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Favourite Cut Scene


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I was wondering what you guys consider your favourite cutscene in the game. It can be from levelling, flashpoint or OP.


My favourite is at the end of Boarding Party. When you chose the option to shut the captain up, she takes a pistol whip to the face from a trooper. Everytime I see it, it makes me laugh. :D


Don't take that as an encouragement on violence towards women, it just the fact that it's in the face haha ouch.

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Trooper Act II, enormous armored hulk Kurus (Type 3 male) sneaking up on a Sith Trooper and shooting him in the head with a silenced blaster pistol.


Made me wish Vanguards could use pistols in combat :(




Another one from Trooper Act III on Voss:


You walk into a cave and a smoke bomb goes off and a bunch of Imperial soldiers ambush you!


So you kill them all by attacking them from inside the smoke, still in the cutscene, wiping out the entire strike team before the smoke settles. That one is just straight up awesome.

Edited by HellbirdIV
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Jedi Knight, end of Alderaan/just past Alderaan. Hands down.



My favorite interaction in the game:


DARTH ANGRAL: Tell me, Jedi, are you afraid to die?

ORGUS DIN: There is no death. There is only the Force.

DARTH ANGRAL: If there is no death, then where is my son?


And then Angral kills him. I love it.


I found somebody's recording of the scene, it's only a minute long: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2XJNNSsyGo


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Bounty Hunter Act 1: Alderaan


When the BH goes to meet with Lord Malfus to get the information for his employer. First, punched him once. Then he demanded an apology, so I did the half-hearted "Sorry I knocked your teeth in" line. Then he demanded a "real" apology, so I beat the living crap out of him. All very much to Mako's delight and my lulz. Best Dark Side points in the game. :D


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Bounty Hunter Act 1: Alderaan


When the BH goes to meet with Lord Malfus to get the information for his employer. First, punched him once. Then he demanded an apology, so I did the half-hearted "Sorry I knocked your teeth in" line. Then he demanded a "real" apology, so I beat the living crap out of him. All very much to Mako's delight and my lulz. Best Dark Side points in the game. :D


Lol Nice. :p

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I slept with him, told him he was terrible, then killed him.....Worth the -whatever points from Corso, cause it was hilarious!


I still can't bring myself to do that, I guess because they keep talking about how Skavak is hardcore racist all through Coruscant. Well, if you don't like green chicks then screw you, Skavak! Or don't, rather...


Talking to a buddy last night I remembered this scene from the smuggler story that always makes me smile like an idiot (pretty early in the story):



When you finally get your ship back and it shows you at the controls flying out of the spaceport...you just look so at home, and Corso is standing there like "wow this is so cool omg!11!!1" It made me feel like going, "Yeah! I'm a space pilot, time for crazy adventures!"


It was just a nice moment that captured the freedom and adventurous spirit of the class for me, :3


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Another good one on Alderaan, for sheer bad*** voice work goes to David Hayter on the Miraluka Jedi Knight.



When confronting Lord Neffrid (sp.) and he's taunting you with "You can't fight what you can't see." Miraluka Knights get a special convo choice that shows up on the wheel as "I can see just fine". The actual wording is "My eyes are the Force, and you can't hide for long." in the Solid Snake gravel. Perfectly executed comeback, imo. :D


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Well I enjoyed every single occasion when I made Jedi pissed off and angry while I on the other hand acted so calm and cool, preaching and mocking them before killing them.


Anger is for losers. Winners don't have any reason to get angry or upset. So I think the whole Sith paradigm concerning anger is just lame and dumb.

Edited by Path-x
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SI Chapter 1



When my female SI sleeps with, can't remember, either a guard or a Sith from the noble house, and Andronkius approves, makes a comment, and she tells him she was done with the guard anyway, and did Andronikus find someone to give him his own private tour of the estate?


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Bounty Hunter Act 1: Alderaan


When the BH goes to meet with Lord Malfus to get the information for his employer. First, punched him once. Then he demanded an apology, so I did the half-hearted "Sorry I knocked your teeth in" line. Then he demanded a "real" apology, so I beat the living crap out of him. All very much to Mako's delight and my lulz. Best Dark Side points in the game. :D


totally hilarious scene, funniest ever, i liked how even LS mako enjoyed it :D

Edited by Usif
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The male smuggler after he gets Guss. When you sleep with the first female you get the chance to, he makes a comment about finding something to do while you are at it. But the funny part is when you get to the second affair, and he responds with "Again?". Laughed my butt off, cause lets face it, this isn't Star Wars, it is Star Whores.
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Mine is when the FemHunter arrives on Taris, and you go searching for Torian Cadera, as he has been missing from his post for a week or so. You walk into a bunker, and he comes up behind you, threating you. You have three options; one is to [Flirt][Disarm]. Upon clicking this response, you say "I just couldn't wait to see you again after Droumnd Kaas...." and he's all like "Wha----?" then you flip him over your shoulder and take his weapon. It's actually pretty funny :D:p Edited by Kikilicious
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