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Hi everyone,


We’re looking for some specific feedback about each Advanced Class and spec. Your feedback here, along with other feedback we’ve been gathering and our internal metrics, may guide future class balance changes. Similar threads will be found in every Advanced Class forum.


Here are the two questions that we’d like to ask (please only post about specific specs that you actively play, and don’t forget to tell us which one you’re talking about!):


1. How do you think your Sage spec is perceived by other classes?

2. How do you perceive your own spec?


Please answer the post using the same format and in no more than 2-3 sentences per question.


This is not a discussion thread, so please do not debate others’ feedback – everyone gets to share what they think. Any off-topic or unconstructive posts (or any that do not follow the above guidelines) will be removed without warning.


Remember, this isn’t the only thread we’re looking at for feedback – if you have more feedback than fits the above guidelines, please feel free to post a discussion thread. We’re looking to get some specific insights here, but we are always reading the forums to gather feedback and player concerns.


Thank you!

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My sage is laughed at in this game which is why i had to retire him for now. I percieve the class as very fun to play but not competitive with most of the other dps classes. A saber reflect ability is needed for the times when you have 3 burst dps on you trying to 3 shot you.
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I'm specced as a healing sage and I frequently raid with my guild and run LFG hard-modes as often as possible.


1. How do you think your Sage spec is perceived by other classes?


The Sage Healer seems to be well-liked and desired. Which means you're going to nerf us so let me change that to say my spec sucks and I have to fight off getting vote-kicked in LFG groups.


2. How do you perceive your own spec?


I enjoy my spec for group play. For the most part healing groups and raids is pretty mundane, but it does have its "uh oh" moments when you really have to think, plan, and work hard.


Healing really starts to suck for fights that require a lot of movement. I can bubble everyone and I can cast my HOT when it's off cooldown and that's it. Very weak. Especially when compared to other healers who can cast much of their arsenal on the fly.


I would enjoy my healing spec for solo play if any companion besides Qyzen were able to hold aggro during it. This is a fault in the companion system, not the class/spec.

Edited by DarthTHC
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Answers from perspective of Balance sage


1. How do you think your Sage spec is perceived by other classes?


As a DoT Damage/Crowd Control class that can throw a bubble or heal in a pinch. Not considered competitive for damage.


2. How do you perceive your own spec?


I see the spec more as a crowd control type character and wish that the end ability was more control focused. The spec winds up with too many DoTs and the final ability doesn't appear worth it. Telekinetic Throw is so key to this spec that it does tend to crowd out my other abilities.

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Play as a heal-specced sage.


1. How do you think your Sage spec is perceived by other classes?

As the most well rounded and straight-forward of the healing classes. Indispensable in ops content due to Salvation.


2. How do you perceive your own spec?

Great versatility as a healer, but have to spend way too much time and effort focusing on force-management and worrying about running out of force power.

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I'm specced as a healing sage (has Salvation) and I frequently raid with my guild (cleared EC SM, working on EC HM) and run FP hard-modes daily for BH comms. I do not PvP -- gave that up after 1.2 sage healer changes because of long cast times.


1. How do you think your Sage spec is perceived by other classes?


The Sage Healer seems to be well-liked and desired in PvE.


2. How do you perceive your own spec?


I enjoy it, but find force management to be difficult during long fights with constant damage and movement. I have adjusted to the 1.2 Sage healing nerfs in PvE, but any more healing nerfs and I may throw in the towel on sage healing.

Edited by Thoffs
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1. How do you think your Sage spec is perceived by other classes?


I wouldn't run my Sage spec in PvE - I don't have Salvation (I'm 21/20/0 for PvP survivability) - and Salvation is pretty much THE reason you bring a Sage in PvE. Full Seer spec seems to be much in demand, though.


In terms of PvP - seems to be "bring a sage healer if you can't find a smuggler healer. SO SQUISHY."


2. How do you perceive your own spec?


Harder to kill than a full seer spec, but still lacking an actual defensive cooldown.

Edited by Gnoblesse
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I am Seer spec.


1. I think others see me as an oddity, or perhaps a martyr, but they are grateful that someone is doing what I do, even if they don't understand why.


2. I see my spec as a humdrum healbot from last-gen MMOs, the player who developers -- uncertain how else to handle healing -- sacrifice, dooming them to staring at health bars so that others may play their game.


I play Seer anyway because I enjoy a support role. But other games have done it without preventing me from watching/participating in the action.


Furthermore: I hate that no matter how I spec, my lightsaber, the most awesome and coolest weapon in the galaxy, is a stat stick.

Edited by Felioats
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1. I haven't really discussed it with others much.


2. I love my Balance Sage. I feel like it's a perfect solo spec, with the ability to lift multiple enemies giving me the chance to pace my combat and stay alive.

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Healer specced Sage. Primarily a PvPer.


1. How do you think your Sage spec is perceived by other classes?


Weak, low burst, low sustain, too squishy, high in utility that is perhaps redundant in many scenarios. Lackluster and not wanted outside of Voidstar (AoE heal: Salvation), and Huttball (friendly pull: Rescue).


