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Hi everyone,


We’re looking for some specific feedback about each Advanced Class and spec. Your feedback here, along with other feedback we’ve been gathering and our internal metrics, may guide future class balance changes. Similar threads will be found in every Advanced Class forum.


Here are the two questions that we’d like to ask (please only post about specific specs that you actively play, and don’t forget to tell us which one you’re talking about!):


1. How do you think your Scoundrel spec is perceived by other classes?

2. How do you perceive your own spec?


Please answer the post using the same format and in no more than 2-3 sentences per question.


This is not a discussion thread, so please do not debate others’ feedback – everyone gets to share what they think. Any off-topic or unconstructive posts (or any that do not follow the above guidelines) will be removed without warning.


Remember, this isn’t the only thread we’re looking at for feedback – if you have more feedback than fits the above guidelines, please feel free to post a discussion thread. We’re looking to get some specific insights here, but we are always reading the forums to gather feedback and player concerns.


Thank you!

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Scrapper Spec.


1) Not enough brought to the table (Lack of utility, too many damage restrictions) to be priority in RWZ or OPS.


2) I feel I need to bring a "wing-man" along in PvP to be able to burst someone down. We excel against under-geared or half dead enemies. We rely too much on stealth to have such a long cool-down on Vanish (Especially in PvE where our hard hitter can only be used in stealth; the behind enemy backblast restriction kills our DPS on the 1v1 fight during Eternity Vault)

Edited by jackrunip
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(1) Awesome PVP Healers, Average PVE Healers.


(2) I'm happy with the PVP performance for the most part, although the fact that without Guard it is very hard to survive makes pugging an issue and it would be nice if healers were made less dependent on Guard to be able to do well. In PVE 'mobility' isn't as much of an edge in most fights and it is difficult to match the raw output of a Sage with Salvation or the burst healing of a Commando - having to rely on adrenals and relics to provide burst healing to others makes things a bit predictable. As an Ops leader I still find myself wanting to make sure we have at least 1 Salvation and improving our AOE healing would go a long way to rectify that.

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I'll answer for two specs, since i swap between both.




1. Basically regarded as the best healing class in the game right now. High mobility, good heals over time, and having a vanish means they can get out a jam if need be.


2. Overall, I think this spec is very good. I do feel like it could use some further tweaking to the AOE heal, since it's not really needed to be competitive in any group content.





1. Really a mixed bag. It's either the most OP class, because you can come out of stealth in an instant and kill within seconds; or it's the worst class due to subpar DPS after the opening burst and lackluster utility skills compared to other classes. Overall, I think most people regard a Scrapper as being not as good as other DPS classes.


2. I'm frequently disappointed while playing this spec. I can deal some damage, but it always feels lackluster comparing myself to Marauders or Powertechs. I also feel like I don't contribute much to the group, since unless I'm healing, all I can really deal is DPS. No sprints, leaps, grapples, group buffs, enemy debuffs all make me think I'd be better off bringing a different class to a group.

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1) In PVP, we're considered a source of constant frustration because people hate being killed from stealth. It feels like you're unfairly killed before you can really react and you hear overpowered complaints often. In PVE, most seem to consider the class sub par because of low dps or "lack of utility." They're definitely never the first choice to be taken if you have other options.


2) While I feel like my dps is strong, I've not parsed so I don't know for certain. As far as utility, I sap before trash pulls, I can cc droids, and I've saved our tanks many times with some spot heals, combat res, vanish ghetto res (please remove this it's too finicky) so I think we have more than people realize. I think the class can be great, but is difficult to play well so you don't see many of them. I also don't think it feels very Star Wars at all to be punching and pistol whipping enemies with my blaster instead of, you know, firing my blaster.

Edited by Pargon
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1: Best pvp healers out there, and fair pve healers.. They suffer a bit from "randomness" in their aoe heal compared to sages, but they have more mobility to make up a bit for it.


2. Pretty much as the general population.. I quite like playing sawbones specced smuggler in both pve and pvp. We have some rather redundant abilities that need tweaking.. Like smuggle.. Worst ability EVER :)..

