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I play full tank in PvE and hybrid in PvP.


1) In PvP most people feel that I'm a little OP mostly because I do really good damage and am harder to kill than most other DPS, and it's not easy for enemies to tell at a glance if I'm full tank (and they shouldn't waste their damage on me) or DPS (focus fire me). In PvE most of my guild mates prefer to have Vanguard tanks when our DPS is a little low (apparently we do more damage as full tank than the other tank classes).


2) In PvP I feel really good as a DPSer who can actually take some hits, but I do wither under concentrated fire with only my 2 defensive CDs, I feel more like a balanced DPS than a hybrid tank in PvP. Mostly in PvE I do really well as a Vanguard tank except that I wish a had another defensive CD for emergencies.

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Shield Specialist

2. How do you perceive your own spec?

I would like the AoE DoT removed from High Impact Bolt, because it can target neutral targets (that I do not wish to pull) as well the Ion Cell DoT is powerfull enough to down the shield generator the spawns with the adds during the Fire Brand and Storm Caller. This severly lowers single target dps for Vanguard Tanks in this encounter.

If there is anyway to change the animation for the ability "Storm" that would be nice. It is kinda funny running on air up to a target thats on top of a cliff.



Edited by DannyMuzz
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Shield Spec


1. Solid tank in PvE, worst tank in PvP due to lack of dps vs assassin and lack of survivability/movement vs guardian.


2. PvE is fine, PvP is workable but only if you don't have the other tanks. Due to the Vanguard's extra reliance on Shield for DR and the fact it works on very few abilities due to crit and force/tech attacks the Vanguard suffers more thant the other tanks.


Assault Spec


1. Stupidly overpowered in PvP, burst is way too high especially when coupled with gear not designed for the advanced class (Eliminator)


2. Stupidly overpowered in PvP. Defense is just as good if not better than most other DPS and damage is WAY higher. It feels like I'm cheating when playing this spec, I was topping charts in Combat Tech gear with a Shield offhand.

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1. Assault/Pyro in PVP is thought of as horribly OP and has several posts demanding it and the class be nerfed to the ground. Too many people seem to think were OP because we can top damage, but our ranged dots like incen missle and our aoe like death from above make getting damage really easy.


2. Assault does fine in PVP and shouldn't be changed, rather than nerfing one spec and breaking the class BW should buff up weak specs to bring them in line with the ones thought of as OP. Also, most people who call nerfs don't have any experience in high end RWZ and seek to balance around the low end of PVP.


(Have a 50 PT and VG, both the same tree.)

Edited by BendakStarkiller
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Speaking as a PvE tank:


I loved tanking as a Powertech so much that I rolled a Vanguard to replace my much loathed Guardian tank. As these AC's are nearly identical I wont repeat everything I posted in the Powertech thread, and instead I would like Bioware to please PLEASE do a review of NPC CC abilities. This is not PvP where your opponent does a lockdown move on you and you pop your escape-type counter and that's that; in PvE you're constantly fighting numerous NPCs at once and pulling group after group in rapid succession and for some reason you gave nearly EVERY NPC a knockback or knockdown or stun or grapple or something, with our escape ability able to protect us from only the tiniest fraction of them. So (especially as a tank) we spend a great deal of time not in control of our character and it sucks bad and is an incredibly unfun playstyle. Please PLEASE tone down these abilities on NPCs or give us some form of diminishing return protection. There have been times when our Vent is erupting in laughter because I look very much like a human pinball. Amusing the first time, monitor punching after that.


Otherwise Vanguard tanking, like Powetech, is very solid and enjoyable to do. I would complain that Death From Above looks hella cooler than Mortar Volley ;P and Harpoon seems to suffer from a slight animation delay that Grapple doesn't have.

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Spec = Shield, Level 50


Hi everyone,

1. How do you think your Vanguard spec is perceived by other classes?


In PvE situations, I feel like the Shield Spec Vanguard is regarded as the best tanking option. Survivability and threat control is right around where it needs to be, and the tweaks to AoE threat generation definitely helps in some situations. The only downside I hear is often has to do with non-shieldable boss attacks.


PvP - the perception I generally hear is that we're good for holding objectives and help out with protection but that we're seldom a "go to" addition to a team.


2. How do you perceive your own spec?


I'm a huge fan of it. The DPS obviously isn't high so as long as you approach your fights as a marathon instead of a sprint I'm always fine. I've had absolutely no problems with resource management and I feel like the lack of any real CC is a small price to pay for the other versatility that I get to enjoy.

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1. I think healers like my Vanguard due to her high damage reduction. The damage she takes is consistently low with very little spike damage. I guess the lack of an "OOPS" button to save you against certain death is required or it would be overpowered against Shadows. (I can't compare to Guardians as I don't like that class :D )


2. I love my Vanguard because she allows me to do the things I need to do as a tank comfortably. However, she is by far the most boring character to play. The way the abilities work and the low variety in abilities used during a fight, combined with low DPS and low speed of attack makes it extremely boring. Maybe the fact that she rarely gets into a real spot of trouble "helps" in creating this feeling of boredom.

