made. You honestly think all there is to the SW universe is what was in the movies? You think the fans would be content with just that? Not wanting things to expand further? Time just stops?


Have you looked what game you're on?




and? So what it's a fun game. But it doesn't have to be 100% part of Star Wars history for me to enjoy it. The official story is still the movies.


Sorry George Lucas sets up the rules since it's his unvierse.

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Now this being said, the quality of a game is somewhat more difficult to define but there are certainly factors that go into this consideration and i will not go into examining this.



Once again, no MMO is a good as WoW. This is why WoW has retained so many of its subscribers over time. Furthermore, the fact that something has not happened is not evidence that it will never happen or could not have happened under different circumstances. SWTOR had a chance to be successfull however due to Biowares failures it is not.



The fact that WoW is still the most successful MMO by a large margin and is still using a subscription model shows that the model itself is not the problem.

Most MMOs that are F2P are inferior games that cannot compete, why would you pay a subscripition for a game that is worse than WoW when you can simply play WoW?


Except i didnt say this. What i said was that they are using it as an excuse while the true blame lies with the choices they made and their failure to live up to their promises.


IMO, WoW has survived and thrived for one simple reason. They cater excessively to the "entitled, instant gratification" crowd. You know, the ones who don't want to have to put any effort into anything, that want everything handed to them, and handed to them now, and how dare anyone even suggest that they actually put forth some effort or do anything to earn things. They're the same ones who are currently complaining about every credit sink in the game, despite the fact that credits are incredibly easy to earn, if only you are not too lazy to do so. You'll hear things like "I have a life and a job, I don't want to have to work at a video game.", "Grinding is not fun." or "Sitting around fleet spamming for groups is a waste of my time." They all boil down to laziness.


If you want an example of just how lazy people can be, let's look at the LFG tool. The LFG tool will port you the instance, but leave you outside the instance after you're done, usually on the fleet. This is not good enough for some people, the LFG tool must put you right back where you were when you accepted the queue to satisfy them. This means that those people sitting at the AH in the fleet who accept a queue get ported to the instance, but being put just outside the instance and actually having to travel to the elevator and then around the fleet to the AH is too much effort and takes too long.



That catering to the "entitled, I want it now" is what seems to lead to troubles with any new MMO. If a game is released which doesn't hand everything to players and actually requires some effort, it is decried for not being chock full of "industry standard" features. Unfortunately, too many games are never given a true and honest chance simply for not living down to the "industry standard".

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and? So what it's a fun game. But it doesn't have to be 100% part of Star Wars history for me to enjoy it. The official story is still the movies.


Sorry George Lucas sets up the rules since it's his unvierse.


It's as much his universe as its the fans.


You argument will forever fail. Stop trying.

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Can you please name one P2P MMO that has come out after WoW that has been successful?


Free Realms

All points bulletin is doing good.

EQ games

DCUO is doing okay

STO is going good.

GW1 is good.

GW2 shows promise

Planetside one of my fav's back before the hackers, but PS2 looks promising.

Clone wars Adventures, it's making money.

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Star wars universe only exists in episodes 1-6 then?


Guess what, the fans have contributed more to the star wars universe than Lucas has.


It doesn't matter. People can fantasize about it all they want, but whatever they come up with isn't the same universe as the GL's. It's effectively a alternate universe based upon GL's.


So, if you'd said that Fett lives in a alternate timeline, then I would have to agree, but he doesn't live in the original creator's universe.


If I came up with a wildly popular IP of my own, and people started writing more fiction based upon my IP, then whatever I say about my own property goes. There is no arguing about it, it's my universe, period.

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Free Realms

All points bulletin is doing good.

EQ games

DCUO is doing okay

STO is going good.

GW1 is good.

GW2 shows promise

Planetside one of my fav's back before the hackers, but PS2 looks promising.

Clone wars Adventures, it's making money.


I think they meant a P2P MMO that stayed P2P. I've been trying to think of one but i think they all went F2P. Rift is still sub based apart from that i can't think of any of the big ones that stayed P2P.

