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And some people try to claim Powertechs are fine


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I just entered a warzone near the end with my Gunslinger. I found my team losing so I decided to go try to solo a point as it was really all there was left to do. As I approached the point I saw they had 2 powertechs guarding it, so I knew it was not a likely opportunity for success but hey, what else is there to do but give it a go?


As soon as I got anywhere near it, one of the powertechs got his thermal detonator on me and the other was running over, so I popped every single defensive cooldown I had - which are off the GCD, btw - and proceded to fire a single instant cast shot before literally dying.


That's right, 2 powertechs were able to nuke my 16k HP - not all the way there, by any means, but not terrible by any stretch of the imagination, either - in a basically a single GCD.


So yes, pay no attention to powertechs. They're completely fine and in no need whatsoever of a nerf.

You took on 2 people. You got your *** handed to you.


This is exactly what should have happened. Sorry you got butthurt.

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I just entered a warzone near the end with my Gunslinger. I found my team losing so I decided to go try to solo a point as it was really all there was left to do. As I approached the point I saw they had 2 powertechs guarding it, so I knew it was not a likely opportunity for success but hey, what else is there to do but give it a go?


As soon as I got anywhere near it, one of the powertechs got his thermal detonator on me and the other was running over, so I popped every single defensive cooldown I had - which are off the GCD, btw - and proceded to fire a single instant cast shot before literally dying.


That's right, 2 powertechs were able to nuke my 16k HP - not all the way there, by any means, but not terrible by any stretch of the imagination, either - in a basically a single GCD.


So yes, pay no attention to powertechs. They're completely fine and in no need whatsoever of a nerf.


Translation of this trolling post?



Dear BW,


I am in Battlemaster and went in like John Rambo against 2 WH Geared Powertechs and they beat me. Do you need any more proof as to how OP they are? PLZ nerf for the sake of all of us QQers in the community. Tx.



No need to thank me folks for this translation. I am here to help.

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I am Battlemaster with some War Hero and recruit bracers/belt. Like I said, it's not great, but it's darn good enough to not get killed over the course of 1.5 seconds.


Combat log evidence would go a long way in helping to make your case. Otherwise, your statements sound a bit QQ-y with a tinge of butthurt.

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I just entered a warzone near the end with my Gunslinger. I found my team losing so I decided to go try to solo a point as it was really all there was left to do. As I approached the point I saw they had 2 powertechs guarding it, so I knew it was not a likely opportunity for success but hey, what else is there to do but give it a go?


As soon as I got anywhere near it, one of the powertechs got his thermal detonator on me and the other was running over, so I popped every single defensive cooldown I had - which are off the GCD, btw - and proceded to fire a single instant cast shot before literally dying.


That's right, 2 powertechs were able to nuke my 16k HP - not all the way there, by any means, but not terrible by any stretch of the imagination, either - in a basically a single GCD. Nothing. So clearly you're missing some stuff there.


So yes, pay no attention to powertechs. They're completely fine and in no need whatsoever of a nerf.


This would be more interesting if it wasn't BS. Sorry, there's nothing an assault spec vanguard or pryo PT can do that hits you for 8k in a single GCD.

Edited by dcgregorya
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I enjoy these threads. I enjoy the different challenge levels classes offer here in PvP.


SWTOR has a number of issues, some were resolved for US and EU players by merging/transfers. Many more issues with PvP will resolve with cross server PvP.


The issue with some classes not being required at all in PvP has yet to be dealt with but is IMHO, the next priority AFTER cross server PvP.


I apologise for not giving a rats about individual class balance while asia-pacific is burning down due to being split into 3 undersize chunks with no cross server functionality.


Good luck all

Edited by Elkirin
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I just entered a warzone near the end with my Gunslinger. I found my team losing so I decided to go try to solo a point as it was really all there was left to do. As I approached the point I saw they had 2 powertechs guarding it, so I knew it was not a likely opportunity for success but hey, what else is there to do but give it a go?


