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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Expanded storyline's not coming until "next year or so"?:(


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The voice acting, in particular, concerns me a bit. I get a lot of enjoyment from having identical-looking characters who speak with totally different voices. But what happens if the same actors are available with the time comes to make new content? It's going to be somewhat off-putting to have then the same character speaking with a different voice. o.O


I have often wondered about this as well.


Whoever literally speaks for my female IA... I love your voice! Promise me you will stay forever! :)

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Well first I believe it's WvWvW.. Three sides not two, that alone makes a difference in the zergfest. As for the AoE bombfest I am not sure if it'll be in or not. Since I don't know how much AoE is in the game. But at least every class is self sufficient (can heal/dps) and at least it's more player skill and not capped by class or gear.


3 factions dont guarantee that there will be balance, the 2 bigger ones could just bully the smaller one (its possible). And in WvW skill wont matter, the server with the biggest zerg will almost always dominate the eternal battleground, or whatever the name is.

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3 factions dont guarantee that there will be balance, the 2 bigger ones could just bully the smaller one (its possible). And in WvW skill wont matter, the server with the biggest zerg will almost always dominate the eternal battleground, or whatever the name is.


with three factions you're not going to have two big factions bullying the small one. Why would they? If two of them were big the they would be duking it out giving the smaller faction a chance to steal resources while the two are busy. Happens all the time in conflicts.


If one faction is big it's possible that the two smaller ones work out the big one, kind of like how it worked in the early days of DAoC. Not saying it will but possible.


In big matches skill still does matter. If you're group is playing better than the other group, no matter the size you'll group will win. Now if one side is much larger than the other then player skill tends to fade out, however; it doesn't mean the few with better skill will 'always' lose. Besides GW2 does have small scale pvp which is where skill comes into a much bigger role.


But either way the game isn't based off the mindless grind like there was in WAR (or even in most MMOs) so it's quite likely you wont' be seeing people zone trading since gear or maxing stats isn't the incentive anymore. Which means one could actually have fun pvping rather than getting their butt whooped repeatedly by those who have more time, just to be able to progress.

Edited by Aricus
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I see an aweful lot of people thinking "1 year for a full expansion is reasonable" Really? How long did Bliz take to put out Burning Crusade? And every expansion since then has been over 2 years. This just looks like more of the "I maxed my favorite toon, now I want the next thing NOW!" entitlement I've come to expect from the general MMO public. I'll be perfectly happy with minor tweaks, SGR and such until they get around to it.
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I see an aweful lot of people thinking "1 year for a full expansion is reasonable" Really? How long did Bliz take to put out Burning Crusade? And every expansion since then has been over 2 years. This just looks like more of the "I maxed my favorite toon, now I want the next thing NOW!" entitlement I've come to expect from the general MMO public. I'll be perfectly happy with minor tweaks, SGR and such until they get around to it.


Class storyline updates should be updated way more than just at every "expansion"... however expansion pack is defined. IMHO of course. Other MMO's do more than just minor tweaks until they get around to it.

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Class story needs to go bye bye for this game to be viable as an MMO competing with other games that do reinforce/incentivize grouping. Your story should largely be built by you post 50.


You kidding? The individual class story is the selling feature of this game, its pretty much what the developers tell you to do after you reach level 50. Why do you think they introduced Legacy? It's to make you take advantage of it by playing other characters and seeing the story progression. Its what they spent over a hundreds of millions of dollars on...

Edited by Ensquire
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Class story needs to go bye bye for this game to be viable as an MMO competing with other games that do reinforce/incentivize grouping. Your story should largely be built by you post 50.


Class story is what makes this MMO stand out from the others! Bye, bye class story line, I don't think so!


I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on this one.


You know you can still promote grouping while still advancing the class story line?

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Well first I believe it's WvWvW.. Three sides not two, that alone makes a difference in the zergfest. As for the AoE bombfest I am not sure if it'll be in or not. Since I don't know how much AoE is in the game. But at least every class is self sufficient (can heal/dps) and at least it's more player skill and not capped by class or gear.


I've been playing the secret world lately... and let me tell you... it IS a zergfest. believing anything else is just silly. actually, with three factions it probably becomes MORE of a zergfest, because while you may think you see the 'big deal' faction, you never know what the third one does (which is the main reason why the dragon has kept fusang on my server for days now, but that's what chaos does to you)

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Class story is what makes this MMO stand out from the others! Bye, bye class story line, I don't think so!


I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on this one.


You know you can still promote grouping while still advancing the class story line?


Welll you can group up while the class story is goin but it's one player's story and you are not in the cutscenes or story with them (no social points, quest rewards). Class stories and Space are activities that pull players into their own activities instead of grouping up. Because there are companions, much of the world quests are also perfectly fine to do by yourself, which makes the game is too solo-centric. That's fine for a SPRPG but not for an MMO where you need community.


You notice the next companion is the same for everybody. They are going to can the individual class stories going forward I think.

