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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Erickson talks: New Planet Makeb, Free to 15, tutorials and... the Yuuzhan Vong?


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“What we always say is, before the game came out it was our game. As soon as it launched, it became the community’s game,” Erickson added.


And yet they don't listen, reply, post, act on or seem to care... If it's ours why arn't you answering to us about all the balls ups, let downs and general state the game is in? (I think I know the answer, but what the hell, thought I'd try asking). :o


His quote can be taken as generic spin to deflect any blame if/when the game fails.


His final interview will be: "Well we really wanted the game to succeed and had a plan for success before launch, but clearly our uninformed community wanted something else, and when we gave it to them they just abandoned us."


You see this sorta things all the time from the talking heads on the news. :rolleyes:

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Another fluff patch to keep the 25 people left in the game playing...


Ya I am one of em, but hey GW2 is around the corner, flame all you want. Pretty soon with EA placing swtor in a fully F2P model, you will be able to buy all kinds of cool armor for your Hk-51!!!


Just know this , KH-51 will be a re-skinned Eric Jorgan...i.e same abilities with a different name..


Enjoy the fluff




Yeah, thanks spanky. Now go back to playing parchesi and leave the forums to those who actually want to have a valuable discussion about the game they enjoy even if you don't.

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Maybe some degree of content should be added to retcon/explain that 'odd' story of Canderous Ordo from the first old republic game? (
) If it wasn't supposed to reference Vong, then details of that event could be refined in a quest line/arc at some point.
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Is this why players at 50 look like predators and potato sacks and space samurais....

He says they wanted star wars feeling but as a hardcore star wars fan i dont have it....


To be fair, my jugg looks like a transformer not a samurai:D

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Hmm? Perhaps this means, players are gonna have to actually pay attention to get what they want or lose the HK-51 in a fight? If so good, people will QQ sure but they were warned.


You actually use to be able to kill off your companions, if you wanted to

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Well, he only said the Yuuzhan Vong won't appear as a third threat in the galaxy, but they might pop in as a non standard quest where you travel to different parts of the galaxy finding clues to some extragalactic species observing the galaxy and collecting information, if the hints made by Canderous in Kotor 1 and what the Vong agents say they seem to have observed the galaxy for quite some time. Would fit to bring the continuity together and bring some mystery into the universe. Don't say it's the Vong, just drop hints that the galaxy is being watched.
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Beta =/= game.


It was in, now its not. Why?


Its not in now because people dont like to be accountable for their own actions. Many people thought cool, I will kill my companion. Then they didnt find it so humorous when they couldnt craft anymore.

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On the Vong front, they could be added to the game as thier pre-Vong form. Seeing that they originated on the planet Zoma Sekot before loosing connection to the force and leaving the Galaxy. Zoma Sekot is a Planet in this Galaxy.


Just my two cents.

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I don't think the Mandos would work because they're "allied" with the empire atm, but maybe something like the Consortium(Empire at War) would work., which is like the hutt cartel but different.


I forgot what planet it was, but as a Sith Inquisitor , I helped one group of Mandalorians with their quests, and then the next group attacked me on sight and I had to help an imperial base fend them off and defeat them.


It was commented by a charactar in game that there were so many mandalorian clans it was hard to keep track of them all , and they all had different allegiences.


I think they've been set up to be everyon'es friend, and everyone's enemy.

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Not so. In Chiss space at around around 27,500 BBY on Csilla there was a human sleeper colony. "Though the Chiss were not widely known to the greater galaxy, examples of their technology were known to exist as far back as 3,951 BBY".


The Chiss were known by The Old Republics time. At the very least there is enough in the EU timeline and history that doesn't rule out the Chiss from being in the game at this time.


Nice direct quote from Wookiepedia there. It was added AFTER the Chiss were announced as a playable race in SWToR

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...The gear look thing is kinda lose-lose. People complain if the gear looks too much like the movies, and they complain if it doesn't look enough like the movies.

