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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Post here if you are numb.


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I look at the ops group and see 3-4 with 13k health. I inspect one and he is not wearing the free PVP gear.


I know what is going to happen before it even starts.


Since I do know, I am numb. Numb from explaining. Numb from communicating the same stuff over and over.


I tried to make it easier on myself. I have the following 13 macros for communication:


Help left

Help right

Help South

Help West

Snow clear

Inc 1-2 snow

Inc 3-5 snow

Mid clear

Inc 1-2 mid

Inc 3-5 mid

Grass clear

Inc 1-2 grass

Inc 3-5 grass


At the start, while waiting, I tap a few macros and fill the message board.


It lets the new guys know a couple things:


Communication is important

Here are terms commonly used for callouts


For me, these macros are as much of a teaching tool as something I use in combat. It saves on a whole bunch of typing at the start.


Yet.....some folks still don't get it. Even after seeing examples, they don't call out. Some have to be spoon fed on what a call out is.


So I often see my 1267 expertise/ 72 valor dude in the middle of guys learning to play. I just don't do much explaining anymore. I know at the start how it will end. I just mash buttons for 10 minutes. That is how long the battle will last. 14-18 medals for almost the entire opposing team. The speed bonus. The rich just got richer.


Did I mention I was numb? Please let me solo que for ranked and put a valor minimum on it. Pretty please. Forget the gear requirement concept and this isn't about folks potentially "gaming" the system with gear switches. IT is plain and simple. If a dude has 50 valor, he has seen it all. He may not be good, but at least he has seen it all.


/Steam vented


Now I can que again.

Edited by Sungas
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haha yeah, i've just stopped talking in ops chat except to call out when i've got some competent teammates. when my team is terrible i ***** and moan a little in gchat then ragequit except im not even mad. when i see a guy with no expertise i spam them with the emote thats like "rippeh tells everyone to attack nubcake."
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If this was before the recruit gear existed. I could understand. Hell I took my beatings to get Cent/Champ gear myself. And I wasnt very well geared as a fresh 50. But I leveled up most of the time from doing PVP, so I understand capping objectives and calling out nodes. But when you have a FREE PvP set just handed to you, it irks me.


I also kind of find it sad we even have to say snow/grass. When I first saw someone say that my thought was, "People dont understand East and West? They're simple cardinal directions!!!" But...yeah...

Edited by Katsuragisama
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Is this 'snow' and 'grass' thing in Alderaan a new designation for the nodes, I've only really noticed it over that last couple of weeks.

I still call them LS (for Landing Site) and Gen (for Generator)....Sorry is it just me or if you can't learn the name and location of 2 bases you should just quit.

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The recruit gear set is a waste of money even if it's free. I'm never using the whole thing again. If you pvp at all, you'll get a couple of BM pieces in a day or two and the beginning of your set bonus.


Recruit is especially useless for people who already have rakata. Get earpiece, implants, relics, and wrists in recruit and keep your set bonus from Rakata until you can pick up BM armor pieces.


As a fresh 50 get everything but the 5 big armor pieces on the right, and save 50k. You'll need that 50k more for other things.

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The recruit gear set is a waste of money even if it's free. I'm never using the whole thing again. If you pvp at all, you'll get a couple of BM pieces in a day or two and the beginning of your set bonus.


Recruit is especially useless for people who already have rakata. Get earpiece, implants, relics, and wrists in recruit and keep your set bonus from Rakata until you can pick up BM armor pieces.


As a fresh 50 get everything but the 5 big armor pieces on the right, and save 50k. You'll need that 50k more for other things.


Please first of all, by NOT wearing PVP gear to begin with your actually no use to the rest of your 'team' they may as well be playing 7 V 8 or how many scrubs there are, that are actually not contributing anything but free kills for the enemy players.


I for one will not carry players like you, if your there, I leave. I won't play Warzone's with people with little or no Expertise anyway. Raid gear, does not help you in PVP, EXPERTISE helps you. Some how I am probably wasting my time saying this again,.. but never mind.

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I still call them LS (for Landing Site) and Gen (for Generator)....Sorry is it just me or if you can't learn the name and location of 2 bases you should just quit.


I think you should step back and evaluate what you just wrote, and consider your own advice.

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Is this 'snow' and 'grass' thing in Alderaan a new designation for the nodes, I've only really noticed it over that last couple of weeks.

I still call them LS (for Landing Site) and Gen (for Generator)....Sorry is it just me or if you can't learn the name and location of 2 bases you should just quit.