As soon as I got anywhere near it, one of the powertechs got his thermal detonator on me and the other was running over, so I popped every single defensive cooldown I had - which are off the GCD, btw - and proceded to fire a single instant cast shot before literally dying.


That's right, 2 powertechs were able to nuke my 16k HP - not all the way there, by any means, but not terrible by any stretch of the imagination, either - in a basically a single GCD.


So yes, pay no attention to powertechs. They're completely fine and in no need whatsoever of a nerf.


Wait this is coming from a sniper/slinger that can do a 5-7k aimed shot, 3k charged burst+2-4k sabotage charge followed by a 5k quickdraw? All from 30 meters? LOL

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It's not semantics. It's the fact that no class should be so powerful as to be able to do over 8k of damage with so little setup in such a short time. It's absurd. Heck, it's the very reason they got rid of adrenals and relics, to prevent Guardians and other high burst classes from doing just that.


I don't expect to win in that situation. I don't expect to win very many 2v1s against any classes without better gear, in all honesty. What I do expect is to survive longer than I did in that situation WITH all of the GCDs up.


Ok im a Gunslinger in 90% WH (just missing my chest, and helm) and when I go Cover>insta CB 2kish>trickshot 3+kish>1.5sec aimshot 2.5-3kish>Sab 2kish>flurry of bolts 800ish I do about 8k damage (with 40% crit and 75% surge) in less than 3 seconds or so... and do about the same amount of damage as your Pyros.


So dont say they cant or shouldnt be able to do that since we and you can also.


I play a Vangaurd Assault Spec... yes its a damn strong spec (even though technically they have less survivability than a gunslinger in terms of defensive CD's and abilities and there armor DR is hardly much higher) and yes fighting two at once WILL kill you... and there basic dmg is mostly DR avoiding.


As for a Slinger soloing a node... ive done it. Sure its often down to luck or bad players but we have the tools to do it and its quite satisfying to pull it off. If anything you'll take 1 of em with you so the Shadow whos probably following you or sitting stealthed scouting the node to begin with can finish the job.

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Wait this is coming from a sniper/slinger that can do a 5-7k aimed shot, 3k charged burst+2-4k sabotage charge followed by a 5k quickdraw? All from 30 meters? LOL


These numbers are grossly exaggerated. Even the "90% War Hero" Gunslinger that posted didn't report numbers close to these for those attacks, but primarily the aimed shot. There is no aimed shot that is going to hit for 7k in the post 1.3 days - and honestly, I think it would be a stretch even before.

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These numbers are grossly exaggerated. Even the "90% War Hero" Gunslinger that posted didn't report numbers close to these for those attacks, but primarily the aimed shot. There is no aimed shot that is going to hit for 7k in the post 1.3 days - and honestly, I think it would be a stretch even before.


LOL! OP is taken down for presenting anecdotal evidence that accentuates the fact that they don't understand how powertechs/vanguards work, and is now having to go on the defensive about their class. enjoy it OP, you'll be dealing with the QQ when snipers/slingers are the new FOTM.

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Ok im a Gunslinger in 90% WH (just missing my chest, and helm) and when I go Cover>insta CB 2kish>trickshot 3+kish>1.5sec aimshot 2.5-3kish>Sab 2kish>flurry of bolts 800ish I do about 8k damage (with 40% crit and 75% surge) in less than 3 seconds or so... and do about the same amount of damage as your Pyros.


So dont say they cant or shouldnt be able to do that since we and you can also.


I play a Vangaurd Assault Spec... yes its a damn strong spec (even though technically they have less survivability than a gunslinger in terms of defensive CD's and abilities and there armor DR is hardly much higher) and yes fighting two at once WILL kill you... and there basic dmg is mostly DR avoiding.


As for a Slinger soloing a node... ive done it. Sure its often down to luck or bad players but we have the tools to do it and its quite satisfying to pull it off. If anything you'll take 1 of em with you so the Shadow whos probably following you or sitting stealthed scouting the node to begin with can finish the job.


