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Mouseover Healing


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Now those do make the game easier. I'm not sure I want those in the game. If their UI presents all the necessary details, there's no reason to have a customized UI for playability purposes.

Well, some rudimentary level of customization of health frames would be helpful. Color, background, texture, size, shape, location, and buff/debuff filtering. Purely cosmetic stuff that could be built into the game's UI without hurting anything and would make a whole lot of people very happy.


All the other stuff? Meh. I'm definitely against anything 'smart' like Power Auras; if we're going to need highly visible notifications of stuff, then those notifications should be built in by default, not left up to the player to configure.

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i have healed in every game since everquest. i do not understand what is so hard for people to click heals. i have raid healed as a druid and knew when hots were needed and on who without healbot. the fact that you need a mouse over instead of clicking means you dont want to heal, you want to look around while the fight is going on. if you are not dedicated enough to play the class then dont heal. you are only hurting those who depend on you.
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i have healed in every game since everquest. i do not understand what is so hard for people to click heals. i have raid healed as a druid and knew when hots were needed and on who without healbot. the fact that you need a mouse over instead of clicking means you dont want to heal, you want to look around while the fight is going on. if you are not dedicated enough to play the class then dont heal. you are only hurting those who depend on you.


No one has said it's hard. That it's easier (a better word would be efficient) does not mean it was ever hard in the first place. It's not hard to click your buttons instead of keybinding either. It's not hard to turn with the keyboard instead of the mouse. But people actually tend to like efficient controls when it comes to gaming. That must mean they don't really want to play right?

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i have healed in every game since everquest. i do not understand what is so hard for people to click heals. i have raid healed as a druid and knew when hots were needed and on who without healbot. the fact that you need a mouse over instead of clicking means you dont want to heal, you want to look around while the fight is going on. if you are not dedicated enough to play the class then dont heal. you are only hurting those who depend on you.


It's about efficiency. I'm sure you've never raided or PVPd on a high level, any of you people against add-ons, macros, etc. If you have you would understand their purpose. We aren't asking for Vanilla heal bot, that mod was ridiculous. We're just asking for UI customization and simple mouse-overs so healers can be as efficient as our DPS counterparts.

Edited by Jooji
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I am not bad. Anything that reduces input lag makes ANYONE a better player, even you. It's not about being easier. It's about making the response in your brain translate to the servers that you want to heal a certain person take less steps and thus less time to happen.


Playing without mouseover healing is like playing with a 500 ping all the time.


The reduction in input lag going from click+heal to heal is virtually nothing. You'd probably reduce your input lag more by getting a better mousepad. If you seriously take 0.5s to click your mouse when you don't even need to move it then you are bad.


Mouseover healing is not a bad thing however the question is: Is it worth developer time over something else?


The answer to me is: probably not.

Edited by DrekorSilverfang
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Mouseover healing is not a bad thing however the question is: Is it worth developer time over something else?


The answer to me is: probably not.


If you could implement a well-known, well-understood feature that would make a large number of your customers happy and improve accessibility for customers with disabilities, with absolutely no downside, using mostly existing code (they already have targeting logic and mouseover detection), why would you not do it?

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It's only a basic staple if you're a baddie who has only ever played autoplay WoW's click a button with your eyes closed to heal someone playstyle.


Turn Nameplates on so you can see people's healthbars over their heads, and gain some finger dexterity. One day healing without seventythree crutches will come naturally to you and you'll ask yourself 'how was I ever so lame to think I was playing a game in a system that held your hand in every way possible?'


I've always enjoyed watching some of WoW's Arena tournaments where people are forced to use the vanilla UI. Really shows who can actually play and who's let the game play for them all these years.

Edited by revial
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It's only a basic staple if you're a baddie who has only ever played autoplay WoW's click a button with your eyes closed to heal someone playstyle.


Turn Nameplates on so you can see people's healthbars over their heads, and gain some finger dexterity. One day healing without seventythree crutches will come naturally to you and you'll ask yourself 'how was I ever so lame to think I was playing a game in a system that held your hand in every way possible?'


I've always enjoyed watching some of WoW's Arena tournaments where people are forced to use the vanilla UI. Really shows who can actually play and who's let the game play for them all these years.


I can't tell if you're trolling or just really really stupid.

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gain some finger dexterity.

Ah, yes, thank you, that's the solution to all my problems. Let me go back in time to when I was in the Navy and stop the 50-pound block of metal from being dropped on my hands, so that maybe I can move all my fingers, and then I'll get right on that.

