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To the Anonymous Insider


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I have seen whats coming in 1.3 and 1.4 via videos from bioware, i know that hk51 is coming and also is makeb and the planet assention i think its called. that more story is coming within the next year and new races are coming. Ive listened to the podcasts.


I didnt see it anywhere posted that Makeb comes in 2012, did you?


Also what exactly the point of this new race? When most of your armor hides you completely, your voice comes from your class decision.

Edited by DarkZeron
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I see Dev Tracker and Dev Tracker only. What have you heard or seen upcoming that gives you hope? 1.4 hasn't even been mentioned and 1.3 was a flipping joke. Their promise of rolling out updates month after month has gone ignored. Their promises of better communication has also been ignored. The current negativity is DIRECTLY related to Biowares pathetic communication. DIRECTLY RELATED!!!


I don't care what WoW does...this isn't the WoW forums. WoW can do whatever they like, they're in good shape still...SWTOR is not.


I agree, so many things were talked about and now nothing being said, no mods on the forums this weekend, you have to be in total ignorant bliss not so see something is going on here. I wish they would come out and start talking to prove me wrong. where is the video of the 2012 comic con panel they had on sunday ?


Maybe it's more like this

Edited by kevlarto
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I didnt see it anywhere posted that Makeb comes in 2012, did you?


Also what exactly the point of this new race? When most of your armor hides you completely, your voice comes from your class decision.


Im sorry are you wanting me to hold your hand and show you where all the info bioware puts out is. If your to idle to look it up then im to idle to show you.

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They'd be walking a dangerous line if they claimed the up to lvl 15 froobs as subscribers, since they generate no revenue. A game with a cash store can get away with it as long as they spent a nickel in the cash shop. They'd be better off not mentioning subs.


A sandbox game means that there are no quests, there are no classes, the player creates the whole game around them and everything is a blank canvas. anything can be created and the player is the game. Thus the name sandbox, its blank and you build a castle.


By your definition, EVE isn't a sandbox either then, because it has quests.

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I have seen whats coming in 1.3 and 1.4 via videos from bioware, i know that hk51 is coming and also is makeb and the planet assention i think its called. that more story is coming within the next year and new races are coming. Ive listened to the podcasts.


LOL! You've seen what is coming in 1.3 huh? Uh...that's been released mate. You've ASSUMED what was coming in 1.4 though because they said "this year", not "1.4"...and a new race is the least exciting thing they could have announced besides an extra character slot.

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Im sorry are you wanting me to hold your hand and show you where all the info bioware puts out is. If your to idle to look it up then im to idle to show you.


I guess you dont understand sarcasm. They did not.




Throughout E3, journalists will be able to take a sneak peek at some of the exciting content that is coming to Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ in the next year.

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They'd be walking a dangerous line if they claimed the up to lvl 15 froobs as subscribers, since they generate no revenue. A game with a cash store can get away with it as long as they spent a nickel in the cash shop. They'd be better off not mentioning subs.




By your definition, EVE isn't a sandbox either then, because it has quests.


Nice read here http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Star_Wars_Galaxies


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“EA blames us and to some extent they’re right to. But it was fan feedback from the day we opened the forums that encouraged us to design it for the fans the way it is and that included making it more like Kotor then an MMO like Wow,” he stated mentioning that gamers actually wanted SWTOR to be more like Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR), a single player role playing game by Bioware before it was acquired by EA, rather than World of Warcraft (WoW).



From this post it makes it sound like Bioware turned the ship around and constructed this game to be more like KOTOR, when I see almost none of the perks from KOTOR that we want.

Kotor had many mini-games, not only that but KOTOR had more of a lone-wolf feeling, a Capital always takes away the lone wolf feeling in a mmo because there are hundreds to thousands of people there sitting around.


Things I and Many Other People Want that Correlates with KOTOR:

  1. Swoop Racing, (MMO Style, Upgrades, gear tiers, new tracks, etc)
  2. Pazzak
  3. Amusing Mini-Games that take up time in general, we want to take a back road instead of staying on the main road where all we have to do is Operations, Warzones and Flashpoints, and Everyone's Favorite, The Endless daily grind!


I Simply no-longer understand MMO Companys, in the early days WoW Employees would sit in a circle and come up with cool ideas, does anyone do this anymore? or is a large list of things handed down from One person at the top who doesn't even play the game.


With Multiple different minigames NOT located on the Fleet, we would have more of a reason to go around to different planets, go to Nar Shadda to go gambling, Go to Tatooine to go to the universes biggest and most famous swoop tracks. The point is the engame of swtor has turned into a COPY of world of warcraft, so if anyone to blame, its the people who come up with the content plans for SWTOR, because they have ignored the things people actually WANTED from kotor.


Another thing that has boggled me, is how ship "gear" is, sure you can upgrade your ship, but there's almost no incentive to, there's no engame, there's nothing new, it dosent make your ship look better. If I'm not mistaken one of the largest fun factors of gearing up, is the new-upgraded look, and I really hope swoop racing wouldn't or won't follow the same guideline as it would cut the amusement factor like a knife.


