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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Vehicles on Fleet need to end.


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I am so happy for you....really. But this is not about you now is it? You were not there, now where you?


I have always been able to click on them myself...until now. Just because you have always found a way, does not mean you will always be able to find a way. This time, there was no way to do so. This is why I am *just now* writing a post about it. It was not a problem previously...it is now.


Yes it is possible to block people but if you report the person they will get a in game suspension, I know I have seen it happen on more than one occasion.

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Far too often some slick player thinks it's funny to park his vehicle in the view path of a terminal. Since players won't be considerate of other players, I say prohibit vehicle travel on fleet all together. Since players want to act like children and purposely irritate other players, then the means to irritate must be removed. Here is a screen shot of the type thing that happens every single day. This is just one small example of how people deliberately annoy others on fleet.


These players were asked to move or turn off their vehicles because it obstructs people's ability to interact with the terminal. The response given was, "That's the point, rofl"


If they want to act like kids, then I say remove the ability all together on fleet. This has got to be the number one issue on fleet with all servers. This behavior needs to end.


TBH I agree on the with you that this should end with regards to the other player screwing with your ability to access mailboxes and terminals. But, after a long slog killing mobs .. I deserve a break so NO I want to use mah vehicle in the fleet! *cartman rage* (seriously just report them and make blizz.. er BW do their freaking jobs and moderate the dang game). :)

Edited by Urael
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Go and refer friends to play SWTOR and subscribe, and get your exclusive speeder.

Then display it only to those firends while running between certain bosses in ops, because it's only place you visit where you can use speeders.

Makes sense!



Translation: In places where people gather you have to be able to display your bragging reward, or it's not reward at all. Fleet is main place people gather, speeders are used as rewards, they can't be blocked from fleet.

Edited by Elear
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Nah. Just delete them all and give the owners a chicken to ride. Fits their persona.


Edit: a SMALL chicken.


LMAO, Now this is funny! I could see it now, all griefers running around on chickens not having any idea what just happened..."Why did my car turn in to a chicken!?!?" lol.

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getting tired of seeing threads like these pop up because players are too stupid to move camera angle and click the bottom of terminal/mailbox etc. you cannot block anything on fleet using vehicles because they all hover and leave a gap underneath the only way you can block stuff is if a group of people stand over everysingle portion of it. Stop being dumb click the gap!




and im pretty sure that you can click through mounts right? cause i know you can click through a person if they're standing in the way.

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and im pretty sure that you can click through mounts right? cause i know you can click through a person if they're standing in the way.


That's what many in this thread apparently don't realize.... just move your cursor until it changes, click, then go on about your business. It makes NO difference AT ALL what is on your target... it's like they don't exist. It has never troubled me for even a nanosecond.

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getting tired of seeing threads like these pop up because players are too stupid to move camera angle and click the bottom of terminal/mailbox etc.


We're not too "stupid" to know it's possible. I've never been PREVENTED from reaching anything. It's just annoying, and the people doing it are being annoying on purpose.


Give me one good reason why people should be ALLOWED to do this.

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Having to run everywhere on the station would annoy me far more than the occasional idiot blocking a terminal. It would be nice if you had to dismount to access anything though. All the hover sounds at the GTN are annoying. Dismount you lazy bastards. ;)
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That's what many in this thread apparently don't realize.... just move your cursor until it changes, click, then go on about your business. It makes NO difference AT ALL what is on your target... it's like they don't exist. It has never troubled me for even a nanosecond.


No, that's not it at all. We understand what you are saying. Your point also fails to address half of a player's view screen being taken by someone's over sized speeder. If you yourself own one of those beasts try and show a bit more consideration in-game then you do here. You see it's your attitude that is also part of the problem.

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We're not too "stupid" to know it's possible. I've never been PREVENTED from reaching anything. It's just annoying, and the people doing it are being annoying on purpose.


Give me one good reason why people should be ALLOWED to do this.


nobody said they should. report the idiot and move on.

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Get rid of them. I didn't care much before transfer, but it's just annoying on the high pop server. Fleet's a small area. Sprinting around is plenty fast enough.


because a few people iritate you, we should all lose the ability to use our rides? no thanks.

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While I disagree with the general premise that speeders shouldn't be allowed on fleet, it would be nice if people got kicked off of them when they clicked on a vendor or a mailbox so as not to block the whole thing from LoS.
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No, that's not it at all. We understand what you are saying. Your point also fails to address half of a player's view screen being taken by someone's over sized speeder. If you yourself own one of those beasts try and show a bit more consideration in-game then you do here. You see it's your attitude that is also part of the problem.


My attitude? I am not the one whining about NOTHING.


My whole screen, top to bottom, left to right, could be filled with speeders and I can still click on the mailbox or terminal.


It's a complete non-issue. Period. End.

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Even in the situation such as you demonstrated in your screenshot, a player can still interact with the mailbox/terminal they appear to be blocking. If you spent as much time moving your mouse around as you did crafting pointless threads on the forums, you would have recognized that.
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Even in the situation such as you demonstrated in your screenshot, a player can still interact with the mailbox/terminal they appear to be blocking. If you spent as much time moving your mouse around as you did crafting pointless threads on the forums, you would have recognized that.


People just want to whinge about any thing that takes effort requiring brain power.


eg. There's a wall in the way preventing you to get what you want. Instead of them doing the sensible thing of walking around the wall. They will scream and holler that there is a wall in the way, nerf or remove the wall completely!

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My attitude? I am not the one whining about NOTHING.


My whole screen, top to bottom, left to right, could be filled with speeders and I can still click on the mailbox or terminal.


It's a complete non-issue. Period. End.


First time I saw a vehicle "blocking" my vision, I rotated the camera, clicked what I wanted and went on with my day.


This is a non issue.


You know what's a non-issue? The dead servers everybody was whining about before the transfers. PVP class balance problems. Group finders. I don't play PVP, so they don't bother me. If they don't bother me, then they shouldn't bother anybody. Non-issues.


These are all matters of opinion. Just because they don't bother you doesn't mean other people aren't bothered by them.

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