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Read up


(might take you a few years)




thanks for proving my point


G-canon is George Lucas Canon; the six Episodes and anything directly provided to Lucas Licensing by Lucas (including unpublished production notes from him or his production department that are never seen by the public). Elements originating with Lucas in the movie novelizations, reference books, and other sources are also G-canon, though anything created by the authors of those sources is C-canon. When the matter of changes between movie versions arises, the most recently released editions are deemed superior to older ones, as they correct mistakes, improve consistency between the two trilogies, and express Lucas's current vision of the Star Wars universe most closely. The deleted scenes included on the DVDs are also considered G-canon (when they're not in conflict with the movie
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Free Realms

All points bulletin is doing good.

EQ games

DCUO is doing okay

STO is going good.

GW1 is good.

GW2 shows promise

Planetside one of my fav's back before the hackers, but PS2 looks promising.

Clone wars Adventures, it's making money.


EQ predates WoW and it and EQ II are both now F2P

DCUO is Free to Play now

STO is Free to Play now

GW1 had no P2P model and GW2 will follow suit

Free Realms is F2P


Actually not a single one of the games you list uses a strict Play to Pay model anymore, so once again find a single Pay to Play model game that is doing well?

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There was no "market shift", and certainly no overwhelming support on the FORUM for F2P.


So where exactly did Bioware get this impression??




When a person fills out the 'unsubscribe' questionnaire, a LARGE portion of them likely clicked 'YES' in response to 'would you play if it was free?"


The reality is; few people would actually say 'no' to this question. I mean seriously.. would you play this game for free if they said you could? ( no mention of F2P pay for content in this question, just would you play it if it was free )

So, of course the majority of people would say 'YES' when asked. Thinking 'why wouldn't I play it for free' or 'maybe they'll give me another free month?"


There is no market shift, it's just another example of them not understanding the player base and using their ridiculous 'metrics' to make decisions.


Oh well. At least I won't have to pay a sub, and I've enough characters on enough servers I can run the 'limited' dailies all day long switching from one toon to the next. There is no need to 'rush' to the end, as there is nothing (very little) to do when you get there anyway.

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There was no "market shift", and certainly no overwhelming support on the FORUM for F2P.


So where exactly did Bioware get this impression??.


And you know more than the market analysts?? Why the heck are you posting here then?? Sheesh!! :rolleyes:

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No, it represents a market shift.


You represent a whiny self-entitled section of the fanbase, OP.


First of all, that is not called for.


Second of all, the "self-entitled" part of the label is only applied to those the EXPECT to play a game for free while everyone else PAYS for them to pay their way. Not cool if you ask me. I won't do it.

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And you know more than the market analysts?? Why the heck are you posting here then?? Sheesh!! :rolleyes:


1: Indeed I do.


2: Because I can.


3: I doubt they can afford me.


"Market Shift" is a Public Relations way of saying: We screwed up.


You did notice EA is buying all of it's stock back?? Yes?

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EQ predates WoW and it and EQ II are both now F2P

DCUO is Free to Play now

STO is Free to Play now

GW1 had no P2P model and GW2 will follow suit

Free Realms is F2P


Actually not a single one of the games you list uses a strict Play to Pay model anymore, so once again find a single Pay to Play model game that is doing well?


WoW it still has the bulk of the MMO player base. All other games get crushed because they are worse version of WoW

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Even if the game would've had more content updates, the subs would've dropped anyways.


Bioware/EA made their share of mistakes but it's not a black and white situation.


The current situations is what it is and the sub model is under pressure as a lot of gamers still don't like the sub model. So all mistakes aside, there is a need for MMOs to have f2p options.


Even WoW offers f2p play in some limited way. But since WoW's massive success....which MMO has a sub model only and has more than half a million active subs? Perhaps Aion in South Korea but here in the West? Can't say that I know any. F2P has become the standard more than subs and not responding to that might be unwise.


SWTOR should've started with more features and there have been a lot of bugs etc etc. but that doesn't take away that the sub model is in fact under pressure. It think that WoW aside that was always the case actually so in that sense it's not really a market change, but hey.

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For Christsake, they took the servers down TWICE every week to patch. How more frequent do you want your 'updates'? :p


He said CONTENT updates not a hot fix. We have had 2 content updates in 8 months. Those content updates, I would consider... content lite.

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Honestly, you cannot take most MMO players at their word for what they want. They either don't know, are unwilling to embrace, or are just being impulsively flippant.


Bioware agreed with you, and now look at the shape of the game.


Now Bioware disagrees with you, and have decided to up the ante by giving a minority of ex-players what they want.

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