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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Free-to-Play Q&A Thread

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Because SWTOR is going to be F2P , will Bioware be coming out with a single player rpg KOTOR 3 for gamers who don't want to play mmo's anymore to get their Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic fix, since SWTOR is going the way of Earth and Beyond .....no one is playing the game at all , you can not find anyone on any of the servers the cities are empty of players there is no one to group with ........I just dropped my subscription , before the free to play news came out....then I went back to check how many players are playing not many, the game is a ghost town .


Like so many mmo's gamers are getting burnt out fast on mmo's ...they race to level then quit . Since SWTOR is going to be F2P I will come back once in awhile to play the characters I have started to get my KOTOR fix ,but I found the more I played past level 20 the less I cared about the characters , the game became a grind with powerless weapons , the great character interaction with the crew of KOTOR games was gone ...there are quest in the game that shine at the begining area's for all the classes , but the interesting quest are far ,and few past level 20 it is just a mmo grind again . Thank you Bioware for trying to make a great interactive mmo....I wanted to keep my subscription going , but just started asking myself why am I playing this game ....the fun was gone. I'm going to try Guild Wars 2 when it comes out....as for subscription mmo's I'm through with grinding . I would like to see a Stars Wars game done in a big open world single player rpg like Skyrim , or co-op player rpg like Dragons Dogma ...KOTOR had best start for Star Wars rpg ...just needed to be more open like Skyrim on each planet you went to in KOTOR.

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Is my subscription cost actually going to go up with Free to play?


I buy a 6 month subscription so I pay 12.99 a month -- is this option still going to be available or will I be charged more in the Free to Play model?

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I'm only new to the game, I purchased it sometime mid-July along with a game card. I don't have any level 50's yet, but I'm really enjoying the content.


Q: Will there be a Pay-to-Win system? Will there be items on this new Cartel Market which are superior to items found in early and late Flashpoints and Ops?


I cruise around on the Republic/Imperial Fleet and check out gear that level 50's are using and think, 'damn, I want that black-purple lightsaber and augment-smacked-up armor.


If someone can purchase better gear or exclusive gear from the store as F2P then that's not cool... Not cool, man.

Edited by ZaccheusMaximus
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Will being a sub earn you enough cart coin per month to actually buy stuff because i wanna feel like my continued sub means something not just here is a TASTE on what you can get now give us more money for this fancy you only really use it for dailys
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I've seen mention of perks for people who bought the Collector's Edition or Deluxe edition or whatever.


That's all well and good, but what's in it for those that purchased the standard edition? Or is it just going to be a case of taking their money and running: "Thanks for the $60 donation guys, that was really generous of you."

Edited by leathfuil
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1: Can you promise us that cartel coins won't have any effect on stats/good gear for pve/pvp?

2: If I unsubscribe and continue playing on my main, I will loose some of my benefits. My question is, when you resubscribe, will you get all your gear, items and credits back?(silly question I know, but I got to get it of my back).

Edited by Uggen
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So with limited access to species during character creation for F2P players - Is that access only limited during character creation, i.e. can they just subscribe for a month, create all the characters with the species they want and then continue to play them on F2P basis?


If yes - what's the point of restricting it in the first place?


If no - will original buyers/subscribers also lose access to their Sith Pureblood Jedi or Miralian Sith Warrior when they go F2P?

Edited by KyaniteD
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How will the people that don't have a creditcard to use for the subscription

But use an pre paid game card every time to extend their subscribtion be treated?

Is Bioware still going to produce these cards when it goes f2p, and will these still count as a subsrciption?

Edited by NummSaul
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I have two questions.

First question: Will you allow this game to become even a tiny bit p2w?


Second question: Do you understand what a stab in the back that would be to us diehard fans, who have sticked around since beta, early acces, launch?

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What effect will the switch to F2P have on the CE Shop? It has been treated as the ugly stepchild since the release of the game, will it now vanish completely or will it finally include something worth the enormous amount of money we paid for the CE (I do not mean better gear, just regular updates and some unique stuff you don't send to everybody through ingame message, too [see Tauntaun])?
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We really need a lot more information on how Crew Skills will be affected by the F2P model.


Players creating mules could quickly destroy an already shaky economy and this alone is a great cause for concern.


Good point. BW has to figure out a way to avoid this kind of situation.

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1. Please specify the limited access F2P will have. What are the limits in detail.


How much money can they hold, how many character slots, how many bank tabs, how much inventory space?

What is the limit for WZs and FPs?

Is there any limit in just questing on Planets?


Please tell us the exact limititions a F2P playerw ill have so we can make an educated decision.


2. What kind of unlocks will we able to buy in the Cartel Market?


Can i buy permanent access to Operations, WZs and FPs?


Good questions. Also, which races will be limited to paying players? Will paying players who go F2P who have one of these restricted races get "grandfathered" in?

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It says in the news article that Cartel Coins will be able to be used to purchase customizations, convenience perks, etc. How many of these will be new, Cartel-Coin only purchases and how many will overlap with current in-game perks (such as rare lightsaber colors, legacy perks, etc.)?
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If the mailbox is a feature reserved for those who aren't free (ie see DCUO where only Premium and Legendary can use it), how are CE owners, like me, suppose to access the CE stuff that's mailed to you? Or the preorder crystal for those of us who preordered (yes, you can buy the later from a vendor but it was suppose to be included with my preorder)?
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If I were to decide to go from having a full subscription to free-to-play:


1) How many character slots per server will I lose? Subscribers currently have 8 per server.


2) Which species will I lose the ability to play as?

Edited by Takin_A_Sith
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Will the cartel store add more options to character customization of already existing characters? I am not talking about gear, I mean like new hairstyle or haircolour. And would that mean we could also get a way to change the look for our characters after creation (I mean without paying cartel coins)? Edited by Drudenfusz
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What will happen to my PTS characters?

Will I be able to transfer them to a live server or will they just be deleted?

Will there ever be a chance for an expansion pack?

Will CE vendors be switched to sales by cartel coins or will the CE content be available to F2P people with CE? similar with security key vendors will that be for F2P or cartel coins?

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I think the Free-to-Play option is great. I was wondering if, in addition to this option, you would go another direction and offer a one-time Lifetime subscription fee for like $250, where you get all the benefits of paying monthly, but you just pay a lump sum and never have to pay again. I was hoping for this option at launch, but accepted when it was not there. But now that a new subscription option is becoming available, I was wondering if there were any plans in the works to work up an option for the people who will continue to play this game until it finally gets deactivated, like Star Wars Galaxies?
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