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You Want to Kill this Game? Keep it Up......


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Historically the surest way to ensure the U.S. economy tanks is to have politicians talk negatively about the state of said economy. It's been shown many times there's a one to one relationship in that regard.


The same principal applies to this game. You want to ensure this game continues to decline just keep posting all these 'the game sucks', 'this game is too far gone', 'I'm done, I quite because of X' etc. type threads. This will ensure any prospective new players will stay away and keep any more infusion of improvements by Bioware at bay.


Sheesh people, ever hear of the self fulfilling prophecy? A bunch of you negative nates are sure helping to make it happen.


Enough already. I'd like to see the game continue and get better.

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I agree it's not helping, but there's no stopping it. Once something like this starts - it will NOT stop.


The only thing that will stop it, is something significant from Bioware/EA related to SWtOR - that can start a positive avalanche. The silence is pretty stupid.

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Agreed. No more posting what the game is lacking and what it needs to do to keep players interested. Instead, we need to point out how the game is an incredibly sensitive game, one that inspires joy-joy feelings in everyone around it.
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Historically the surest way to ensure the U.S. economy tanks is to have politicians talk negatively about the state of said economy. It's been shown many times there's a one to one relationship in that regard.


The same principal applies to this game. You want to ensure this game continues to decline just keep posting all these 'the game sucks', 'this game is too far gone', 'I'm done, I quite because of X' etc. type threads. This will ensure any prospective new players will stay away and keep any more infusion of improvements by Bioware at bay.


Sheesh people, ever hear of the self fulfilling prophecy? A bunch of you negative nates are sure helping to make it happen.


Enough already. I'd like to see the game continue and get better.


I'm sure the over-investment in european soverign debt, the threat of defaults on that debt, the series of shocks from a poorly managed financial sector, and the now rising impact of drought on corn crops (and thus heavy impact on almost all major facets of the food industry in the united states) has nothing to do with poor economic output. no, if we TELL ourselves its alright the rain will come, the debt will disappear, and the financial sector will see the light and reform. Just like if I tell myself this game is perfect I'll get end-game content with more longevity, better servers, and a more effective crafting system. Because that makes sense, only my negativity causes these problems.

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I agree it's not helping, but there's no stopping it. Once something like this starts - it will NOT stop.


The only thing that will stop it, is something significant from Bioware/EA related to SWtOR - that can start a positive avalanche. The silence is pretty stupid.


i wouldn't let some1 come into my house and tell me, my house is s**t, bioware should just shut down the forums. i would hate it, but i think the benefit is plain to see

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i wouldn't let some1 come into my house and tell me, my house is s**t, bioware should just shut down the forums. i would hate it, but i think the benefit is plain to see


except we're paying to rent out a room in your house. so technically its partially our house too, because without us they can't afford to produce the house anyway. see how your analogy breaks down? I guarantee if you were a tenant and had a major problem with your walls or foundation you'd be letting the land lord know.

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Or just post a mature level of feedback that is productive as opposed to counter productive by trolling. There is a difference. For example, I feel the mini game in space has a good fit into the design of the released game, but I would rather be part of larger MMO space game for swtor than just a mini game. In terms of feedback that has resulted in some of the design copying wow I feel the devs went off of what the community asked for. But now it seems we can move past the wow influence and allow a deeper game system that can emerge for crafting, character development, missions, and end game content. But I agree 100%, the internet is quit the fire started. The leveling and the voice overs are a keeper.
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except we're paying to rent out a room in your house. so technically its partially our house too, because without us they can't afford to produce the house anyway. see how your analogy breaks down? I guarantee if you were a tenant and had a major problem with your walls or foundation you'd be letting the land lord know.


Landlord, yes.

But you would not be announcing it to the whole world.


So your analogy breaks down too. There is a big difference between letting "those in charge" know there is a problem, and announcing the problem to the entire world.


A private message to BW is "letting the landlord know".

A public message on these forums is "telling the whole world".

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I wish I could help you guys out here with something positive, but I simply cannot


I wanted this game to be home. There are just way too many things that players can't control.

You can't make them try to balance classes, you can't make them add content, you can't make them come out of hiding and actually respond to the community. You can't have them be responsible and maybe set out a timeline and future plans for the game. You can't stop them from restructuring and laying off people which handcuffs them even more with content, updates and changes.


