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Solution suggestion for /stuck warzone exploit


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Every time you /stuck a ticket prompt appears. There should be a 10s to 20s timer put on the ability for someone to res regardless of whether or not they fill out the ticket (which should not be allowed to be cancelled, but can be submitted blank). However, the ticket would be there so people who are using /stuck ligitly will take that time to quickly say what happened. Even if it is vague or submitted empty the ticket would be a time stamp to show where the person was when they /stuck and give bioware insight as to possible bugs. It would also be very easy to spot anyone who is abusing /stuck and using it to die on queue. Even without the timer penalty, the ticket prompt alone would really help clean up warzone bugs and clear out the exploiters, but I do think just 10s even is long enough to deter people for typing /stuck without a legit reason, but short enough that it won't really hurt people who do get stuck and need to use it.


(I posted this in the suggestion box too, but I wanted to get feedback from the pvp communiy about this.)

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Every time you /stuck a ticket prompt appears. There should be a 10s to 20s timer put on the ability for someone to res regardless of whether or not they fill out the ticket (which should not be allowed to be cancelled, but can be submitted blank). However, the ticket would be there so people who are using /stuck ligitly will take that time to quickly say what happened. Even if it is vague or submitted empty the ticket would be a time stamp to show where the person was when they /stuck and give bioware insight as to possible bugs. It would also be very easy to spot anyone who is abusing /stuck and using it to die on queue. Even without the timer penalty, the ticket prompt alone would really help clean up warzone bugs and clear out the exploiters, but I do think just 10s even is long enough to deter people for typing /stuck without a legit reason, but short enough that it won't really hurt people who do get stuck and need to use it.


(I posted this in the suggestion box too, but I wanted to get feedback from the pvp communiy about this.)


Not trolling or hating as a suggestion is just that, a suggestion. All should be heard even if all should not be implemented. For me, i get suck a lot in the game. I do not want a prompt every time this happens since it happens constantly. Nor do I want to wait longer than 1 sec after typing stuck to be unstuck, in general.


You are asking for them to fix this /stuck exploint in WZ where the team will use it to catch the doors in VS I am assuming? Or perhaps using it to get ahead of the attacking team when the attacking team is holding the defenders back? I get that, but prompting for ticket submission and extra hurdles is not going to solve anything, imo. I'd like them to actually FIX the /stuck command, not band-aid it like they do with a lot of their fixes. If the game can determine when you are legitimately stuck, why can it not determine when you are not and using the /stuck command? That being said, why does /stuck have to kill you in the first place? I'd like to see them fix the issue rather than put deterrents into using this command as this game is not GW2, there is more than just PvP here :eek:

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Not trolling or hating as a suggestion is just that, a suggestion. All should be heard even if all should not be implemented. For me, i get suck a lot in the game. I do not want a prompt every time this happens since it happens constantly. Nor do I want to wait longer than 1 sec after typing stuck to be unstuck, in general.


It's quite possible you're confusing the 5s roots for being stuck =p


Not likely, but it IS possible... just sayin'!

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It's quite possible you're confusing the 5s roots for being stuck =p


Not likely, but it IS possible... just sayin'!


:o I meant I get stuck in my ship, in an OP, on a planet on a rock while questing, etc lol. But I can see where it could be taken as confusion. I wasn't clear enough, apologies are in order :D He did say for pvp but still that command applies across the board as well.

Edited by Master_Nate
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/stuck can aid you in every single warzone. Say you are down in Novare. You send 4 mid and 3 east with the hopes of getting east.


The job of the 4 mid is to slow down anyone from reinforcing east w/ snares and stuns. The second a competent team sees what's going on they /stuck and boom, can reinforce east directly.


Same goes for civil war. Have the 2 side nodes? Nothing to fear. Same strategy, the team has 4 at their node / underneath slowing the enemy from reinforcing, /stuck take the west side speeder, boom. Reinforcements.


Huttball is less obvious, but if you are a shadow and you just scored and your team doesn't get the ball, just /stuck so you are coming out of your endzone in a position to pull the enemy into the fire.


