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One money sink too many.


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no.... my first point was.... why do you remove mods? presumably you are putting something better in so the thing you are, unecessarily, paying to remove is of no real use to you. so why pay to remove it? i'm baffled, so enlighten me please.





no i didn't miss the point at all.... if your toons are lvl 30ish why are you bothered about augments anyway? at that level they make very little difference to anything. ok, if you get a bit of gear with an aug slot fine.... but for toons that level there is no point chasing it until you have the credits to be able to afford it.


as far as putting mk6 slots on gear... its not dumb, its forward planning. if the gear is modable you can, for pve, keep it all the way to lvl 50. atm i am leveling a shadow. i bought the low level legacy gear for it and put mk6 slots on all of it.


as for your final point it is akin to saying - 'i bought this blu-ray disk why on earth would i have to buy a blu-ray player to play it.'


Ever stop to think that maybe he likes his custom look? Maybe he got a piece of gear with a better mod and wanted to transfer it to the gear he wants to wear?

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I completely agree. It blew my mind when I spent nearly 600,000 credits on 6 augments (I even bought the cheaper blue augments) and realized I wasn't even halfway done. All of these crazy prices need to be cut in half at least.
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IMHO, better to siphon money out of players constantly than let them get rich before introducing new sinks.


If your average player has 500k, then some vanity item for 2kk can be considered expensive and status item. And if this is currently amount you can make by doing all possible dalies for a week, it's both attainable by everyone(faster or slower), and still considered expensive.


If your average player would have 10kk, money sinks would have to be greater than this. Then, to let new players also aim for those things, new and more efficient ways to make money would have to be introduced, what would only fuel inflation even more.


By keeping your average player close to 'poor' status, game is still friendly(to same degree as to average player) to new/returning players, without making money easier to get.

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^This. Exactly.


This works some, but I'm finally selling some high level orange armor items if they come out with Augments I can get crazy credits off them. I run the dailies I still barely scrape by. I'm sure once all my toons are established it'll be different but crap. I'm trying to get away from real life worries not play a game about making Ends Meat!

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I'm not seeing it...


I've always had enough credits to do whatever I needed to. Without trying, I'm buried in credits.


The cost of Augment slots is inconsequential. Like everything in an MMO, it has gates built in. In this case, one of the gates is credits.


It boils down to decisions. Do you need the augment slot? Is the cost of removing an augment or other mod more than the cost and time of crafting it or purchasing another from the GTN?


If there were no consequences for game actions, games would become boring.


Without credit sinks, credits would have no meaning. Credits would just pile up. After you bought everything you need, you'd have no more reason to get more credits and there goes half the incentive to do anything.


As a part of the larger whole, credit sinks serve a purpose.

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What I find funny is in march at the guild summit they reported that 80% of the players in game had under 400k credits...yet they have so many insane money sinks now its almost intolerable. If you want all the legacy char perks they gave us with 1.3 it costs 2M per char. If you want to unlock all legacy perks from races to abilities to ship stuff and comp boosts its a cool 20M. Legacy sure is expensive considering how poor a majority of their playerbase apparently is.



You know, I worked hard to build up my Legacy...I thought I was going to be rewarded for it. Nope, I did not get rewarded for it, because I can't afford it.


What a load of crap.

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I think I have nailed the problem here, and probably should be making a new thread but this will suffice for now.


I agree that these money sinks (Legacy/Augmenting/Modding) are out of control. I have tons of credits too but then again I have spent a lot of time grinding dailies. It has burnt me out a little :(. I believe most people do not want to do this. Hell, I don't want to do it. I know I am definitely in the minority in terms of wealth.


The problem as I see it is most successful MMOs I have played have a very successful player driven economy. I am not being overly critical when I say that SW:TOR does not have this so most people have to resort to daily grind (dailies) or other external uncommon means to get enough money to pay for everything. I am not going to bring up any examples as I would prefer the idea stay and the thread not get closed however what I mean is this:


To have a good player driven economy you need the crafting skills to be worth something to most people. This game has not succeeded in this area. The crew skills produce nothing that you could need (Except for Augments and Kits now) that you can't get elsewhere. It's why you see things that are useful like level 26 mods going for exorbitant prices on the GTN. And most other things going for nuts.


