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Official Q&A Thread for July 27th Blog Post


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Before the game was released, it was said that same sex relationships with our companions will be added in a patch shortly after release.

Is this still going to happen and if it is: when?


My Sith Warrior needs her Vette :D

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Last Q&A Austin shared his vision of the role that Deception Assasins plays the game. What about Sages? Are Sages where the developers want them PvP-wise? Talking about PvP class design, isnt "kiting" as a "buy time survivability" being overated in a game where you got a lot of 4 second hard stuns, grapples, slows and roots on short cooldowns, especially with a class that has very light armor, poor health scaling and no uncounterable defensive cooldowns? Edited by Laforet
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What decisions and/or limitations went into designing/using a character creation process that is lacking in the more granular options that are common to most MMORPGs... and is there a chance we'll see those options explored in the future?
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Given the recent rounds of layoffs at BioWare Austin, can we expect any sort of statement from the TOR team about the direction the game is going, future plans for content, etc?



When Legacy perks were introduced at the Guild Summit, they were announced as having a high credit cost OR being unlocked by hitting a certain legacy level. What is the reasoning behind the change from the announced implementation, to the current implementation (which requires both legacy level AND a high sum of credits)?

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How soon can we expect to see more character transfer options? Many of us that re-rolled to populated servers before the character transfers started now have high level characters on different destination servers.
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It's been a long time since we've had an update on the Same Gender Relationship (SGR) progress. We would greatly appreciate any information you can give us.


Are SGRs still planned?

Can you give us any hint about which companions would be available?

While we'd all like a specific date, anything, even a "soon" would be REALLY nice right now.


Thank you for all the hard work you do on SWTOR!

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In a recent interview, when Daniel Erickson was asked whether the Yuuzhan Vong would make an appearance in SWTOR, his answer was simply "No". The Yuuzhan Vong have actually been encountered at times during this period but not on a massive scale, either with just one of their creatures or an individual. Can we at least expect to see them appear in some form in the future? Edited by Vitas
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This is a multipart question. Can the warzone (both ranked and unranked) caps be increased/removed so that we can make fewer trips to the fleet? On that same note, can you change the PvP daily and weekly be remotely turned in (ie not have to go to fleet to get the rewards)? While fleet can be a great place to interact with other players, the constant trips do nothing but add time sinks. I miss the days in beta when you could not only accept, but turn in pvp quests on our ships and having GTN vendors on every planet. Fleet can still be a social hotspot without having to have to go there multiple times a day.
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It seems the Battlemaster gear is very specific when it comes to set bonuses. For example: I am a Jedi Shadow. I started getting dps Battlemaster gear. I then change my mind and switch to a tank spec half way through. Therefore I start getting the tank oriented Battlemaster gear for the rest of the slots. The set bonuses do not recognize the different spec'd types, even though all gear is Battlemaster. In addition, when purchasing War Hero gear, I can not use that Battlemaster dps chest piece to get the War Hero tank chest piece? I must grind more Warzone commendations to get the proper types of gear before I can get the correct War Hero gear for my current spec. Could this be revised to accept any type of Battlemaster chest piece for any type of War Hero chest piece? Or is this already in the works? Edited by xorcist
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I was wondering if a character name change option will be available. I was unaware of legacy during character creation and wanted to have a surname, now my name is incomprehensible and I would like to fix that
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Are there any plans to add a legacy tab to the player cargo hold, or are there plans for some other mechanism besides in game mail that would allow for the transfer of items between same legacy characters?


The concept I'm imagining is basically another cargo hold / bank tab (probably in the space on the right lower side of the cargo hold interface) and is a feature that could be purchased as a global legacy unlock. This additional tab would essentially allow players to move bound items from one character to another within a legacy.


I believe this feature would be especially helpful for maximizing the use of various end game items such commendation purchases (Tionese and Columi gear) and crafting schematics (it seems many of the bind on pickup schematics that drop in operations are passed over, the exception being biochem schematics).


Also, are there any plans to allow legacy wide consolidation of commendations and currency types?

Edited by Autechron
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hi you are planning to respec talent, as well as their storage, is uncomfortable when logged into it and you Flashpoints logs for the second spec. Then, the manager threw EQ, time consuming to swap off spec, also in the transition from PvE to PvP often happens to me all that are not passed as is to be
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I just recently came back to the game and I noticed that a lot of the head armor no longer shows up on my Miraluka character. I'm guessing this is because some of the bigger masks clip used to quite a bit. However, I chose the conservative "metal sunglasses" style mask for my character & it's not much bigger than the cyborg implants that also resemble sunglasses (which can still wear any helm and have it show up). Will this ever be addressed again? I'd like to wear my Karagga's Unyeilding Helm again someday.
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There is a widespread belief in the PvP community that PvP tanking sets should be avoided even for players in tanking specs. The rationale is that these sets sacrifice a lot of dps for very little gains in survivability due to defense mechanics (Critical hits cannot be shielded, Tech and Force attacks cannot be shielded or avoided, etc.). Are the PvP tanking sets working as intended? If not, are there any plans to revamp either the sets in question or the defense mechanics?
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