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If PvP and Warzones were bad w/ sub moddel not even going to try F2P


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Who told you that GW2 will be skill vs skill? Of course if you play mage vs mage than yes. What about common disbalance? Do you REALLY think GW2 is SO flawlessly balanced that each class has a chance to win any other class? Don't make me laugh. Such game doesn't exist yet and will never be until they make fully identical classes or skills like: Mage fireball hits 100, Warrior's strike hits also 100, Ranger's arrow hits 100 as well. Then yes, it's gonna be balanced. But will you play a game with such stupid mirror system, i won't. Think about it. Oh, and WvWvW system in GW2 will not support players with equal gear, right? So, what's the difference then? I played beta GW2 and wasn't impressed, AT ALL. It's just an ordinary game with old graphics and LOTS of bluurrrrr so that my eyes started bleeding when i observed the local horizon. But i wish GW2 good luck anyway. But inner voice tells me it sux :)


...A break between that small wall would be nice but, okay. Anyways, will GW2 be flawlessly balanced? No, but their aim is to make it an eSport. No I wouldnt play a game with such a stupid mirror system where everything has the exact same effect/mechanic. No **** WvWvW wont support people with equal gear. WvWvW is just a fun epic zergfest, in between competitive sPvP tournaments.


Old graphics? I've seen some pretty damn nice screenshots from guildwars2guru forums. You realize during the beta they had hardware locking right? This restricts how high someone can set their settings, based on the hardware of their machine. So little kids who don't know **** about computers dont max their settings out, and then whine about how they have 5FPS. In conclusion, you should probably get a better rig...


I have hopes for SW:TOR, but the Force is telling me its gonna fail...err, suck even worse. They already said they have between 500k-1000k subs. But they didnt say they have 600k-1000k. So I would assume they lost another 800k. Maybe I'm wrong, its just my own speculation. To sell 2.5mill (I think it was), and down to 1/5th of that in 6th months, speaks volumes. :)


I like the word variety concerning GW2 with 7 buttons. It's cool it's Diablo style yo!


It's 10 actually, but you already knew that since you said you played the BETA, right? And with having 5 keys to switch between ranged/melee to change up your tactics. Plus 5 other skills you pick to suit your playstyle. It's better than having 48 hotbars, with maybe 4-5 attacks I use regularly, and the rest very situational.


Have any of you guys preaching doom and gloom actually played a MMO that has gone F2P after being a subscription model? [...]


I dont mind that this game is going free to play very much per se. I just dont trust EA to keep the P2W out. ArenaNet has a track record of a long running game with no Pay2Win items in their cash shops. EA Games, has a few MMO's that are Free4Play, with a lot of Pay2Win in them. I'll trust a company who doesnt have a track record of adding P2W. Over one that does have P2W in their games, even though they might say they wont do the same thing to TOR.

Edited by Katsuragisama
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...A break between that small wall would be nice but, okay. Anyways, will GW2 be flawlessly balanced? No, but their aim is to make it an eSport. No I wouldnt play a game with such a stupid mirror system where everything has the exact same effect/mechanic. No **** WvWvW wont support people with equal gear. WvWvW is just a fun epic zergfest, in between competitive sPvP tournaments.


Old graphics? I've seen some pretty damn nice screenshots from guildwars2guru forums. You realize during the beta they had hardware locking right? This restricts how high someone can set their settings, based on the hardware of their machine. So little kids who don't know **** about computers dont max their settings out, and then whine about how they have 5FPS. In conclusion, you should probably get a better rig...


I have hopes for SW:TOR, but the Force is telling me its gonna fail...err, suck even worse. They already said they have between 500k-1000k subs. But they didnt say they have 600k-1000k. So I would assume they lost another 800k. Maybe I'm wrong, its just my own speculation. To sell 2.5mill (I think it was), and down to 1/5th of that in 6th months, speaks volumes. :)




It's 10 actually, but you already knew that since you said you played the BETA, right? And with having 5 keys to switch between ranged/melee to change up your tactics. Plus 5 other skills you pick to suit your playstyle. It's better than having 48 hotbars, with maybe 4-5 attacks I use regularly, and the rest very situational.




I dont mind that this game is going free to play very much per se. I just dont trust EA to keep the P2W out. ArenaNet has a track record of a long running game with no Pay2Win items in their cash shops. EA Games, has a few MMO's that are Free4Play, with a lot of Pay2Win in them. I'll trust a company who doesnt have a track record of adding P2W. Over one that does have P2W in their games, even though they might say they wont do the same thing to TOR.


Agree with everything you said, I laugh at people who complain about the lack of abilities in GW2 when there are swarms of baddie Pyrotechs/Vanguards in SWTOR using a 4 button rotation and dominating a majority of warzones in damage and kills. There are so many abilities in SWTOR that are either situational at best in PvP, or completely useless to utilize, so a majority of specs in SWTOR aren't using more than the abilities that will be utilized in GW2 therefore that argument is void for the most part.