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I'll answer for two specs, since I play them both with optimized and augmented War Hero gear, Ranked and Solo queue.




1. Best PvP healing class in the game. High mobility, strong instant heals and vanish at will. People are annoyed at the sub 30% heal spam and would prefer if the heal was stronger but couldn't be spammed for free.


2. In contrast to public perception, HoTs and instant heal will not keep someone alive under incoming fire from more than one enemy, casted heal is necessary. Vanish has a long cooldown, but with Guard there's less need to use it so it's fine with 3 minutes.




1. Perceived as the most annoying class because you can come out of stealth and "kill within seconds"; people who know the class know this is impossible and it's a nightmare to get into Ranked because the DPS isn't high enough to justify the complete lack of utility and most classes can eat the burst opener and be fine.


2. I always feel pretty unimpressed by the damage that comes out of Shoot First because the restrictions on it would have you believe it's far more powerful than it is. Give it much higher damage and keep the rest the same or give us an extra knockdown/short stun or give us a shorter CD Vanish/second temporary Vanish and the class is fine.


The defining abilities for each spec should not be a joke.

Edited by Daiyukie
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Play a Sawbones. Lv 46


1) From what I've seen on my main, If a Sawbones healer is in group and they don't know how to p[lay it, they can't keep tank alive very well when under intensive fire. I haven't had an issue like that from my leveling but it seems like this is a class that for PVE, you need to know the class. However, seeing as this games leveling and most of its End Game content have been pretty under whelming, having a class where you have to think as you perform your rotation and not just face roll is refreshing.


2) I love healing, it's interesting and fun, never dull unless you have an OP tank that doesn't take any damage. Smuggle is nice to skip through FPs, especially in HMs where you just want your daily and get out. When it come to leveling though, it has slowed drastically since Corso's harpoon went away. In order to conserve my energy and not blow CD's on every fight while I'm questing, i have to use melee attacks which means running into the group of mobs. Smugglers need a gap closer to bring us to the mobs or at least give Corso back his harpoon so he can tank the group and you can beat the crap out of the mob he pulls. Oh, and AOE heals are WEAK.

Edited by Ramahospitality
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Hi everyone,


We’re looking for some specific feedback about each Advanced Class and spec. Your feedback here, along with other feedback we’ve been gathering and our internal metrics, may guide future class balance changes. Similar threads will be found in every Advanced Class forum.


Here are the two questions that we’d like to ask (please only post about specific specs that you actively play, and don’t forget to tell us which one you’re talking about!):


1. How do you think your Scoundrel spec is perceived by other classes?

2. How do you perceive your own spec?


Please answer the post using the same format and in no more than 2-3 sentences per question.


This is not a discussion thread, so please do not debate others’ feedback – everyone gets to share what they think. Any off-topic or unconstructive posts (or any that do not follow the above guidelines) will be removed without warning.


Remember, this isn’t the only thread we’re looking at for feedback – if you have more feedback than fits the above guidelines, please feel free to post a discussion thread. We’re looking to get some specific insights here, but we are always reading the forums to gather feedback and player concerns.


Thank you!


1. The Scoundrel and Operative are the most underpowered class in the game. Their heals are subpar and their rotations are far too complex. You'd be better off rolling a Sage or even a Commando.

2. I think shoving a shotgun up someone's butt and firing it renders every argument they have invalid. Once you get the rotation down the Scoundrel is awesome.

Edited by Malles
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Scrapper here:


In others eyes I have the worst mobility (compared to other melees) and utility in this game which is the reason, why they don't need my scrapper in rBGs. In PvE I generally lack sustainable DPS. We bring alot of good burst, but thats all this spec can offer (except the ability to stealth and to give some off-heals if needed).

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1. Don't know. Don't care.

2. Sustained healing is ok. Biggest problem is burst heals. 2-3 powertechs/marauders that actually know what they are doing obliterate me or anyone else I'm trying to heal. Guard helps, but the smart ones just insta gank the guard first. The other problem is the overabundance of roots/snares that we cannot cure. Nothing like getting stuck in place for 20+ seconds at a time regarless of resolve status. Don't even get me started on the jugg spammable ae snare. That's just laughable. And *** does dodge not get rid of thermal detonator?

