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Soooo.. GW2 is coming and you do nothing to keep the PvP-Players here?


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At this point lets be honest, SWTOR is not worth its subscription fee for a PvPer. Minor content updates every 4-5 months is not acceptable. If you are a casual PvPer, why not play GW2? You basically get a game where your gear doesnt matter and you dont have to pay a subscription fee. Whereas with SWTOR you pay $15 thats supposed to cover new content, except there isnt any.


Had they held their promise of consisnently releasing high quality content, i do believe the game would not only retain a great many more subscribers but also attract new ones.


This. GW2 won't cost me anything more than the initial purchase, and it's PvP content and game engine are both superior to SWTOR. It will serve me well as something to play until a better game is released.

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This. GW2 won't cost me anything more than the initial purchase, and it's PvP content and game engine are both superior to SWTOR. It will serve me well as something to play until a better game is released.[/


GW2 doesn't have the pve but it runs so much better and I won't have to heal while stuck flat on the ground in a hardmode and having a party members map being stuck.

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I played all 3 beta weekends and the pvp players will not return. The pvp in GW2 as well as the art and smoothness of the game is amazing. Nice try though :D


I give it a month before people get bored. Believe it or not people like gear grinds. Those who don't really are in the minority here. GW2 doesn't have any type of gear grind or any incentive at all really. People will play it then get bored because there is no goal. It's the same reason everyone "claims" they want open world pvp but then no one actually does open world pvp when its readily available. They don't have any incentive so they don't actually care. So yeah...I give GW2 a month before the "new shine" wears off and people go to the next new game.

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I give it a month before people get bored. Believe it or not people like gear grinds. Those who don't really are in the minority here. GW2 doesn't have any type of gear grind or any incentive at all really. People will play it then get bored because there is no goal. It's the same reason everyone "claims" they want open world pvp but then no one actually does open world pvp when its readily available. They don't have any incentive so they don't actually care. So yeah...I give GW2 a month before the "new shine" wears off and people go to the next new game.


I agree. All complaining aside, people like it when they get something shiny every once in a while. And while I give a month for people to get bored, I give 3 weeks at most for the QQ to flood in GW2 forums about there is nothing to do in GW2 PVP.

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OMG the sky is falling because a new MMO that no one cares about is on the horizon!


Seriously? Saw the same type of threads when D3 came out. Some left for "greener pastures" but soon discovered that D3 has no long term playability. Have fun with GW2 for the 2 weeks that you're there.




Um most people were saying D3 AND GW2....and they(myself included) have been saying it since february/march. I said, "This game doesn't stand a chance with D3 and GW2 on the horizon." I said that in March. Before D3 was released there was a steady 50-60 people on the fleet. 2 weeks after D3 was released my server was down to 10-20. D3 DID have an impact on this games subs. Even if the people who left didn't stay in D3, they did NOT come back here....


100+servers to 12. Yep everything's fine.

It's one thing to like the game. It's another thing to be ignorant of the facts and the fact of the matter is this game is near dead. You can already see a huge drop off of people who returned for the server transfers.

Thinking GW2 won't have a large effect is ridiculous.

Edited by Synxos
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I give it a month before people get bored. Believe it or not people like gear grinds. Those who don't really are in the minority here. GW2 doesn't have any type of gear grind or any incentive at all really. People will play it then get bored because there is no goal. It's the same reason everyone "claims" they want open world pvp but then no one actually does open world pvp when its readily available. They don't have any incentive so they don't actually care. So yeah...I give GW2 a month before the "new shine" wears off and people go to the next new game.



grind =/= Fun for most people

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woo Gw2! i dont care what bioware does with this game i am going to be really happy on august 25th!! yay!


bioware could pay me 1 million dollars and i still wouldn't play this game.


edit: thought about it, actually I would just subscribe and lie and tell them im playing, but secretly play GW2 all day. and spend the 1 million on an ultimate gaming setup

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Firstly I'm not really a big PvP player. But even I can see that BW doesn't really give a **** about PvP.