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Why are so many people on these forums so dumb?


Yes, we know both games are F2P or equivalent. Mach's point is that we happen to know many of our friends who are serious about PvP have publicly left this game for that one.


No Sir, that was not his point. The subject of the post is "If PvP and Warzones were bad w/ sub moddel not even going to try F2P" and the body proceeds to explain this claim.


The implication is that F2P is going to make this game worse because people are moving to another game (which is also F2P).


If there is a discrepancy between two things, you can't pick the common element between the two and say, ah ha, F2P is the problem.


The problem is completely different. People will migrate to a new game for MANY reasons and in the case of SWTOR to GW2 migration, it is NOT because of free to play.


Sorry I should have cleared this up in my initial post, I expected too much of you.

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It's not that this game is going F2P. It's that the skill level of this game, even when its P2P, is horrible. Anyone who has taken a break and come back, has come to realize this. GW2 might be F2P, but it's also a PvP centered game. Compared to this game where it's PvE centered, and PvP is a horrible after thought. This means the reason most will play GW2, is because they want to get into some PvP. Thus, naturally, the skill of competition is higher. The skill in competition or even your own teams in this game however, horrible. Just horrible. Everytime I try to solo queue, I'm reminded why I always ran with guildies to begin with. @_@ Edited by Katsuragisama
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Going to make this post very short, if you think there are lots of baddies in the warzones now wait till it's F2P, this game will be an utter joke when it comes to pvp. I see most if any serious pvp'ers now not even questioning a decision to jump ship to GW2 now. The level of competitiveness and good players in this game is soon to take a huge dip, you will see so many baddies in regular warzones it's going to cause anyone still left that pvp's to rage quite.


So in closing great job Bioware, you showed yet again that PvP'ers don't matter to you, not only that you showed those of us that were waiting in 30min-hour q's on dead servers that you are greedy and having 20 heavy-very heavy servers in the US/EU isn't enough for you.


Beware a storm of baddies and terribads is coming to a galaxy near you in November, if you thought the level of badness was terrible now just wait.......


a good portion of the F2P crowd are griefers and exploiters,with the condition swtor is in now its going to be heaven for them.

swtor is hanging by its balls at the moment,pretty soon it will be hanging by its ball hair and those usualy give out pretty quickly :<

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funny thread


i dont get the point though if you dont like it that much, what the hell are you doing here? you could not find the door or something? or do you think we care you are leaving?


dont let the door hit you on your back

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Roflstomping n00bs may be fun for you, but many of us don't want to be roflstomping F2P'ers, and yes the F2P'ers will be bad because they will be limited on how many warzones they can enter therefore their gear will be far worse than the subscribers. This leads to subscribers roflstomping F2P'ers which isn't fun for most of us as we want something more competitive. Ranked warzones will be far less competitive, most PvP'ers that do them are going to GW2, don't believe me the top rated guilds on our server are mostly jumping ship come August 28. The one's that are left will jump ship once the game goes F2P due to the lack of good players. If people thought they were carrying people in regular warzones now just wait till perhaps 2 on your team are doing objectives, and the rest are mindlessly running in and dying like n00bs. Just wait, say everything I've said is false, but you will see the truth once F2P hits and swarms of baddies come to a galaxy near you in numbers that will far outweigh any skilled veterans still left.


The word of the day is.....




Next fanboi in line please step up to be shown that your faith in BioFail was wrongly placed........


Their name is Bioware, and People Will Learn to Adapt, ESPECIALLY those that only have a limited amount of Warzone plays before it gets locked down


I am a Bioware Supporter and im Not Afraid to Show it Fool:rak_03:

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funny thread


i dont get the point though if you dont like it that much, what the hell are you doing here? you could not find the door or something? or do you think we care you are leaving?


dont let the door hit you on your back


most of the people leaving are the good players that are legit that dont grief and dont exploit hack or bug abuse,so i think they will be laughing at you when you are stuck on a hack fest full of griefers :p

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most of the people leaving are the good players that are legit that dont grief and dont exploit hack or bug abuse,so i think they will be laughing at you when you are stuck on a hack fest full of griefers :p


stuck? I know how to end my sub thank you very much, and I definitely know when to end it. Which is if it ever becomes not fun anymore. Currently I am having a ball. I am not worried about the F2P part after checking the restrictions. It is good business strategy for people who understand it. And QQ'ers are leaving, so it is even better.

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This is whats wrong with MMO pvp. Im gonna try Gw2 as well, maybe even play it a lot. But im not quitting swtor. I found a great guild, have lots of fun with it.