Edited by jdent
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1. My guild's primary healer, mostly for hm ops. Kolto cloud has made my guild nickname me The Hotness.


2. I love the heals, and the ability to quickly kill lesser mobs that aggro. I will play no other class. Miss my giggle, though, especially when I'm grouped with a commando who still has theirs.

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1. we're percieved as being the best pvp healer and good pve heals, but not as good as a sage.

2. i think kolto cloud is in the wrong place in the tree, its quite an anti-climax when you reach it, also the set bonuses on gear are a little lacklustre.

i would like a gap closer (not stealth) on all scoundrel specs, either friendly or enemy, but in huttball im just a yo-yo.





1. annoying but gimped in a protracted fight, useless in raids

2. annoying but weak in a protracted fight. useless in raids, no sustainable dps compared to sentinels

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Dirty Fighting


1. The current public opinion on this spec is that it is better as a Gunslinger than for Scoundrel. People never assume you are Dirty Fighter. You are either Scrapper or Sawbones.

2. My personal feelings on the spec is that it is misunderstood and underrated. Rather than applying in your face pressure you are applying global pressure on everyone in your range through DoT's putting pressure on their healing. You support your team by DoT's and off healing with the occasional burst through your wounding shots to finish people off. I like the niche I play.

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Im only a healer but i feel like that the class could use some work. I would personally make it a hot class more than it is now. This would include more stacks, Right now the only real stack is the medpack which i use quite a bit. For me personally im not a big fan of the proc's either as it relies to much on randomness. There really shoulnt be much randomness in healing unless its just a crit heal.


I just rotate the medpacs around waiting for crits which is very effective especially in fp's but heal quite differently in pvp and go straight for the regular heal because burst damage is quite high in pvp as opposed to pve. Im not a huge fan of kolto cloud

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Hi everyone,


1. How do you think your Scoundrel spec is perceived by other classes?

2. How do you perceive your own spec?


Thank you!



1. Utility and distant last choice for Ops or Rated WZs, inferior PvE healer.

2. If you can work all the stuns, bleeds, self heals, vanish, etc ... you can fight 1v1 and last a long time. It will take you a very long time to bring down a well geared player in PvP. No burst damage to speak of.

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Hi everyone,


We’re looking for some specific feedback about each Advanced Class and spec. Your feedback here, along with other feedback we’ve been gathering and our internal metrics, may guide future class balance changes. Similar threads will be found in every Advanced Class forum.


Here are the two questions that we’d like to ask (please only post about specific specs that you actively play, and don’t forget to tell us which one you’re talking about!):


1. How do you think your Scoundrel spec is perceived by other classes?

2. How do you perceive your own spec?


Please answer the post using the same format and in no more than 2-3 sentences per question.


This is not a discussion thread, so please do not debate others’ feedback – everyone gets to share what they think. Any off-topic or unconstructive posts (or any that do not follow the above guidelines) will be removed without warning.


Remember, this isn’t the only thread we’re looking at for feedback – if you have more feedback than fits the above guidelines, please feel free to post a discussion thread. We’re looking to get some specific insights here, but we are always reading the forums to gather feedback and player concerns.


Thank you!


Hi, I rolled my scoundrel named Kincaid Skyporker on The Ebon Hawk on the second day of early access and have stuck to him ever since. I'm valor 96 so I've had my fair share of experience in Warzones. My current ranked warzone win-loss ratio is 92-11 (5 disconnects) with a rating of 1966. I have also played all three specs a fair bit and feel qualified to comment on all of them.



1) Some people view Sawbones as a little overpowered. They see instant cast heals going out on the run as well as the three defensive cooldowns, defense screen, dodge, and vanish being rotated and they can get quickly frustrated.

It can be hard for melee classes to kill Sawbones scoundrels especially for specs (like watchman sentinels) that rely on clensible dots to do the majority of their damage.

The most frustrating ability for other players to deal with is Emergency Medpac re-procing upper hand when the target is below 30% health.