Go a couple pages deep in the pvp forum and you will find a HUGE roflthread called something like "Can we eliminate Snow/Grass in Alderaan." I would say 1% of the player base, tops, knows the "names" of the turrets. I would also say 90+% of players are equally comfortable with east/west and snow/grass by this point.


Anyway, my favorite are the ones who say "minimap" when you chastise them for not calling inc. It's never their fault. Okay, if you just cleared everyone out of one node and you and 6 teammates are standing around, that's your fault. But when you are fighting 7v6 on one door and two stealthers go to the other door, yeah that defender needs to call.

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Please first of all, by NOT wearing PVP gear to begin with your actually no use to the rest of your 'team' they may as well be playing 7 V 8 or how many scrubs there are, that are actually not contributing anything but free kills for the enemy players.


I for one will not carry players like you, if your there, I leave. I won't play Warzone's with people with little or no Expertise anyway. Raid gear, does not help you in PVP, EXPERTISE helps you. Some how I am probably wasting my time saying this again,.. but never mind.


recruit gear completely blows. expertise is put on way too high of a pedestal, full rakata is better than recruit gear. campaign is so much better.


When they changed the WH relics to be bis for pretty much every class, I pvp'd on my merc in campaign gear and completely obliterated people for a day until I had all my comms. Some random scrub, probably like you, would complain about my gear and then at the end of the match I'd have 400k+ dmg and like 3 deaths and he'd shut up. Recruit does nothing for you unless your gear is like all daily mods.

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Is this 'snow' and 'grass' thing in Alderaan a new designation for the nodes, I've only really noticed it over that last couple of weeks.

I still call them LS (for Landing Site) and Gen (for Generator)....Sorry is it just me or if you can't learn the name and location of 2 bases you should just quit.




You created your own names because you didn't like the more common names? That...makes no sense...at all.

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I feel your pain.


The only choice we have is to persevere with trying to help our warzone win, or simply not communicate, or just quit the game. I know it stinks, but like you I choose to keep trying my best to constructively and friendily offer suggestions to people.


I appreciate you sharing your macros that you use for pvp. While I use similar ones for most, I never thought to use a "range" macro to say how many people are incoming ("1-2, 3-5 incoming, etc.). Seems very useful and if you don't mind I'm going to have to copy those :)


On a bright note, I truly do feel many newer/inexperienced players are open to suggestion if someone offers it in a kind and positive way. THere are certainly players who know about recruit gear/know the objectives in warzones and refuse to follow them; but there are definitely enough players who are eager to learn if anyone is kind enough to offer tips. I try to assume everyone who is underperforming is the latter type of player unless they prove me wrong.

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recruit gear completely blows. expertise is put on way too high of a pedestal, full rakata is better than recruit gear. campaign is so much better.


When they changed the WH relics to be bis for pretty much every class, I pvp'd on my merc in campaign gear and completely obliterated people for a day until I had all my comms. Some random scrub, probably like you, would complain about my gear and then at the end of the match I'd have 400k+ dmg and like 3 deaths and he'd shut up. Recruit does nothing for you unless your gear is like all daily mods.


After seeing this post, I REALLY want to find you in a WZ. Except I won't be complaining about your gear, I'll just be laughing as I take you out in one rotation.

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The one thing that never gets old for me is seeing 2+ people cap on the same node at the same time.


Despite the fact that an enemy is incoming, most bads won't even contemplate the fact that an enemy can stop both people from capping with a single AoE.


Of course, the opposite of this is when NO ONE is capping the doors in void star. The cap should be happening as the last defender is about to die. Meanwhile, the other teammates should be positioned to knockback/stun/mez. In fact, this is the point when you actually DON'T WANT TO HIT ANYONE.

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After seeing this post, I REALLY want to find you in a WZ. Except I won't be complaining about your gear, I'll just be laughing as I take you out in one rotation.


Medium to top end PvE gear is statistically superior to entry level PvP gear for PvP. This is mathematically provable.


However, both entry level PvP gear and medium to top end PvE gear all suck for PvP and can be completely replaced with medium tier PvP gear in about a week making both arguments moot.

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I feel your pain.


The only choice we have is to persevere with trying to help our warzone win, or simply not communicate, or just quit the game. I know it stinks, but like you I choose to keep trying my best to constructively and friendily offer suggestions to people.


