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49 Twinks in PvP


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I have a fully twinked out level 49 concealment operative named "spawncamper"


I basically stand around in the other teams spawn and 3 shot ppl all game long. Eventually they get so scared they wont jump down or 5 or 6 guys stay in spawn spamming stealth scans to try and find me. I do it because its the funniest thing ever to see people rage so hard over a video game and ive been "reported" probably 50 times according to nerd-ragers but never banned.

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I have a fully twinked out level 49 concealment operative named "spawncamper"


I basically stand around in the other teams spawn and 3 shot ppl all game long. Eventually they get so scared they wont jump down or 5 or 6 guys stay in spawn spamming stealth scans to try and find me. I do it because its the funniest thing ever to see people rage so hard over a video game and ive been "reported" probably 50 times according to nerd-ragers but never banned.

Honestly, I've never seen a loser so proud to be one.
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Leveling alts i reckognize a growing number of fully augmented level 49 twinks in PvP who leave before the match ends to prevent XP gain.


What do you think about that?


Is that an exploit?

Should i report it?


Or accept it?


“The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities, some considered to be unnatural.”


I've been seeing this more and more.


Like this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJqTyQm80qQ


Today on my 35 sniper I played a few games against a 16k Hp Jk Focus spec'd in the gaurd stance. 16k Hp is the highest health I've seen in the sub 50 bracket. Why would you report it? You'd also have to report Aug'd WH crushing people in half recruit and half greens. The only problem I have is that we're seven months in and you can leave Warzones whenever you'd like with no penalty. He's just using the mechanics BW has given him, it's not an exploit.


The only evil here is that you can leave with no penalty. That's a shame on Bioware's part, not those who use it.

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I think my favorite took think is my shadow with 19580hp at 49 hut ball is like la foot ball give the ball to the fat man. This whole group of winners needs to take a step back and realize all I'm doing is peeping them. When they hit 50 the real corn hole push will begin. Have fun ..... You pay for it.
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Twinks in this game just seems like a weenie's way of winning. (replace weenie with something not so PG-13) It would be different if it was an option like it is in WoW.


They KNOW that barely anyone is doing it at this point and they KNOW that most sub 50's are NOT geared to the gills or even attempting it.


It's their way of having a huge gear imbalance with less work and just an easy way to get wins without actually having to prove skill.


I'm normally more geared than most sub 50's on my alt but I could care less about my gear. I just wanna grind to 50. I make sure it's decent enough to compete and most of the time it's better than the majority of my teams. Twinks know this and are taking advantage. I hope these guys don't consider themselves to be pro, or even above average. I've seen what the gear difference can do. I saw a level 43 twink marauder with almost 16k HP. Normally I have the most HP in sub 50 with 13k and some change. His other stats were just as impressive.


IDK, maybe it's just me but I think it's a weak way to get some wins. With the gear difference you could literally click you way to a win.


I think they should get XP when they leave. It's not in the game design and they're making it less competitive at sub 50. I've only run into a few of them but I know it's becoming more popular and it's just gonna be annoying.

Edited by UGLYMRJ
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I bet most of the guys who say they have a twinked level 49 really don't, at least not in the 'full purple 49' sense because I've only seen about 2 of these guys in all the time I've played and I got 6 characters to level 50 while playing mostly PvP along the way.


Some of the guys bragging I'd also question your choice of character like decking out a Concealment Ops which is still going to get 3 shot by a Marauder/PT with a purple weapon because you're a weak class. I fought a 15K HP level 49 Sniper on my 12K HP level 49 Marauder (mostly blues, purple weapons) on Huttball and I came close to defeating that guy a few times, and we're talking about possibly the worst matchup for a Marauder in the game: Sniper on Huttball. Gear matters a lot but it's not going to turn a punching bag spec into a winner against a strong FOTM reroller.


Having some decent crafted gear isn't the same as a full purple level 49. The level 49 full purple guy has 15K HP as a DPS. You'll know one when you see them, and yeah they're really hard to beat but if they're not a FOTM you can always rely on being a powerful FOTM counter, and if they're a FOTM it's not like you really can tell the difference between the 5th or the 15th PT you ran into.

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Gotta love the baddies claiming that level 50 PVP is unbalanced, so they get their toon to 49, fully augment it, have 20k HP and then make the level 1-49 PVP unbalanced.



Bunch of hypocritical, butt hurt, sore loser, D-bags, I say.

