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What is going on BioWare ??


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What is going on with this game ??


Reports are comming in that you are firing a lot's of folks again.

Gamers are leaving left and right... not much positivity on either official forums or on different gaming sites.


Communication is weak to none... Showing us picture of HK-51 is weak. We need more open communication where you are telling us your plans, development plans. I mean when are we going to see patch 1.4 ? What is patch 1.4 going to bring to us ? When will it be on Test Server ??


There is a lot's and lot's of questions and little to no communication...

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fail thread is fail.


why is it fail if I may ask ??


I mean i'm getting more frustrated day by day when ever I visit some forums where I'm hoping to find some info that will improve my game play but instead find a lot's of negative talks about swtor...


And does times somebody is saying something positive they are called fanboys and what else.


So why is my thread fail ?? You don't see same things that I see ??

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This forum has always been full of negativity and there isnt a whole lot BW can do about it at this point.

They answer questions every week and you can't expect them to elaborate why they fire people, that would be bad practice. Plus they simply do not know exactly what they will be implementing when. I do not know whether this is common or not though, I am not that experienced with p2p mmo's.

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why is it fail if I may ask ??

Because who cares.. Just go play and enjoy yourself.


I mean i'm getting more frustrated day by day when ever I visit some forums where I'm hoping to find some info that will improve my game play but instead find a lot's of negative talks about swtor...


Don't get frustrated man, dont let these boards brings you down. Official message boards are typically the worst place to get information on the games you play. It has always been a mistery to me why offical boards tend to be sesspools, but they are. MMO official message boards have always predicted doom and gloom about the MMO they are stood up for. Don't let it bother you, just go play and enjoy yourself.


In Feburary of 2005 I started to see the first "Death of WoW" posts on Blizzard's official boards. (two months after the game went retail). I saw the death of EQ posts in 2001, and the game has had over 15 expansions since.


And does times somebody is saying something positive they are called fanboys and what else. So why is my thread fail ?? You don't see same things that I see ??


I love playing SWTOR, it is a blast and everytime EA/BIOWARE does a patch it only gets better. I AM THE FANBOY!!!

Your post is a fail because you aren't asking anything worth answering. Now if you asked about what is the best method for breaking room X of instance Y then you may have gotten a link to a good strategy site or discussion. You asked a vague question about IT developers getting fired. I have worked in IT for just about 20 years and developers get fired, released, ****cann and of replaced every single day, It doesn't mean the end of the software the company sells, it is just the standard trials, tribulations and undelation of software developement.

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why is it fail if I may ask ??


I mean i'm getting more frustrated day by day when ever I visit some forums where I'm hoping to find some info that will improve my game play but instead find a lot's of negative talks about swtor...


And does times somebody is saying something positive they are called fanboys and what else.


So why is my thread fail ?? You don't see same things that I see ??


MMO forums have always, and will always, be filled with people QQing about everything. Honestly, do yourself a favor, and don't bother reading all the crap. It'll end up convincing you the game is a sinking ship.


Also, most of the doom comes from articles that people stretch to mean what they want them to mean. Someone working on the game mentions F2P is a possible option at some point is read as the game is going F2P very soon. New content being released, "in the next year or so", is read as meaning a year from now--instead of the proper meaning of within a year.

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why is it fail if I may ask ??


I mean i'm getting more frustrated day by day when ever I visit some forums where I'm hoping to find some info that will improve my game play but instead find a lot's of negative talks about swtor...


And does times somebody is saying something positive they are called fanboys and what else.


So why is my thread fail ?? You don't see same things that I see ??


I agree with you.


What happend to the promised monthly updates the dev's talked about ?

What happened to 1.4, dev silence is never a good thing, I have played mmo's for a very long time and when the dev's stop talking, something is going on in house and it is not always a good thing for us the paying customer. They said they were going to be at comic con in a :Big way" were they ?

Hows' the new world pvp coming along is there still a team working on it ?

How's the new and improved space coming along or is it ?

I know Bioware does not to talk about things until they get ready to go in game, I don't want details, I would like to know what to look forward to in the future.

I will be the first to admit I am a fanboi of this game, but I am not a rabid or blind fanboi, I hope all these things happen, and more..:)

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MMO forums have always, and will always, be filled with people QQing about everything. Honestly, do yourself a favor, and don't bother reading all the crap. It'll end up convincing you the game is a sinking ship.


