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You and your MVP Vote


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I look at the entire body of work that players on my team have put in. I look at Healing done, then protection, then medals, then damage. If anyone leads the team in more than one category they usually get my vote. If no one leads in more than one I usually give the leader in protection the vote cause they rarely get votes. But only if the protection seems significant. If it is like <10k or 15k then the tank wasn't really sticking with the healer. If no one has significant protection then I give my vote to who has the 2nd or 3rd most healing if it appears they are an actual healer because the top healer usually gets like 4 votes or more and the other healers rarely get any. Although I think people are starting to realize these things just as I have and have begun doing the same thing because I have seen the top healer go with no votes while the #2 healer gets like 2 or 3.


I wish they would show MVP votes as they are voted on so I could spread them out more. I realize it doesn't really matter but its nice to vote for people who were of significance to the win and make sure the votes are spread out so that people know that their teammates appreciate their role on the team. I know what your thinking...but what about the DPSers? I have a deception Assassin and DPS is its own reward no MVP needed. :D

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speaking as a DPS, i can tell you that getting the most objective / badges does not directly attribute to winning games - especially in huttball.


i've personally just given up on the matches before, and just went on a killing rampage (i tried running the ball, but had no support, tried passing it, but everyone's behind me, or they jump out of the way). those usually end up with me with 15 badges, but losing horribly.


I personally wouldn't go by objective points very much.


healing - but gotta watch out for those number padders. had 3 sorc that kept killing themselves and healing themselves the entire time in CW. :rolleyes:

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I give mine to the healer with the second or third highest healing numbers if they are fairly close to the top healer. I've played in a few matches where the top one gets all the votes and all others get shafted. I know how ****** healing can be in random WZs so I like to spread the love around so healers keep on playing. Edited by HaibaneRenmai
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Healers always get my vote


If its not for a healer keeping you and I alive (Because the other side is trying to kill you) you would not score in huttball no node camping no protection and in my case no damage dealing. So hats off to you healers on Pof5 server.



Pof5 server

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If I'm on my healer, I'll give it to the guy guarding me.


If I'm on my DPS I'll give it to the healer.


If theres no guard/protection and either no healer or a sucky healer then I will vot for the guy who does a good job calling incs while defending a node, or is a smart huttball player who passes.


There have also been matches where everyone just sucked so i refused to vote for anyone.

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I am always surprised at how little love DPS'ers get. Damage is needed just as much as the other roles. If someone comes in and does 700k dmg, they are getting my vote, even if a healer did 500k heals, that DPS deserves it.
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Healers always get my vote


If its not for a healer keeping you and I alive (Because the other side is trying to kill you) you would not score in huttball no node camping no protection and in my case no damage dealing. So hats off to you healers on Pof5 server.



Pof5 server

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So, how do you give out your MVP vote?


I usually vote for whoever has the least number if medals so they can catch up on gear. Baring that, I'll usually give them to healers, since, if they get marked, they usually get burned down so fast that they otherwise have very little fun during the match.


I never base my vote on who has the most medals, because that is usually the guy who has the least use for them.

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As the votes don't mean anything much with regards to extra medals and comms, I give them to the member I considered the most valuable. This is usually the guy with highest objectives and/or great comm skills. Or if I notice someone having great spatial predictive skills. A healer from time to time
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I won't vote for anyone if we got rolled badly because everyone wanted to play their game as an individual rather than as a team. I won't vote if the majority of the team gives up and farms our only node (or I will give it to the one other guy that didn't give up). I keep my negative feelings to myself, I never flame or call anyone out, so that's my way of saying 'you guys sucked'. I do still vote in losses, even bad ones, if we tried our best, grouped up before attacking, etc. but simply got outplayed.


For ACW and NC (even somewhat for VS) I give up to the guy that watched the quiet side the whole match so long as he always called out early and often. It's a thankless, boring job when done right yet doing it wrong can really kill a team. So he/she will always be my MVP. The other may be the person that timed their aoe mezzes just right so we could cap an objective.


After that it's the usual combo of heals, protection, dps and objectives.

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My vote usually goes to a DPS Sorcerer or DPS Sage with the highest damage/objectives/badges ratio.




Because seeing a light armor wearing class that has no cannon to go with it, makes me feel for them. As a Sniper, they're the first ones I pick off. They're just not able to provide enough damage to me in order to kill me before I string some abilities together and watch them take a dirt nap.



I'm still shaking my head at the nerfs that these class/specs got because of the nerd raging kids in the level 1-49 brackets.

Edited by Alkiii
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Mine is based on the match.


If a player was always capping/scoring then I would give them my vote all the time. If there was no sole person then I would go based on objective score. If the match was terrible, either I dont vote or I just give it to whoever doesnt have a vote

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Hello all PVPers.


I was just curious as to who in a Warzone do you give your MVP vote to? Is it who does the most damage, the most healing or collects the most medals? Or do you PVP with a guild and give it to someone from your guild?


I personally go to who had the most medals as medals give a good indicator as to who did contribute in goal of the Warzone. When I don't, I'll give my vote to someone who I noticed in the Warzone doing a lot of healing or damage or saving my skin and I recognize their names.


So, how do you give out your MVP vote?


Unless I am with a guildmate I abstain from voting. It's my way of being fair.

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