The rotation you presented is more like 6 seconds, if you count the global cooldowns. Just because the abilities are instant, that doesn't mean you still don't have to wait for the GCD to finish to pop the next one. For example, the amount of time for a Trick shot followed by an Aimed Shot is about 3 seconds.


If you want to use these things in any kind of a true burst, you need to use an autocrit charged burst, throw out the sab charge and then do an aimed shot - >trickshot. The aimed shot will hit, the sab charge go off, and the trickshot follow more or less at the same time.

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The rotation you presented is more like 6 seconds, if you count the global cooldowns. Just because the abilities are instant, that doesn't mean you still don't have to wait for the GCD to finish to pop the next one. For example, the amount of time for a Trick shot followed by an Aimed Shot is about 3 seconds.


If you want to use these things in any kind of a true burst, you need to use an autocrit charged burst, throw out the sab charge and then do an aimed shot - >trickshot. The aimed shot will hit, the sab charge go off, and the trickshot follow more or less at the same time.


sounds exactly like how pyro burst works

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LOL! OP is taken down for presenting anecdotal evidence that accentuates the fact that they don't understand how powertechs/vanguards work, and is now having to go on the defensive about their class. enjoy it OP, you'll be dealing with the QQ when snipers/slingers are the new FOTM.


I never showed in any way that I don't know how powertechs work. I know quite well how they do. What has happened is the typical forum procedure of 90% of people replying reading only the first post and missing everything that I (and everyone else) has said in between.

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sounds exactly like how pyro burst works


Sure, but it ain't gonna take half of someone's health off if they're in BM gear. The biggest difference is probably that all of the pyro's burst ignores armor whereas large portions of a SS/MM burst can be mitigated.

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I never showed in any way that I don't know how powertechs work. I know quite well how they do. What has happened is the typical forum procedure of 90% of people replying reading only the first post and missing everything that I (and everyone else) has said in between.


if you can't be bothered to provide a proper introductory premise for your thread you have no credibility, i won't bother to read through your posts that aren't easily visible because you demonstrated a lack of common sense and restraint in your initial posting. if you want to be taken seriously, it should be a serious topic, and when questions are raised they should be addressed both by a response and an edit to the initial post to match the disputed and disproven sections.

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if you can't be bothered to provide a proper introductory premise for your thread you have no credibility, i won't bother to read through your posts that aren't easily visible because you demonstrated a lack of common sense and restraint in your initial posting. if you want to be taken seriously, it should be a serious topic, and when questions are raised they should be addressed both by a response and an edit to the initial post to match the disputed and disproven sections.


1) Nothing in my initial post has been disproven. If you think it has been, I would politely invite you to indicate exactly what.


2) I have answered every question in the thread that has been posed, apart from a few that I had already answered once or twice.

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Ok im a Gunslinger in 90% WH (just missing my chest, and helm) and when I go Cover>insta CB 2kish>trickshot 3+kish>1.5sec aimshot 2.5-3kish>Sab 2kish>flurry of bolts 800ish I do about 8k damage (with 40% crit and 75% surge) in less than 3 seconds or so... and do about the same amount of damage as your Pyros.


So dont say they cant or shouldnt be able to do that since we and you can also.


First of all, you cant use 5 abilities in less than 3 seconds because of the global cooldown alone. Not to mention the fact that some of those abilities have cast times. Putting this combo way above 3 seconds. That is a gross exaggeration and in addition your numbers for the damage of abilities is way off(too low). This leads me to believe that you do not infact have a Sniper at all or otherwise are clueless as to game mechanics.


Cover instant Snipe. Global 1.5 seconds. followthough. global 1.5 seconds Aimed Shot, if snipe crit 1.5 second cast time. So right there you have more than 3 seconds. Explosive Charge, global 1.5 seconds. Series of Shots 3 second cast time. So lets add this up.


The combo you desribed takes about 9-10 seconds depending on whether or not your initial snipe crits. This is roughly 3 times the amount of time you suggested. This is also assuming that you are using Entrench during this combo, otherwise considering how easy it is to knock a sniper out of cover, it could take up to 50% longer.