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Some of the guys bragging I'd also question your choice of character like decking out a Concealment Ops which is still going to get 3 shot by a Marauder/PT with a purple weapon because you're a weak class.


Concealment sub 50 is a very strong class. All kinds of reasons why it sucks after 50 (stats on PVP gear for a start) but at 49 with the best DPS based purple gear and augments? Pretty devastating even without adrenals.

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Concealment sub 50 is a very strong class. All kinds of reasons why it sucks after 50 (stats on PVP gear for a start) but at 49 with the best DPS based purple gear and augments? Pretty devastating even without adrenals.


Um that extra level between 49 and 50 doesn't suddenly change the class at all. At level 50 you lack survivality and you still lack survivality at level 49, especially at the 10-49 bracket you expect people to twink in offense-heavy builds because it's simply not practical to try to outlast your opponent at that level (rarely have the healers you need to pull it off). This means even with your twinked gear you shouldn't expect exceptional survivality and yet survivality is already one of your biggest weaknesses. The result is that you'll certainly kill people fast but anyone wielding 2 purple hilts/barrels can kill you just as fast and undo most of your gear advantage.


In general there is no such thing as a defense-strong overpowered character in 10-49 because you need an equally twinked healer to back you up. You want to pick an offense powerhouse who happens to already have good survivality, and that is not a Concealement Op. If you're trying to dominate the 10-49 WZ, this is simply the wrong class to play as.

Edited by Astarica
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twinks are hypocrites.


"I dont want to go to play level 50 pvp because the gear imabalance is unfair"

"I like fully gearing up with purples pre-50 because it's more balanced"


these two statements do NOT go together people. Stop taking advantage of the system and stop fooling yourself.

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When people brag about how easy and fun it is to wreck lvl 20's in WZs, or non-bolstered level 20's on whatever planet, I think the core of the problem is that the wrong people are getting upset.


They kill you, they laugh, you rage. This is backwards, when you, and in fact the whole world, should be laughing at the level 49's. And since this is a necro thread, I thought I would necro the funniest response I've ever seen.



Fatman server presents, real pvpers of genius.

'real pvpers of geniuuuus'


Today we salute you, mister really really really low level noob pwner.

'mister really really really low level noob pwner!'


Fully organized, you sit at the top level of your bracket and crush people who are still trying to decide which AC to take.

'don't pick commando'

You brag about your kills like a bunch of frat buddies who just got a cheerleader to come to your party, a cheerleader named Darthselenagomez.

'I swear I thought she was level 19, officer!'


You ripped expertise mods from enough weapons to fill every piece of gear, because no advantage is too great when you're facing someone who bought the game yesterday.

'who's the tough guy now?'

But wait, after level 49 it is over- the level 50 nooblets proclaim. Not to worry. You've found a way to beat the system by ducking out of the match like some kind of Houdini at the last moment.

'stick it to the maaaaaan!'


So crack open an ice cold shockfrozen water mister noob slayer, because your dedication to maximizing yourself against players who can't tell a guardian from a sage is why you put the win, in twink.

'mister really really really low level noob pwner....'

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When people brag about how easy and fun it is to wreck lvl 20's in WZs, or non-bolstered level 20's on whatever planet, I think the core of the problem is that the wrong people are getting upset.


They kill you, they laugh, you rage. This is backwards, when you, and in fact the whole world, should be laughing at the level 49's. And since this is a necro thread, I thought I would necro the funniest response I've ever seen.



Fatman server presents, real pvpers of genius.

'real pvpers of geniuuuus'


Today we salute you, mister really really really low level noob pwner.

'mister really really really low level noob pwner!'


Fully organized, you sit at the top level of your bracket and crush people who are still trying to decide which AC to take.

'don't pick commando'

You brag about your kills like a bunch of frat buddies who just got a cheerleader to come to your party, a cheerleader named Darthselenagomez.

'I swear I thought she was level 19, officer!'


You ripped expertise mods from enough weapons to fill every piece of gear, because no advantage is too great when you're facing someone who bought the game yesterday.

'who's the tough guy now?'

But wait, after level 49 it is over- the level 50 nooblets proclaim. Not to worry. You've found a way to beat the system by ducking out of the match like some kind of Houdini at the last moment.

'stick it to the maaaaaan!'


So crack open an ice cold shockfrozen water mister noob slayer, because your dedication to maximizing yourself against players who can't tell a guardian from a sage is why you put the win, in twink.

'mister really really really low level noob pwner....'

