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Ea tells Raptr that they are considering f2p


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What is this the reincarnation of Smokejumper? EQ2 brought in F2P up to a point and a cash shop and at first i thought "Ok this was inevitable" but now looking back they could of had many of those items for drops in CONTENT that was never there because they made people happy with fluff,they lost alot of people too.


I dont want to be part of a F2P game,and i really dont care for cash shops either,i want CONTENT and drops from that material or faction,Valor,social etc not a 10$ Pod Speeder.

Edited by Sathid
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In fact, they were and are inspecting different f2p models.


The surveys of "would you pay this much for: " were fishing to see how much they could ask "loyal" players to pay for items without putting them off too much when they open up the cash shop.


So that survey was indeed correct?


Looks like I'm staying in Azeroth then and play as a Panda.

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EA / Bioware know if they go F2P there going to lose a big chunk of there subscriber base.... Now if numbers drop below 500k mark which is the number Bioware has said they need to keep the game going then I can see them going F2P to try and save the game, after all what do they have to lose, either go F2P or close the game down....


But if the numbers stay around a million subscribers I believe it will stay with its current subscription model.

Edited by Monoth
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God I wish Bioware wasn't EA's pawn. EA is the devil, and the CEO is the devils advocate.


Exactly my thought.


I don't blame Bioware for this mess at all.


I blame EA for rushing out the game before it was clearly ready.


If they would have released the game in May ( 2 months ago), they would have had time to fix most of the problems, and added in most of the post launch features.


Instead, EA got greedy and released so they could get the Holiday Sales.

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Can you tell me this weeks winning lottery numbers while you're still at your crystal ball?


Well if you cant already read between the lines.. why should anyone else help you out... why do you think paid transfers were held back, why do you think Legacy perks were priced so high, why do you think your unable to take your toon names/ legavy names across server.. heck why do you think you cant change names period!... because they all have a real $ value.. the foundations have already been cleverly (or not so) laid into the game.... if you choose to play blind then F2P will always be a shock to you..

Those of us that can already see it don't fear it.. we understand the game begins to change to one of .. do I or don't I... the only downside I have ever seen with F2P is that the general gaming community begins to dilute as it becomes more and more accessable to young children etc... but then SWTOR hardly has a vibrant player base presently anyway... and as many players dont utilise voice in game its hardly gunna be more than a /ignore issue if such a community ibegins to breed anyway.

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Exactly my thought.


I don't blame Bioware for this mess at all.


I blame EA for rushing out the game before it was clearly ready.


If they would have released the game in May ( 2 months ago), they would have had time to fix most of the problems, and added in most of the post launch features.


Instead, EA got greedy and released so they could get the Holiday Sales.


Can't blame EA for everything, Bioware didn't even have a group finder on there to do list, hell they didn't even have a simple Global Chat which would of allowed people to form groups a lot easier, instead they thought people should sit on the space station and wait hours for groups to form.... Bioware made a lot of stupid decisions and it cost them.... including there major fail on the open world pvp on ilum... And the oh so boring static dailies that make you want to flush yourself out the airlock after you have done them a gazillion times.... Dailies should of been Open world Public Quests with dynamic content, not a static boring linear quest.....


Sorry but you can't put all the blame on EA, Bioware Dev's wore horse blinders while making this game which lead to some really bad design decisions. There's a reason why there all getting fired now...

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EA is vermin that should be exterminated. They kill every franchise. Every single one. They're almost as bad as activision. Free to play is a disease to the MMO world. Personally, i blame the Koreans. If the South was taken over by the North about 10 years ago before they infected the MMO World with their garbage system it wouldn't be a problem, although then there would be the Greater Korean Republic from that horrible, horrible shooter game. Edited by Feeblezak
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Can't blame EA for everything, Bioware didn't even have a group finder on there to do list, hell they didn't even have a simple Global Chat which would of allowed people to form groups a lot easier, instead they thought people should sit on the space station and wait hours for groups to form.... Bioware made a lot of stupid decisions and it cost them.... including there major fail on the open world pvp on ilum... And the oh so boring static dailies that make you want to flush yourself out the airlock after you have done them a gazillion times.... Dailies should of been Open world Public Quests with dynamic content, not a static boring linear quest.....


Sorry but you can't put all the blame on EA, Bioware Dev's wore horse blinders while making this game which lead to some really bad design decisions. There's a reason why there all getting fired now...


Honestly, they didn't need a group finder for the first few months because of the community on each server.