Also, most of the doom comes from articles that people stretch to mean what they want them to mean.


Quoted for truth.

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And does times somebody is saying something positive they are called fanboys and what else.


Nothing wrong with being positive. It's no indication that those who are positive are in denial of this game's shortcomings or style of gameplay.


The ones who declare others are fanboys usually are:


1. They same individuals who will call most anybody in society "sheep" because somehow they're more enlightened as to how the world really is then anybody else.




2. Frusturated at those who enjoy the game regardless of what is happening, and claim that this will keep the devs from making the game better.


Really, its just rhetoric and a facetious argument.

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Just move on and keep playing the game. Try maxing your Legacy, reach lvl 50 on all 8 classes, reach 400 on every profession and maybe take a sight seeing tour on each world and marvel at the landscapes. 1.4 should be here soon which should bring all this "bad" news to a halt for a while.
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What is going on with this game ??


Reports are comming in that you are firing a lot's of folks again.

Gamers are leaving left and right... not much positivity on either official forums or on different gaming sites.


Communication is weak to none... Showing us picture of HK-51 is weak. We need more open communication where you are telling us your plans, development plans. I mean when are we going to see patch 1.4 ? What is patch 1.4 going to bring to us ? When will it be on Test Server ??


There is a lot's and lot's of questions and little to no communication...


I agree, they need to speak up and end this negativity, or at least try. AT LEAST convince your current players to stay.


All of this 'devs are leaving/100 servers closed' stuff and BW remaining silent doesn't reassure anyone to keep paying every month.

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What is going on with this game ??


Reports are comming in that you are firing a lot's of folks again.

Gamers are leaving left and right... not much positivity on either official forums or on different gaming sites.


Communication is weak to none... Showing us picture of HK-51 is weak. We need more open communication where you are telling us your plans, development plans. I mean when are we going to see patch 1.4 ? What is patch 1.4 going to bring to us ? When will it be on Test Server ??


There is a lot's and lot's of questions and little to no communication...


They do need to let us know about things that involve game play and when they will happen but you cant be serious about hiring's and firing's....these are business decisions that Bioware feel needs to be done for what ever reasons. They do not need to explain their actions to you, me or anyone else that plays the game. If you buy and wear Nike shoes and they decide to fire someone within the company or even Stop production and not sell their product any more, are you gonna demand that they tell you Why just because you buy their shoes.... really now.

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Again, I'm not going to say this is part of "The Plan" but developers typically do downsize after the release of a game.


With non-MMOs this can be brutal even with highly successful games. With MMOs ... you simply don't need the same number of people to maintain and update a product as you do to develop it, even if you are planning some serious expansions.


It was a pipedream that the entire team would still be around in a year.


- Arcada


P.S. The thread is a fail because the expectations you outlined in it are seriously unrealistic. I'm actually getting a very good dollar for value with $15/month and so are you. The tone that we need a new patch and content just weeks after the last significant patch is ... well ... somewhat childish although I'm trying to phrase this in a non-insulting way.

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What is going on with this game ??


Reports are comming in that you are firing a lot's of folks again.

Gamers are leaving left and right... not much positivity on either official forums or on different gaming sites.


Communication is weak to none... Showing us picture of HK-51 is weak. We need more open communication where you are telling us your plans, development plans. I mean when are we going to see patch 1.4 ? What is patch 1.4 going to bring to us ? When will it be on Test Server ??


There is a lot's and lot's of questions and little to no communication...


Oooooooh shiny HK-51. You no ask questions. Ooooooh!!!

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I agree with you.


What happend to the promised monthly updates the dev's talked about ?


This is a gigantic issue. I remember the interview where he talked about monthly updates and content and features, yes he said monthly. 7 months one content update? A few feature updates that shouldve been in at release


Patience only goes so far

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What is going on with this game ??


Reports are comming in that you are firing a lot's of folks again.

Gamers are leaving left and right... not much positivity on either official forums or on different gaming sites.


Communication is weak to none... Showing us picture of HK-51 is weak. We need more open communication where you are telling us your plans, development plans. I mean when are we going to see patch 1.4 ? What is patch 1.4 going to bring to us ? When will it be on Test Server ??