My brain hurt reading that blog. It basically made claims that aren't in any way backed up by fact.


Why would you trust some random blog on the internet when you people claim you don't even trust EA Bioware?


"This dude here is totally legit but this quarterly document from EA is totally bogus. Joe Schmo blog has the inside scoop."


Hilariously misplaced trust.

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Im sorry are you wanting me to hold your hand and show you where all the info bioware puts out is. If your to idle to look it up then im to idle to show you.


We expect you to back up your statements of fact with proof. Are you unable to do that?

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So you didnt see what was coming in 1.3 before it came, uh ye we are on about what communication we have nad not what communication we havnt recieved yet. good try though, ill give the a 2/10 /golfclap.

When it went up on test center you mean? Or do you mean how they promised ranked warzones PRIOR to 1.3? We had a helluva lot more communication on 1.3 than we've had on 1.4...and the communication on 1.3 was pathetic. Be as snarky and sarcastic as you like, but I'd prefer you to actually tell me why I'm wrong rather than just trying to be insulting.

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If anything will bury this game its EA's greed. Right after launch they started that survey asking people how much they would pay for DLC. They only 4 months after launch they start talking about going F2P, really? Did they expect to get 10 millions subs at launch or something? It took WoW years to get where it is, not an over night success some people think.


They need to hire some new bean counters over at EA who understand short term and long term investments. Square Enix said Final Fantasy XI is the most profitable game they have ever released. Not because they have sold millions of copies but because they have kept the server going for 10 years. MMO's are all about the long term.

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When it went up on test center you mean? Or do you mean how they promised ranked warzones PRIOR to 1.3? We had a helluva lot more communication on 1.3 than we've had on 1.4...and the communication on 1.3 was pathetic. Be as snarky and sarcastic as you like, but I'd prefer you to actually tell me why I'm wrong rather than just trying to be insulting.


Or do i mean the video that james ohlen put on the website, or the podcast they discussed it. maybe even the tons of interviews they did on it. I dunno have a stab at any of them.

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A sandbox game means that there are no quests, there are no classes, the player creates the whole game around them and everything is a blank canvas. anything can be created and the player is the game. Thus the name sandbox, its blank and you build a castle.



Very little if anything stands up as "sandbox" by that defination.


Not Elite, not GTA, not even the Eldar Scrolls games..... not even Minecraft come to think of it.

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If anything will bury this game its EA's greed. Right after launch they started that survey asking people how much they would pay for DLC. They only 4 months after launch they start talking about going F2P, really? Did they expect to get 10 millions subs at launch or something? It took WoW years to get where it is, not an over night success some people think.


They need to hire some new bean counters over at EA who understand short term and long term investments. Square Enix said Final Fantasy XI is the most profitable game they have ever released. Not because they have sold millions of copies but because they have kept the server going for 10 years. MMO's are all about the long term.


It's exceedingly rare for a publicly traded company to even consider profit beyond 90 days. Not saying that's right, just that's how it is.

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Being insulting and referencing wikipedia as proof? Seriously? LOL


trying to say eve is like swg is just as insulting dont you think. Also may i ask what is so bad about sandbox elements, does it take you to far out of your combat zone. if you have actual choice in what you do will you fall off the deep end.

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Very little if anything stands up as "sandbox" by that defination.


Not Elite, not GTA, not even the Eldar Scrolls games..... not even Minecraft come to think of it.


And thats because pure sandbox and pure themepark do not exist beyond a few games and most of them within single player simulator, you have an mmo and the game is part of both. sandbox elements and themepark mixed, the only difference is the slider on which they lean closer towards.

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With Multiple different minigames NOT located on the Fleet, we would have more of a reason to go around to different planets, go to Nar Shadda to go gambling, Go to Tatooine to go to the universes biggest and most famous swoop tracks. The point is the engame of swtor has turned into a COPY of world of warcraft, so if anyone to blame, its the people who come up with the content plans for SWTOR, because they have ignored the things people actually WANTED from kotor.


I really, really like this idea. It will make the galaxy feel more alive and encourage people to socialize while doing fun things.


End-game need not be operations. In fact, I'm so burned out by running ops. I have good end game gear by now I don't even bother using it since I just can't find the energy to do another EC run. I am having way more fun levelling another character.


There HAS to be alternatives to operations for "end game." Of course, BioWare should continue to develop that aspect of the game since there are people who enjoy it and don't burn out. However, I am willing to bet most people will never even see EC story mode or whatever new operations BioWare will release. There needs to be something for these players to do to ensure the long term profitability of SWTOR.


Mini-games is an excellent idea. People can play pazzak for credits. There can be swoop races with server ladders. And what about arena matches? I am not talking about the WoW style PvP arena, but more like the ones in KOTOR I (on Taris) and KOTOR II (on Dxun) where a player faces off against waves of increasingly tougher NPCs. For SWTOR, this can be made to include teams so players can work together. To make it more interactive, BioWare can incorporate the ladder system in Witcher 2's arena matches where speed and "stylistic" kills yield more points.