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Ah, yes, thank you, that's the solution to all my problems. Let me go back in time to when I was in the Navy and stop the 50-pound block of metal from being dropped on my hands, so that maybe I can move all my fingers, and then I'll get right on that.


Maybe they should make the NFL a touch-football league as well. If that sounds harsh, it's not meant to be. I just don't get why people seem to think a choice in entertainment should cater to their specific needs. If it doesn't, there's about a billion other things in life for you to go enjoy.


My brother is borderline autistic. He doesn't ask the World Chess Federation to make chess easier so he can play.

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Maybe they should make the NFL a touch-football league as well. If that sounds harsh, it's not meant to be. I just don't get why people seem to think a choice in entertainment should cater to their specific needs. If it doesn't, there's about a billion other things in life for you to go enjoy.


My brother is borderline autistic. He doesn't ask the World Chess Federation to make chess easier so he can play.


Agreed. I have healed alot tougher raid content then anything WoW and it's catering to the lazy could put out for years, without a mouseover heal, healbot, or whatever you slouches want.


If you can not heal utilizing the mechanics in a game as they are, then you are not a good healer, you are more like a pseudo healer, just trying to solidify your raid slot because you most likely can not either DPS or tank.

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It's only a basic staple if you're a baddie who has only ever played autoplay WoW's click a button with your eyes closed to heal someone playstyle.


Turn Nameplates on so you can see people's healthbars over their heads, and gain some finger dexterity. One day healing without seventythree crutches will come naturally to you and you'll ask yourself 'how was I ever so lame to think I was playing a game in a system that held your hand in every way possible?'


I've always enjoyed watching some of WoW's Arena tournaments where people are forced to use the vanilla UI. Really shows who can actually play and who's let the game play for them all these years.


You do understand that WoW Arena Tournament players do in fact use mouseover healing with the basic UI right?


Turn name plates on and click nameplates to target people while they are running around? Are you insane??? I do not want to play a giant wack a mole game as a healer while the dps get to run around like idiots mashing buttons.


TORs lack of UI customization is a major failing point atm.


Half of you arguing about how TOR doesn't need mouseover healing obviously have no idea what it is.

Edited by Xerker
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I would love to see this implented as wel, it's much much easier and faster to heal like this. I've been a healer in various games and I must say once you went with mouseover healing you dont go back. It really helps you get trough these unexpected OH CRAP moments and not only would this be a benefit to the healers it would be beneficial to everyone else to. It would make runs more smoother, pvp healing faster, and hell even for tanks. For example a mouseover taunt to get that bloody mob of your over eager dps. Or for a dps to cast a fast CC when something goes wrong. In short no reason not to make it happen ;)



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I've given up hope that anyone will see sense when Kaelesto has spelled out as soundly and calmly as anyone could hope why opposition to mouseover healing is foolish.


But I will put it as bluntly as I can:


Yes, clickhealing is how things were done once upon a time, and we would survive without mouseover healing. You might remember NES controllers featured a D-Pad and four buttons, or that you connected to the internet through your phone once too. Are you really itching that badly to play Call of Duty with two buttons on a 28.8k modem?




Then have at it. Leave the rest of us alone, there is not sense or good reason that defends not having mouseover healing.

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Without mouseover - observe situation, select target for heal, move your mouse to target frame, click on target frame, click some keybinding.


With mouseorver - observe situation, select target for heal, move your mouse to target frame, click some keybinding.


The only difference is that useless annoying click.

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Maybe they should make the NFL a touch-football league as well. If that sounds harsh, it's not meant to be. I just don't get why people seem to think a choice in entertainment should cater to their specific needs. If it doesn't, there's about a billion other things in life for you to go enjoy.


My brother is borderline autistic. He doesn't ask the World Chess Federation to make chess easier so he can play.


I didn't realize MMOs were a sport.


It's funny you should mention chess. I have a cousin who plays chess competitively. He's damn good at it. But he has cerebral palsy. He doesn't have the manual dexterity to pick up a chess piece and move it without knocking other pieces over and ruining the game. So in tournament games, he has an assistant - he calls out the move he wants to make, and the assistant moves the piece and records the move on his scoresheet.


Does that "make chess easier"? Technically, I suppose. But no chess player in their right mind would argue that it matters. Chess is a game of the mind, and the board is only a physical representation of it - the real skill being challenged in chess is not in moving the pieces, but in deciding where to move them.