Most awesome post ever in the history of this forum!
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Frankly, I myself am planning to do this with a toon just for the heck of it.


I've got 50s that I play if I want real pvp, or if I'm with friends. But 10-49 is funner any day of the week. I would greatly enjoy being able to go to a twinked 49 every now and then when 50 pvp gets frustrating. I'm not afraid to pvp at 50, and never will be. But there are days when having a dominating game pre 50, even if only once or twice a week, would greatly improve my enjoyment of the game. Thanks to bolster, the gearing difference is less than comparing geared and undergeared 50s. I don't see why gear advantage is fine in 50, but pre 50 it becomes something to ban over. I will never ever cry about getting killed by an augmented WH, because they earned their gear, and they still have to be a decent player to beat me. Let the 49s have their fun, worst case, level to 50 and leave it behind.

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About the only real reason to do this is to roll a non FOTM since the gear advantage allows you to actually match up to normal geared FOTMs. If you're a FOTM you might as well move on to level 50 where you still dominate anyway.
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It's not because I'm afraid to pvp at 50 I have a war hero shadow. I do it because it takes me 1 week to lvl to 49 and about two hours to have BIS. I can play more toons and have more fun than grinding my *** off for each character for dam near the same results.


This isn't my first mmo not my second I was using the mechanics to my advantage all the way back in AO wedging implants and gear on toons 20lvls early. This is nothing new. When you find one of us or when we find your alts its nothing personal. This is our end game pvp its just like your 50 bracket without 4 weeks of wasted time.

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Phahahahahahahaaa. Wasting their time.... My mother *********** god!


I mean... how can you survive outside with brain like that?


you are wasting your time, you have nothing to show for it.. You don't even get credit for killing anyone u killed. So if you didn't get credit for it then it never really happened. So again stay 49 for as long as you want. 10-49 pvp is garbage anyways. You want to feel like you are a somebody I get it. It must suck being a nobody. Don't worry tho eventually we all die in life so your pain will go away someday.

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They are straight pussboys afraid of the big leagues. The people that were here the first few months after release had to level in a single bracket and had it much worse then people in their welfare gear in the 50 bracket have it now. Guess what, everyone in the 50 bracket died thousands of times getting there, it's not a frigging big deal.
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I don't do it and have not done it. That being said I don't have a problem with those who chose to do it. If the lvl 50 bracket didn't suck so badly for new players this wouldn't be happening on the level it happens now. BW should focus more on fixing why folks are doing it and worry less about them actually doing it.

The WH grind is bs and I for one wont do it on another toon. I have two lvl 50's and am personally done with their stupid WH grinds. I will not participate in lvl 50 pvp with another alt until things get better in that bracket. In 10-49 I can have fun on any toon any time. Not the case at level 50. Even with gear some builds become obsolete.....so twinking is understandably favored. This is a balance problem not an exploit problem. Frankly I'm amazed it took so long to become fashionable.....:confused:


agreed, the balance is absent from this game, i saw a post once suggesting that full WH geared players would get nerfed, and non geared or fresh 50's would get boosted to BM/half WH standards to make it even.


that post got flammed by god knows how many players obviously happy with their current placement in the 50wz placement and didn't want to risk a fair fight.

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Can't blame them. The 10-49 bracket is way more fun. I thought about doing this myself and I regret not doing it. Now I am stuck in the 50 bracket unless I want to re-roll. The 50 bracket is way too zergy. High burst damage diminishes the strategy and positioning game of the game. TTK is very short.... or not short enough: As I make my way to fully augmented WH, I can walk around with impunity when faced against undergeared foes. Feels cheap and lazy. Matches are decided by the gear levels of the respective teams. People quit when they see undergeared PUGs; hell, I do sometimes.


By contrast, in the 10-49 bracket, no one player can completely dominate, TTK is longer so you have time to run for cover and maybe heal up, and you don't feel like it's spawn-die-spawn-die-spawn-die and so on.


Don't get me wrong, I love PvP in this game. I play it almost exclusively to the exclusion of PvE. But the lowbie bracket, from level 10 to level 49, is, in my opinion and for my preferred playstyle, way more fun. I look forward to my next re-roll and taking my time with it. I wish I had a way t0 enjoy the "feel" of the 10-49 bracket, without an unfair advantage, post level 50.


i miss the good days before the big stink of 1.2 where you could get 10-50 wz's then after the stink of 1.2 an even greater smell called 1.3 came out

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