And of course, the space missions are utterly pathetic. BioWare claims people enjoy the space missions based on what they see in their "metrics." Of course people are running space missions if that's the only way to get space commendations to get social gear and crafting materials! And of course people would be running the Impossible mission for their daily commendations. It doesn't mean people enjoy it. Space is something that can use some serious improvement, and it can provide a new form of gaming in SWTOR. It has been raised numerous times, but cooperative space missions in a non-rail environment would really help.

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BW communicates just fine. What folks are crying about is that they don't communicate what each specific person wants to hear be it mini games or what have you. What I find truly humorous is the fact that the devs of the OTHER game never said jack to anyone for years. You would hear about new stuff about 30 days before it would land for testing (or launch before the PTR) and no one seemed to have that much heartburn about it.


Here BW has relaunched a whole team to interact and communicate yet everyone still rants and screams and talks about how this should have been a sandbox / SWG 2 or how that other thing wasn't in the game and still should be or how something else sucks. We also know there are many who post this garbage that don't even play the game anymore because of whatever complaint. Not playing is their right, still crying about it is not.


I don't blame BW one bit for not sharing outside of generalities. They lose no matter what.

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trying to say eve is like swg is just as insulting dont you think. Also may i ask what is so bad about sandbox elements, does it take you to far out of your combat zone. if you have actual choice in what you do will you fall off the deep end.


Where did I ever say sandbox elements were bad? I wish this game had some of them. I was just perplexed by the people that expected this to be more like SWG, when there was no reason for anyone even remotely following the game to think that was the case.


And thats because pure sandbox and pure themepark do not exist beyond a few games and most of them within single player simulator, you have an mmo and the game is part of both. sandbox elements and themepark mixed, the only difference is the slider on which they lean closer towards.


This I can agree with. I'd say very few games are solidly in the middle of this scale. Certainly this game is too far toward themepark and not even close to the middle.

Edited by HarleysRule
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Or do i mean the video that james ohlen put on the website, or the podcast they discussed it. maybe even the tons of interviews they did on it. I dunno have a stab at any of them.


On 1.4? Please link these videos and interviews.

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There are many Issues with Bioware since SWTOR.

  1. They Don't Communicate well.
  2. They Don't use their own Website as a source of communication.
  3. They have designed SWTOR's Endgame Just like WoW.

Its not even debatable, SWTOR's Endgame is Just like WoWs now, personally I want to play Knights of the Old Republic, not World of Starcraft.


To Fix it: Add Swoop Racing, Non Autopilot Space Battles, Multiple Minigames Such as Pazzak with the ability to Gamble on planets such as Nar Shadda, a more of a explorer feeling in the game, right now it FEELS linear, you go to this planet, then this one, you HAVE to!, once again this could be fixed by placing certain things on certain planets, make Nar Shadda a Gambling Hub, make Tatooine a Swoop Racing Hub, they would be avalable for all levels because swoops would not go on a level basis, they would go on a gear basis(In my mind) which would be obtained by doing tons of races and completing challenges.


They could also do alot of good by adding Extra Mission hubs on planets allowing players to do separate missions instead of the same ones for every character of that faction that they level, this could do alot of good.


And I personally am EXPECTING patch 1.4 to have all of the E3 content and to be here before September, atleast if they want my sub, getting boring of sitting in orgrimmar(fleet) again.

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Where did I ever say sandbox elements were bad? I wish this game had some of them. I was just perplexed by the people that expected this to be more like SWG, when there was no reason for anyone even remotely following the game to think that was the case.


people expecting this to be more like swg then wow are simple to see, the whole player ship is your home stuff. the talk of guildships even back then. Did people hope it would have elements of swg of course they did. Say alot about swg but the lore in it was good when not twisted by soe.


The way they talked about crafting and the way you could look and play. SWG was much more then playerhousing. And if anything most of the peeps wanting that type of stuff quit swg when the cu hit and signed up here the second they could simply for how the community was on there.


And thats why alot remember swg with such passion, the game when it came out was almost instantly out of date graphics and animation wise but the way the game brought people together and created such a vibrant and nice community. The guild at war system. City vs city. The covert faction for spying on the other faction. Who doesnt want that.


And everyone wants space here to be exactly like jtl but with this generations graphics.


This I can agree with. I'd say very few games are solidly in the middle of this scale. Certainly this game is too far toward themepark and not even close to the middle.


I would say this is close to middleground and not a stones throw away from more sandbox. Its nothing like wow which is at the other end and pure themepark, its leaning more towards the middle as time goes by but the new talent system just throws it right back to the pure themepark end. If anything i see rift being the new poster child of what to aim for as they have no introduced player housing which wow has always point blank refused todo which has been a grumbling on wow since the dawn of time.


where this has story and defined route of leveling swg had freedom of choice for class and playerhousing, thats the real only difference when you take jtl out of the mix.

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Has been suggested since beta. I wouldn't hold by breath.


And that's going to be their downfall, they are ignoring the most important things this game needs.

Until Swtor has Swoop Racing and Pazzak, this is World of Starwars.

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