That's not the end of the world though they become more upfront about it. Is the PvP the most balanced on the market? Not really. Is it unbalanced? Honestly, this whole FotM thing has been blown out of proportion.


Does GW2 have better PvP? From what I've seen so far yes. Do I think the PvP only players will leave? Quite a few will. But it's been clear from the beginning that this is a PvE focused game - one which lacks challenging PvE content (Either give us the revamped Nightmare EV/KP, NIghtmare EC or Terror from Beyond:mad:). If SWTOR rolled PvE content (FPs and Ops) out faster - and without a ton of bugs - they'd be doing pretty well in regards to PvE. In regards to PvP.... I almost think they want to make the PvP only players leave, as if they dislike people who play MMOs only for PvP. I am crazy for thinking this:confused:

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I give it a month before people get bored. Believe it or not people like gear grinds. Those who don't really are in the minority here. GW2 doesn't have any type of gear grind or any incentive at all really. People will play it then get bored because there is no goal. It's the same reason everyone "claims" they want open world pvp but then no one actually does open world pvp when its readily available. They don't have any incentive so they don't actually care. So yeah...I give GW2 a month before the "new shine" wears off and people go to the next new game.


.. Huh? WvWvW has TONS of progression and not only gear focused.. Also where is the progression in SWTor? You call a bad gear grind progression O_o ?

Edited by Fyda
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I found GW2s pvp addictive and much more skill based in comparison to swtor. I absolutely loved playing GW2 and will not miss this failed game at all on 8/25.


Have fun in your "preseason" with 4 mini wz maps. I'll be playing real ranked server vs. server pvp.

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.. Huh? WvWvW has TONS of progression and not only gear focused.. Also where is the progression in SWTor? You call a bad gear grind progression O_o ?


GW2's "progression" isn't exactly anything special. And it's WvWvW turned into zerg groups avoiding each other. I was in one big fight throughout the entire weekend and that was nothing but an aoe spam. If you were melee you were useless. Every other time it was groups avoiding each other going for the pve stuff.

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I was one of those players who, about 1 months ago would have said, damn gw2, so many ppl will leave for this game but i dont want to play it, i want to play the role of a healer and i cant do that there.....


and now? well now my swtor account is paid for 4 weeks more, cancelled.


I defended that game really for a very long time against those saying it doesnt offer any endgame. Levelling was really cool, and i really think this game is primary for people who just want to do that, play many characters, and play their story. People who don't care much about PvP and people who don't wanna do raids on a regular basis. Because for all the others it is boring. I mean who really cares about a new companion, thats nothing that gives you a long time play experience. the Operations are boring and most of all, much too easy. I dont know how serious PVE players could say this is a PVE game. Its maybe a "story or levelling or roleplaying" game but not for PVE in terms of raids. Not mentioning PvP. Yes when i go in a Warzone with guildmates it is fun, but thats all i do in Swtor at the moment, and paying monthly for just this is a bit a waste of money when you can start a new game, having a new experience, that doesnt cost anything per month. And no i can't play both because you cant give more games the sort of attention that is needed to be able to progress or improve yourself when your time is limited.


So i played on BWE3 last weekend and i really liked it. for me, only knowing WoW and SWTOR better, the pve-leveling design was so new and fresh. In this game i really dont wanna rush till max lvl but enjoy the leveling process, and the best is, i can still take part in WvWvW and sPvP. I liked the crafting system, i like the developing options for guilds......


Yes,We will see how long the PvP'ler will like GW2, but i am sure that even if they don't they won't come back to SWTOR. If you leave a game once, you hardly ever return because you leave it for a reason.

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GW2's "progression" isn't exactly anything special. And it's WvWvW turned into zerg groups avoiding each other. I was in one big fight throughout the entire weekend and that was nothing but an aoe spam. If you were melee you were useless. Every other time it was groups avoiding each other going for the pve stuff.


Not really. Every class has access to ranged weapon. WvWvW will be based on fast and stealthy attacks on unprotected bases with a small group (tons of fun with Guildies and TS3). Big fights will happen and they are fun.

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And at your last point.. they've failed miserably already go play your bad game with all the other bad's.