Edited by mattgyver
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Welll you can group up while the class story is goin but it's one player's story and you are not in the cutscenes or story with them (no social points, quest rewards). Class stories and Space are activities that pull players into their own activities instead of grouping up. Because there are companions, much of the world quests are also perfectly fine to do by yourself, which makes the game is too solo-centric. That's fine for a SPRPG but not for an MMO where you need community.


You notice the next companion is the same for everybody. They are going to can the individual class stories going forward I think.


Seriously? So scrap any sort of rpg storyline element in the game for your individual character and turn 'rpg' in mmorpg from role playing game into raid progression game?


I like the fact that this game has a storyline for your characters, infact it one of it's biggest features. Perhaps if your not into that sort of thing then maybe this isn't the game for you. Maybe try one of the other soulless loot whore gear grind mmo's out there that don't make you have to space bar your way through annoying character plots.

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Planetary class stories are nowhere near 20 hours long.


I simply averaged the level spread on the planets (approximately 5) and the fact that Bioware maintains we have 200 hours of quests in game to take us from 1 to 50, which means 20 hours of quests (again approximately) per 5 level spread. This would include planetary arc and class quest combined and is an average.

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If you take out story content you'll get that this game has nothing unique which would distinguish this game from WoW/Everquest type of games and in many gameplay aspects and features WoW offers to players much more with different variety of activities in that game for players to choose from while SWTOR offers currently to players in endgame only endless farming of the same raids / warzones .


I stopped playing EQ1 back in 2007 but it is or was a very different game to WoW system wise at least, the skill trees in this game are pure WoW. If they used the EQ system of having far more skills than you could slot in one go they could do away completely with the need for dual spec as you could simply swap out your skill do do different jobs within your class.

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I've been playing the secret world lately... and let me tell you... it IS a zergfest. believing anything else is just silly. actually, with three factions it probably becomes MORE of a zergfest, because while you may think you see the 'big deal' faction, you never know what the third one does (which is the main reason why the dragon has kept fusang on my server for days now, but that's what chaos does to you)


I am sure it is a zergfest. I am sure GW2 will have zerg fests, in fact every game that tries to populate world pvp turned out to be a zerg fest correct? I am not going to dispute a zerg fest. But a three faction zerg fest is much better than two that's for sure. Like you said you never know what the third one does.


But hey I never was a fan of world pvp at least, when the devs try to force it upon us. The best world pvp isn't when players meet up in some zone, but rather when players go out and about (questing,crafting,farming) and coincidentally meet up and fight. Kind of like the Vanilla days of Straglethron Valley in WoW or Felccuia days of Ulitma Online.

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I recall them boasting about how they had the voice overs done for some of the future story content before launch, so that just leaves the programming...


They should have made the level cap (at launch) 40. Then raised it to 50 8 to 12 months in. They would have had the content already and a year to work on the new stuff. They seem to be using the logic they used to create single player games (Dragon age, mass effect etc..) where a year or two in between versions, was totally normal.



Edited by SikrouDeco
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Already done all of the ones I care for, the thing that annoys me, is that this sounds like SGRAs won't be coming for another year, greatly dampening my thoughts on my future with this game.


I heard a rumor that the SGRA's were going to be with the Makeb patch.


Of course, with it just being a rumor I wouldn't get my hopes up. =/

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I simply averaged the level spread on the planets (approximately 5) and the fact that Bioware maintains we have 200 hours of quests in game to take us from 1 to 50, which means 20 hours of quests (again approximately) per 5 level spread. This would include planetary arc and class quest combined and is an average.


K that makes more sense. I thought you meant just the class stories were 20 hours per planet. Later levels, the class stories are like an hour per planet.

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Seriously? So scrap any sort of rpg storyline element in the game for your individual character and turn 'rpg' in mmorpg from role playing game into raid progression game?


I like the fact that this game has a storyline for your characters, infact it one of it's biggest features. Perhaps if your not into that sort of thing then maybe this isn't the game for you. Maybe try one of the other soulless loot whore gear grind mmo's out there that don't make you have to space bar your way through annoying character plots.


thats a very emotional response. I'm not trying to poke you with a stick, it just seems like this is what they are doing because the market responds more favorably to games that promote group content and community. I personally like the class stories just fine, and I would like to continue mine. That doesn't change the dynamic that so much solo content produces, which also begs the question: why am I subbed to a single player game?


Just reporting what I have experienced as guildies and friends left the game.

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thats a very emotional response. I'm not trying to poke you with a stick, it just seems like this is what they are doing because the market responds more favorably to games that promote group content and community. I personally like the class stories just fine, and I would like to continue mine. That doesn't change the dynamic that so much solo content produces, which also begs the question: why am I subbed to a single player game?

Just reporting what I have experienced as guildies and friends left the game.



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These people are the experts in their field. It is extremely grandiose of anyone to critique their performance while having no experience in the field.


And it is extremely grandiose of you to suggest that all the readers/players of this game have less or no experience than these so-called experts.


Remember the statement from a while ago (I paraphrase): "we have the best pvp design talent in the world " or something to that effect. And look what it brought us. Ilum?!?


I could design better than that, as could many dozens, if not hundreds of others who play this game.

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