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I swap between Assault and Tactics for PvP. I enjoy them both for their unique playstyles, but...


1. How do you think your Vanguard spec is perceived by other classes?


Assault: Flavor of the Month. Overpowered burst damage. Kills too quickly and too much survival. "Ranged DPS Class."


Tactics: "What's that?"


2. How do you perceive your own spec?


Assault: The damage is exceptionally high. When specced properly, small rotation mistakes can be made or ammo sacrificed for a quick burn on a target. The 30-yard range on High Impact Bolt and Assault Plastique makes gap-closing to hit with Stockstrike and Ion Pulse a little easier. Exceptional 1-on-1 spec verses most classes, unless the opponent has a means to remove the burn DoTs. 25% damage reduction approximately every 2 minutes is great, but it is our only survival tool. Adrenaline Rush's healing is negligible and does not count on Healing Done in a Warzone match.


Very "squishy" build; relies on burst damage to survive.


Tactics: Very good utility but a very confusing tree! Any use of Gut is clunky and specs/rotations have been made to avoid it. The tree has the means to survival but lacks the means to deliver the killing blow – especially on healers with Instant Cast, spammable abilities (Operatives/Scoundrels, Mercenaries/Commandos) or absorption (Sorcerers/Sages). Lacks the mobility favored in Warzones, especially Ranked Warzones.


Suggest heavy revision to talent tree.

Edited by DacRycar
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1. How do you think your Vanguard spec is perceived by other classes?

Vanguard is the non-healing trooper AC to play if you want to participate in all phases of the game. Assault can provide competent flexible damage in PVE...can adjust to ranged favored phases and still contribute solid damage on the target. Shield spec is considerded a very well rounded tank AC. Tactics is pretty much a non-spec unless you plan to ball carry, in PVP damage is no better than shield spec in dps gear...good ball carrier in PVP but not near as solid as shield spec.



2. How do you perceive your own spec?


Beta tester that leveled 3 Vanguards to level 50 during many phases. My favorite AC in the game. I didn't go Vanguard because we had plenty of tanks when the game launched....I made the mistake of going Commando. Assault vanguard in PVE is fun and flexible. The lack of CC is made up for with well timed off taunts and stability when underfire. In PVP assault is well...it is better than commando assault by leaps and bounds. Shield spec is amazing with the ability to generate AE threat and control adds. Nothing overpowered just fun to play. Shield spec is also fun in PVP when geared out in DPS gear. Please make defensive gear worthwhile in PVP so being a true tank in PVP means something.

Edited by Aaoogaa
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Shield Spec - Level 50


1. How do you think your Vanguard spec is perceived by other classes?


PVE - Solid aoe tank that has better chances at surviving than their counterpart tanks. Can also play the role of the off-tank well.

PVP - A bit of a joke. I guess, they're happy to have a guard bubble?


2. How do you perceive your own spec?


PVE- Incredibly fun. I enjoy the new aggro and taunts. I prefer the Vanguard over other tanks due to the large aoe damage.

PVP- Specifically with the Vanguard, the roles (or lack thereof) that shield and damage mitigation play weighs down the team. Guard and taunts plus utilities make them a novelty and a bit useful but there is a much stronger argument to respec to Assault. You still get the taunts plus extreme burst damage. I would like to see more defensive buffs and for damage mitigation and shield to be more useful in pvp.

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PVP (War Hero Geared)


1. How do you think your Vanguard spec is perceived by other classes?

Enemy healers love seeing me in the warzone, i lack any real form of burst. Just don't let me pull you on huttball's fire and you should be fine.

2. How do you perceive your own spec?

Lots of utility, lack of synergy between the skills. Needs a rework, pulse cannon is supposed to be the best damage tool you have but can be easily dodged by stuns or walking away when the slow doesn't work. Pulse cannon could be replaced by a big AoE dot with less damage and increase the burst possibility of other skills. Inflated WZ damage because of the aoe, but not even close to the power of the assault tree.



1. How do you think your Vanguard spec is perceived by other classes?

Stay away from him and kite, use defensives CDs before you would normally use since he's got so many burst. Make the team focus him because he goes down so easily.


2. How do you perceive your own spec?

Top burst, boring to play, squishy, ammo starved. The problem is, if you're going to change this spec you also need to take a look at other classes since they are related. I would say "nerf hib and plastique" => "give us more control and dot damage" but the thing is, if there's no changes to sentinel/marauders people would just reroll and the whole class becomes useless. The moment you nerf this spec, since it has nothing to offer (in comparison) like on demand aoe slow and OP defensive CDs, people would just ignore the class like they used to. Stacking marauders and sents (used to be shadows) makes wzs boring.

Edited by huehuebrbr
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1. How do you think your Vanguard spec is perceived by other classes?

People love VG tanks in pve.

2. How do you perceive your own spec?

I love tanking pve still after the changes but pvp is miserable. There is no reason to pvp as a VG tank because we now have no burst damage to speak of. Even our overall single target damage has taken a hit because SS was nerfed and nothing was done to improve single target dps just aoe.