I believe to fix this problem we are going to have to come up with some new ideas in the crew skills area and how they are handled, because if most people don't have one million credits then most people aren't going to buy anything that is over a million credits. Which means an awful lot of people miss out on basic stuff and feel a little hard done by.


I think with the upcoming expansion, there needs to be less fees for customising your looks and "Pay bucket o' credits for cool legacy unlocks" that really you should be getting for free or perform a quest or something to get anyway and more things that the crew skills create that you can't get anywhere else. That way they will be desirable and people will be spending money on that stuff, which I think is how it should be.


I am not opposed to a rare vendor or something like the geologist before 1.2 either.


Just not making us level Legacy then making us pay again, or making us go broke so we have to keep going back and do dailies so we can customise our gear. That stuff should cost nothing or very little in the way of credits.

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Money sink are in videogame to keep economy healthy.


20mil creds on legacy perks go where?

1.5 to 2mil cred on single char legacy perks go where?

Removing mods and buying aug slots, the creds go where?

Not back into the economy but into thin air.

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You know, I worked hard to build up my Legacy...I thought I was going to be rewarded for it. Nope, I did not get rewarded for it, because I can't afford it.


What a load of crap.


Yeah it is stupid that they turned legacy into a money sink. Wouldn't it make more sense to reward folks who actually level up their legacy and worked at it? the only things you can unlock through legacy/alignment are the 2 alignment companion buffs unity and sacrifice, the races, and the melee dueling moves/emotes. I also think its retarded to make people lvl a race to unlock it just so they can lvl another toon of the same race but different class. The Legacy stuff is only there to lvl more and more alts which is lame. Have legacies unlock ship upgrades, gear, social items, pets, titles, mounts etc...instead they turned it into money sink hell and ruined a good concept.

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Agree. I just spent 3 million credits to purchase some decent looking legacy gear for my main and alt only to find out I had to spend an additional 300k-600k to even install mods and augments.


THREE MILLION CREDITS just so I can look the way I want to BioWare. I though you want to encourage us to look unique but having to sacrifice a good chunk of your money + set bonus (Columi or below players) encourages anything but.

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20mil creds on legacy perks go where?

1.5 to 2mil cred on single char legacy perks go where?

Removing mods and buying aug slots, the creds go where?

Not back into the economy but into thin air.


Credit sinks are there to REMOVE credits from the economy.


As far as charging to add an augment slot into your gear? I really don't see this as an issue. Augment slots are there for people who like to max out their stats so they are doing the most dps/healing that their character can do. These players know going in that they are going to be spending credits, one way or another, to maximize their performance. If you are a casual player who only levels toons, runs 1 or 2 flashpoints a day, and doesn't seriously PVP, then there is really no use for adding augmentation slots in your gear. I have 2 level 50's. One has a full rakata set and I use him for ops. His gear is maximized with the best augment slots I can find. Before 1.3, the only piece of gear that had an augmentation slot in it were my crafted implants. I have another level 50 who is in full Columi gear - but has no augmentation slots, and he will not have augmentation slots until I begin to get Rakata+ level gear. Before this, there really is no point.


As far as Legacy perks go, this is another example of maximizing your efficiency in either operations or leveling. I could say that everything in Walmart was overpriced because if I wanted EVERYTHING in the store I would have to pay upwards of 1 million dollars. However buying everything in Walmart would be idiotic. If you can't handle the grind of leveling another toon, you can buy the exp perks. If you don't do any/much PVP, don't waste your credits on the PVP EXP gain. If you just do your story/planet quests and are not interested in space missions, skip the space mission EXP gain.


If you went with the bare minimum of Legacy Character Perks, and only picked up 3 EXP gain's depending on how you want to level (for this example we are going to use Flashpoints, Exploration and Class quests), a basic repair droid (1 hour cool down), 1 companion perk (Legacy of Persuasion), a basic mailbox (1 hour cool down), the speeder perks, and 10 fleet passes (assuming you have an authenticator). That's a grand total of 1,065,000 credits. Far from the 20 million credit number being thrown around in this thread. And not all of this stuff is required. I mean who needs anything but the basic speeder piloting before level 40? I have 2 50's and neither of them had the max piloting skill until a few weeks ago, and only 1 of them currently has the max piloting skill. 10% speed increase just isn't worth it until you can afford the mount - luckily I didn't have to pay for any of my 110% mounts as I grinded out EV/KP for both deslar turbos, as well as getting Aratech Ice and Fire mounts.


