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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Cryo grenades need to go!


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For the exact same reasons BW removed Biochem adrenals from PvP, cryo grenades need to be removed as well. I was actually surprised they weren't shown the door at the same time because they pose the same issue that Biochem did in that a specific crafting skill becomes more desirable for the advantage it offers in PvP. BW has maintained that they don't want any one crafting skill to become THE goto skill for PvE or PvP. To be consistent with their justification for removing adrenals, cryo grenades should be removed for the same reasons. I'm starting to see more and more PvPers pick up Cybertech and consequently cryo grenade use has increased significantly in WZs. It's getting old, and they should have removed them at the same time they removed adrenals.



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For the exact same reasons BW removed Biochem adrenals from PvP, cryo grenades need to be removed as well. I was actually surprised they weren't shown the door at the same time because they pose the same issue that Biochem did in that a specific crafting skill becomes more desirable for the advantage it offers in PvP. BW has maintained that they don't want any one crafting skill to become THE goto skill for PvE or PvP. To be consistent with their justification for removing adrenals, cryo grenades should be removed for the same reasons. I'm starting to see more and more PvPers pick up Cybertech and consequently cryo grenade use has increased significantly in WZs. It's getting old, and they should have removed them at the same time they removed adrenals.




Agreed, I said this from the get go. Nothing this company does is consistent.

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as a Biochemist I agree. I said from the beginning that all bioware had to do was make the reusables sellable to everyone. Then there wouldn't have been any go to profession. But since they keep nerfing Biochem its time they do the same to the Grenades.
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your aware that every one could use the blue biochem adrenals and stims also


You are aware that regardless of any changes any game goes through, players who can not play it properly will still whine about the game; and have a never ending list of excuses not only for their failure, but also for other players success.


Even when the situation of the other players who are successful is identical to theirs.

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your aware that every one could use the blue biochem adrenals and stims also


Grendades are so easy to craft. You don't even have to use the highest level ones to get the same effect, they just do slightly more damage in most cases, when you really just use them for the CC. So, it's fairly easy to produce them on an alt or buy. Biochem required a lot more to keep up and it still has advantages, just not as great of one.

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as a Biochemist I agree. I said from the beginning that all bioware had to do was make the reusables sellable to everyone. Then there wouldn't have been any go to profession. But since they keep nerfing Biochem its time they do the same to the Grenades.


"As a Biochemist, I got nerfed, so nerf everyone else so they can feel my pain. Never mind that I enjoyed all the benefits of my profession being King of the Hill for 6 months+ (and still continue to enjoy the benefits of reusable medpacs and stims, while everyone has to buy their stims from ME), if it happened to me it has to happen to you too."

Edited by Varicite
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For the exact same reasons BW removed Biochem adrenals from PvP, cryo grenades need to be removed as well. I was actually surprised they weren't shown the door at the same time because they pose the same issue that Biochem did in that a specific crafting skill becomes more desirable for the advantage it offers in PvP. BW has maintained that they don't want any one crafting skill to become THE goto skill for PvE or PvP. To be consistent with their justification for removing adrenals, cryo grenades should be removed for the same reasons. I'm starting to see more and more PvPers pick up Cybertech and consequently cryo grenade use has increased significantly in WZs. It's getting old, and they should have removed them at the same time they removed adrenals.






What the hell prevents you from being a Biochem and keeping your rakata medpack and stims while using blue rakata grenades? To me your post means this: Paying for grenades that will take 1 extra button on my actionbar is too hard for me to handle, so please nerf them since i cannot use them.


Mommmmy my little brother did that, nerf his toys!!

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As a biochem Vanguard I feel qualified to speak on this matter.


To the OP....not the same as adrenals. I have crafted many adrenals. Not once have I crafted a cryo grenade.

Give me one of those smuggler stuns and I'll gladly give up the only effective CC that I have.

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As a guy who has a cybertech toon which has the sludge gernade, I am seriously wondering which gernade you think is OP. Seriously I want to know. I think they are all useless.