2. How do you perceive your own spec?


Extremely powerful utility healer. But suuuuper high skill cap due to clunky/awkward resource management and Rejuvenate buff (Conveyance), which leads to the outside opinion represented above. In the right hands with a solid teamwork focused team, the sage has THE most effective thorough-put for PvP due to their utility and wide variety of healing abilities, meaning they can fill in for powerful single/double target healing, or multi-target raid healing easily.

Edited by Aikiyc
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I play a TK Sage. All responses are PVE only, as I don't care or listen to PVP chatter.


1) How is it perceived by other classes?

For healing purposes, a sage healer seems like an asset, especially since commando's can't heal worth a crap until end-game, and even then people avoid them. I think the Sage is preferred over the Scoundrel in end-game for there burst heals and shield. I know when I group, people seem to want Sage healers, if anything because of the familiarity of how they heal. As far Sage DPS is perceived, I have to be Guarded sometimes in HM FPs due to my burst dps. I'm right up there, and the only class that does way more than I do all else being equal are Gunslingers.


2) How do I like my Class?

I love my TK Sage. I do as much dps as other classes, I see no real difference, the burst is awesome plus we have a shield and off heals as being ranged and squishy is perfectly survivable. I can solo strong mobs if I pull off the tank and live. I wish the Project animation would go back to the way it was, but other than that I'm happy.

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Sages are percieved as easy kills in PvP by all other DPS classes and tanks.


I run a 3/17/21 spec and actually do pretty well in the PvP enviroment. I see my role as support DPS and help the games REAL DPS(sents-vanguards-gunslingers) focus down an enemy.

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1. How do you think your Sage spec is perceived by other classes?

I play rated as Vanguard DPS as my Sage will not be taken by rated teams to DPS. The reason being is that Sages are quite laughable when it comes to survivability. We target a Sage/Sorc (regardless of spec) and plow them in a few GCD's. Bubble, force run, roots? Allow my sentinels, guardians, and vanguards to lol as you die.


In short the only sage that will stay alive in a ranked is a guarded and pocket healed sage, and even then it's not for very long.


In short we are not desired for any competitive play unless your in a huttball.

2. How do you perceive your own spec?


I love my Sage, it's my first class and chosen class; but sadly you cannot be competitive with the class without a solid support system from tanks and healers.

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I've been playing a Sage with all specs, mostly PvE.


1. The healer spec is well reveived especially because of the great AE-Heal. The two damage specs seem to be similar.

2. Healing is finde, although a bit boring, no new ideas in the few healing abilities. Telekinetics is fine, but the Disturbance spam can be tiresome. Especially tiresome is the fact that you are constantly looking at your buffbar to see your procs, which is a problem with ALL classes relying on procs. Balance would be my first choice visually (I like telekinetic throw), but the constant looking and reapplying dots at different timers and watching your buff bar are too cumbersome. It lacks a rotation you can internalize. In a nutshell: Telekenitcs - watch your buffbar, Balance - watch your AND the enemies buffbar.

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1. How do you think your Sage spec is perceived by other classes?


As a Sage healer, I am perceived as very valuable in both pve and pvp because I can keep people alive. However, I think if giving the chance, I would be replaced by a Scoundrel healer due to my resource being much more difficult to manage.



2. How do you perceive your own spec?


In pve, I believe I can keep my team alive even in cases where my teammates sometimes don't even seem know how to play their class properly even at level 50 on normal mode flashpoints like Directive 7 and Battle of Ilum with no problem usually. In pvp, my healing is still superb, but I am very easy to kill; most people seem to be able to cut through my bubble and my health bar in what seems like a mere 3-4 seconds, if that. So overall, Seer specialized Sages are very powerful healers, however I think they need something to increase their survivability in pvp encounters.

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1. How do you think your Sage spec is perceived by other classes?

Balance Sage: I think many others just regard this spec as an easy kill in PvP. I also think many in PvP do not realize the potential utility this spec can and does provide. However, due to damage coming from "DOT's", many seem to think that light armor and slow damage output makes this spec less desired.


Telekinetic Sage: Most people, in PvP, look at this spec as a waste of skill points due to light armor and relying heavily on channeled/casted abilities that are consistently interrupted.


2. How do you perceive your own spec?


Balance Sage: I really enjoy this spec in PvP. There is good potential damage output over time due to most of the damage in this spec comes from "Damage Over Time" abilities.


Telekinetic Sage: This is a fun class to play in PvE. In PvP, it is a very poor spec because of light armor and relying heavily on channeled/casted abilities. Reminds me of a Gunnery Commando without heavy armor.

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Here are the two questions that we’d like to ask (please only post about specific specs that you actively play, and don’t forget to tell us which one you’re talking about!):


1. How do you think your Sage spec is perceived by other classes?

2. How do you perceive your own spec?


Healer perspective only.