There is a lot's and lot's of questions and little to no communication...

The same thing that happens whenever an MMO is finished - they are laying off a bunch of the staff that was needed to make it because they don't need them anymore. They need developers for patches, and they need programmers and people to find bugs, but they don't need nearly as many people as they needed to make and launch the game. That's normal.

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What is going on with this game ??


Reports are comming in that you are firing a lot's of folks again.

Gamers are leaving left and right... not much positivity on either official forums or on different gaming sites.


Communication is weak to none... Showing us picture of HK-51 is weak. We need more open communication where you are telling us your plans, development plans. I mean when are we going to see patch 1.4 ? What is patch 1.4 going to bring to us ? When will it be on Test Server ??


There is a lot's and lot's of questions and little to no communication...


Read the article before posting. Its the same people who have already been made redundant. Do you think they need to keep the same number of devs to run the game that originally wrote it? They need a lot less. And as for people leaving the game my server is heaving with players. I wish you guys who are trying to bring the game down with your lies would move on to another game.

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I agree with you.


What happend to the promised monthly updates the dev's talked about ?

What happened to 1.4, dev silence is never a good thing, I have played mmo's for a very long time and when the dev's stop talking, something is going on in house and it is not always a good thing for us the paying customer. They said they were going to be at comic con in a :Big way" were they ?

Hows' the new world pvp coming along is there still a team working on it ?

How's the new and improved space coming along or is it ?


I know Bioware does not to talk about things until they get ready to go in game, I don't want details, I would like to know what to look forward to in the future.

I will be the first to admit I am a fanboi of this game, but I am not a rabid or blind fanboi, I hope all these things happen, and more..:)


Bingo , this are all perfectly valid questions which concern most of the playerbase and on which we need some answers for.

I would say that Bioware communication on the forums and with the community is extremly low and their weekly Q&A aint good enough because what I seen coming from it its only answers on some minor subjects regarding the game without touching all major content aspects which concern most of the playerbase.

Edited by Lunablade
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It is strange that so little has been coming from Bioware. Its like the days before the launch when all the fanbois said they don't owe us anything.


Now they want people to sub and yet there is still very little information, very little communication and very little happening in the game. Nothing wrong with the community team coming in and saying this is what we are working on, this is where we are and this is why you should keep subscribing.

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What is going on with this game ??


Reports are comming in that you are firing a lot's of folks again.


Well after the job they done you were expecting geting Nobel prize for ..... of course they got sacked.

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Honestly, do yourself a favor, and don't bother reading all the crap. It'll end up convincing you the game is a sinking ship.


If you need to be convinced of this, you're either very new around here, or blind, deaf, and dumb.


Two options.




I find it to be insanely humorous that all of the fanboys are convinced that the people who were fired were just dead weight that were causing the game to be terrible and that they needed to be fired to improve the game.


Yet, they are still somehow convinced that the game is perfect, needs no improvement, and doesn't deserve any of the criticism it takes.


How is it possible that these people did such a horrid job and they deserved to be fired if the game is so perfect at every angle? The math doesn't add up, I believe we forgot to carry a 1 somewhere.

Edited by Celebrus
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One of the problems with all the mmorpg:s is that the companies (financers) dont really want to commit to any new things they promiced to the players. If they for example announced that next patch in 2 months will implement new tools x, and y which have certain functionalities and instance z which has n amount of bosses and some new mechanics then they would need to hire enough developers to make sure that they can implement all the things they promiced, even if they have some unforeseen problems.


Instead they have some (a lot) smaller amount of developers who wont talk much about that they will do in the future since any surprising problem will delay those plans, or even cancel them. Surely that is cheaper for the company since players have been taught that they cannot expect anything but vague promices and approximate timetables.


Dont get me wrong. I like SWTOR and other Bioware games. It is just kind of worrying to hear about all the layoffs, dropping player rates and so on, concidering that they really havent told us much what they are planning to release in the future. Do they even believe in the future of this game? Or does EA believe enough that they are willing to finance new stuff?


Expansions? Space? PVP? Bugfixes? New Operations? Guild stuff? Vanity stuff? Clothes? Hobbies? Exploring? Mini games? Achievements? etc...

Edited by turjake
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