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BioWare, communicate, please?


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I have been an avid supporter of this game since way way back in October 2008, when you opened these forums.


But I am starting to see more and more of a lack of communication and even less announcements.


Do you still care? do you still want this to be successful? you have passed most of the Quality of Life issues with this game, you've stabilized the body, now revitalize it and give it some air to breathe, don't just post a weekly Q&A, post two or three, make more videos, do some behind the scenes developer stuff, show people some future content, you don't need to give release dates, just hope for the game.


I am getting to the point where I am doubting what BioWare's intentions for this game are, sure you have had layoffs, but don't tell me, well that's it, pack up bags.


Get this moving and quickly, start the ball rolling, the sooner 1.4 comes the better, please give this game a ray of hope and pump out more content.


But more than anything: COMMUNICATE with your playerbase.

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I could be wrong here but I am sure the Q&A was pulled this time and of what I have seen even the Forum Police have been on an extended coffee break since Thursday... that in itself is some form of communication from where I am standing :(


The Q&A was delayed until today

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Unfortunately Bioware only seems to want to talk to us occasionally through Twitter and even that is their usual copy pasta. They have done interviews with one or two fansites (TankingToR had a good one for the 1.3 patch), but that's only information you can find if you know specifically where to look. It's almost like they're afraid to put blog posts on the main page.


As much as I would like to see Bioware communicate with us more, I find it highly unlikely that they will. For whatever reason, be it apathy or management, their hands seem to be tied.

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Bioware are communicating, you just have to be able to speak German. Their rep Lars is being very communicative these days about his team and the goings on in Bioware Galway


Unfortunately this weekend it seems that the English language reps seem to have disappeared from the face of the earth

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Or people who want to know whether or not they are even doing anything anymore with this game...


C'mon, it's been only a few weeks since their not-so-big update. I personally don't expect any announcements from them anytime soon.

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Cant agree more some communication on forum from BW side is rly needed , I see their community managers only closing threads but in most cases not involving in major content discussions on forums with players.


And yes this game desperately needs new content at this point if they plan to keep their subscribers.

Edited by Lunablade
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This is something I highlighted ages ago. When you look at other MMOs and how their community team works, there is a huge difference. It appears that all the guys here do is check forums and post on twitter.


Hell, even the community link on this official site is just a forum, with no community love at all. Wheres the fan art show cases, fan site interviews, contests, live in game events? Maybe they cant, or are not allowed but either way, its one of the reasons why this game is sinking fast

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This is something I highlighted ages ago. When you look at other MMOs and how their community team works, there is a huge difference. It appears that all the guys here do is check forums and post on twitter.


Hell, even the community link on this official site is just a forum, with no community love at all. Wheres the fan art show cases, fan site interviews, contests, live in game events? Maybe they cant, or are not allowed but either way, its one of the reasons why this game is sinking fast


You actually expect that from a company that just had layoffs? :confused:

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You actually expect that from a company that just had layoffs? :confused:

If they did this in the first place, things could have been different. MMOs are all about community and the buzz that thrives from it.


They still have a few Community Reps, Managers, associates, call them what you will but their overall out put has been around 5% since launch.


It is what it is. If you want to be a success, you need to get off yr butt and get out there. Forums are NOT the way to do things.

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You actually expect that from a company that just had layoffs? :confused:


Lay offs can (and do) produce carnage in a games developer, even if they aren't directly hitting developement staff. I'm struggling to remember a game were it wasn't a sign of the end (or the slide to maintance mode). :(


I just hope they've got something magical like a JTLs expansion up their sleeve.

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There is very very little communication despite the opposite being promised after SR was let go.


Perhaps more of the community team are in the process of being let go and they are up dating their CVs which after all will be far more important to them than writing on these forums.

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Just another in a long list of potential reasons as to why this game didn't reach predicted levels of success. A successful MMO needs the developers to have a good rapport with their fans/subscribers. Subscribers doubting developers long term plans for the game is a terrible position to be in especially so soon after the game's release.
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Subscribers doubting developers long term plans for the game is a terrible position to be in especially so soon after the game's release.


I'm not doubting the substance of the plans, merely their existence. Sometimes it feels like Bioware isn't telling us anything because they have nothing to say.

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Could be the closeness of the end of next EA:s financial quarter. And the time they will again have to publicly tell how well any game is doing. For some reason I have a bad feeling about this quiet period...
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Could be the closeness of the end of next EA:s financial quarter. And the time they will again have to publicly tell how well any game is doing. For some reason I have a bad feeling about this quiet period...


Weekend, summer holidays, the more day to day things might also just play part.

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I would expect some big news to break after a period of silence, the fact that no forum mod's did anything over the weekend, really makes you think the lay offs have left Bioware with a very small crew, but we don't know where and how many cuts were made, gona have to grab some popcorn and watch how this drama plays out..:)
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So you want the developers to spend more time on the forums reading threads, and give feedback? Surely they can work twice as many hours per day so they can spend both time on the forums and hit their deadlines with their tasks.


Communication with the player base is an extremely important part of maintaining it, players want to know what is happening with their game, they want to know what's in store, they want to know what the Devs themselves think.

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I agree 100%!!!


Silence is a KILLER to games. Bioware's silence, to me, indicates that they take our presence for granted and they really don't feel like they owe us (their customers) anything, not even a simple 60second forum post. They don't need to communicate, but silence breeds discontent, discontent breeds frustration and frustration breeds anger. I'm not at all shocked people are angry and upset...this isn't the first MMO, nor the first MMO developer, to take the stance that they know better than us and believe that we're replaceable. I've seen this played out several times before...Bioware is just fast tracking it.

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