I wish I could, but they made me a negative poster, and it certainly isn't unfounded

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except we're paying to rent out a room in your house. so technically its partially our house too, because without us they can't afford to produce the house anyway. see how your analogy breaks down? I guarantee if you were a tenant and had a major problem with your walls or foundation you'd be letting the land lord know.


not really, its quite simple, nobody is forcing you to stay in my house, if you don't like it get out. if you want me to change something speak to me and maybe something can be done. you disrespect me in my own home. i'll rent your room to some1 else


anyway enough of the analogies, i stand by my advice to bioware, shut down the forums, or atleast start banning ppl for repeatedly making hate threads

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I would have to agree that this is probably the most negative MMO community I have seen so far. Its probably not helping to recruit new players.


And who can blaim the new players really? MMO's are all about the community, if you see the community riddled with trolls, would you feel inclined to join?


The worst thing is, many of the names of people doing that are recognizable. Seen them come by on Rift forums, Tera forums, etc, all doing the same. Desperately looking for their new fix, and as they realize they're never going to find it they can't leave it be but appear to make it their sole purpose in life to try and torch it down to the ground.

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except we're paying to rent out a room in your house. so technically its partially our house too, because without us they can't afford to produce the house anyway. see how your analogy breaks down? I guarantee if you were a tenant and had a major problem with your walls or foundation you'd be letting the land lord know.

LOL...trying to compare paying $500-$800 a month for a house in which you Actually live in 24/7 (Real Life) to paying $15 a month to play a Pixel game is just silly.

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except we're paying to rent out a room in your house. so technically its partially our house too, because without us they can't afford to produce the house anyway. see how your analogy breaks down? I guarantee if you were a tenant and had a major problem with your walls or foundation you'd be letting the land lord know.


I've seen some bad analogies in my days, but yours is probably the worst. Goes well with your attitude though.

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Oh look another "despite all of bioware's commitment and hardwork you guys are killing their beloved game" thread.


Sorry kid, but the negative view of this game didn't just create itself, there is a reason for it, and it's not because the game is perfect, that is for sure, and it also isn't because it is being sabotaged by angry gamers.


As others have said, the only thing thats going to change this is some major, significant changes on the part of BW and EA. The game is deficient in several areas, massively, and obviously the group finder isn't the savior that everyone thought it would be. They need to stop trying to wow us with basic MMO features and mechanics and come up with something that is actually new and impactful.

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because it threatened to overtake WoW? Because it threatens to overtake GW2?

or because it wasn't SWG?


Lol! TOR never did "threaten" any of those games. GW2 will take some subs from every MMO that is out there now. But it will not "threaten" them. :p

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Many players search for the perfect game and when they do not find it they whine about it.


I am very sure this will happen to GW2 a week or so when it has been released, since this is the currently overhyped game at the moment.


Players have to learn that the perfect game does not exist :rak_03:

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Many players search for the perfect game and when they do not find it they whine about it.


I am very sure this will happen to GW2 a week or so when it has been released, since this is the currently overhyped game at the moment.


Players have to learn that the perfect game does not exist :rak_03:


Hopefully though, all those players will jump away from the SWTOR boards and start spending their time on the GW2 boards after that day ;).

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Historically the surest way to ensure the U.S. economy tanks is to have politicians talk negatively about the state of said economy. It's been shown many times there's a one to one relationship in that regard.


There are no hard "facts" to prove this, only conjecture. Most of the time it depends on the "media" to shape the average non-thinkers opinion. What effects the economy is your personal buying power. Now that, everyone can have personal experience with and relate too. Personal buying power is what makes or breaks an economy. What you said is opinion and not relevant.


The same principal applies to this game. You want to ensure this game continues to decline just keep posting all these 'the game sucks', 'this game is too far gone', 'I'm done, I quite because of X' etc. type threads. This will ensure any prospective new players will stay away and keep any more infusion of improvements by Bioware at bay.


No it doesn't. If SWTOR succeeds or fails will be based on "enjoyment factor". If people are enjoying their time with the game it will succeed because people will continue to sub. They may even tell people that they are enjoying the game and that one should try it. Word of mouth advertising based on enjoyment. The oposite is true. So if these forums rage with with "negative comments" or "platitudes" it makes no difference since the people that read the forums (and even fan sites) are a relatively small number compared to the overall player base. The only reason I am here is because its slow at work. I suspect many here are bored at work and are just engaging in forum "PvP" to pass the time.


Sheesh people, ever hear of the self fulfilling prophecy? A bunch of you negative nates are sure helping to make it happen. Enough already. I'd like to see the game continue and get better.


We the players really have no control with regards to the success or failure of the game other than paying our subs and helping EA/BW achieve their bottom line.


These EA/BW apologetic threads have really got to stop more so than the critisim threads. The EA/BW emperor's "new cloths" are invisible and he needs to be told not pandered too.


But, in the end this will be a Raw Raw EA/BW thread so ....


Quick Fanboiz Assemble!! (™) :eek:

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