But my point is the ship jumpers always hype other games and their expectations rise so much, that when it doesnt live up to them, it SUCKS , and they make some silly change to the companys name (BIOFAIL, BLIZZTURD), then go find their next game to worship before its released and on and on and on...


Getting old people.

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funny thread


i dont get the point though if you dont like it that much, what the hell are you doing here? you could not find the door or something? or do you think we care you are leaving?


dont let the door hit you on your back


My sub is already cancelled. I still hop on the game with my left over time, to just stand in fleet and talk to guildies, and other PvP players I know. The game is my channel to get some screen names and organization going for when we all transition to GW2. And I mean all, since all of the PvP players I know are going to GW2. Even the pubs guild we've had a nice little rivalry with.


People are just here stating their opinion based on what they've seen, and speculation based on this game being run by BEAware. We never asked if you care. But obviously you do. Could you not find the little 'X' to close the tab? O.o


As for the


And QQ'ers are leaving, so it is even better.


There's a difference between QQ, and legitimate complaints against a crappy game. The sooner players and devs remove the rose tinted glasses, maybe the devs will listen and the game can reach the potential it does have.


Edit to add:


This is whats wrong with MMO pvp. Im gonna try Gw2 as well, maybe even play it a lot. But im not quitting swtor. I found a great guild, have lots of fun with it.


But my point is the ship jumpers always hype other games and their expectations rise so much, that when it doesnt live up to them, it SUCKS , and they make some silly change to the companys name (BIOFAIL, BLIZZTURD), then go find their next game to worship before its released and on and on and on...


Getting old people.


When beta testers reported bugs then they launched the game, and it wasnt fixed. Along with reporting bugs as being fixed when they clearly are not, BioFail is deserving of a name.

Edited by Katsuragisama
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I dont know what you mean, its going to be freaking sweet. Paying tons of cash for gear, who wouldnt want to do it?? Oh thats right me. The sad thing is I would rather pay a sub for a game that has a chance. This however has no chance now. I feel bad for the poor SWG fans who were waiting so long for this game.
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Going to make this post very short, if you think there are lots of baddies in the warzones now wait till it's F2P, this game will be an utter joke when it comes to pvp. I see most if any serious pvp'ers now not even questioning a decision to jump ship to GW2 now. The level of competitiveness and good players in this game is soon to take a huge dip, you will see so many baddies in regular warzones it's going to cause anyone still left that pvp's to rage quite.


So in closing great job Bioware, you showed yet again that PvP'ers don't matter to you, not only that you showed those of us that were waiting in 30min-hour q's on dead servers that you are greedy and having 20 heavy-very heavy servers in the US/EU isn't enough for you.


Beware a storm of baddies and terribads is coming to a galaxy near you in November, if you thought the level of badness was terrible now just wait.......




I'm a super elite video game soldier and I don't want a bunch of other people to come into the game and have fun, even if it directly benefits me. How dare you make me play with new players! I won't stand for it. When I started, I was perfect. My fingers pulse with skill. I am the bull god.

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I dont know what you mean, its going to be freaking sweet. Paying tons of cash for gear, who wouldnt want to do it?? Oh thats right me. The sad thing is I would rather pay a sub for a game that has a chance. This however has no chance now. I feel bad for the poor SWG fans who were waiting so long for this game.


at this point ide concider your fine irony less funny than most stuff, since you lack the ability to read. TL:DR right? swtor.com/free i suggest you read it. Maybe the Q and A also.


you pay for visual gear and vanity pets/stuff. The sub will still be there if you wanna play swtor like normal so basically nothing changes there. But for those who dont want to pay, they can level characters, play limited amount of warzones and perhaps get a sub if they like it.

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Roflstomping n00bs may be fun for you, but many of us don't want to be roflstomping F2P'ers, and yes the F2P'ers will be bad because they will be limited on how many warzones they can enter therefore their gear will be far worse than the subscribers. This leads to subscribers roflstomping F2P'ers which isn't fun for most of us as we want something more competitive. Ranked warzones will be far less competitive, most PvP'ers that do them are going to GW2, don't believe me the top rated guilds on our server are mostly jumping ship come August 28. The one's that are left will jump ship once the game goes F2P due to the lack of good players. If people thought they were carrying people in regular warzones now just wait till perhaps 2 on your team are doing objectives, and the rest are mindlessly running in and dying like n00bs. Just wait, say everything I've said is false, but you will see the truth once F2P hits and swarms of baddies come to a galaxy near you in numbers that will far outweigh any skilled veterans still left.


The word of the day is.....




Next fanboi in line please step up to be shown that your faith in BioFail was wrongly placed........


So, I'm a bit confused. Just because these people choose the F2P option, they won't have any skill? Of course they will be noobs at first, we all were. But what says they won't enjoy the game, like some of us and just subscribe?


I think you should remain optimistic and not assume it's all going to turn out bad.