A multi-target 4s stun with a 30m range is useless? No, it is awesome and close to essential for competitive PVP. Obviously you don't throw them around like candy but throwing one of them at a group approaching to stop a cap? Yes please.

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A multi-target 4s stun with a 30m range is useless? No, it is awesome and close to essential for competitive PVP. Obviously you don't throw them around like candy but throwing one of them at a group approaching to stop a cap? Yes please.


^ This ^

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The problem is that the CC grenades aren't on the Resolve meter. So, you can AoE stun a group, then CC them again, then CC them again. Furthermore, why is it that Biochem and the Cyber grenades are the only professions that bring anything noteworthy to the game? The other 4 professions get to make gear that is no better than anything else you can buy. Yes, you can buy blue grenades and adrenals. The point isn't that you can but why they even allowed to exist in the PvP environment.


This game needs to be about what you're wearing and how good you are at pushing the appropriate buttons for your spec at the right time. Anything else just further imbalances a game that has too much imbalance in it.

Edited by Trauglodyte
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Troopers have cryo grenade ability that has a cool down that is 1/3 that of the cyber tech grenades. Maybe that is why you're seeing them used more?


Oh, and before you say "nerf that ability", I want you to nerf half of every other classes' CC abilities.....because that's what taking away cryo grenades from a trooper would be.


Stun Wars The Old Republic has a lot of CCs, mezzes, stuns, roots, etc. deal with it, just like everyone else does..... Or, ya know, roll an alt to make the grenades like I rolled an alt to make biochem stims, adrenals, and medpacks.

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You are aware that regardless of any changes any game goes through, players who can not play it properly will still whine about the game; and have a never ending list of excuses not only for their failure, but also for other players success.


Even when the situation of the other players who are successful is identical to theirs.


I don't always agree with Dmasterr, but when I do I quote his whole post.

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I think Cyro grenades are just a bad idea because clearly people are using those for the CC not whatever damage it does so you can just level up an alt to make the cheapest kind, which is certainly affordable. But why make something trivially obtainable necessary to be competitive? All it does is after every match you got to gather up some dirt cheap material to make even more grenades. I like this even less than WZ consumables because at least you can say WZ consumables are supposed to be for the elite so the guys who put in the effort deserve an advantage. I don't agree with that but I can see the logic. Grenades are an advantage that require basically no effort so eventually everyone will figure this out and just have an alt pump out the lowest grade grenades and if everyone's going to use grenades, it's the same as having no one using grenades.
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Being the whiner / anti-cheater police is a full time job in this PVP thread. MMOs have been out for many years. I suspect these people creating ignorant threads are at their first. There is just no way a crafted cryo-grenade available to EVERYONE (on a 180 sec CD) is any way overpowered.


I'm wondering if the OP is actually going to bother to comeback to read his own post. Maybe he should put things into perspective with other related games?


SWG: '' You are Dizzy, You fall down '' '' You are Dizzy, You fall down '' '' You are Dizzy, You fall down '' ... x 20 : Now that is what i called annoying as hell back in the day. You would be CCed from 100% to 0%. Even dead your corpse was still CCed god dammit.


WOW: PMR chain CC for 20 secs + ...


SWTOR: We are given a free trinket, a resolve bar that fills so fast... Seriously how easier can this be?

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It definitely is not the same as everybody having them. The use of those grenades by a good player and a bad player can make a big difference in the game. Basically everyone has a trinket to remove impairing effects. However, less than half the people use it properly and get CCed again right after. Same applies to grenades.


It is something that differentiate experienced and inexperienced players. Without things like that, there is no point in gaining specialization in PVP. Why PVP if not to get better or to win?

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The problem is how ridiculously easy the rank 1's are to make and the CC works regardless of level. Nobody uses them for the damage.


I mass produce rank 1 Cryo's and Seismic's on my Operative and just send them to all of my characters. Don't even need to get the mats myself they are usually cheap as hell on GTN.


Just do what WoW has done with their grenades and the lower rank/easier to make they are, the less effective/unreliable they are against higher levels.

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