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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Soooo.. GW2 is coming and you do nothing to keep the PvP-Players here?


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I never implied what I said to be a fact, and neither should you. It is not true for everyone. I find it quite cute that you told me that not everyone does the same thing as me (my point was that everyone is different); and then try to say it's a fact in your case.


If your point was that everyone is different, why bother responding to my post stating that you play more than one game and thus suggesting that my assertion was false as a result? Did i say that no one with little free time plays more than one game? I did not. This leaves my post ambiguous but short of a generalization. Later i clarified that people with little free time are less likely to play more than one game.


I find it 'cute' that you apparently fail to understand english and make assumptions where they are not warranted.

Edited by Gidoru
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The thing that amazes me, is I can do WvWvW PvP against and with literally hundreds of players with NO lag in GW2 beta (beta being the word), yet 16 players in a Voidstar match on a game that's been out over 6 months and I'm lagging like my computer is from 1991. Maybe you should have hired some of Arena Net's developers, they really know how to code a game engine.


After playing the final GW2 Beta Weekend as much as I like Star Wars, I will not being staying / paying for swtor, it's not worth the sub. GW2 has opened my eyes to a number of things. Structured PvP (warzones) with NO gear grind and open world PvP that does not involve scrapping over a handful of armaments in the middle of a map...*cough* ilum.

Edited by Archaar
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So....... essentially you make a remark that people play more than one game. And now you are suggesting that people will only play one game, the one that they like best?


Way to contradict yourself.


Honestly what point are you trying to make?


Man, this guy is dumb as ****, how do you not understand what DimeStax is trying to say?


People are capable of enjoying more than one game, HOWEVER people will tend to spend more time on the one they enjoy the most, whether there is a subscription fee or not.


Don't want to pay a subscription fee because you only have several hours a week? then don't pay a *********** subscription fee.

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OMG the sky is falling because a new MMO that no one cares about is on the horizon!


Seriously? Saw the same type of threads when D3 came out. Some left for "greener pastures" but soon discovered that D3 has no long term playability. Have fun with GW2 for the 2 weeks that you're there.



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Seriously, this doesn't come close to the joy I experianced in the GW2 betas. The imballences, and no real world PvP, 4 warzones, compaired to how many different flashpoints? Bw didn't design this game around PvP, GW2 on the otherhand was designed specifically to cater to PvP mmo fans.

I can't imagine that I will continue being frustrated with this when I have the chance to play a sub free game.

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How about some balance changes? How about structured PvP for 1-49? How about a reworked Ilum? How about some change to current Warzones to make them less zergy and more objective based? How about Arena? How about a possibility to make Tournaments? How about a freaking duel zone on the fleet?


I mean, the fight isn't lost, GW2 isn't Star Wars and not everyone will enjoy the combat in it, so go Bioware? I mean, it seems that Bioware is doing nothing atm to keep the PvP-Players here.


Thanks for reading!


The highlighted is exactly why i'll be staying here.


Have fun playing another fantasy POS.

Edited by TKMaster
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/facepalm at 92.47% of the posts in this thread


Why are you hyping up a game that hasn't been released yet? Did the SWTOR launch teach you nothing about waiting for the game to actually release before passing judgement on it? It is the same, blind fanboy-ism that flooded other gaming forums before the SWTOR release. Beta doesn't mean anything, people in the SWTOR beta were telling everyone it was going to be the be-all-end-all MMO that will die for our sins and deliver us to gaming Nirvana. We saw the same hype with TERA and D3 and both of them failed as hard (if not worse) than SWTOR and I have a sinking suspicion that GW2 will follow suit.


Don't get me wrong, I want more quality games on the market. I'll play whatever I find more entertaining and the competition generated by the competing games only means more quality content for the players. I just find it highly ironic that the main reason people dislike SWTOR is because it did not live up to expectations, so they move to another game, set their expectations ridiculously high again and repeat the process.

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And? What does that have to do with the price of milk?

Give me some of the stuff you're smoking!


Anyway in no way does the succesor to a game that sold 6 million copies mean that no one wants gw2. And comparing it to the situation pre diablo 3 is so wrong that i dont even know where to start .........



/facepalm at 92.47% of the posts in this thread


Why are you hyping up a game that hasn't been released yet? Did the SWTOR launch teach you nothing about waiting for the game to actually release before passing judgement on it? It is the same, blind fanboy-ism that flooded other gaming forums before the SWTOR release. Beta doesn't mean anything, people in the SWTOR beta were telling everyone it was going to be the be-all-end-all MMO that will die for our sins and deliver us to gaming Nirvana. We saw the same hype with TERA and D3 and both of them failed as hard (if not worse) than SWTOR and I have a sinking suspicion that GW2 will follow suit.


Swtor beta players werent exactly singing the good praise. People who dared to say anything where mostly negative and some people where so fanatic to hide the bad state of the beta back then, that I've seen people joining quite famous gaming forums to remember everyone about the NDA. But yeah after playing the gw2 beta for 200 hours i can safely say that indeed gw2 wont be for everyone, not because its bad but because its a different take on pvp.

Edited by kyube
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/facepalm at 92.47% of the posts in this thread


Why are you hyping up a game that hasn't been released yet? Did the SWTOR launch teach you nothing about waiting for the game to actually release before passing judgement on it? It is the same, blind fanboy-ism that flooded other gaming forums before the SWTOR release. Beta doesn't mean anything, people in the SWTOR beta were telling everyone it was going to be the be-all-end-all MMO that will die for our sins and deliver us to gaming Nirvana. We saw the same hype with TERA and D3 and both of them failed as hard (if not worse) than SWTOR and I have a sinking suspicion that GW2 will follow suit.