2) I feel like scoundrel heals are the bar to which the other healing classes should be balanced. They are most definitely the strongest of the three healers.

Sawbones is also the most viable Scoundrel spec. They bring a lot to the Warzone, constant rolling HoT's to keep players up. Strong Utility in the from of Flash Bang, Tranquilizer, and Smuggle (a very under rated ability). They also bring surprisingly viable burst in the form of Sabotage Charge, Backblast, Pistol Whip combo's.

Emergency Medpac could use a small nerf, maybe an internal cooldown on how often it can re-proc upper hand, however it would have to be a very delicate nerf.



1) Most either think that Scrappers are stupidly over powered or ridiculously underpowered. Certain classes like Sages/Sorcs and Gunslingers/Snipers have a really hard time dealing with a strong Scrapper opener and get easily frustrated by the spec.

Many of the more durable and powerful classes/specs floating out there don't seem to worry to much about Scrappers and think they're a bit of a joke.


2) First of all, full disclosure, Scrapper is my baby. The Scrapper spec is by far the one that I have played the most and had the most fun with. I want to see it be fully viable and successful in this game.

I think the damage that the scrapper specs deals out is fine. They defiantly don't need a buff to their opener or to sustained damage However, the damage from scrapper is so heavily tied in to being in stealth that they struggle way to much once they get locked into combat. They rely on stealth to deal damage far more than a Shadows and in my opinion should be able to enter stealth far more frequently than they currently can.

I believe they need some kind of ability like Force Camouflage that's is on a short 30-45 second cooldown. This may also require a longer 12 second or so cooldown on shoot first to prevent multiple openers in to a single target short an amount of time.

Scrappers really need some small quality of life improvements to make them viable for high end competitive play.


Dirty Fighting:

1) Most people see Dirty fighting as pure fluff damage.


2) Dirty fighting is in a fairly decent place, once again they need a few quality of life changes. DoT's locking the scrapper in combat have to go.

Also the energy management for this spec is horrendous. Wounding shots should have a lower energy cost seeing as is consumes a stack of upper hand.

The ramp up time for wounding shots can be a little high but if the Dirty Fighter already has a couple stacks of Upperhand already built up then the damage output feels really good.

The survivability in the Dirty Fighting spec is even more terrible than as a Scrapper. They could use some kind of defensive buffs but I don't see how that's possible without over buffing the **** out of Sawbones.


In conclusion Scoundrels are an incredibly fun class to play as DPS or healing. However, they suffer from a lack of survivability in the DPS tree's and could use some hearty quality of life changes, mostly in regards to the ease (or unease) of how they access stealth.


Edite: Wow, sorry I went on for so long.

Edited by FrankyMcShanky
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lvl 50 Sawbones PvE


1) great mobile healer with poor aoe ability.


2) on ops when we run parsing together, you very rarely ever see a scoundrel get anywhere close to the amount of heals that a sage can do. I think its the fact the aoe of ours is so poor. I enjoy the classes as a healer and i think we can do things a sage cant do but in the end what people look at are the final numbers.


lvl 50 scrapper PvE


1) basically why i am sawbones now, in an op the dps sucks


2) This was my first love, and after the nerfs I almost shelved him forever till we needed a healer one night and i respecced. The easiest way I could explain this would be to say when i am dps spec I feel like i am trying to beat down a brick wall with a wet noodle.

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1. I'm not sure if this the spec or just because people like healers generally; I leveled my scoundrel as a straight heal spec, on nothing but flashpoints. The most frequent comment I got in groups along the way was "nice heals." The most common thing you will see in idle chat and around the forums is "really fun to play as a healer." I was also able to easily pull groups through by three-manning FPs when a tank or DPS dropped out, just by pulling out Corso to loltank or, in the worst case, Guss to back me up on heals.


2. I haven't met anything I can't heal yet; but I also have just gotten to ops and am still gearing up in story modes. It's clear that sages have superior AOE. Overall, this toon was immensely, stupidly easier to level through even the hardest solo PvE compared to my Infil Shadow. I could not even believe just how weak the DPS Shadow feels next to a heal spec Scoundrel with any well geared pet. For single target healing, the class is unstoppable in PvE, at least when you're well geared; provided you learn to use all your tools and understand that your main rotation is maintenance and energy management, with the big cast heals in reserve for addressing burst damage or touching up off targets.