1. It's a 50/50 shot. Boils down to knowing the class well cause if someone does not know what to do and when, the class fails, losing force too fast leaving no healing at all. Seen as little to no burst healing making it mediocre in PVP and better for PVE but the slicing of the wrists to regain force mechanic is terrible not only in concept but as a jedi mindset for story - the resource management is just not good. Seen as a good class with strong healing potential but only if you find someone that has put in massive amounts of effort to learn it.


2. Little to no burst healing. Salvation being the best and yet still having a disconnect for smooth healing with Rejuvenation and the proc conveyance for deliverance. I see the killing of myself to gain force as a rather poor mechanic given the number of massive AOEs in operations. Something needs to change with the resource management. It's a decent class that you must know how to play if you want to heal well but the playstyle is rather unforgiving and twice as so for PVP.

Edited by Quraswren
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alright so obviously you guys aren't appreciative of my original post so if you want me to keep it short and simple to a few undetailed sweeping statements:


1) For DPS, we are perceived as a LIABILITY because we output pathetic damage compared to our peer classes, this is true BOTH for PVP and PVE. For healing, we are perceived still as an ASSET for PvE.


2) For DPS, I find it extremely disappointing that our damage cannot come even CLOSE to our peer DPS-ers, especially in PvP, making our class an unpopular choice for DPS in raids.

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Balance spec here:


Other people expect me to be an all around machine: Doing dmg, giving off-heals and shields if nessecary and pulling them out of the danger zone / helping the ball carrier to get the point.


I personally see huge potential within this spec. Played right it offers some great burst AND sustainable DPS, and as said you can allways safe one of your buddies with a well timed shield or off-heal or pull. It's a class which is very dependant on how good you move. I personally don't see any need to buff this specific spec. If i was to mention the worst thing about the sage it would be the telekinetics spec post 1.3 which is kind of dead in PvP now.

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I'm spec'd 31/7/3. I've healed all of EC SM and most of EC HM (my guild is still working on downing Kephess). I'm also getting back into PvP (hadn't done so since pre-1.2) and have proven useful, although I'm also usually the player with the most deaths on my team.


I think others perceive sages as a decently balanced healer. We're no longer overpowered with unlimited Force Points (due to the change in Noble Sacrifice perks, which, while sorely missed, were fair). I also think we're seen as an easy cloth target in PvP.


As for my view, I also think Sages are well balanced. With a solid AoE heal, a strong channeled heal, a decent HoT, and two cast heals (although I almost never use Benevolence) we're capable of dishing out some solid heals. My only wish is that we could be more mobile while healing, I feel almost powerless when getting thrown around or moving, with only 2 instant cast heals that aren't enough in most situations I need to run from.

Edited by davidgw
Adding clarifying information
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Balance sage 3/7/31 - l have several 50's and this is my favorite class.


1) how am i perceived:

I question my dps at times, but the group i run hm and ops with say they have no complaints.


2) how do i see the class.

A swiss army knife. We can do a lot of things decently. I dont think we have the raw dps of some other classes but our ability to emergency heal, cc, cleanse and battle rez bake us a valuable oh crap toon. Have not done a lot of pvp but if they catch me, its over.

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Balance Sage 3/7/31 PVP only


1. How do you think your Sage spec is perceived by other classes?

Imho the most of the classes perceived us as weak and easy to kill.


2. How do you perceive your own spec?

- For normal wz where people lacking the skills and gear it can be Ok. Sage can bit the most of the classes by running around/ lossing and doting. But it takes a lot of the time to kill some one and quite offen you are end up without force.


- On rwz u can probably show a good dps figures in the end of the match by doting every one around but in my opinion it will not bring any additional value to the team which needs to penetrate the opposite team defends. I also can experience that it's quite hard to find a good team which welcome a dps sage.

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1. How do you think your Sage spec is perceived by other classes?

2. How do you perceive your own spec?



I use Seer spec 31/7/3 of Jedi Consular Sage.

1. I think players view me as a useful healer in PvE, but not as much so in PvP. I think other classes view me as very easily defeated, and that seems out of proportion to the fact that healers by nature are PT

2. I perceive my own spec as somewhat lacking in pvp survivability. I think I should last longer than 3 seconds when being attacked 3 on one, not that I should survive the encounter, but last a little longer than counting to 3. I perceive my overall healing as somewhat limited, since our heals have long activation timers, require us to be standing still, and our cleanse is lackluster in its efficacy.

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Hi everyone,



1. How do you think your Sage spec is perceived by other classes?

2. How do you perceive your own spec?



3/7/31 PVP (but have palyeed all three specs)

Percieve by other classes:


Laughable survivability

Mediocre damage output

Highly sought after for free kills with minimal energy used

ungaurded due to fact of not being heals


Percieved by me:

no fatality (>30% finisher)

tickle players to death

cannot kill another palyer without serious help

needs something to help with dmaage output

needs more survivability ( cooldown ro something)

telekinetics and balance are not viable for PVE (damage output is too low)

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lvl 35 Sage both heal and dps spec


1) considered to be the best healer in the hands of the right person.


2) I consider the heal spec to be where all other healers should be at. The balance dps spec is viable and enjoyable.

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