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49 Twinks in PvP


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What he means is he has a main getting this WH armor, rip out the mods, and mail them across while these mods are in legacy gear. However you still can't equip them until you're level 50 because all the BM/WH mods are level 50 to equip.


Seems legit since you have to grind them either way. The difference is this approach prevents those who did the grind ahead of you from having an advantage against you while you're a fresh 50. Excuse me while I break out my tiny violin.


;) ;) ;)

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Don't really see the problem. I deck out all my alts as they're leveling. They have the best gear available to them because I have biochem, cybertech, synth and armormech. If you're too lazy to craft your own gear or too cheap to buy some, then that's your bad.


Do you stop leveling/questing at 49 and do nothing but PvP? Do you quit before the match ends so you don't gain experience from the match, thereby letting you PvP at level 49 indefinitely? That's the OPs complaint.

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Do you stop leveling/questing at 49 and do nothing but PvP? Do you quit before the match ends so you don't gain experience from the match, thereby letting you PvP at level 49 indefinitely? That's the OPs complaint.


Take into consideration, that if one does not do any PvE content, space or take the PvP dailys...a level 49 could do a crap ton of WZ's (and stay through to the end) before they even hit 50. It is possible to stay at level 49 for a long period of time doing wz's without even leaving it.

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Dauntless I- 10 min victory

Dauntless II- 9 min victory

Dauntless III- 8 min victory

Dauntless IV- 7 min victory

Dauntless V- 6 min victory

Dauntless VI- 5 min victory


Those could certainly do it. Especially since you receive all of the ones you qualify for.


Yeah forgot about those and Deaconzz already pointed out that may have been the case in that instance.


Also I'm not sure if you need to get a medal to receive comms or exp.

You absolutely 100 percent need to earn at least one medal to get any xp, comm or credits from a pvp match. That's why most people dislike getting dropped into a WZ already in progress.


You do however get credit for the win even if you just got there.

Edited by Ridickilis
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Leveling alts i reckognize a growing number of fully augmented level 49 twinks in PvP who leave before the match ends to prevent XP gain.


What do you think about that?


Is that an exploit?

Should i report it?


Or accept it?


I wouldn't quite call it an exploit but it definaitly borders it! My question is why? What are they gaining by leaving the match? I understand hiding from the XP but they are not gaining valor, WZ Comms or credits for leaving the matches. They are also not seeing their stats for the match. What is the point of ganking people when you really don't see or know how well you are actually ganking?


Besides that based on the system in SWTOR ranking everyone at 49 means that a level 10 can take on a 49 as if they matched up exactly, except the 49 has more ablities. So why would you go in as a 49 and get ganked by a level 18? Did it make you feel big?


I recall when my PT Tank was 49 and I did WZ to level to 50. There was a trooper in there that I was crushing and he called me out in Gen chat saying "Ruspe stop sucking and make 50 already!" I laughed at it but I was working on making 50 not twinking to beat up low levels.


I do hope they implement a system soon where it seperates levels by 10's yet keeps rating them in WZ as 49's as that is an awesome system! But ability wise it makes it more level to battle 10-19 rather then 10-49 in a WZ. Then they need to introduce a 10 point kill valor system. That is where you gain 10 points of valor for killing someone at your level and gain or lose 1 point based on level.


In Open World PvP a level 49 and level 10 are not on par as if they were in a WZ so why would it be okay for a 49 to gank that level 10 in open world? If they gave valor for open world PvP 10 points for same level kill +/-1 per level difference then a there would be no reason to kill anyone more then 10 levels lower than you. This can also be applied in WZ when they are bracketed by 10s cause as is a level 10 killing a 49 in a WZ would gain an additional 49 valor where that 49 would earn nothing for killing anyone 38 and below in the WZ. By backeting it a 49-40 bracket the 49 twink would gain only 1 point for killing a 40. So it would still not be worth the time or effort to try and twink yourself at the top of a bracket.


Yet I would report players you Identify as 49 playing sub 50 PvP WZs and leave regularly from WZ before recieving rewards as improper conduct in that they ruin the spirit of the game and show poor sportsmanship by trying to gank other low level players.

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But if they leave before the WZ ends, they don't get any medals or comms, correct? So whats the point? Join a WZ, own some nubz, then leave... you don't get anything out of it.


Pretty sure they do it for the lulz.

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Can't blame them. The 10-49 bracket is way more fun. I thought about doing this myself and I regret not doing it. Now I am stuck in the 50 bracket unless I want to re-roll. The 50 bracket is way too zergy. High burst damage diminishes the strategy and positioning game of the game. TTK is very short.... or not short enough: As I make my way to fully augmented WH, I can walk around with impunity when faced against undergeared foes. Feels cheap and lazy. Matches are decided by the gear levels of the respective teams. People quit when they see undergeared PUGs; hell, I do sometimes.


