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Free-to-Play Q&A Thread

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Hello everyone! We're sure you have some questions about our upcoming Free-to-Play option, and we'd like to try to answer as many as we can in a special edition of our Q&A. We'll be delaying our normal Q&A and will bring you more in-depth answers on as many of your questions about Free-to-Play as we can next week.


Please use this thread to ask your Free-to-Play questions. Please do not use this thread as a discussion or commentary thread, as we'll be using it to gather your questions.


Be sure to check out the Free-to-Play FAQ, new Free-to-Play announcement page, and comparison grid to see if your question has already been answered!



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#1) Is Subscribing truly going to be the only way for players to access Operations content? Are you not worried that this will limit the pool of players too much and cause the less-hardcore participating in Operations to drop?


#2) Will you provide access to additional character slots per server via in-game purchases or other method?


#3) Will conveniences like Legacy Perks start costing Cartel Credits?


#4) Will there be any new content added to the game between now and the Free-to-Play transition?

Edited by Giolon
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I understand that purchasers of Collector's Edition will receive a reward of 1000 Cartel Coins and that's great but is there going to be some reward for the purchasers of the Standard and Digital Deluxe Edition?
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There is going to be limitations on character creation choices such as species. Does this mean that there will be new species and customizables for paying players?


Also: I have been using game time codes bought from the origin website. Does my time played on those codes/payments receive the same benefits as those with 1month/3month/6month subscriptions?

Edited by Daoist
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What items can we expect in the cartel shop when it is lauched, will new species be among them, and will it all be fluff content (I actually think the game needs more fluff content so this is not a bad thing)? Also will the Cartel shop be avaliable before free to play hits or on the same day?
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How will the Sith Meditation Throne work? Will it be an emote, a skill, an item or some part of user-bought interior for our spaceships?


Will the Cartel Shop and Coin system offer PayToWin options? I'm actually very positive about this whole thing and i really hope that this isn't the way you've chosen to go, but if it isn't i think this is a fantastic way you are doing it! My gut feeling tells me that this is gonna be good...

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What happens if all the characters I have already created while subscribed (before F2P announcement) are now restricted species? That means I lose access to all my characters even though I didn't know they would be restricted? Edited by LOWTHOR
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Your account will automatically be downgraded and it will operate under the Free player restrictions. You will need to choose what items to keep with you within the restriction levels of the free access. Furthermore, you will be able to see, but not use, your excess credits, inventory slots, bank tabs, and extra characters.


This FAQ entry says there are restriction on items/credits/inventory/bank but none of this is mentioned in the Free-to-Play Chart http://www.swtor.com/free/features


Which is correct?

Edited by LOWTHOR
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How much do items cost in the Cartel Market?


Will additional character slots be purchasable in the Cartel Market?


There seems to be a lot of FUD regarding "pay to win" and Jeff Hickman mentioned "boosts" available in the Cartel Market in his developer post. Can you elaborate upon these "boosts"?

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Its fine that if I change my sub to f2p it gets downgraded.

But what if I don't pay in a month becouse I plan to level up some alt character and concentrate on the class quest (so don't want to play operations or warzones)? I can't use my full inventory and cargo hold? And what about the legacy (characters and perks)?


And I know it's not a question but wanted to say: 14EUR is fine for access a game. But I think it's a lot for only get the unlock parts, and called 'premium'. Mostly when the game's clearly best part, the story and class leveling is free. :(

Edited by Meglivorn
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I've read that to get the rewards for collector's edition purchaser you have to have an active suscription by the time the game gets to f2p.

This September to November i won't be able to play 'cause of university, so you mean that, although i have bought a 150€ collector's edition, with a game promised to be NOT F2P (in mi box says Suscrption fee required), I won't get any of the rewards ?


I really can't understand this. I beg you to reconsider this requirements!


Thank you.


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Before the F2P announcement, there were hints dropped about a Secret Space Project that would vastly expanding the current space game (a lot of us are hoping for a full 3d dogfight engine). Is this change in direction going to affect this aforementioned project?
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(1) Dear (dark) lord WHY?!

(2) Please tell me those on this "option" will be on their own server(s)?

(3) If it is "Free" what about those of us that (loyally/faithfully) paid for the game itself?

(4) Even though I subscribe, I don't do ops - Can I get a cheaper subscription?

(5) Why should I even subscribe any more?


(I cannot fully describe to you how upset/gutted I am by this announcement). :jawa_frown:

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Since the game is going Free-to-Play, does that mean no more full voice-overs for future expansions? Partial voice-overs would really damage SWTOR's Charm. :jawa_frown:


This is one of my main worries.

If we don't get voice overs this game will crash and burn even more.


No more stupid box wowesque like quests please.



My other question is.

What is going to happen to future updates? Like that massive space update we have been expecting some info lately?

Is it just going to get scrapped or what?

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It's said that content will continue to come, but will it be like the content we've already seen (Operations and Flashpoints in patches with class balancing and new gear) or will the content only be fluffy happy stuff, like speeders and mini-pets?


Will you be cutting the SGR's and new companions from the development cycle as well, if the content proves to be only items and not "real" content?

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Will free players be able to permanently unlock features through individual purchases? If so, will it be a mixed bag as in some options will be character only (GTN and vault slots, as an example) while others will be account-wide (Ops, things like that)?
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Can subscribers get dibs on a Legacy name? EX: If a name or legacy name was taken when we transferred, can we petition for it if the owner doesn't sub?

Will subscribers have their own "General" boards?


That's all I got for now. Can't wait to see how this unfolds. I'll actually enjoy this, if it is done well, and done right. [No Pay To Boost Your Stats stuff]

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How will it work if a player has to unsubscribe for a short while due to financial issues? Will they lose stuff that they will not get back when they can afford to subscribe again? Or will any subscription features just be locked til they can unlock it again?
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