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Rolling Marauder - A guilty pleasure?


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I recently decided to abandon my tank role in favor of a DPS role and thus abandon my Guardian, Juggernaut, and Powertech characters. I want to start over as a Marauder but seeing as how both Dual-wielding classes are considered the FotM classes and "overpowered" in PVP, I might actually find myself feeling guilty for rolling the class.


The question is, do I have any reason to feel a little bit guilty for deciding to go with this class? I mean, I honestly dont want to roll the Marauder because of it's supposed overpoweredness but because I like the look, feel, and play style of the Marauder. I've always been a fan of my Fury Warrior back in World of Warcraft and I've had my fun and fill of tanking, so now I want to try something new. Any advice on how to play the Marauder? I was thinking of going with Annihilation spec because I am not a big fan of twirly attacks that I've seen Carnage specced Marauders do.


(In addition to the spec change, anyone on any EAST coast server want to take me up as an apprentice? I dont mind changing servers, I'm not all that concerned with Legacy stuff.)

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I recently decided to abandon my tank role in favor of a DPS role and thus abandon my Guardian, Juggernaut, and Powertech characters. I want to start over as a Marauder but seeing as how both Dual-wielding classes are considered the FotM classes and "overpowered" in PVP, I might actually find myself feeling guilty for rolling the class.


The question is, do I have any reason to feel a little bit guilty for deciding to go with this class? I mean, I honestly dont want to roll the Marauder because of it's supposed overpoweredness but because I like the look, feel, and play style of the Marauder. I've always been a fan of my Fury Warrior back in World of Warcraft and I've had my fun and fill of tanking, so now I want to try something new. Any advice on how to play the Marauder? I was thinking of going with Annihilation spec because I am not a big fan of twirly attacks that I've seen Carnage specced Marauders do.


(In addition to the spec change, anyone on any EAST coast server want to take me up as an apprentice? I dont mind changing servers, I'm not all that concerned with Legacy stuff.)


As long as PTs continue to dish out the damage they do there is no reason at all to feel guilty about rolling a marauder. You pay to play this game, play it in a way that is going to be the most fun for you. As far as specs I used to be annihilation but with the introduction of rated warzones I've noticed healers are much better at dispelling my bleeds. In non-rateds my dps between annihilation and carnage was pretty much the same because the healers weren't as focused and I actually preferred annihilation because of the added bonus of my bleeds being able to heal me.

In rateds though I've found I can do more damage with carnage. Also when traited in carnage you increase the movement speed bonus granted by predation by 30%, on top of the 50% already granted. This is an ops wide buff as long as they are in range. This makes your team much more mobile and makes it easier to make it between objectives.

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I recently decided to abandon my tank role in favor of a DPS role and thus abandon my Guardian, Juggernaut, and Powertech characters. I want to start over as a Marauder but seeing as how both Dual-wielding classes are considered the FotM classes and "overpowered" in PVP, I might actually find myself feeling guilty for rolling the class.


The question is, do I have any reason to feel a little bit guilty for deciding to go with this class? I mean, I honestly dont want to roll the Marauder because of it's supposed overpoweredness but because I like the look, feel, and play style of the Marauder. I've always been a fan of my Fury Warrior back in World of Warcraft and I've had my fun and fill of tanking, so now I want to try something new. Any advice on how to play the Marauder? I was thinking of going with Annihilation spec because I am not a big fan of twirly attacks that I've seen Carnage specced Marauders do.


(In addition to the spec change, anyone on any EAST coast server want to take me up as an apprentice? I dont mind changing servers, I'm not all that concerned with Legacy stuff.)


If you like the style of play and have fun doing it, then, by all means, do it. Doesn't make any difference what anyone else thinks.

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you're rolling a marauder because your pt is not OP enough?




But yeah, the playstyle is fun.... especially carnage and rage spec. Annihilation is fine as a beginner spec but once you gear up you'll appreciate the benefits of carnage :)


That screenshot is nothing special as it does not show your dps.

Alderaan with the middle turret not taken, takes a long time to finish.