By contrast, in the 10-49 bracket, no one player can completely dominate, TTK is longer so you have time to run for cover and maybe heal up, and you don't feel like it's spawn-die-spawn-die-spawn-die and so on.


Don't get me wrong, I love PvP in this game. I play it almost exclusively to the exclusion of PvE. But the lowbie bracket, from level 10 to level 49, is, in my opinion and for my preferred playstyle, way more fun. I look forward to my next re-roll and taking my time with it. I wish I had a way t0 enjoy the "feel" of the 10-49 bracket, without an unfair advantage, post level 50.


Really? 'Cause my DPS Scoundrel and Infil Shadow reaped face in the 40-49 range and immediately dropped in effectiveness at 50, so... o.0 My opponents certainly felt the "spawn-die-spawn-die-spawn-die" effect.

Edited by Daiyukie
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Leveling alts i reckognize a growing number of fully augmented level 49 twinks in PvP who leave before the match ends to prevent XP gain.


What do you think about that?


Is that an exploit?

Should i report it?


Or accept it?


I don't even know if you can report them, as they aren't really breaking any "rules". They should definitely have their Man-Cards revoked, but not their SWTOR subscriptions.


People do stuff like that, all you can do is sit back and laugh at how pathetic they are, and move on with your day.


Like a 30yo walking around the playground challenging kids to arm-wrestling matches... Ridiculous, but not illegal.

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Take into consideration, that if one does not do any PvE content, space or take the PvP dailys...a level 49 could do a crap ton of WZ's (and stay through to the end) before they even hit 50. It is possible to stay at level 49 for a long period of time doing wz's without even leaving it.


It took me like 6 game hours of straight PVP to go from 49-50. Granted I have the 30% exp gain, and I did take the daily xp, but even then it shouldn't take more than 2x that much. Point being, no one who PVPs regularly should take longer than like a week to go from 49-50.

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People are still whining about this? Twinks in this game are nothing compared to other games with how level bolstering works. At best, they have a small advantage, but you can still hold your own at any level and it is actually more balanced than the 50 bracket. You can crit for 5k on a level 10 sniper for Pete's sake! Some classes just struggle at lower levels due to class design, but once you are into your 20s and 30s you should have a fair shot at anyone or any level. The bracket is fine. Personally, I see decking out a 49 as a waste of time and I will not do it myself, but I really have no problem with those that do because the advantage is minimal.
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Twinks in this game are nothing compared to other games with how level bolstering works. At best, they have a small advantage, but you can still hold your own at any level and it is actually more balanced than the 50 bracket. You can crit for 5k on a level 10 sniper for Pete's sake! Some classes just struggle at lower levels due to class design, but once you are into your 20s and 30s you should have a fair shot at anyone or any level. The bracket is fine. Personally, I see decking out a 49 as a waste of time and I will not do it myself, but I really have no problem with those that do because the advantage is minimal.


Keep singing the praises of the 10-49 bracket! Yes, it's that good! :D :D :D

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Oh noes! People are having fun and geting geared to beat people up, what shall we do!


Oh noes! The gear they made and payed for themselves is crazy, being level 49 and twinked is sooo cool, report them all!


Oh noes! They left a match that way they can enjoy the game a little longer as a 49, this is sooooooo nuts and they should be put to a wall and rocks should be thrown at them for eternity!


Oh noes! .. :rolleyes:

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I consider it bad sport and generally just leave the WZ as soon as I see them.


The solution would likely be that exp is gained during the WZ.



Yup Xp on ever kill and warzone objective then leaving would not stop them from hitting 50. They all cry if that went into pl,ace as they would not be able to feel all big in pvp

Edited by Neoforcer
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I just don't understand it tbh. You don't GET anything from doing it, and you gotta figure the lulz would wear out eventually.


Sometimes I just don't get you internet =/


I think for some people their goal is to minimize gain for the other team as opposed to getting anything out of it. You obviously aren't getting any valor/xp/commedations for doing this. In fact, if you're against a team of 8 such people, both team would 'lose' the game (the other side would almost certainly lose but the winning side would've to quit to avoid getting xp).

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Why report them? they are doing nothing wrong, that is within the game rules. You shouldn't be mad at the people doing this but you should be screaming for pvP brackets, level 10's should not even be fighting a level 49 to start with. They need to make it into a level 35 and under and then a level 36 to 49.
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Leveling alts i reckognize a growing number of fully augmented level 49 twinks in PvP who leave before the match ends to prevent XP gain.


What do you think about that?


Is that an exploit?

Should i report it?


Or accept it?


who cares. they get no credits, no valor, no comms. so basically they are wasting their time. If they want to feel like they are talented at pvp by beating lowbies let them.

Edited by Ssfbistimg
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I don't see the problem. You get own in WZ by someone who doesn't want to hit 50. They leave the game and get nothing for running it. If you stop him from doing this he'll just take that 50 and sit outside of a lowbie town and kill lowbies. Let the failure have his fun.
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