Voidstar it is used by teams so they are not slowed all the way to the cap.

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Just make /stuck trigger the respawn popup box like when you wipe in PvE with a 30 second countdown timer.


But then those rofl high-end rated teams that utilize this tactics will /quit. Or make a post saying how they are legitimately get stuck by the terrains once every 2 minutes punishing them to be legitimately unstucked by 30 second timer is unreasonable.

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/stuck can aid you in every single warzone. Say you are down in Novare. You send 4 mid and 3 east with the hopes of getting east.


The job of the 4 mid is to slow down anyone from reinforcing east w/ snares and stuns. The second a competent team sees what's going on they /stuck and boom, can reinforce east directly.


Same goes for civil war. Have the 2 side nodes? Nothing to fear. Same strategy, the team has 4 at their node / underneath slowing the enemy from reinforcing, /stuck take the west side speeder, boom. Reinforcements.


Huttball is less obvious, but if you are a shadow and you just scored and your team doesn't get the ball, just /stuck so you are coming out of your endzone in a position to pull the enemy into the fire.


Voidstar it is used by teams so they are not slowed all the way to the cap.


This is why /stuck needs a fix in warzones. Using /stuck like that is an exploit. Don't be confused, this is not a hack. It is an exploit, and is certainly not fun pvp. It needs to stop. Or ranked warzones are kinda worthless.

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This is why /stuck needs a fix in warzones. Using /stuck like that is an exploit. Don't be confused, this is not a hack. It is an exploit, and is certainly not fun pvp. It needs to stop. Or ranked warzones are kinda worthless.


Yes I was agreeing with you by showing how ridiculous it is that this can happen in a warzone.


And the beautiful thing is, when you actually DO get stuck in a warzone there is NOTHING you can do about it, GG bioware.

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I dont use /stuck unless directly ordered by the team leader, i think its completely lame.


Its abuse usage completely removes a very neat tactical movement aspect in RWZs and must be fixed before season 1.






PS: Watch out guys while we discuss meaningful stuff a MARAUDER will show up and say "Yo dawg /stuck is fine lern to play i /stuck you because im kung fu masta marauder since day 1 yo dawg l2p noobzzzz lol cry moar".

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I dont use /stuck unless directly ordered by the team leader, i think its completely lame.


Its abuse usage completely removes a very neat tactical movement aspect in RWZs and must be fixed before season 1.






PS: Watch out guys while we discuss meaningful stuff a MARAUDER will show up and say "Yo dawg /stuck is fine lern to play i /stuck you because im kung fu masta marauder since day 1 yo dawg l2p noobzzzz lol cry moar".


whats funny is thats actually how all marauders talk in chat and forums.

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But then those rofl high-end rated teams that utilize this tactics will /quit. Or make a post saying how they are legitimately get stuck by the terrains once every 2 minutes punishing them to be legitimately unstucked by 30 second timer is unreasonable.


The point of the ticket prompt would be if people are legitimately getting stuck that often bioware needs to know where so they can fix it. I agree 30s is too long 10s is prob enough of a deterrent without being so bad for the people who get legit stuck. The sad thing is most places where people get legitimately stuck /stuck does not actually work. I have only been able to use /stuck to fix being stuck one place, and that was when I was knocked down by the bridge in void star, yet I landed on the ground instead of actually dying. Every other place I was stuck the /stuck command did nothing.

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Yo dawg /stuck is fine lern to play i /stuck you because im kung fu masta marauder since day 1 yo dawg l2p noobzzzz lol cry moar


PS I don't play a marauder, but figured it was gonna happen some time, better get it out of the way. Along with:


Nerfing Operatives will fix the /stuck exploit.

Edited by eGraced
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With /stuck being part of the game, refusing to use it against good teams is basically conceding a significant advantage.