There was another thread a few months back that had the same premise, but instead of augments and legacy perks, it was a person complaining that his class, crew skills training, and pulling mods out of his gear was too expensive. The general consensus in that thread was "You don't have to buy everything just because it is available, buy what you need to level." Same concept here.

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I agree with you here. I understand why they have money sinks but I think they have taken it to far. Also I dont realy get the point of augs pre 50. I mean I can see it will help you level but the cost is silly so why bother and why waste dev time on them. Just intoduce top tier sockets and augments and save the effort.


And please stop charging so much for things we arnt all gtn millionares.


Thats the problem with the design of swtor. They took from wow without taking the good things to offer crafting that also reflected on what it offers.


So if the crafting is going to have expensive items early in the game then those items are for 1. alts or 2. for people who want to make pvp characters for a certain bracket.


1. Is a market for alts but it is small and should not be expensive since leveling quickly out performs the gear with the next teir being cheap and not necessary that the benefit of getting good gear is not that great for leveling anyways especially for alt players who have presence bonuses in the early stages.


2. This would be a big market if they allow people to make pvp characters that could be locked at a certain exp for a certain bracket of pvp. However, but having this they also need other systems to accommodate for this kind of imbalance for uber geared but low leveled characters. But this makes the most sense to have expensive gear... but to only have a few warzones and not many options to pvp, then to give people to much of a random advantage in 10-49 pvp would hurt the game more in terms of fun. So for this it would need more brackets e.g. 10-20, 20-30, and also distributing skills well for this since in swtor a lot for the abilities are gotten early as well.


Also it would need more than 4 WZs, or 3 at release, and a couple of large BGs (large groups allow for people with different gear to perform better) as well to have a system that accommodated this... and an alternative option of open world pvp with bolstered stats that used different rewards to give people unique abilities but all the same in terms of functionality with no big gear advantages... by having these alternatives they allow people to have gear grinds in WZs that make sense and also gear grinds that naturally exist in raids.

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I'm not seeing it...


I've always had enough credits to do whatever I needed to. Without trying, I'm buried in credits.


The cost of Augment slots is inconsequential. Like everything in an MMO, it has gates built in. In this case, one of the gates is credits.


It boils down to decisions. Do you need the augment slot? Is the cost of removing an augment or other mod more than the cost and time of crafting it or purchasing another from the GTN?


If there were no consequences for game actions, games would become boring.


Without credit sinks, credits would have no meaning. Credits would just pile up. After you bought everything you need, you'd have no more reason to get more credits and there goes half the incentive to do anything.


As a part of the larger whole, credit sinks serve a purpose.


How easy it is to get credits is kind of a moot point. I'm not saying that Ican't pay for it, I'm just saying that it's ridiculous that I have to. Say I want to use augments on my level 20, and I don't have a high level character funding her. That's 2500 credits to put in an augment kit per piece of armor. It's just unessecary. And if you're talking purely in terms of maxed level characters, yes "Without credit sinks, credits would have no meaning. Credits would just pile up. After you bought everything you need, you'd have no more reason to get more credits and there goes half the incentive to do anything." That would be true. But it's not. As you're leveling,you're constantly spending money. Money on training, money for speeders, money for gear, money for mats. I agree that there need to be money sinks. But this is just one money sink too many, IMO.


no.... my first point was.... why do you remove mods? presumably you are putting something better in so the thing you are, unecessarily, paying to remove is of no real use to you. so why pay to remove it? i'm baffled, so enlighten me please.


no i didn't miss the point at all.... if your toons are lvl 30ish why are you bothered about augments anyway? at that level they make very little difference to anything. ok, if you get a bit of gear with an aug slot fine.... but for toons that level there is no point chasing it until you have the credits to be able to afford it.


as far as putting mk6 slots on gear... its not dumb, its forward planning. if the gear is modable you can, for pve, keep it all the way to lvl 50. atm i am leveling a shadow. i bought the low level legacy gear for it and put mk6 slots on all of it.


as for your final point it is akin to saying - 'i bought this blu-ray disk why on earth would i have to buy a blu-ray player to play it.'