I appreciate you sharing your macros that you use for pvp. While I use similar ones for most, I never thought to use a "range" macro to say how many people are incoming ("1-2, 3-5 incoming, etc.). Seems very useful and if you don't mind I'm going to have to copy those :)


On a bright note, I truly do feel many newer/inexperienced players are open to suggestion if someone offers it in a kind and positive way. THere are certainly players who know about recruit gear/know the objectives in warzones and refuse to follow them; but there are definitely enough players who are eager to learn if anyone is kind enough to offer tips. I try to assume everyone who is underperforming is the latter type of player unless they prove me wrong.


Just to play the Devil's Advocate here, why do you all care so much about winning a non-ranked WZ? I can understand that winning equals more medals thus getting gear faster. However, if gear is truely what drives you to win, then what happens when you get the gear?


If what drives you is "winning" (as Charlie puts it) then I can also understand that. However, how many times must you win the same 3 rotation WZs before it gets mind numbingly boring?


Contrary to the popular belief, some people just play the game to have "fun". Honestly, I don't care much if we win or lose a WZ. some games, I play to win, do objectives, defend, help capture etc. Some games I just play to do as much dmg as possible, or chase that one guy the whole WZ because moments ago he just ruined my perfect play, etc.


It is not always about winning-losing.

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You created your own names because you didn't like the more common names? That...makes no sense...at all.


See, PalihoJ, I told you. This guy didn't even know they had names, let alone which one is called which.


Yes, Arkerus, if you mouse over the cap points in Civil War you will see they have names. For giggles some time when you are winning, you should yell "Inc 3 Landing Site" and then a few seconds later, "Help, don't you know which one is the Landing Site!?!? L2P!!!!"

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recruit gear completely blows. expertise is put on way too high of a pedestal, full rakata is better than recruit gear. campaign is so much better.


When they changed the WH relics to be bis for pretty much every class, I pvp'd on my merc in campaign gear and completely obliterated people for a day until I had all my comms. Some random scrub, probably like you, would complain about my gear and then at the end of the match I'd have 400k+ dmg and like 3 deaths and he'd shut up. Recruit does nothing for you unless your gear is like all daily mods.



Compairing the worst pvp gear to the best pve is pretty damn dumb if you are trying to make a case that a new 50 doesnt need the recruit gear. Is recruit gear amazing and going to last very long, no. Is it better then the lvl 49 or lower gear they have on when they hit 50, yes. Being able to get away with pve gear also depends on your AC and spec.

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See, PalihoJ, I told you. This guy didn't even know they had names, let alone which one is called which.


Yes, Arkerus, if you mouse over the cap points in Civil War you will see they have names. For giggles some time when you are winning, you should yell "Inc 3 Landing Site" and then a few seconds later, "Help, don't you know which one is the Landing Site!?!? L2P!!!!"


Besides the two forum posts in this thread I have never seen or heard anybody call them by those names. It is always E/W, east/west or grass/snow. I have pvp'd that map at least 300 times on 2 different servers.

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You think solo ranked will be any different? And your valor level does not automatically make you good, all you would end up with is the same scrubby players in ranked warzones with you, but this time you will be going against organised premades and it will be 10x as bad.


If you want to play with people who will treat PvP as something other than a sideshow, you need to play another game. Swtor is designed for casual players, proper PvP'ers need not apply.

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recruit gear completely blows. expertise is put on way too high of a pedestal, full rakata is better than recruit gear. campaign is so much better.


When they changed the WH relics to be bis for pretty much every class, I pvp'd on my merc in campaign gear and completely obliterated people for a day until I had all my comms. Some random scrub, probably like you, would complain about my gear and then at the end of the match I'd have 400k+ dmg and like 3 deaths and he'd shut up. Recruit does nothing for you unless your gear is like all daily mods.



^^ People don't get it. They think the tiny amount of expertise you get on Recruit gear is such an enormous deal. I just got my gunslinger to 50 the other day and queued for a WZ just for fun. I had ZERO expertise and pretty much no lvl 50 gear yet. I finished that WZ with 230k dmg, 38 kills, 2 deaths. lol Expertise is so overrated.

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^^ People don't get it. They think the tiny amount of expertise you get on Recruit gear is such an enormous deal. I just got my gunslinger to 50 the other day and queued for a WZ just for fun. I had ZERO expertise and pretty much no lvl 50 gear yet. I finished that WZ with 230k dmg, 38 kills, 2 deaths. lol Expertise is so overrated.


as soon as i crit my first railshot for 5k on you my entire team would know you had zero expertise and you would be marked to see how high we could crit.

Edited by Rippeh
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