True, but my goodness, have you seen the Consular gear sets?? I think that's a rare occasion where EVERYONE agrees: they are horribly ugly. Especially the Rakata set. I feel like a demented Christmas Tree angel every time my character tries it on. First armor set in ANY MMO that actually manages to look more ridiculous than the Hunter's Giantstalker set from WoW. And I can't believe NO art designer had the sense to give SHADOWS (an acrobatic melee class) ONE gear set that looks like it would be used by an acrobatic melee type.

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“We’re not experimental Star Wars people,” Erickson explained. “We must have sat down and watched Empire Strikes Back every other day for months when we were putting this game together. We’re not trying to [add] samurai or… time travel


Read more: http://www.digitaltrends.com/gaming/star-wars-the-old-republics-lead-designer-talks-about-new-planets-free-to-play-and-the-yuuzhan-vong/#ixzz21UGgXjs1

Yeah sure.


First we have the water demon from Rift.


Then we have AoC nice set or was it a GI Joe Cobra disguise?


Now how about Pikachu cosplay in TOR?


Guess it wasn't enough, so let's proceed with Bioshok armor or was it a diving suit?


We also have the tentative of a Diablo look


Not to forget about the predator copy from alien versus predator movie.


Then was it a try to have splinter cell here?


Reminds me I saw that set somewhere too, anybody got clues?


Please don't forget the Voodoo feathered helmet with real brain texture on the back, bones and skulls included.


Was this can opener a poor try at a forest ninja?


These bracers and shoulder pads certainly don't look like getting some inspiration from Kendo training gear.


And finally If that helmet doesn't look like samurai, I might need new glasses...


Seems to me your local rental movie store labelled wrongly its SW movies.

The embarrassing part being you did not listen to people who kept telling you so...

Edited by Deewe
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I'm a big fan of the Vong *dodges rock* so I'd have been really pumped to see them make an appearance.


That said, I knew it was incredibly unlikely that it'd ever happen so I'm not too shocked. I don't mind retcons if they're for fairly minor details and they make for a more interesting experience. It'd be fun if one day they got a small mention, I doubt we'll see anything like a Flashpoint but maybe a short quest chain that implies they're out there.


Anywho, thanks for posting this I wouldn't have seen it otherwise. :jawa_biggrin:

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This does actually excite me for 1.4, its shaping up to be a kind of massive patch. The question is how.long will it take, I can't see it being added before October. Nightmare Denova still needs to go on the PTS and its to my understanding that it won't be part of 1.4, but before it?


So even if it came next week that means minimum like a month before 1.4 would hit pts, and would require a month of testing at least if not more. So yeah, I would actually guess a release date of October sometime for 1.4, but surely they have something in stock to combat GW2 release, maybe a dynamic event?

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Nice direct quote from Wookiepedia there. It was added AFTER the Chiss were announced as a playable race in SWToR


The 2nd part is taken from from this statement:

Though the Chiss were not widely known to the greater galaxy, examples of their technology were known to exist as far back as 3,951 BBY when samples of their charric weapons were being sold on the planet Onderon.


That references Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords and not SWTOR.

Edited by Arlbo_Nabbins
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Um. I don't think the Yuuzhan Vong made their appearance in the Star Wars galaxy until after the Thrawn trilogy, which was after the original trilogy, which would make adding them into this game erroneus. If I remember correctly, they came from another galaxy completely, and simply did not exist in this one until that time. Also, all the books and extended universe sucked when the Vong thing started.



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The Yuuzhan Vong have appeared at times during the Old Republic era, even once encountered by Canderous Ordo, just not on a massive scale like during the New Republic era. Had the author of the article mentioed about these small encounters before the events of SWTOR, we may've gotten a different answer than just "No" from Erickson.


The Yuuzhan Vong could still appear at some point in some form in a future update in SWTOR, maybe as a boss or NPC with some small story, but nothing like a massive invasion.

Edited by Vitas
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Um. I don't think the Yuuzhan Vong made their appearance in the Star Wars galaxy until after the Thrawn trilogy, which was after the original trilogy, which would make adding them into this game erroneus. If I remember correctly, they came from another galaxy completely, and simply did not exist in this one until that time. Also, all the books and extended universe sucked when the Vong thing started.




Canderous seemed to reference them in extreme detail though.

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