Secondly, a Powertech does this damage with ALL instant cast abilities while being completely 100% mobile. A Sniper does this damage by standing in place and not moving with cast time abilities. Dont even try to compare and say its the same.

Edited by Gidoru
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1) Nothing in my initial post has been disproven. If you think it has been, I would politely invite you to indicate exactly what.


2) I have answered every question in the thread that has been posed, apart from a few that I had already answered once or twice.


premise; 16k damage in basically 1 GCD.


that's 8k damage from each pyro.


what range did you start at? I assume you got caught by them befor eyou could set up, because they were able to stick the Thermal Detonator to you and still have a few seconds before your 16k HP "disappeared". now, you say you popped evasion, in addition to hunkering down in cover. this, in essence, makes all railshots miss for the duration of the cooldown. in addition to this, railshot requires a periodic effect on target. so you would have to have been hit by an incendiary missile or a flame burst (1 more GCD on top of the few second window from T-Detonator). assuming you were against two experienced pyros, they would wait until your evasion dropped off before railshotting (3 seconds) or, an additional 2 GCD's. in that time they could hit you with flame burst (up to 2k crit from each), or rocket punch (up to around a 3k crit from each). in either case you're left with at least 2/5 to 1/3 of your health if the TD detonates in that time, after which your evasion falling off allows them to railshot you.


the total duration of this from thermal detonator opener to railshots is maybe 5-7 seconds, a perfectly viable window to be bursted down when burst dps for burst specced classes in the burst window ranges from 2.5-3.5k DPS (x2 for two players attacking you means 5.0-7k DPS). insert any other class in place of pyro in that window that is burst, assassin, operative, marauder, and you're dead just as fast.


also please note now I'm going to critique your strategy. 1) you allowed them to place a T-D on you and didn't do anything in response, such as flash banging. no mention is made of using your roots or knockbacks, or the range at which you engaged both pyros. this is all crucial information, because not only did you make the MISTAKE of attacking two burst DPS on your own, but you ALSO may have engaged them on favorable terms for the enemy. the key to capping in a 2v1 is surprise, an element you obviously didn't have.

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premise; 16k damage in basically 1 GCD.


that's 8k damage from each pyro.


what range did you start at? I assume you got caught by them befor eyou could set up, because they were able to stick the Thermal Detonator to you and still have a few seconds before your 16k HP "disappeared". now, you say you popped evasion, in addition to hunkering down in cover. this, in essence, makes all railshots miss for the duration of the cooldown. in addition to this, railshot requires a periodic effect on target. so you would have to have been hit by an incendiary missile or a flame burst (1 more GCD on top of the few second window from T-Detonator). assuming you were against two experienced pyros, they would wait until your evasion dropped off before railshotting (3 seconds) or, an additional 2 GCD's. in that time they could hit you with flame burst (up to 2k crit from each), or rocket punch (up to around a 3k crit from each). in either case you're left with at least 2/5 to 1/3 of your health if the TD detonates in that time, after which your evasion falling off allows them to railshot you.


the total duration of this from thermal detonator opener to railshots is maybe 5-7 seconds, a perfectly viable window to be bursted down when burst dps for burst specced classes in the burst window ranges from 2.5-3.5k DPS (x2 for two players attacking you means 5.0-7k DPS). insert any other class in place of pyro in that window that is burst, assassin, operative, marauder, and you're dead just as fast.


also please note now I'm going to critique your strategy. 1) you allowed them to place a T-D on you and didn't do anything in response, such as flash banging. no mention is made of using your roots or knockbacks, or the range at which you engaged both pyros. this is all crucial information, because not only did you make the MISTAKE of attacking two burst DPS on your own, but you ALSO may have engaged them on favorable terms for the enemy. the key to capping in a 2v1 is surprise, an element you obviously didn't have.


I'm not going to respond to this, because every single item you listed has been answered or explicitly addressed in this thread - which you have now demonstrated you have not read - in various degrees of detail. If you are genuinely interested in having a serious discussion about this, please read the thread and then respond again.

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