No. You're really not getting the point. If they're only meant for high level characters then why are they in the game? Why does my low level aromor mech have the option to put augment slots into her gear? And further more. why. does. it. cost. money? I have already bought (or made) the augment slot. I've already bough (or made the augment). It has already cost me a substantial amount of money, so why do I have to pay just a little extra to put an augment slot in there?


And the reason I say it's dumb to say put a MK-6 in everything is because I would end up paying 30,000 crdits, per moddable peice of gear, at level 20. That's chest, bracers, head, legs, belt, feet, gun. That's 210,000 credits just to put the augment slots into the gear, ignoring the GTN prices of the actual kits. That seems just a tad excessive to me.


And no. My last point was not "'i bought this blu-ray disk why on earth would i have to buy a blu-ray player to play it." It was more along the lines of "I bought this blu-ray disk, and I have the blu-ray player. Why do I have to pay more to make the movie play?"


I do take mods out of armor. I do see how that has anything to do with this. I find a piece of armor, I usually keep it. Sometimes I cannibalize a new piece of armor to put mods into another slot (IE, my chest piece has better mods than this chest piece I just got, but the one I just got has mods better than my pants.) Plus, if I'm putting MK-6's into all my gear, like you suggested, I'm surely not going to want to throw away that gear, so changing out mods would make sense. :)

Edited by chimunga
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Money sink are in videogame to keep economy healthy.

There is something wrong when it's the contrary, when money sink IS the economy. It's not healthy.


I'm not arguing about it's easy to have money, l2p... But the way this game handle economy. It's all about daily grind to fuel your money sink.


This game doesn't have much of an economy, the games economy was never really given a chance to get started because of all the money sinks.

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Think aout it this way. Bioware dont take player feedback serious, they know most players can afford it.And stil

they do it. They actually think that making even more grinds in the game it will keep players around...........

We are paying them real life money so they can give us a real life job of grinding ingame credits......go figure


Next up pay 10 000 credits to enter the warzone.Also just in, in legacy 1.4 pay 500 000 credits to unlock the unlocks in the legacy....


Well my take on Legacy and the money sinks... they want to dangle the carrot but at the same time limit the amount of carrots that can be eaten.. why... F2P.... make something as sought after as possible, but make it as inaccessable as possible until the time is right to unleash a cashcow shop where players can suddenly unleash all the pent up frustrations of not being able to take advantage of things like Legacy unlocks etc... its common practice really.. just like real life stuff.

The game is moving eerily into that space with every little update and manipulation of the game... limited transfers, no character/legact renames, overpriced legacy unlocks, poor looking armour sets, small expensive intoductions of certain items (crystals, speeders etc)... ... F2P is coming... question is how many players will be around when it does come cos time/credit sinks allied to a poor track record of game updating, continuing FPS issues, bugged GF tool and a poor crafting mechainc that is kinda worthless now .. just go buy some orange items from pve/pvp vendors and slot it up.. why bother even crafting except for the aug kits and a few mods..... when you hit 50 its all worthless cos your grind heads off to other gear anyway.

I could craft some moddable gear with a augment crit and sell the item for a half decent price, say 100k credits because it was worth the time, mats and repeated attempts.. now the same critted moddable stuff is all but worthless as is the majoprity of crafted stuff because you can pop across to your multitude of vendors buy it with comms or a fraction of the credit cost and then buy or craft your Aug kit... so its alot quicker and cheaper, whilst playing into the hands of the games credit sink because the credits dont get passed around the player base thus meaning things like Legacy unlocks become even harder to afford buy sellers and buyers unless they go grind even more.


All this combined with previous low pop issues etc have seen the player pops decline, question is will F2P help stabilise it - the next 3-6 months might be interesting unless 1.3 has done the miracle already and turned subs around.. but that's not what I think :(

Edited by Bloodstealer
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How easy it is to get credits is kind of a moot point. I'm not saying that Ican't pay for it, I'm just saying that it's ridiculous that I have to. Say I want to use augments on my level 20, and I don't have a high level character funding her. That's 2500 credits to put in an augment kit per piece of armor. It's just unessecary. And if you're talking purely in terms of maxed level characters, yes "Without credit sinks, credits would have no meaning. Credits would just pile up. After you bought everything you need, you'd have no more reason to get more credits and there goes half the incentive to do anything." That would be true. But it's not. As you're leveling,you're constantly spending money. Money on training, money for speeders, money for gear, money for mats. I agree that there need to be money sinks. But this is just one money sink too many, IMO.


