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So whos actually unsubbing because of this?


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seriously thinking about it. I played lotro as paying sub, left it and came back when it was F2P , i even got the 10 € per month sub for full access. but during those 6 months i spended like 400 € on it or something for nice upgrading in stats, armorpieces, fast travel options, you name it.


for example : groupfinder? get your vip token so you are the first to be invited! for only 0.99€ or 100 Cartel points! get your VIP pass today !


just a hint what will happen. If you havent played lotro F2P then you wouldnt know. This F2P wont be any different.

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Not me and anyone who does isn't to smart. They are setting this up like LOTRO did it and it worked great.


We get more content quicker.. everyone wins..


Haha thanks for the laugh. They went F2P because they knew they couldnt provide content at speed, so they dumped the service model. Money is not the problem, they had tons of money through development.

Edited by mattgyver
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Rather than wailing like a 12 year old and running away, I plan to wait and see what F2P will actually do to the game. If it takes the path I fear EA will steer it down, then yes, I will likely take my leave.


Otherwise, I'm here to stay.

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Un-subbing because...


1.) Gw2 is coming soon. I rather enjoy it and more of my kinda game. I will be back when this game goes f2p.


2.) This game without the voice overs, lightsabers, & fanatastic stories is just another WoW clone.


3.) Gets boring doing the same stuff over and over.


4.) Let the f2p chaos die out.


5.) Honestly not worth the $14.99 a month.

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F2p model is the worst kind of model I've ever seen. I've been playing MMOs for years and the quality of the free to play compared to the subscription model is apple to oranges. The f2p turns out to be more expensive for most people as they're spending money to get whatever currency they need to get the "special" items from the market. More over, every company who has done the f2p focuses more on enticing the players out of their money than the quality of the game to raise the bottom line. I was hoping that Star Wars ToR wouldn't go this route, IT SHOULDN'T HAVE!


In the end, they lost me and while I'm a single player and $15/mo isn't a lot to sneeze at, it saddens me to go. I loved this game, it was the best that I had found and the longest I've ever subbed to any MMO because the QUALITY and ENJOYMENT was there. Now, I have no faith or hope that it will remain. I won't play F2Ps, at all. They're a waste of time and to stay on par with other players I end up spending more.


Yeah, y'all may champion the f2p, y'all may say this is what players wanted/needed. However, you'll lose those players that were looking for a quality game, at the very least, you've lost me and most in my guild. I guess I'll drift around until I find something worth my money again. Sorry to see you go, ToR, but such is life.

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I already left, deleted all my toons. I did not like the game after the first 6 months. I have 1 month left on my sub and don't play it. I have to say, we saw this coming and with the layoffs, I hope people get what was promised but I'm not so sure you'll get the new content that's promised. Good luck to Bioware and to those faithful customers.
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Hybrid model, in the likes of LotRO and CoX... both of those games took a very noticeable upwards turn in quality afterwards. I'm not sure whether I'll keep *subscribed* afterwards, but I'll certainly be playing. And the only reason I'm undecided on an actual sub is because I've got lots of games I'm running through, and I don't need to keep multiple subscriptions up at once. I do love TOR, but if only 1 game gets monthly money from me, it's CoX without question. :)
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as long as they keep this



Only Subscribers may complete Operations.

FULL ACCESS - subscribers

NO ACCESS - free


then im good, i only want the die hard/subs to have access to ops/best equipment in game.

if they change that, or make it pay to win and buy items, im out.

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>for example : groupfinder? get your vip token so you are the first to be invited! for only 0.99€ or 100 Cartel points! get your VIP pass today !


just a hint what will happen. If you havent played lotro F2P then you wouldnt know. This F2P wont be any different. <


He or she speaks truth - when LOTRO went F2P I stuck it out for a while then came here.


Cancelled my 6 month sub (fortunately coming up for renewal in August) and deleted 16 characters on 2 servers - selfish to tie up a name I won't ever be using.

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F2p model is the worst kind of model I've ever seen. I've been playing MMOs for years and the quality of the free to play compared to the subscription model is apple to oranges. The f2p turns out to be more expensive for most people as they're spending money to get whatever currency they need to get the "special" items from the market. More over, every company who has done the f2p focuses more on enticing the players out of their money than the quality of the game to raise the bottom line. I was hoping that Star Wars ToR wouldn't go this route, IT SHOULDN'T HAVE!


In the end, they lost me and while I'm a single player and $15/mo isn't a lot to sneeze at, it saddens me to go. I loved this game, it was the best that I had found and the longest I've ever subbed to any MMO because the QUALITY and ENJOYMENT was there. Now, I have no faith or hope that it will remain. I won't play F2Ps, at all. They're a waste of time and to stay on par with other players I end up spending more.


Yeah, y'all may champion the f2p, y'all may say this is what players wanted/needed. However, you'll lose those players that were looking for a quality game, at the very least, you've lost me and most in my guild. I guess I'll drift around until I find something worth my money again. Sorry to see you go, ToR, but such is life.


Actually it is the sub model that tries to steal money for players.


It is the sub model that has players paying for nothing, literally giving the company $15 every month something new isn't added to the game.


It is the sub model that adds a bunch of fluff to the game, adds a bunch of grindy mess just as a time sink to keep the players occupied.


I've played DCUO as a F2P game and have only spent $10 on it. This was all on cosmetic stuff, glowy costume parts that would help me stand out a bit more.


Free to play Is NOT Pay to win.

Anyone who says so does not have a clue what they are talking about.


All you are doing is paying for content directly just like DLC. If you don't want that content you do not buy it.

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I'm going to stay subscribed the only thing that will get me to quit is if they start double dipping with the ftp/subscription like Star Trek Online did. If I subscribe I should get access to everything and not feel the need to buy anything extra. If they are going to make subscribers buy extra things on top of their subscription then no i will be pissed and will consider leaving.
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Also if you swear off of F2P games now then good luck.


If you look at all the upcoming major MMOs they are all F2P.


Your options are now Rift, TSW, or WoW and I'm guessing people here don't enjoy those games otherwise they'd be playing them instead.

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Not me and anyone who does isn't to smart. They are setting this up like LOTRO did it and it worked great.


We get more content quicker.. everyone wins..


how is one expansion a year "lots more content" ? (speaking of the very same game you used in your example)


how exaclty are we going to get more content FASTER when they just fired half the staff ?


rip this game , truly , rip


i will be unsubbing if they dont let us transfer our toons to a subscriber only server where i dont have to deal with pedantic, anger filled pubescent griefers that will innevitably come with the f2p crowd...

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I really haven't decided yet. I will have to see A) how fast they actually do roll out content B) what said content is [fluff vs. real content] and C) How much 15 bucks really gets me.


As for moving on? Nothing. I have no interest whatsoever in Orcs or Elves. I started that ish when I was 8 years old. After 30 years I am full up on damn fantasy. Maybe the new Marvel Online game? I'll give it a go possibly.

Edited by Jaden
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