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Operative and Gunslinger -vs- Scoundrel and Sniper


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I want to make an IA to see the IA story, but I can't decide if I want to make a Operative or a Sniper. I already have like a lvl 11 Scoundrel, but I'm thinking since I already have a Commando and a Sage I should perhaps make a Gunslinger on the Republic side instead, because I don't need three 'hybrid' classes, it would be nice to have one dedicated DPS. That being said, I want the opposite AC from Smuggler to IA, so which should I choose for the IA?


Ok that paragraph may have seemed confusing, but basically I want to make an IA right now tonight and play it but I want to pick an AC for IA smartly because the opposite AC on Smuggler will be my next toon. So what are the main differences between a combo of Operative and Gunslinger, and Sniper and Scoundrel?


Any opinions? I heard that Republic is slightly better in PvP on my server, so perhaps a Sniper would be better so I can focus on PvE? Or are Operatives still good healers for PvE? Thanks in advance.

Edited by zorphon
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Well, if you played an IA Sniper and a Smuggler Gunslinger, you'd just be playing the same class all over again. So, if you want a different experience, go with IA Operative & Smuggler Gunslinger or IA Sniper & Smuggler Scoundrel.


To be clear, the mirrors of the both of the classes are:


Sniper & Gunslinger.

Operative & Scoundrel.


The opposites are:




Edited by LieutenantCole
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If you are asking which is which for the equivalence it goes Operative = Scoundrel and Sniper = Gunslinger. So your Operative is your stealth guy who can melee dps or heal and the Sniper is the non stealth guy that likes to use cover to dps ;).
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Well, if you played an IA Sniper and a Smuggler Gunslinger, you'd just be playing the same class all over again. So, if you want a different experience, go with IA Operative & Smuggler Gunslinger or IA Sniper & Smuggler Scoundrel.


To be clear, the mirrors of the both of the classes are:


Sniper & Gunslinger.

Operative & Scoundrel.


The opposites are:





No offense but I'm not an idiot, and did you even read the title of the thread. You and the guy under you definitely didn't understand the question. I clearly outlined the combinations I was inquiring about, Operative and Gunslinger OR Scoundrel and Sniper. I don't need clarification on what the mirrors are.

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I play an Operative healer for PvE and have been very happy with it.


Good to hear. How is leveling as an Operative, is it satisfying? Did you level as a healer too?


Are they good in PvE as healers?


Thanks in advance.

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heh. I kinda don't really get your reasoning why you want to play the opposing classes really.


I have a healing scoundrel and a dps operative and I can assure you they play very differently.


then again scoundrel/operative dps for PVE is definitely a worse choice, so whatever faction you plan on using more for pve, use the dps-only class and go for the healing class with the PVP side (that being said, keep in mind that classes DO change.. and while it doesn't seem likely to happen since the devs apparently hate scoundrels/operatives, they may get a dps boost one day...).. that is, unless you hate healing.

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heh. I kinda don't really get your reasoning why you want to play the opposing classes really.


I have a healing scoundrel and a dps operative and I can assure you they play very differently.


then again scoundrel/operative dps for PVE is definitely a worse choice, so whatever faction you plan on using more for pve, use the dps-only class and go for the healing class with the PVP side (that being said, keep in mind that classes DO change.. and while it doesn't seem likely to happen since the devs apparently hate scoundrels/operatives, they may get a dps boost one day...).. that is, unless you hate healing.


Fair enough, that makes sense. The thing is I'm super indecisive and I can't decide which side I want to do more PvE on. I have a Sage and Commando on Republic though so it makes more sense to not do a Scoundrel there, I don't need 3 healers that can DPS.

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No offense but I'm not an idiot, and did you even read the title of the thread. You and the guy under you definitely didn't understand the question. I clearly outlined the combinations I was inquiring about, Operative and Gunslinger OR Scoundrel and Sniper. I don't need clarification on what the mirrors are.


Aha, whoa there! My mistake! Really don't need to give that attitude when someone's just trying to help, whether they misinterpreted the question or not. :rolleyes:

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No offense but I'm not an idiot, and did you even read the title of the thread. You and the guy under you definitely didn't understand the question. I clearly outlined the combinations I was inquiring about, Operative and Gunslinger OR Scoundrel and Sniper. I don't need clarification on what the mirrors are.


You need to learn some internet manners (I'm sure you need real life ones as well). The guy tried to help as he saw fit and you reply like that and expect people now to help out? Furthermore, you original post is really misleading and it does sound like you don't know the difference between AC's and specs. That is on the first read. If you think people have time to guess what you tried to say, you should think again braw. I would have an advice for you, but I just cba to give it right now. Enjoy.

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Right now I am going the route of Scoundrel/Sniper with my alts, due mainly to the fact that between the two right now I am enjoying the Sniper much more, and on the server I'm doing this on would like at least one Imperial 50.


That said, from a sheer aesthetic standpoint I like the vibroknife of the groin kick and the carbine over the single pistol, so if I were forced to choosese scoundrel or operative I'd probably go with the OP.


There's also something to be said for dual-wielding as a gunslinger if you have any intent to pvp-- cap your ranked and regular comms before hitting 50, buy a BM mainhand and strip those mods into an augmented orange offhand then trade in the BM shell for a war hero mainhand and strap an augment on that, right out the gate you are in great shape (even for storymode ops or HM EV/KP the WH/BM weapons hold up)

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You'll find Operative + Gunslinger to be more fulfilling.