I have played straight cast healers in other games, and scoundrel is . . . not like them. The rotation feels a bit Rube Goldberg-ish at times. I wish the HOTs lasted longer, because I feel like I have to spam them constantly, like they're just there to make busy work for me. You have to learn to stay ahead of incoming damage, or you will get buried quick. You can do a lot of things at once if you are good at it, but it's not a healer that works well under pressure from many sides at once. I have to think a sage would feel a lot more "in control" and a lot less like a mad scramble when you need to address heavy AOE damage.

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1) Perceived as equal to Sage in PvE, best healing class in PvP.


2) I feel I can hold my own as a healer in all PvE content and in PvP. The Kolto Pack ability is so rarely useful that I do not have it on my toolbar.





1) Perceived as weak DPS in PvE, good burst but nothing sustained in PvP and easiest class to counter with roots, stuns, etc.


2) I feel this spec greatly underperforms as an endgame PvE DPS, particularly where positioning is difficult and/or knockbacks are prevalent. In PvP I feel like I can kill any target I want, as long as they have terrible gear or are below 50% health - therefore I stick to Sawbones.

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2) I feel I can hold my own as a healer in all PvE content and in PvP. The Kolto Pack ability is so rarely useful that I do not have it on my toolbar.

Kolto Pack is probably the least appreciated ability in the game. You have to really look at the numbers on it to realize that you only get your peak HP/second burst healing by chaining UM->KP->EMP. And it only really comes into its own once you get the 4/5 set bonus that buffs the crit up on it. At that point it regularly heals MORE than UM, assuming you have a good amount of crit stacked in your setup.


Early on, every time I casted it, I just thought, "Wow, that was a waste of a CD." But very late in the game, it becomes one of your core abilities, and it's essential to keeping your energy recovery up during burst healing cycles. It almost feels like it's so gimped at early levels, and without all the talents and set bonuses that buff it, that it should have been the 31 point talent, rather than the second heal we get.

Edited by Heezdedjim
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Kolto Pack is probably the least appreciated ability in the game. You have to really look at the numbers on it to realize that you only get your peak HP/second burst healing by chaining UM->KP->EMP. And it only really comes into its own once you get the 4/5 set bonus that buffs the crit up on it. At that point it regularly heals MORE than UM, assuming you have a good amount of crit stacked in your setup.


Early on, every time I casted it, I just thought, "Wow, that was a waste of a CD." But very late in the game, it becomes one of your core abilities, and it's essential to keeping your energy recovery up during burst healing cycles. It almost feels like it's so gimped at early levels, and without all the talents and set bonuses that buff it, that it should have been the 31 point talent, rather than the second heal we get.


This is not the thread for this discussion but I agree, it's the best 1.5 second heal in the game.

Edited by FrankyMcShanky
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Level 50 Sawbones:


1) People see the HPS that can be put out by a Sawbones and call it overpowered. People do not see that when it comes to healing, numbers are all Sawbones has...there is no HEALING utility. The only utility remotely related to healing is our ability to vanish and Rez people after they're all dead...though the monsters reset.


2) There are serious synergy problems in the Sawbones tree, with some abilities rarely seeing use as there is almost always a better choice (1.5 second heal). The animations make me unhappy - especially EMP on others (a.k.a. zip line). The idea of a stealth healer is awesome...but stealth doesn't help me heal at all - in fact, it prevents it.

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1. How do you think your Scoundrel spec is perceived by other classes?

2. How do you perceive your own spec?


1. Scrapper spec is perceived as being terrible as a PvE damage spec, incapable of competing with others in operations, and having zero utility. Despite being well-geared, I have been denied DPS spots in operations groups because the spec is considered to be useless.


2. I agree with the above. It is a fun spec to play, apart from the feeling that you are not able to contribute at the level of Sages, Gunslingers, Commandos or Sentinels.

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