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Anybody else playing both WoW and SWTOR?


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I've played WoW for 5 years now, and I can honestly say I am bored of it. However, I still have alot of friends that play it, and I enjoy their company more so than the game itself.


My guild in WoW runs two raids; one progression, the other alts and other, less geared mains, so I agreed to run with them. Less stress, more fooling around, and since they are on their alts I can just keep playing with them.


The game I really want to play more is SW:TOR, and I recently came back to it after I learned they were finally allowing transfers. The main reason I quit was because my server was dead, and hopefully with this change, I can have fun again.


So, anybody else doing the same?

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Been playing SWTOR for about 5month's, when i stopped playing Wow.


Wow's just a kids game now, the whole game's to easy.

You can thank Cataclysm for that, and the 'INC' Kung fu panda expansion, the game's terrible now.

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should of quit WoW end of lich king but guild/friends i got cata its ended WoW for me cancled tor in feb its just to on tracks for my taste cant lvl in differnt planets just the same quests in the same order after my 3rd alt i just pvp lvled and with the fps issues just stoped.



to above ToR is even more casual end game than WoW

Edited by belizar
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Deleted my toons and never looked back, could never play more than a couple months at a time. WoW is beyond dead to me, irregardless of the number of asian subs propping that game up as the "best game ever ever." I know a few people who still play it, failing to let go due to "time invested."
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I still play WoW. I haven't played it as much lately though except to run the jewelcrafting daily. I'm a little bored with WoW right now. I'm sure that will change when the expansion is released.


I'm still playing SW though. I loves me a good story.

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I quit WoW when SWTOR came out but in the past month I've been playing both. I signed up for that year long thing with Blizzard so my account was open. I'm more of a Star Wars lore fan so I rather play this then WoW. Though WoW has its good points for its been around awhile.


Still with the expansion coming in WoW I think I'm going to permanently quit WoW in due time I dont' like the changes and I'm enjoying SWTOR way more. Once SWTOR has some new content and more character slots I don't see myself in WoW that much. I just don't like where Blizzard is going with the change of abilities.

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I've played WoW for 5 years now, and I can honestly say I am bored of it. However, I still have alot of friends that play it, and I enjoy their company more so than the game itself.


My guild in WoW runs two raids; one progression, the other alts and other, less geared mains, so I agreed to run with them. Less stress, more fooling around, and since they are on their alts I can just keep playing with them.


The game I really want to play more is SW:TOR, and I recently came back to it after I learned they were finally allowing transfers. The main reason I quit was because my server was dead, and hopefully with this change, I can have fun again.


So, anybody else doing the same?


I tried it, but just not enough time.


As a raider and raid leader I've found that, although I did enjoy Wow very much, it was just too much of a time sink and required far too much "out of game" work to just be able to raid (addons, unforgiving encounters, ramped up content etc.).


This game is on a much more casual level where raiding is not near as involved as that game was. With my time constraints, that is pretty much perfect for me.

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Not really... I have about 30 days play time left on the account but haven't played for months. The account I'm talking about is the SWToR account. As to World of Warcraft, although I guess I played way too much, I recently started again on a new server and its just like old times again. Very busy, great fun and very enjoyable... pretty much the exact opposite to what my time here was. SWToR is way too boring. Both Rift and SWToR had to merge the servers to boost the game populations, but it won't last. At least in WoW I'm guaranteed a good volume of players. And if you thought this game was empty before the transfers just wait till the Pandas hit town. I've tuned up my 85s and they are waiting in the inn at Stormwind ready to rock and roll. Can't wait. MMOs are a time sink and you really need to invest your game time wisely. Otherwise you just get left behind.
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No i'm not 10 years old and live in China so i dont play wow.

But like most others just waiting for a real PvP game GW2,were grinding is not king but good gameplay :).


I played a few beta's for GW2 and I can tell you it's not grind free. The pvp is likely to be better, but actually the pve is very disappointing. I was actually planning to play GW2 next to SWTOR but that's not gonna happen now. I was already bored before I made it to level 5 on my toons there. That's not a good start.


Never played WoW but I think MMOs all get to that point where it gets a bit boring cause endgame is too limited and will start boring people. SWTOR holds my interest now, but it's because I do a lot of things that aren't endgame, playing lots of alts etc. If I was one of those people who plays one toon and goes for endgame I probably would've quit this game but so far it still works for me so here I am.

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I play both casually. WoW has content which I like it has arenas + dueling which is fun, but the community is awful.


Every other word is f** and people are very rude. I mean every PvPer I know is either a psychopath or just a huge jerk.


Wish they took BW's stance on zero tolerance.

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I'm paying for WoW because I signed up for the annual pass. I've gotten on occasionally to do world events and the Darkmoon Faire when its available, but that is about all that I've played it for a few months. Most of my friends aren't playing right now because of real life things interfering and most of them don't know if they will be back when MoP hits. I haven't decided if I am going to buy MoP or cancel my sub to it after my year obligation is up.
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I have played WoW for about 5 years, cancelled earlier this year. Then tried SWOTOR as I missed the MMO feeling a little bit and then cancelled this too!


I have seen soo many friends who have gone downhill because of these games. I look at my self and I wasted most of my best years sitting infront of a screen thinking life will be soo good if I get a drop, in a game from a world that does not exist, just to show off a piece of clothing in a virtual world.


People who play these games are generally not casual, we played every damn day, thats is all we did.


Now I have a family and I can assure you that when my kids are of age, they will not be allowed to play these games unless it is on an account I can control.


Young adults, like I was cant handle these type of games because they have to show off for others so they will stay upp all night, not eat, not sleep just to show a person on a screen what their toon looks like.


You guys enjoy, I am heading out to have some fun with real people.

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No, have not played wow in a long time. I do play LoTro and wish swtor would get more like LoTro with all the cool things they have there. i dont understand how one game maker can give all the basics and then some and swtor so far behind. i dont get it..
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