I have not needed to fund my leveling characters ever with higher level characters. I've always had enough to get whatever I needed and quite often enough to get other things I wanted.


If you WANT to use augments on you level 20, expect to pay for them. However, you don't NEED augments on your level 20 so if you can't afford them you aren't missing out on anything.


Augments aren't meant to be mandatory. After all, they didn't do a leveling pass to make mobs, quests and the like harder because of the addition of another 20% to your main skills, did they? No, they didn't. If you want to make your life a little easier, then you earn the credits you need to do so. Reward for effort is the fundamental driving force behind online gaming.


The cost of augments and the time consuming act of finding a mod station to put the bloody things on your armor are both gates intended to slow the acquisition of said augments.


When the system got changed from a RNG-fest to a crafted system, the loss of the randomness gate had to be replaced with something else, so we got the grind for Slot Components and the credit sink costs. Fair trade. I'd rather grind a bunch of greens for slot components than throw away a bunch of much hard to craft Custom gear because it didn't have a crit slot on it.

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The problem with money sinks is nobody likes them, yet nobody likes the alternative either. In the real world, money is limited in quantity. It doesn't magically appear if you kill your pet bunny.


However, in MMO's money is randomly generated on the spot for killing, for certain activities and for quest rewards. Meaning, the economy rapidly inflates.


If you let that go on and on, it's just a matter of time before longer term players end up having so much money, that price wise things turn out borderline ridiculous. Crafting materials may end up going around for like 500k a piece, crafted items could be yielding in 250 million per item or whatever.


A prime example of an economy like that used to be for example ragnarok online back in the days. Where items were sometimes valued so high in the inflated economy that by default you started talking in millions.

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How easy it is to get credits is kind of a moot point. I'm not saying that Ican't pay for it, I'm just saying that it's ridiculous that I have to. Say I want to use augments on my level 20, and I don't have a high level character funding her. That's 2500 credits to put in an augment kit per piece of armor. It's just unessecary. And if you're talking purely in terms of maxed level characters, yes "Without credit sinks, credits would have no meaning. Credits would just pile up. After you bought everything you need, you'd have no more reason to get more credits and there goes half the incentive to do anything." That would be true. But it's not. As you're leveling,you're constantly spending money. Money on training, money for speeders, money for gear, money for mats. I agree that there need to be money sinks. But this is just one money sink too many, IMO.


You say you have the money, and that you can afford it, and that it is easy to get credits, and even agree that without credit sinks the economy would go ape sh.., but complain about spending those credits to get in game luxuries? I really don't get it. I could understand if the credits were not possible to get. But frankly I can't see a reason why there shouldn't be a small fee to mod your gear. Given that at 1.3 all level 50's were basically given 320,000 credits (if you are confused and don't know what I am talking about goto the PVP daily terminal - there is a mission that rewards you with a set of recruit gear, or a token that is sell-able to any vendor for 320,000 credits - I opted for the latter on both of my level 50's since one already had full BM, and the other I choose not to PVP with) even with the early price hikes I was still able to purchase MK-6 augmentation kits and advanced augments, able to install them, and still had 10k left over from the 2 tokens. So in my case at least, with 1.3 Bioware introduced more credits into the economy then they removed by adding the augmentation kit credit sink.


And the reason I say it's dumb to say put a MK-6 in everything is because I would end up paying 30,000 crdits, per moddable peice of gear, at level 20. That's chest, bracers, head, legs, belt, feet, gun. That's 210,000 credits just to put the augment slots into the gear, ignoring the GTN prices of the actual kits. That seems just a tad excessive to me.


And no. My last point was not "'i bought this blu-ray disk why on earth would i have to buy a blu-ray player to play it." It was more along the lines of "I bought this blu-ray disk, and I have the blu-ray player. Why do I have to pay more to make the movie play?"