MMOs are, similarly, games of the mind. They're not about pushing buttons. They're about deciding which button to push. There are computer games - FPSs - that are actually in part about pushing buttons, that actually pit opponents against each other in a test of hand-eye coordination and speed. But MMOs aren't like that. They're throttled by the GCD, and the combat mechanics are handled by RNG and stats rather than player aim, in a deliberate effort to remove most of the player's hand-eye coordination and latency from the equation. They're much more like chess than like football. At their core, they're really math games.


And if you want to make a mental game fair, challenging, fun, and engaging, you start by removing unnecessary physical obstacles - especially those that don't affect all players equally.


If you think of that as 'dumbing down the game,' then you're asserting that hand-eye coordination is the key MMO gaming skill. And if you believe that, you're not only probably a bad healer (because you don't understand the real game) - you probably also have terrible hand-eye coordination. You have to be almost as bad as me with my injuries in order to find any challenge whatsoever in MMO combat. You would be awful at a game that actually is about hand-eye coordination. I used to play shooters, and I would have eaten you for breakfast if you played at a level where you thought clicking a mouse on a 1/2-inch-square static box every 1.5 seconds was "skill."

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[snip snip snip]

I didn't realize MMOs were a sport.


I have a cousin who plays chess competitively. He's damn good at it. But he has cerebral palsy. He doesn't have the manual dexterity to pick up a chess piece and move it without knocking other pieces over and ruining the game. So in tournament games, he has an assistant - he calls out the move he wants to make, and the assistant moves the piece and records the move on his scoresheet.


But no chess player in their right mind would argue that it matters. Chess is a game of the mind, and the board is only a physical representation of it - the real skill being challenged in chess is not in moving the pieces, but in deciding where to move them.


MMOs are, similarly, games of the mind.


You, sir, just owned the whole thread, imo.

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You're right, mouse over casting is incredibly handy and almost essential, and they should add it in the game, not just for healers, an instant cast crowd control spell on mouse over has saved groups countless times.


It won't deter me from rolling a healer once I get in, but I'm sure someone will die because I need to 'readjust' to the old ways.


Esp as warzone raid frames dont show accurate health and right now I have to heal on nameplates.....


God I need mouseovers

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IMO any arguments pertaining to the necessity of this feature are outside the scope of this thread/topic.


It's a good feature, and the option to use it (with a togglable check square in the interface options) should be in the game, period, regardless of how you feel about addons or macros.


Having it in won't matter to the people that don't use it, but it certainly will to those of us that do.

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I'm surprised how good the raid frames are. Maybe buff / debuff monitoring needs a bit of help. But anyways, add mouseover healing and a lot of us can be happy without addons for a while. Edited by spcarr
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Without mouseover - observe situation, select target for heal, move your mouse to target frame, click on target frame, click some keybinding.


With mouseorver - observe situation, select target for heal, move your mouse to target frame, click some keybinding.


The only difference is that useless annoying click.


And there's another big difference..

You don't have to change target for healing; so you can still DPS/CC/Whatever to the Boss/Player while you are healing your colleagues/yourself without having to change the target

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Ah, yes, thank you, that's the solution to all my problems. Let me go back in time to when I was in the Navy and stop the 50-pound block of metal from being dropped on my hands, so that maybe I can move all my fingers, and then I'll get right on that.


The name should have gave it away, but this did. Hello Kaels! (This is Kieromaris, if you actually pay attention to forum names elsewhere).


Anyway, back to the matter at hand.


Using Mouse-Over targeting doesn't necessarily equate to a better or worse healer. I have healed competitively using both systems, I prefer mouse-overs. No, clicking doesn't add that much time to the healing equation, but it is one less action I need to take. I am a lazy, fat-slob of a gamer, after all. Do I feel I perform better with mouse-over targetting? Sure. But, do I feel like I am superior to someone that performs better by clicking? Absolutely not. It took me years to agree to try mouse-over targeting, because I was comfortable and fast with it. I understand where people who click are coming from, I really do.


A good player can play the game and will adapt to the situation, but in the end it is a quality of life choice for people. Yes, I can click. I can click a new target before the spell finishes casting, just the same as with mouse-over targeting. But, having to continuously click between the mob and the person to heal in order to perform an action is tiring and bulky. I've tried tab-targeting, but that frequently leads me to hitting a bad mob, and sometimes it tabs to targets out of range or even behind me.


I would like mouse-over targeting, but I would be happy with Target of Target or with dual-targets, such as Warhammer had.

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