I see people use it all the time against my Guardian because I am frequently trying to slow large groups of enemies on their way to a door/node. One guy did it to me when he was halfway to mid in Alderaan. I ran ahead to mid and caught him coming off the speeder, and did /say lol did you get stuck? :(


The best solution is the following: divide each warzone into a grid and designate a stable place in each grid for a character to suddenly appear. If you /stuck anywhere inside the grid, you go to that spot. I don't see any drawbacks to this method. It's not like current stun-lock bug is remedied by /stuck. In fact, isn't it made worse since no one can kill you?

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With /stuck being part of the game, refusing to use it against good teams is basically conceding a significant advantage.


I see people use it all the time against my Guardian because I am frequently trying to slow large groups of enemies on their way to a door/node. One guy did it to me when he was halfway to mid in Alderaan. I ran ahead to mid and caught him coming off the speeder, and did /say lol did you get stuck? :(


The best solution is the following: divide each warzone into a grid and designate a stable place in each grid for a character to suddenly appear. If you /stuck anywhere inside the grid, you go to that spot. I don't see any drawbacks to this method. It's not like current stun-lock bug is remedied by /stuck. In fact, isn't it made worse since no one can kill you?


People would exploit that too. Unless bioware intends for people to use /stuck strategically there needs to be some sort of penalty for using it. And if bioware intended that, then what was the point in giving us so many slows, stuns, and mezes?


Even if you stoop to that level it makes it not fun because it means in civil war whoever gets the node first will always keep it because someone half way across the zone can just /stuck and take the speeder.

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People would exploit that too. Unless bioware intends for people to use /stuck strategically there needs to be some sort of penalty for using it. And if bioware intended that, then what was the point in giving us so many slows, stuns, and mezes?


Even if you stoop to that level it makes it not fun because it means in civil war whoever gets the node first will always keep it because someone half way across the zone can just /stuck and take the speeder.


It would be tricky to exploit if you made the grids small enough. And it's in the game already, by the way. If you are, say, up against the wall of the stairs on a side node in Alderaan and /stuck, it warps you in to the middle of the platform.

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It would be tricky to exploit if you made the grids small enough. And it's in the game already, by the way. If you are, say, up against the wall of the stairs on a side node in Alderaan and /stuck, it warps you in to the middle of the platform.


People would use it to teleport around the map. The same people who are using the exploit now would find a way to exploit the teleportation. Say to escape a melee attack or a cc, stun, root, or snare. Or perhaps to put you in prime position to interrupt a capper you would otherwise not be able to reach in time.


There should be a short penalty for using it to deter people who are exploiting it. And bioware needs to be able to find the places where people are legitimately getting stuck and fix them so we won't need /stuck at all

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using /stuck in regular WZ shouldn't be penalized. People are learning to play there.


But if you want to fix /stuck abuse this should apply to RANKED WARZONES ONLY....


0) Using /stuck immediately after a player death should not be penalized for 15 seconds


1) It should broadcast to the entire zone (including enemy faction) when a player uses /stuck...


2) swtor dev team needs to implement server side data gathering whenever /stuck occurs. Including combat logs for 1 minute before and after /stuck is used by any player.


3) If a player uses /stuck, and the enemy faction files a complaint about it (since they can see when it is done), and the devs can see with the combat logs that it was being abused, then any rating gained from that match should be removed and the player gets a week ban


4) Long term trends of players using /stuck in a RWZ should automatically get banned for a week. It's understandable to use /stuck every 10 games because of bugs. It's not OK to use it every single game and multiple times at that.

Edited by UberDuberSoldat
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something needs to be done although i dont necessarily agree with the OP. But something has to be done. its stupid that something as simple as this is once again affecting warzones. Bioware just can't get pvp right at all.
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  • 9 months later...

For anyone who justifies using this for any reason other than legitimately being stuck, your wrong, and your part of the problem. Stop exploiting it and be part of the solution *gets off soapbox*


That said, I've been PvP'ing a long time, and I don't know if I've ever actually been stuck in a WZ. Maybe once or twice in all the matches I've played. They could just disable it completely for all I care. I'd rather have to relog than let all the cheaters have their way. Maybe that's just my spiteful side, lol.

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