I can also post a screenshot which proves that Marauders can do more damage while also having better survivability.


Edited by Venjirai
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That screenshot is nothing special as it does not show your dps.

Alderaan with the middle turret not taken, takes a long time to finish.

I can also post a screenshot which proves that Marauders can do more damage while also having better survivability.




Mind telling me what your str/power is at? Just curious =x

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Mind telling me what your str/power is at? Just curious =x


Str was about ~1650 and Power about ~950.

My equip wasn't finished at this point and even now, I still miss 2 War Hero Pieces for the +10% damage after leap Set Bonus.

In Rateds, this makes an excellent Peeler, but for focus targets, better go Combat.

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No, there is absolutely no reason to feel 'guilty' about rolling any of the classes. In fact because there are 8 character slots per server it's advisable for all good players to have 1 of each AC. That way you learn the mechanics of all the classes/mirrors and then go back to your other toons and you will have a better understanding how to counter the class.


Personally I am so sick and tired of the 'FOTM' labels. Is there a class in SWTOR that hasn't been called this at one point or another? Meh anyway...

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That screenshot is nothing special as it does not show your dps.

Alderaan with the middle turret not taken, takes a long time to finish.

I can also post a screenshot which proves that Marauders can do more damage while also having better survivability.



Since when 750K is higher than 1200K ?


But well ...

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That screenshot is nothing special as it does not show your dps.

Alderaan with the middle turret not taken, takes a long time to finish.

I can also post a screenshot which proves that Marauders can do more damage while also having better survivability.



nice dps number but also nothing special as you probably force sweeped the **** out of the 4 enemy healers (real low objective points) while they kept close to each other for AoE heal. Look at their dps, its abysmal - its so tiny that even the healer specced commando (uzi) did more dps then hps. It shows that you know how to aoe and the enemy don't how to evade a focus specc'ed sentinel.


Back to topic: I agree with that said before, roll it if you enjoy the playstyle/appearence of 2 light sabers. I recently also started a sentinel (for sake of completeness and knowledge about that class though) and haven't regret it since. They are fun to play, even in lower levels.

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nice dps number but also nothing special as you probably force sweeped the **** out of the 4 enemy healers (real low objective points) while they kept close to each other for AoE heal. Look at their dps, its abysmal - its so tiny that even the healer specced commando (uzi) did more dps then hps. It shows that you know how to aoe and the enemy don't how to evade a focus specc'ed sentinel.


Back to topic: I agree with that said before, roll it if you enjoy the playstyle/appearence of 2 light sabers. I recently also started a sentinel (for sake of completeness and knowledge about that class though) and haven't regret it since. They are fun to play, even in lower levels.


Of course it's nothing special.

I just wanted to make a point, that posting damage numbers does not mean sh*t.

And look at their total kills, if you want to point out the abysmal. :)

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Of course it's nothing special.

I just wanted to make a point, that posting damage numbers does not mean sh*t.

And look at their total kills, if you want to point out the abysmal. :)


Forgive me if I'm wrong, my marauder is only level 45 so I have yet to really look into the pvp gear. But you said you didn't have the 10% bonus damage after leap set bonus yet. I thought I've only seen that on the guardian/jugg armor set?

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Forgive me if I'm wrong, my marauder is only level 45 so I have yet to really look into the pvp gear. But you said you didn't have the 10% bonus damage after leap set bonus yet. I thought I've only seen that on the guardian/jugg armor set?


Yes. It's the set bonus for the guardian so you have to buy the guardian gear and take out the armorings.

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Yes. It's the set bonus for the guardian so you have to buy the guardian gear and take out the armorings.


O_O You can do that? The 2p obviously wont even benefit us, but the damage from the 4p is nice indeed.

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O_O You can do that? The 2p obviously wont even benefit us, but the damage from the 4p is nice indeed.


Yes, it's situational.

For Random BGs I was using the 2p bonus from the sentinel (-15s CD GbtF) and the 2p guardian tank bonus (+1s Force Stasis duration).