I do take mods out of armor. I do see how that has anything to do with this. I find a piece of armor, I usually keep it. Sometimes I cannibalize a new piece of armor to put mods into another slot (IE, my chest piece has better mods than this chest piece I just got, but the one I just got has mods better than my pants.) Plus, if I'm putting MK-6's into all my gear, like you suggested, I'm surely not going to want to throw away that gear, so changing out mods would make sense. :)


No. You're really not getting the point. If they're only meant for high level characters then why are they in the game? Why does my low level aromor mech have the option to put augment slots into her gear? And further more. why. does. it. cost. money? I have already bought (or made) the augment slot. I've already bough (or made the augment). It has already cost me a substantial amount of money, so why do I have to pay just a little extra to put an augment slot in there?


You must have missed my wall of text post on page 4. I already explained this:


As far as charging to add an augment slot into your gear? I really don't see this as an issue. Augment slots are there for people who like to max out their stats so they are doing the most dps/healing that their character can do. These players know going in that they are going to be spending credits, one way or another, to maximize their performance. If you are a casual player who only levels toons, runs 1 or 2 flashpoints a day, and doesn't seriously PVP, then there is really no use for adding augmentation slots in your gear.


Anyone who is willing to min/max their gear, should know beforehand that they are going to be spending more credits then someone who opts not too. Regardless of your level if you are doing something extra, like augmenting your gear, you should go in knowing it is going to cost you a little more then someone who opts not too.


Now for those of you who say that Bioware screwed players and the economy by adding yet another credit sink, let me explain something real quick:


Armor Techs, Synthweavers, Arms Techs can all craft Augmentation Kits and place this item on the GTN and make a substantial amount of credits doing so (assuming they are gathering their own mats). Right now on Jedi Covenant the MK-6 kits are going for ~50k each.


These same crew skills also allow that player to craft augments, which can be sold now for a substantial amount of credits. Additionally, all that custom gear that these crew skills can craft have been given a boost now that armoring can be placed in any custom piece and bring the set bonus with it, and these pieces are now more valuable even without augment slots because these pieces can now be augmented.


So rounding that all up - 3 crew skills have found new life and use on the GTN meaning all those credits are going to these players. This isn't even counting the gathering crew skills that give the augment patterns that now have an increased demand because of the new augmentation kits, and the crafting crew skills that can DE items for augmentation kit parts. Add all that up over an entire server and still tell me that a small credit sink wasn't needed with the introduction of augment kits.

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Well my take on Legacy and the money sinks... they want to dangle the carrot but at the same time limit the amount of carrots that can be eaten.. why... F2P.... make something as sought after as possible, but make it as inaccessable as possible until the time is right to unleash a cashcow shop where players can suddenly unleash all the pent up frustrations of not being able to take advantage of things like Legacy unlocks etc... its common practice really.. just like real life stuff.

The game is moving eerily into that space with every little update and manipulation of the game... limited transfers, no character/legact renames, overpriced legacy unlocks, poor looking armour sets, small expensive intoductions of certain items (crystals, speeders etc)... ... F2P is coming... question is how many players will be around when it does come cos time/credit sinks allied to a poor track record of game updating, continuing FPS issues, bugged GF tool and a poor crafting mechainc that is kinda worthless now .. just go buy some orange items from pve/pvp vendors and slot it up.. why bother even crafting except for the aug kits and a few mods..... when you hit 50 its all worthless cos your grind heads off to other gear anyway.

I could craft some moddable gear with a augment crit and sell the item for a half decent price, say 100k credits because it was worth the time, mats and repeated attempts.. now the same critted moddable stuff is all but worthless as is the majoprity of crafted stuff because you can pop across to your multitude of vendors buy it with comms or a fraction of the credit cost and then buy or craft your Aug kit... so its alot quicker and cheaper, whilst playing into the hands of the games credit sink because the credits dont get passed around the player base thus meaning things like Legacy unlocks become even harder to afford buy sellers and buyers unless they go grind even more.


All this combined with previous low pop issues etc have seen the player pops decline, question is will F2P help stabilise it - the next 3-6 months might be interesting unless 1.3 has done the miracle already and turned subs around.. but that's not what I think :(



do u work for them NO

i been hearing f2p since i started playing

EA need 500k subs they will maintain that easy f2p will happen like 6 years from now lol


of course they limit server transfers they cant and shouldn't do it randomly that will create more imbalance then them doing the right thing and controlling it



the rest of your post was boring so i stopped reading at the free to play crap go troll else where

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