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Features we want to see on the Cartel Market


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Can't find the article that showed how much more money F2P games + cash shop make over P2P subs games, basically exploiting ppl addiction to the game.


So my worries are:


- Cash shop? what do you consider "not-game breaking"? I'm cool with cash shops as long as all you sell are vanity items, or exp/drops buffs, speeders similar to those in-game, renames, change gender, payed server transfers, whatever.

The moment I see p2w items i'm gone (paying a sub or not) don't want to even see items like 200% speeder with no chance to dismount, costumes/clothing with +XX to all attributes, + expertice items, HP or atk speed/power buffs/scrolls, etc......been there before, is not fun.


- In game economy, you let ppl trade items from the cash shop or be BoP? what happens to gather and sell in the GTN if you sell crafting mats in the cash shop?....again seen it before, again not fun.


- Game updates, personal expertise, after a couple months devs/managers get a big $ in their eyes and realise that adding more cash shop items/offers generates more incomes than releasing new content or fixing bugs, exploits, chasing hackers (who also sometime don't get banned 'cause they spend lots of USD at the cash shop)


The big issue, it's that I've seen all this before, cash shop starts with vanity items only but sooner or later they start to sell p2w items forcing both subs and F2P guys to use $$$ to be able to compite at top end pvp/e.

That's why I stopped playing F2P games and started playing P2P ones, I can name you 10 f2p mmos where you need to spend USD 50+ just to be able to compite.

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lots of cool stuff. except:

- exclusive gear *sets* (not individual pieces)

- things that would make you better against a non cartel market buyer


would love to see:

- more character slots

- redo a character

- rename

- transfer

- cool collectables, just like pets.


I like this. Being able to change an existing character's look would be boss.

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Another thing I would like is maybe a little controversial but..


Weapons that can be bought off the market and be used (within reason) regardless of your class (purely cosmetically of course).


Want to be a sentinel with a double-bladed lightsaber? Done.

A powertech with a blaster rifle? Done.

A powertech with a lightsaber? Not so done.

Edited by Marak
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MORE CHARACTER SLOTS as many as i wanna buy if i choose to play all 16 advanced classes who's to say im wrong and need to mix/match servers


im all for as many outfits as they want you throw at me .. orange/purple open mods with adaptive qualities like the social armor .. so i can wear a trooper helmet with the legs boots and gloves to match but a robe for the top giving my character a look more like http://images.wikia.com/starwars/images/b/be/SithStalkerArmor-TFUUSE.jpg


if not something like that cosmetic slots i love the cosmetic slots in lotro .. i can put anything i want in it heavy light mage warrior .. doesn't matter .. doesn't change the stats and with a few clicks i can go from outfit 1-2-3-4-5 and be wearing a 6th for the stats .. yes the new blending thing they added went a ways to improving this .. my belts still look off color 60% of the time or more


and if i want to dye it neon green or blood red .. give me a color wheel and let me pick the darn thing .. even runescape now has customizable colors for anything you really want to dye


give me the ability to put blaster marks or hell even flames on my speeder and ship (i prefer to blaster scars but you get the idea)


and i know this next bit isn't so much a store/coin idea .. but guild star ships .. like the big fleet cruisers for guilds and we can all chip in a bit and put gates/doors/entrances to fp's and such


none of this changes any of the stats or abilities already in place .. just makes it more convenient or customizable

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I would love to see new trooper tionese/rakata gear. I'm sorry but I personally think that gear looks sooooooooooo bad. It's like a mix between a sand trooper and an imperial guard. The worst part is all the gear leading up to it, even the recruit gear, looks better than it!.
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Weird Alien Species options, the stuff that we are told no because it would not make sense for story or romance.


Doesn't even have to speak basic, it can be recycled alien gibberish that is already used and subtilted.


Rodian, SULLUSTANS, Bith (yeah bith jedi, how awesome), i could go on forever....../dream

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Here's my pridiction what we will see.

1. New Orange gear. think iconic looking stuff liek Revan's robe.

2. new color crystals. it's a given.

3. new orange weapon. Obi's saber for example.

4. Mounts.

5. EXP buffs.

6. Extra slots.

7. A new species.

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Purple and white crystals for cartel coins. Also want armor dye, I want to see more blue with my Jedi and less brown,

If they are going to introduce classic outfits and gear, then I want Bao-Dur arm from KOTOR 2.


I personally hope they dont make it so you can buy purple/white/etc. crystals purchasable. IMO, what makes those colors so cool now is that they're rare and you only see them occasionally. If everyone could just buy them, then everyone would, and they wouldn't be so cool anymore.

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- Additional character customization options, esp. hairstyles and faces

- Character recustomization (tiered, so if you just want to change your makeup you pay less than someone that wants the whole shebang)

- Color crystals for all levels

- Orange gear that looks good

- New "Social" gear (with no rank required, like the SKV and CE vendor stuff)

- Server transfers

- Name changes

- Playable Cathar

- Unlock quests to get extra Companions

- Animal mounts


I see people complain about "fluff" being added to the game, but IMHO this game could really use some! ;)

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1) Pay to Respec or limited number of respecs (subs can continue to spec for free, credits)

2) Transferes (seems to be popular)

3) Char slots

4) dye/gear customization (make me different than any other battlemaster/weaponsmaster out there)

5) new species

6) rare speeders (keep as rare drops in the OPS or buy in shop)

7) ship customization/sleeping quarters on fleet (personal apartment)

8) HATS (just kidding)

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I'd like to see Crafting Capabilities expanded.


  • Ability or "Feature" to RE those XXX 25 items that only loot drop. (Mod 25, Enhancement 25)
  • Learn a "Master Craft" so crafters can buy level XXX 24 / 25 schematics via the vendor (Like Black Hole Exotech)
  • Orange Gear Schematics (With Bonus Set) that only Legacy XX can wear (Like PVP Gear for Legacy)
  • More Crystal options! Schematics or ability to combine certain colors of existing level 50 crystals to make a new one of another color. - Like FOUR different (R,G,Y,B) colors all level 50 make a WHITE!

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I want to see Permanent Stat increases like DDO and LOTRO so i can slay in PvP,


I can't wait for this to happen, and you know its going too :D


P.S. Thank you EA for being so Greedy and implementing this feature

Edited by Ensquire
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Seeing as the meditation chair suggests that some form of player/ship housing is iminent i'd like to see....Furniture!!!


- Paintings, tables, chairs etc.

- Instanced apartments (Coruscant/Dromund Kaas). Decoration friendly instanced housing (from luxury penthouses to cheap bachelor pads)

- Wookiee playable species

- New ships!!!

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