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Can someone be clear about F2p


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Ok so does this mean they will not fix any of the problems this game has ( fps issues, hacks, etc.)?


Will they stop making new content after the release of the content they are releasing with the F2p?


Will there be no xpacs? will we ever be able to lv past 50?


Do i need to find a new MMO to play?


The reason i ask these questions is everyone is talking about all the games that died when they went F2p, and the info i get on the swtor web site dont really spell it out for me as im sure they would never say there game is dying. Any info on this would be great, thanks.

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No, you don't need to find a new game. F2P transitions actually tend to bring in more money than sub fees, as there are more people willing to spend a few here and there, but not willing to pay monthly for a service they may not have time to get value out of. LotRO, for example, went f2p in 2010, released an expansion last year, and is releasing another expansion next month.


The people who are saying the game is dead are the doom&gloomers, who wanted the game to die all along.

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We intend to continue releasing new content as well as fixing bugs and issues in the game after the Free-to-Play option launches. Please make sure you've read this news article for more information about our plans!


Can you at least tell us too if people go free to play, can we purchase-to-own raids and the like so that if we change sub models, we aren't locked out from raiding with our guilds?

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While Bioware may talk about lofty goals of "content as usual or faster" and "bug fixes will continue" it is an UNDENIABLE FACT, that any game which has introduced a Real Money Transaction (RMT) store to their game, quickly and inevitably loses sight of it's goals, and RMT Store "content" quickly overwhelms.


It's the nature of the business. The RMT Store is the new "foundation" for the game's economic model. Therefore, it will get the most attention, and that envitably leads to less resources and less attention to other things which are not "profitable" - like bug fixes. Like story content. Like Operations.


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

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Can you at least tell us too if people go free to play, can we purchase-to-own raids and the like so that if we change sub models, we aren't locked out from raiding with our guilds?


<insert Turbine Model for Freemium here>. Essentially rinse and repeat, specifics of actual shop items yet to be announced.


You get the idea? Just about all content will be for sale to non-subscribers via Cartel Coins. Sometimes with a time delay to give preferential treatement to subscribers. ;)

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While Bioware may talk about lofty goals of "content as usual or faster" and "bug fixes will continue" it is an UNDENIABLE FACT, that any game which has introduced a Real Money Transaction (RMT) store to their game, quickly and inevitably loses sight of it's goals, and RMT Store "content" quickly overwhelms.


It's the nature of the business. The RMT Store is the new "foundation" for the game's economic model. Therefore, it will get the most attention, and that envitably leads to less resources and less attention to other things which are not "profitable" - like bug fixes. Like story content. Like Operations.


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.


This could all be very well true, but if this does happen THEN the game will fail. Not sure Bioware would do this knowing that ignoring bug fixes and not adding new contest will lose even more people. Why make the change in the first place. just my thoughts.....

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While Bioware may talk about lofty goals of "content as usual or faster" and "bug fixes will continue" it is an UNDENIABLE FACT, that any game which has introduced a Real Money Transaction (RMT) store to their game, quickly and inevitably loses sight of it's goals, and RMT Store "content" quickly overwhelms.


It's the nature of the business. The RMT Store is the new "foundation" for the game's economic model. Therefore, it will get the most attention, and that envitably leads to less resources and less attention to other things which are not "profitable" - like bug fixes. Like story content. Like Operations.


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.


No, The Free to play is an OPTION, not a Focus, for that sole reason it will work

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While Bioware may talk about lofty goals of "content as usual or faster" and "bug fixes will continue" it is an UNDENIABLE FACT, that any game which has introduced a Real Money Transaction (RMT) store to their game, quickly and inevitably loses sight of it's goals, and RMT Store "content" quickly overwhelms.


It's the nature of the business. The RMT Store is the new "foundation" for the game's economic model. Therefore, it will get the most attention, and that envitably leads to less resources and less attention to other things which are not "profitable" - like bug fixes. Like story content. Like Operations.


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.


Just look at SoE and the SWG Card Game. SoE put out new Card sets like every 2 months that had better loot than what they were putting in game because the TCG game brought in more money than the game itself.

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Actually, he's mistaken. But that was a given when he played the "UNDENIABLE FACT" card in his post. That's the kiss of death for any claim on a gaming forum.


Prove me wrong.


In the meantime, shall we talk about 2 of the more recent F2P transitions?


Age of Conan

Star Trek Online


Star Trek Online's devs talked up a storm about more content, faster delivery, more polish, blah blah blah. Back in the day, they were still delivering Featured Episodes Series. That has since ended, but the C-Store content still comes on strong, and they managed to implement the "Lockbox Lotto" with stuff people really wanted, but with probability rates that Vegas casinos would KILL to have, if they weren't regulated by the Gaming Commission.