Since end game was lacking, people decided to leave TOR, so finding groups became harder.


If EA didn't rush this game out, I would bet that Bioware would have made end game more fun, would have made Open World PVP more inciting.

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Can't blame EA for everything, Bioware didn't even have a group finder on there to do list, hell they didn't even have a simple Global Chat which would of allowed people to form groups a lot easier, instead they thought people should sit on the space station and wait hours for groups to form.... Bioware made a lot of stupid decisions and it cost them.... including there major fail on the open world pvp on ilum... And the oh so boring static dailies that make you want to flush yourself out the airlock after you have done them a gazillion times.... Dailies should of been Open world Public Quests with dynamic content, not a static boring linear quest.....


Sorry but you can't put all the blame on EA, Bioware Dev's wore horse blinders while making this game which lead to some really bad design decisions. There's a reason why there all getting fired now...


Most of the Bioware employees are people put in by EA. Theres only a handful of good writers and content developers around anymore.

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as the title says ea's ceo has admitted that they plan on considering f2p in a interview with raptr


Meh... They would be crazy to "not" consider changing TOR to an F2P hybrid. P2P is looking more and more like a dying breed these days. In fact I'm still surprised that WAR is still P2P. If any game would be a prime candidate for F2P, its that one.

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When *notice I don't say if*, this happens our entire guild will be leaving this game. I have defended this game for months, reminding folks how bad wow was for the first year it was out. But F2P ends it for me.


I hope the investors at Bioware can reassert some authority so that it doesn't go down in flames.

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Meh... They would be crazy to "not" consider changing TOR to an F2P hybrid. P2P is looking more and more like a dying breed these days. In fact I'm still surprised that WAR is still P2P. If any game would be a prime candidate for F2P, its that one.




If you mean Warhammer Online that already has a free option. If you mean World of Warcraft then about half its players are not strictly speaking paying a sub either. The China servers use a pay-for-access system (60 something hours of play for $4-5 dollars from memory).

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all i ask is that when it does go f2p. keep a subscription model as a option as well.


i have played many f2p games over the years, and to stay geared and be a contributing raider in most of them you need to spend more than the monthly 15 dollars that subs charge


for example, in allods online. to even be accepted into raids, you have to spend 200 dollars PER CHARACTER to increase your stats in the cash shop.. not to mention every mount is ONLY available for purchase from the cash shop for the modest price (i jest on the modest part) of 15 dollars per mount and 5 dollars per mount skin.


i greatly prefer a sub model, which is why i curently pay monthly for lotro, dcuo, as well as swtor instead of using these f2p models these games offer


I alluded to this earlier but if you are paying a subscription in a so-called free to play model you are essentially paying so the "freeloaders" don't have have to pay a cent. Further, what you get for that $15 (or whatever the sub fee would be) per month will be far less then if you only paid the sub fee and there was no "free" side item shop.


Again, I will not play SWTOR if it goes so-called "f2p"....will not pay....will not play for free....will not pay for someone else to do so either.

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If it goes f2p they'd require a much better anti-hacking system, better reporting and help, also they'd have to provide actual enforcement on different server types.


Like you know, RP being RP and not just another PvE.

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Free to play isnt free but its not the devil many say it is. ;)


Your correct as long as you are paying the Equivalent of a sub, F2P is fine...Which kinda defeats the object.


And anybody knows what F2P means, You pay $15 a month and get access to everything and Store points each month.


You play for free, you get the devils grind to earn tokens and pay your sub like that, all good if you have 10 hours a day to do it.


Either way you pay, there is no such thing as FREE to play in any MMO. Unless its either 20 years old or the game is extremely limited in its Online capabilities, IE: COD, COH, which are technically Free to play online, after you buy the game.

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what sad is this is nothing but an example of the ignorance of this gaming community. They are half quotes taken out of context talking about the game being free to level 15.



But then again these "media" outlets feed on the ignorance of readers to provide the response the OP did

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as the title says ea's ceo has admitted that they plan on considering f2p in a interview with raptr


if this goes thru i will def be leaving swtor. i love the game but i do not wish to deal with the constant trolling that comes along with a f2p model, and hope that they still keep a sub model for there LOYAL customers



I love all these links to unknown, unheard of online sites that are just bloggers..... The F2P was the 15 levels, yet all these bloggers love to twist it around and say it means EVERYTHING is going F2P... and my favorite the anonymous Bioware employee who says "yes it true its going F2P"...... Believe what you want, but until they officially announce it it's all speculation and rumors and nothing else..

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