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Everything posted by Kerwynn

  1. With the F2P model having been announced, I (as a guild leader) am hanging onto what was a thriving guild by my fingertips. Most of our high end raiders see no reason to keep playing and working on gear when most EA f2p models have become pay to win models. I know they are promising all manner of supposed limitations on f2p but the reality is simple. If it s not profitable to keep those limits, then it will change. The guild is talking about what game to go to and at this point we are all here for another month at least but then most likely will be returning to WoW. I honestly don't know how much longer our guild will survive in the game.
  2. sighs..... Now I need to find another game. I am so sorry you took what could have been a great game and failed it.
  3. Sadly, When *notice I don't say if*, this happens our entire guild will be leaving this game. I have defended this game for months, reminding folks how bad wow was for the first year it was out. But F2P ends it for me. I hope the investors at Bioware can reassert some authority so that it doesn't go down in flames.
  4. At least 8 more in order to enjoy both republic and sith story lines.
  5. Hi all, I decided the scoundrel healer looked like a great play with potentially a great amount of utility. I already have a sentinel as a main and leveled a dps sage up (ton of fun!). BUT My healy scoundrel is now 30 and the leveling just c r a w l s. I can keep my companion alive no problem, but it is sooooooo slow. Am I just spoiled or am I flat just doing it wrong. I don't know a single scoundrel in game to ask (they are all sabs or sab/slingers). I am using the tree from the sticky guide here. I seem to do nothing but shoot a little to keep energy rolling, toss a vital shot now and again (keep the bleed up), toss a bomb to knock down the normals (then kill them( while my companion takes on the strong/elite. Interrupts on elite stuffs when they cast and then wait...... till the mob dies. So my approach is: 1. Target mob from distance, send companion 2. hot companion 2x for upper hand 3. stun/kill adds while switching back and forth to heal companion with kolto pack 4. heal companion while keeping vital shot up on boss. (underworld medicine usually) 5. manage my energy throughout to keep at/above 60 Please critique, call me crazy (but nicely please!) and if this is the right approach, I will just suck it up and keep leveling like I am! Thanks all
  6. BUT..... I do not want to be forced into pugs because there is a lack of spawn vs the population. I do not want to pug. If I wanted to pug, I wouldn't have a guild that is active like ours is. I do not want to be forced into a play style. I can solo the content just fine and actually enjoy that solo experience. The fact you can get pugs faster is nice for those who could not get groups before. I have a group, I don't want to be forced to group with people just because there are not enough spawns to go around. That is unreasonable. So your argument is that, I should be happy to be forced into pugs I don't want to be in so that I can finally quest although I don't need a group to quest? no, just no
  7. So I have been posting about the extreme over population of Harbringer server a my reason for believing this will impact subscriber continuation. How did Bioware respond? They added two new servers to transfer to Harbringer. So a warning for all of you thinking of transferring. As long as you have zero desire to quest out in the world and you are completely happy doing PVP or Ops only, it is a great server. If you want to do world content, make new characters and level them up, Harbringer will break your gaming heart.
  8. As an armchair quarterback and a very long time gamer and project manager, I can see a ton of mistakes Bioware made that I would have warned them about. Mostly content issues as players eat content about as fast as good chocolate chip cookies fresh from the oven go down. That has always been the issue facing game companies. WoW set the standard gamer expectation for content and although most seem NOT to remember the very rocky start WoW had, Bioware had the opportunity to learn from those mistakes. For me, it isn't about content, although I want more. For me it is about now being stuck an a server so overpopulated I can no longer play except to do ops. That will not keep my craving going for long since farming raids is something I left wow over. I mean seriously, you can only run the same raid so many times before you would rather watch reruns of the Simpsons. I like world content, which is now unobtainable for me unless I wish to go out and camp like the rest are doing. No thank you... I can go back to wow and do that when MOP comes out (shudder).
  9. I don't think you are a fanboy, I think you are accurate. My issue is I love the game but can't play it due to extreme over population of our server. They fed EIGHT servers into our one and it is awful awful awful. I can't play, that is my issue. There are no mobs up to even kill. Other than OPS I cannot go out and enjoy the world stuff. So ya I am pretty frustrated.
  10. I think the game is in a great deal of trouble sadly. Content is just not coming quickly enough to keep players satisfied and we know that MMO gamers are voracious consumers of content. Most of the folks I started with completed all the content, hung around for a couple months hoping for more and finally gave up and left. The server transfers were excellent in theory, but awful in execution. Initially, the server I transferred to was great as we went to standard/full, then they added several more servers to it and now it has become so overpopulated that there are wait times to log in, not a single mob up most of the time and mob camping that is insane. We all avoid fleet as much as possible since with 350+ people (in two phases no less) on fleet the lag is so bad you can't move. I gave up even trying to level a new character since it takes me hours just to complete a small quest chain due to lack of quest mobs and items being available. I watched last night in the red light sector as 25 or so people picked a spawn spot and stood there killing one thing over and over to get a quest done. Terrible. Black hole is even worse. I understand growing pains, but this is not growing pains, this is poor planning. I am now fighting to keep our core raid group from just quitting in disgust. I am incredibly frustrated that so much work went into building our guild and defending this game to people who bad mouth it, only to watch it fall apart due to incredibly bad server balance (population). I must say our PVP'ers love it, but then that is all they do. They are not out trying to get the black hole dailies done. Please re-balance the servers with appropriate population/mob caps before more people leave. If enough people, quit out of frustration, you won't have to re-balance the servers tho.. hum...... Of course if it goes free to play, all of our guild is gone anyway so I guess none of it matters...
  11. I just spent 2 hours trying him with every companion I can find. I kill 17k health elites all the time, but this guy I can't get below half at level 38. I give up
  12. Hi all, I started with Sab simply because it made sense to my play style. I went out and read all the folks in the "know" and respec'd to those suggestions. HUGE mistake. Stuff I had been downing before I could barely kill. I LOVE SAB
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