And you keep playing your terrible game with the most broken pvp in years- there's not a single top end pvp guild or reviewer that'll currently say good things about TOR's pvp, because there is not a single point where TOR's pvp is enjoyable or competitive- it is a flat out grind with no substance. The pvp dev team has yet to defend any decisions with anything other than 'metrics say so'.


Funny you should say GW2 is failing at competitive pvp- when TOR not only has ranked pvp that has next to nobody queuing for it- but ranked pvp that has no real ELO system that works, and best of all- were talking about having non-premades enter into the ranked premade queue whenever the premade queue wasn't popping.


We could go on about their balancing, and what they did with Ilum- but overall, 1.2 and beyond has been nothing but awful decision making- and subs have bled out since.


BW is talking F2P, and at this rate we're going to see it before 2013.

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I found GW2s pvp addictive and much more skill based in comparison to swtor. I absolutely loved playing GW2 and will not miss this failed game at all on 8/25.


Have fun in your "preseason" with 4 mini wz maps. I'll be playing real ranked server vs. server pvp.


Actually takes way less skills to play GW2 i know i'm in beta. But what will make GW2 better is that PvP

is not based on stunlocking from hell and a gear grind from hell.And Arenat net actually support PvP unlike here.

WvW the first month will be alot of fun yes becauwe players can jump right into it wothout grinding gear for months first.

But on the servers there is no dualing or world pvp. No trinity.So it's not just bioware who faild on delivering dualing to social hubs etc.But as i said Arena net actually cares about supporting pvp something they dont do here and thats

a big thing alone.

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Yes you asked the question "Who says we only have to play one game?" a question that clearly suggests that people play more than one game.


This is your own individual experience. Some people may also play more than one game. But this does not mean that everyone does. Some people only play one game.


Who is more likely to play multiple games? People who a lot of free time, as stated in my original response. People without much free time are less likely to play multiple games.


Once again, you you asked the question "Who says we only have to play one game?" a question that clearly suggests that people play more than one game.

Now you are stating that some people are likely to play one game, the one they enjoy most.


So once again, what was the point of your question? You are suggesting that people play more than one game, and then admitting that some people will only play one game.


Do I have to spell it out for you?


There are people who play more than one game, and there are also people who will only play one game. BOTH of these things are facts.


According to you, casual PvPers are only ever going to play 1 game and if they do they should play the free one because it's free.


My point is that the people who can and want to play more than one game will, while the people who can't will play the one they want to play; not the cheapest game just because they're casual players. Just because they're casual players doesn't mean they can't afford the game of their choice. I'm not sure what you don't understand.

Edited by DimeStax
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Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.................. No.


GW2 pvp takes no more skill than any other mmo. Those of you who think gear makes a massive difference will still get trashed in GW2 and will always find something to cry about being "OP."

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GW2 pvp takes no more skill than any other mmo. Those of you who think gear makes a massive difference will still get trashed in GW2 and will always find something to cry about being "OP."


The act of knowing when and what too dodge already raises the skill ceiling so much higher then "other mmo's".

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Bioware dont support PvP in any way. If they did we would be happy players.

And so many would not have left.


This is really the issue. GW2 is a PvP game...period. SWTOR is a PvE game with a PvP sideshow. The PvP community has been treated like garbage since the launch of this game. Of course, they are looking for something else.


Thing is, I will remain subbed to SWTOR, but mainly for the space stories and the fact that it's fun to play a jedi/sith. However, anyone that says they are satisfied with the gear grind, 4 WZs, and stun wars in this game is full of bantha poodoo. BW put all of their PvP emphasis on instanced play but can't even deliver on RWZs mainly because the matchmaking system is a complete disaster.


The combat in SWTOR is fun. That's why I still PvP here. However, the rest is played out and tired. We need at least 3-5 more WZs of varying team constitutions (6v6 death match, 12v12, 15v15), some meaningful OPvP with guild based objectives, and a CC breaker with a reduced cooldown (say to 45 secs). Those additions/changes would breathe life back into the PvP in this game. Right now it has no soul.


GW2 will be a welcome change and fun companion to this game.

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