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1. How do you think your Vanguard spec is perceived by other classes?

Pure Assult Specialist Spec, Great burst, Good sustained dmg , typically brought and wanted for the burst/sustained dmg we bring to the table in pvp


2. How do you perceive your own spec?

Great burst and sustained dmg. Good mobilty. Not much survivabilty, decent utility. Basically I m glass cannon wearing heavy armor that has mobility.

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I play a Tactician and a Shield Specialist, so I will answer for both.


1. How do you think your Vanguard spec is perceived by other classes?




I feel like my Tactician is a bit underrated by some of the community that has really jumped on the Assault Specialist bandwagon. There are some that have suggested that I just make the switch, but I respectfully refuse. Many seem to think that the Assault Specialist's burns are much better than anything I can pull off.


Shield Specialist:


Most people find me superior as a Shield Specialist to the Kinetic Combatant or the Defense Guardian. I've got a ton of tools and moves that some other classes don't really have or are a bit "inferior" to my own abilities. Some examples are my Harpoon ability, which Guardians do not have, and my Storm ability, which Shadows do not have (Force Speed is similar, but it doesn't ignore elevation like Storm/Force Leap).


2. How do you perceive your own spec?




Love it. Gut is great for boosting damage numbers and Pulse Generator makes my Pulse Cannon a real heavy hitter with the newly fixed slow side effect at 5 stacks. I do great damage while having great survivability (I tank Hard Mode Flashpoints regularly with absolutely no problems). Granted, I regularly use Ion Cell rather than the typical Tactics Cell, but it improves my survivability while allowing me to Guard healers more effectively.


Shield Specialist:


Love it as well. I can provide awesome protection while doing enough damage to chip in for the team. Abilities like Smoke Grenade and Explosive Surge with Static Field also are very helpful to reduce the enemies' damage output. In PvE, all the AoE abilities of the Trooper in addition to Explosive Surge makes keeping aggro a breeze. I definitely feel superior to any Guardian tank based on pure class mechanics.

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I've played all 3 so I'll answer for all.


Assault Spec (my current spec):

1) People didn't think I was that OP until recently. I'm not in high-demand unless I'm at least half war-hero.

2) I LOVE playing Assault vanguard. I'm FINALLY full war-hero (eliminator gear) with 1/2 with Aim augments, and the other 1/2 Power. I wouldn't say I'm OP since I'm full War Hero with everything augmented. I think everything is what it should be, I mean whats the point of not being a huge threat when you achieve full war hero?

1 Comment: I really wishhhhhhhhhhhhh we had a knock-back like the commando's and a few other classes. I realize we're potential tanks, but I think that would help out vanguards tremendously.



1) As others have stated, this is under-rated. I know few vanguards that 1) Use this, and 2) Know how the mechanics work. It's one of the specs that's rarely used, and most ppl ask me if I use this tree for Rated Warzones because if I do, they do not want me :(

2) Admittedly, I have minimal experience with it. I could not get the mechanics down, and it was too "Melee" for my taste. I thought FirePulse was 30x weaker than the plastique. I know a player that uses this that can get close to 400k in damage with almost full war hero, so I know it can be great but I could not get the mechanics down.


Shield Spec:

1) This seems to be in low-demand on my server. Ppl think vanguard tanks aren't that great compared to other classes, especially after the nerf.

2) Admittedly, it's been a long time since I've used this spec (pre 1.3!). I loved this tank especially because of the Aoe taunt. I wasn't too impressed by the smoke grenade, I was never really sure if I had to stay in that spot to use it (I know it sounds stupid, but I'm still not sure!). I also hear this got nerfed after 1.3 so I can't speak about this too much more.


Hope this helps!

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I am a Shield Specialist PvE tank on my Vanguard, 31/10/0 in the trees.


1- Those that understand Vanguards perceive me as i do, those that do not get confused by my tactics sometimes because they do not conform to Guardian tactics.


2- In FPs I perceive myself as a very adequate tank, especially by those who understand how to play with me. Mark your CCs first and I can group a ton of trash together to AoE and still survive the fight as long as healers understand my build. I mitigate a LOT and avoid a LITTLE, DoTs ruin me. I hold aggro very well. In end-game Operations (EC) I also perform well, but the mechanics of some boss fights make me feel like they are better suited to other tank types sometimes. I still get the job done, but feel my healers are sometimes overworked.




1- Why start different tanks out with different "default" defense ratings?

2- My defensive cooldowns are "default" trooper abilities (reactive shield/adrenaline rush) without any improvements over any other trooper. With the exception of the -20% accuracy grenade whose mechanics are questionable at best

3- Until I equipped Black Hole Modifications, I was DEFINITELY THE WORST TANK. That is because the modification ratios for EVERY TROOPER Mod are set at an "A" ratio regardless of what type they read as, and it was a nightmare stacking Shield Rating or Defense up to the Rakata grade. FIX THE DARN MOD-MODIFICATION TABLES FOR TROOPERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Otherwise, I hold aggro well and preform decently in almost everything that is asked of me

Edited by DenitharPurloin
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