There's more tanks and healers on Republic than Imperial given that most players that main Republic have a more PvE mindset, meanwhile most players that play Imperial typically role DPS so having a Healer on Imp side would be most beneficial.

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I went operative/gunslinger.


Aesthetically it just makes way more sense. Snipers "sniping" from 35m? Scoundrels pulling a shotgun out of their pocket? No thanks.


Plus it's nice being able to pull out offhand barrels and move it to your mainhand as a gunslinger.

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You'll find Operative + Gunslinger to be more fulfilling.


There's more tanks and healers on Republic than Imperial given that most players that main Republic have a more PvE mindset, meanwhile most players that play Imperial typically role DPS so having a Healer on Imp side would be most beneficial.


funny you say that because it's the opposite on Pot5. the imps seem to be heals/tank only combos and the reps always lack either - or both. (it's not as bad as right after server transfers, but then it usually happened that when I was not on my healing char there were no healer or maaaaybe 1 in the ops, while the imps had 3-4)



if it's just about what which faction 'needs' then he needs to check his server forums, not ask a general question


Edited by amnie
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I want to make an IA to see the IA story, but I can't decide if I want to make a Operative or a Sniper. I already have like a lvl 11 Scoundrel, but I'm thinking since I already have a Commando and a Sage I should perhaps make a Gunslinger on the Republic side instead, because I don't need three 'hybrid' classes, it would be nice to have one dedicated DPS. That being said, I want the opposite AC from Smuggler to IA, so which should I choose for the IA?


Ok that paragraph may have seemed confusing, but basically I want to make an IA right now tonight and play it but I want to pick an AC for IA smartly because the opposite AC on Smuggler will be my next toon. So what are the main differences between a combo of Operative and Gunslinger, and Sniper and Scoundrel?


Any opinions? I heard that Republic is slightly better in PvP on my server, so perhaps a Sniper would be better so I can focus on PvE? Or are Operatives still good healers for PvE? Thanks in advance.


If I were you, I would Go: IA Sniper for experiencing the IA storyline. And go Scoundrel for experiencing the Smuggler story. Play your scoundrel as DPS primary with heals back up. So respec to the middle tree. Your stealth spead and ability to not be detected increases. All the IA and Smugger classes are good in PvP and PvE.

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Sorry to those that I kind of 'snapped' at, I apologize.


But thanks for all the replies guys! I'm getting some mixed answers so it's a hard call. I actually just remembered that I had a lvl 12 sniper that I accidentally deleted back in January so I sent in an e-mail to customer support and they actually recovered it for me 6 months later! Very awesome of BioWare to do that.


So right now I have a lvl 12 Sniper, so I'm leaning towards just continuing the Sniper and then having a Scoundrel, otherwise I'd have to restart an IA to get to lvl 12 again as an Operative. Also most people on my server are stating that Imperial is slightly worse in Warzones, so not sure if that holds any merit to the situation.


Thanks in advance guys, appreciate the help thus far.

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I have both an Operative and a Sniper, both feel rewarding. The main difference is while leveling Operatives are able to take on par level quests/bosses, since they are able to heal their companions. Snipers may have to overlevel content if they can't down some tougher elites before their companions die. It really depends on how good the character's gear is.


DS Operative combat feels pretty accurate... Savagely stabbing everyone. I've played a Scoundrel too, other than the crotch kick, feels boring in comparison. Glad they aren't 100% mirrored combat styles though.

Edited by RAZIMx
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I had the same question when I started over on The Fatman.


I went Scoundrel and Sniper. Reasons being, I like the idea of punching people in the face and kicking them in the jibblies, both of which Scoundrels get to do. Also, and it could be considered slightly min/max-ing, the Sniper only uses one weapon where as the Gunslinger uses two, so you don't have that offhand accuracy penalty to deal with on the Sniper, that and I love the engineering Sniper tree, it seems to fit the class more than the Gunslinger's sabotage tree does.


in a nutshell, the Scoundrel seems to fit the smuggler basic class for me, as does Sniper for the IA.

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I had the same question when I started over on The Fatman.


I went Scoundrel and Sniper. Reasons being, I like the idea of punching people in the face and kicking them in the jibblies, both of which Scoundrels get to do. Also, and it could be considered slightly min/max-ing, the Sniper only uses one weapon where as the Gunslinger uses two, so you don't have that offhand accuracy penalty to deal with on the Sniper, that and I love the engineering Sniper tree, it seems to fit the class more than the Gunslinger's sabotage tree does.


in a nutshell, the Scoundrel seems to fit the smuggler basic class for me, as does Sniper for the IA.


Interesting. I went on to the Imperial Fleet on my server and asked some people how Warzones were on The Bastion. A bunch of people said that Republic wins a bit more than the Empire, mainly because they have hardly and healers. So, that kind of makes me want to go Operative. Also I have a Sage and a Commando already on Republic, so having a third class that can heal is kind of redundant, especially since Gunslingers do a bit more DPS than Scrappers and I could have a Pure DPS class on Republic if I go that way. Only problem is I basically have a lvl 10 Sniper and a lvl 10 Scoundrel, so I'd restart both. But that's what I'm leaning towards.

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