Don't get me wrong, I want more quality games on the market. I'll play whatever I find more entertaining and the competition generated by the competing games only means more quality content for the players. I just find it highly ironic that the main reason people dislike SWTOR is because it did not live up to expectations, so they move to another game, set their expectations ridiculously high again and repeat the process.


Give this man an award, you pretty much hit the nail on the head.


Every coming MMO is the coming of Christ that's supposed to deliver us to a higher plane of gaming but none have done it yet, the same thing will happen when the elder scroll MMO comes out, it will be hyped to high hell and back, then wont deliver the expectations that it was hyped up to be, then the same thing will happen to the next MMO after, and the one after that, and the one after that one, for ****s sake pick a game, decide if you love or hate it and move on if you hate it, quit clogging up forums with useless doomsaying and negativity, you dont like a game move on.



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I suspect maybe I am not alone in this, but I like SWTOR. Its not great, but its decent and it has the whole SW lore aspect. What I find lacking is the end game "to-do's" and its not really BW's fault, they built their game around a story from 1-49 (well i guess it is their fault actually) and now they need to figure out what they will do with the 50+. I will likely stick around for awhile for that...but not forever. I firmly believe we saw legacy system so early vs. Fixing the end game debacle because it stalled the situation. Legacy gives you a reason to not focus on the end game and instead roll alts. After awhile though, the stories lose luster and your left repeating stale and broken content. Enter GW2.


Its a different approach that may or may not work. It isn't based on the same played out leveling style other games we have use. What it does offer though is an end game promise in WvWvW pvp. That alone got me to pre-purchase. Not to mention the game engine runs way better on my POS laptop than this game ever did.


So, for me, when GW2 releases I will play both games. SWOTOR basically just buying time until something meaningful is done with post 50 content. I only have so much time and attention to spare for games though so eventually one will win out. At this point, pre-release, its way too soon to tell. I know quite a few friends in RL that are doing exactly the same as me and I suspect we are not alone. Y'all can bash the OP, and me, all you want, but there is a portion of the population here that really likes open world, strategic epic pvp battles. Like it or not, if this game doesn't have it and others do we will probably go play those games. You can say good riddance, but remember that if the servers start turning to ghost towns again. That situation only happens if the game isn't living up to expectations.


Summary: this game is good, but is it interesting enough to beat out a flashy new game with a better end game promise? Who knows, maybe GW2 will be extremely boring. We will find out soon though.

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/facepalm at 92.47% of the posts in this thread


Why are you hyping up a game that hasn't been released yet? Did the SWTOR launch teach you nothing about waiting for the game to actually release before passing judgement on it? It is the same, blind fanboy-ism that flooded other gaming forums before the SWTOR release. Beta doesn't mean anything, people in the SWTOR beta were telling everyone it was going to be the be-all-end-all MMO that will die for our sins and deliver us to gaming Nirvana. We saw the same hype with TERA and D3 and both of them failed as hard (if not worse) than SWTOR and I have a sinking suspicion that GW2 will follow suit.


Don't get me wrong, I want more quality games on the market. I'll play whatever I find more entertaining and the competition generated by the competing games only means more quality content for the players. I just find it highly ironic that the main reason people dislike SWTOR is because it did not live up to expectations, so they move to another game, set their expectations ridiculously high again and repeat the process.



The difference between GW2 and SWTOR TERA, and D3 is GW2 is pay once, play forever. SWTOR has a sub, and so did TERA. You can say D3 didn't have a sub, but the game also was not an MMO.


On a side note, GW2 is being built to be as competitive as possible. The PVP devs want to build the game to be an eSport.

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i remember a lot of similar posts just a while back, when was it... Oh right.. TERA. People were claiming TERA would just make SWTOR F2P. and you know what happened to TERA? Haha.. HAHAHAHAHAH..HAHAHAAAH


This, was same with D3.... trololol @ that.

Next is GW2Fail


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i remember a lot of similar posts just a while back, when was it... Oh right.. TERA. People were claiming TERA would just make SWTOR F2P. and you know what happened to TERA? Haha.. HAHAHAHAHAH..HAHAHAAAH


People who where claiming that, where mentally unstable..... A niche south korean mmo filled with loli's and effeminate men, yeah that will totally get 1 million+ subscribers!

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The difference between GW2 and SWTOR TERA, and D3 is GW2 is pay once, play forever. SWTOR has a sub, and so did TERA. You can say D3 didn't have a sub, but the game also was not an MMO.


On a side note, GW2 is being built to be as competitive as possible. The PVP devs want to build the game to be an eSport.


And at your last point.. they've failed miserably already go play your bad game with all the other bad's.

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I really hope that either GW2 or SWTOR pull out on the end, cuz it would suck if it didnt. I see both sides of the fence here. Both have pro's and con's.

1.GW2 is extremely cheaper than SWTOR. I could buy the game and play forever, (About $60) Or i can buy swtor and pay a half year sub ($130+)

2. I dont know how the devs for GW2 will be with their community, but the devs for swtor are totally anti community

3.SWTOR has a better pve but i have yet to judge if GW2 will be any good with its pvp.


But think of it this way. Its like buying an xbox game that is constantly being updated

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And at your last point.. they've failed miserably already go play your bad game with all the other bad's.


And yet, swtor pvp is somehow a succes? You must be on of those fotm warriors running around in the last bwe getting destroyed by my necro(which where sadly underpowered according to the anet devs.)

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And at your last point.. they've failed miserably already go play your bad game with all the other bad's.



Yeah cause swtor is such an amazing game with so many thriving subscribers. Game is practically dead, and a lot people want to on to a game with devs that are focusing on pvp. And how did they fail on the pvp aspect on the game? Have you even seen the combat in the game? Do you even know how it works? I can already assume you know absolutely nothing about the game with your post with zero creditability.

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