For Rated BGs I have noticed that I am one of the last focus targets anyway and Gbtf / Undying Rage isn't as important as the damage bonus you would get with the guardian set.

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Yes, it's situational.

For Random BGs I was using the 2p bonus from the sentinel (-15s CD GbtF) and the 2p guardian tank bonus (+1s Force Stasis duration).

For Rated BGs I have noticed that I am one of the last focus targets anyway and Gbtf / Undying Rage isn't as important as the damage bonus you would get with the guardian set.


So that 7k crit you got in your screen shot was without the 10% extra damage. Sweet. Also while I have you =x, obviously replacing most of the enhancements/mods in the gear that has accuracy and what not I what you are supposed to do. But which piece of wh gear is best to buy and strip the mod/enhancement from to put in all the other gear?

Edited by Kycen
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The question is, do I have any reason to feel a little bit guilty for deciding to go with this class?


The Marauder class is so fun to play. I actually enjoy playing it more than my Shadow. Just a total blast. Everyone should give it a roll.


Not to mention that the class story is the best I've encountered so far.

Edited by DarthOvertone
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The Marauder class is so fun to play. I actually enjoy playing it more than my Shadow. Just a total blast. Everyone should give it a roll.


Not to mention that the class story is the best I've encountered so far.


Well, one thing I dont understand about the Marauder, since this will be my first serious one, is how are they so survivable? I heard about it, I've faced it (and lost), and I've no idea how it's done. It's the survivability I believe makes this seem like a "guilty" endeavor. I mean I'm all for survivability in DPS classes but I have to admit, they can somehow get out of almost anything.

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That screenshot is nothing special as it does not show your dps.

Alderaan with the middle turret not taken, takes a long time to finish.

I can also post a screenshot which proves that Marauders can do more damage while also having better survivability.



Actually all that proves is that the 3 healers you were harassing the entire match, just sat there healing one another while you tee'd off on them nowhere near any of the doors. That has nothing to do with what a Sent/Mara is capable of, and more to do with "how much damage can I do against a training dummy for a whole match".


Not knocking your strategy, knocking your opponent's.


It also doesn't speak to their survivability, since NO ONE on your team died.

Edited by criminalheretic
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Well, one thing I dont understand about the Marauder, since this will be my first serious one, is how are they so survivable? I heard about it, I've faced it (and lost), and I've no idea how it's done. It's the survivability I believe makes this seem like a "guilty" endeavor. I mean I'm all for survivability in DPS classes but I have to admit, they can somehow get out of almost anything.


Marauders die on average as much as any other class. They just have abilities that get people's hopes up, and then dash them.

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Marauders die on average as much as any other class. They just have abilities that get people's hopes up, and then dash them.


So keep question is... do I hit a bunch of people with bleeds for big heals or do I focus on one at a time?

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So keep question is... do I hit a bunch of people with bleeds for big heals or do I focus on one at a time?


Spreading your dots around completely destroys your effectiveness for a tiny, tiny increase in your non-zen self-heal. Not at all worthwhile.

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That screenshot is nothing special as it does not show your dps.

Alderaan with the middle turret not taken, takes a long time to finish.

I can also post a screenshot which proves that Marauders can do more damage while also having better survivability.



It seems that pic was taken before 1.3. Hence the huge hit with smash/sweep. Though 7+ k is still attainable today, but has to have a lot of fine tuning and getting the expertise boost in the map.




Before anyone else mentions defeat, i was solo queuing in a group full of pugs(Mostly bad ones) and was fighting against a premade.

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I'm an altoholic myself, so I sometimes get branded when I jump on a fotm class that I rolled long before they were popular. I have a mara and a sent, and I have been on my sent the past few days and when someone said in chat. "Oh look at all the fotm sents in our warzone" I merely pointed out that I played a healer all day the day before and I was in the mood for something else. It doesn't bother me and I wouldn't let it bother you. I play what I'm in the mood for at the time, regardless of class strength. As long as you aren't intentionally rolling it because it's the "bestest" according to popular demand, then you have nothing to worry about, and even then, if that's what you want to play, who cares as long as you are having fun with it.
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