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Going to make this post very short, if you think there are lots of baddies in the warzones now wait till it's F2P, this game will be an utter joke when it comes to pvp.


This will mostly be restricted to the LWZs. So there is no need for fuss. LWZs are already the pinnacle of garbage PvP in this game.

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To everyone who's claiming these F2P'ers are going to be amazing, you forgot the fact they will be limited in the amount of warzones they can do each week, therefore there gear will be at a disadvantage to subscribers for quite a while. This means that for PvP guilds these new players coming in aren't going to be really useful, and unless they subscribe they would have a hard time being competitive in SWTOR pvp due to the gear gap. You can say I'm wrong all you want, but when you see 5 12k 50's in greens or Recruit Gear in your warzone for weeks or months in this gear due to their warzone limit, we'll see who rage quits first.........


The word of to day is.......(yes it's one word hyphenated)



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You're right, more bads are going to come because it is F2P, so lets go to another game that is F2P. YEA LOGIC!!


gw2 isnt free to play you will have to pay 60+ bucks to play the game. I dont think you know what f2p means

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gw2 isnt free to play you will have to pay 60+ bucks to play the game. I dont think you know what f2p means


It's F2P beyond the initial purchase of the game. So, it's technically not a "F2P" game, but it also kind of is. For all intents and purposes I think we should all agree that it's a F2P game.

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It's F2P beyond the initial purchase of the game. So, it's technically not a "F2P" game, but it also kind of is. For all intents and purposes I think we should all agree that it's a F2P game.


No its not free to play means what the title says FREE TO PLAY payin 60 bucks to play a game isnt Free.....wiki it, you dont know what your talking about.

Edited by vwsupra
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I like the word variety concerning GW2 with 7 buttons. It's cool it's Diablo style yo!


what's wrong with 7 buttons? Most classes in SWTOR require to use less most of the times. Besides, in GW2 you can switch weapons in combat so that basically gives you access to 8 or more (depending on class/combo skills) fighting skills. IMHO that requires more skill than fixed setup of skills in SWTOR. No game is perfect but the main reason I will try GW2 (already bought it anyway) is the open world PvP which I miss greately since I left Warhammer Online.


Not that I don't like SWTOR PvP, I take as it is and have fun but I can imagine how lvl 50 WZs will look like when free players will hit 50. No gear, no chance to grind that gear in reasonable time, baddies. ROFLstompin baddies may be fun for some time, heck, it may be fun even for longer time but I am sure that sooner or later BW will have to introduce some kind of P2Win stuff in shop otherwise they will not make any money. Well, it will start as P2Win basically just because: you pay, you can grind gear faster (or even are able to grind).


You all know the mentality of 90% free players. Forums will become sithstorm fest with flaming, insults and stupid questions from ppl who don't even bother to hit SEARCH button. Same in general chat.


Now, GW2 betas were no different (any betas I played were like it too) but I do hope that the barrier of buying the game will work to some extent and will filter out scum.

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what's wrong with 7 buttons? Most classes in SWTOR require to use less most of the times. Besides, in GW2 you can switch weapons in combat so that basically gives you access to 8 or more (depending on class/combo skills) fighting skills. IMHO that requires more skill than fixed setup of skills in SWTOR. No game is perfect but the main reason I will try GW2 (already bought it anyway) is the open world PvP which I miss greately since I left Warhammer Online.


Not that I don't like SWTOR PvP, I take as it is and have fun but I can imagine how lvl 50 WZs will look like when free players will hit 50. No gear, no chance to grind that gear in reasonable time, baddies. ROFLstompin baddies may be fun for some time, heck, it may be fun even for longer time but I am sure that sooner or later BW will have to introduce some kind of P2Win stuff in shop otherwise they will not make any money. Well, it will start as P2Win basically just because: you pay, you can grind gear faster (or even are able to grind).


You all know the mentality of 90% free players. Forums will become sithstorm fest with flaming, insults and stupid questions from ppl who don't even bother to hit SEARCH button. Same in general chat.


Now, GW2 betas were no different (any betas I played were like it too) but I do hope that the barrier of buying the game will work to some extent and will filter out scum.


This is my point exactly, the F2P'ers who don't sub will be at such a gear disadvantage for so long that it will lead to qq that will eventually lead to BIS PvP gear being in the cash shop. Then it really becomes a P2W game, and that's not worth it imo, GW2 offers PvP that I found to be more exciting, and they have a record of not going P2W w/ their cash shop. EA has a track record of doing the exact opposite, and I see this game having P2W items in the cash shop by next year.

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15+ years playing games,I have yet to see a truly good pvper spend more than a tiny fragment of their time on forums unless they were writing player guides.


If anyone actually cares about pvp, logoff the forums, login to the game, queue for pvp, encourage randoms.


Good luck.

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