Also, Cryptic has been promising new STFs since before the F2P launch. Still hasn't happened. PvP overhaul was promised. Still hasn't happened, and has been delayed because the dev who was in charage of it, left. We did get a whole new economic system, which monetized EVERYTHING, and gutted crafting entirely. And we got a Fleet Starbase system, with resource and dilithium costs that are so high, it's pretty much expected that you will buy Cryptic points and convert them to dilithium.



Age of Conan. Takes like a year for Funcom to push any content of substance out. Bug fixes? It took 3 months or more for them to fix some critical lag issues that made the game unplayable for the MAJORITY of the playerbase. Which subsequently is the reason why the population is utter crap right now. But, their cash store kept getting tons of fresh stock. Oh, and they finally gave players the requested "expand inventory / bank space" options we were begging for....as a Cash Store addition.


Oh, and since I spoke of Star Trek Online, might as well talk about Champions Online too. They used to do these really awesome Comic Issues. Resistance. Whiteout. etc. The devs have made it clear, we will not see those anymore. But we still have a very active C-Store!


So, again, I say...prove me wrong.

Edited by Staavis_SC
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So basically the game is on maintenance mode untill F2P is implemented?


Press release that announced Freemium also announced a content update in August. Gobble that up to hold you over.


I think what she is telling you is that now that they have committed to the dual access model, their attention will be focused on making that happen. Which is exactly what they should be doing, as they need to get it done so they can get back to normal content development.

Edited by Andryah
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Press release that announced Freemium also announced a content update in August. Gobble that up to hold you over.


I think what she is telling you is that now that they have committed to the dual access model, their attention will be focused on making that happen. Which is exactly what they should be doing, as they need to get it done so they can get back to normal content development.



Ahh I see, thanks for filling me in. It's surprisingly difficult to find information about TOR that isn't about the F2P announcement!

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Sounds like any new content or fixes will be small and slow to release, so any hope of speeders that really have speed or flying mounts, or ops that have new mechanics when u play them on hardmode, or new worlds to explore will never happen. Just a bunch of minor crap and a store to steel my money sounds great :(
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While Bioware may talk about lofty goals of "content as usual or faster" and "bug fixes will continue" it is an UNDENIABLE FACT, that any game which has introduced a Real Money Transaction (RMT) store to their game, quickly and inevitably loses sight of it's goals, and RMT Store "content" quickly overwhelms.


It's the nature of the business. The RMT Store is the new "foundation" for the game's economic model. Therefore, it will get the most attention, and that envitably leads to less resources and less attention to other things which are not "profitable" - like bug fixes. Like story content. Like Operations.


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.


Funny, I played LOTRO, DDO and DCUO and have yet to spend a single dime on those games and currently have everything I need from points earned by playing the game (LOTRO - DDO) or simply don't need the things provided in teh cash store (DCUO).


So I'd say at this time or until we see differently, you would be wrong in that BW would:


quickly and inevitably loses sight of it's goals, and RMT Store "content" quickly overwhelms.


LOTRO is still a good game with great content along with a cash store that you don't even have to use

DDO is pretty much the same.

DCUO is still a decent superhore game that you never have to touch the cash shop unless you just want the new content. Same as any other game.


I'm not sure the in game stores have hurt them in any way.


I just don't see it at this time.

Edited by Quraswren
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EQ2, DDO and DCUO all keep the game up to date (fixes, revamps and improvements) and also put out new content.


Does the "playable content" exceed the "purchaseable content?"


That's the key here.


Games like STO and AoC, the content going into the store, the fluff and other nonsense, vastly outnumbers and outpaces the other content (quests, missions, raids, group stuff, pvp) and bug fixes.

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Sounds like any new content or fixes will be small and slow to release, so any hope of speeders that really have speed or flying mounts, or ops that have new mechanics when u play them on hardmode, or new worlds to explore will never happen. Just a bunch of minor crap and a store to steel my money sounds great :(

That can be more likely to happen when a game is on life support, but SWTOR still has the chance to retain (and grow) a huge subscriber base while also bringing in players who will pay for exciting content. What I mean by that is that if EA does not consider any of that a priority (most of which would be a big sell to free players looking to spend a few dollars every once in a while and to keep people happy with their monthly $15) then why would they put that as a priority to the old model?

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Does the "playable content" exceed the "purchaseable content?"


That's the key here.


Games like STO and AoC, the content going into the store, the fluff and other nonsense, vastly outnumbers and outpaces the other content (quests, missions, raids, group stuff, pvp) and bug fixes.


You mean the stuff you have to buy out paces the free stuff or just bug fixes?

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