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Warzone Quiters..... Should It Be Tracked?


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Then if this system would not work, perhaps we should have the Warzone Que more flexible.

Like how it is for ranked Warzones.


If we are allowed to pick which ones we want to play in, then we get poeple that WANT to play that map. If no one is queuing for the map, then after a period of time , the Que expands into other maps.


This would be much like the how if you do not get a ranked match, after a time the Que will start expanding into non-ranked.


Like that but with WZ maps.

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These are all terrible ideas, no offence. Picking the warzone you want to play = bad for queues.


Punishing people with a desterter penalty = bad for queues.


Fact is their are **** awful players that dont play as a team in pugs, and people wont stick around carrying headless chickens that dont listen to experieneced advice (i dont mean flaming either). Unranked warzones are exactly that, the person that leaves gets nothing anyway.


I think it is ok as it is, if you keep seeing people leave your group then that says a lot.

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We share the same criteria for quitting a warzone, but this one pisses me off the most.


i am a quitter after i told 3 time to people to don't stay up over our goal area to pew pew down in the pit with the ball carried by a class with leap u tell them once u tell them twice at the 3th time shame on u if u stay in a team that stupid.


I cant stand it when the above scenario happens, if it happens more than once and to the same guy, then I am generally pulling chalks and investing my time elsewhere. I understand if someone is new or a mistake is made while your trying to jump down (but again lacking SA just annoys me), but multiple times means no QQ In chat just leave.


I would love to see the option to queue up for our favorite warzones, also with the option to join all if you exceed a certain amount of time. I don't know, say like queuing for voidstar and if nothing pops after 5-10 minutes go ahead and throw me in the all queue for anything that pops.


Now that I think of it, the lack of team work really bothers me as well, but maybe above all I just dislike seeing people not waiting at repsawn to regroup to try and take a node, instead then they just charge 1 at a time into the group of 5 enemies and chewed apart... Then the next guy runs in there solo and dies, then the next... Kinda looks like lemmings from a distance. I don't mind it if you charging in there is to stop a cap and actually be productive, but just wasting time/resources running to your death. Meh.

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I am getting a bit tired getting into a warzone and having someone leave after it starts. I think we should implement a system that tracks how many times you bail on a Warzone and gives you an overall score others can see.


I have to agree! I am a long time gamer ,PvP player, and there is nothing more frustrating to me then someone who is a quitter / AFK player. I also agree there should be a penalty for this, but people who quit will not care about there rep points in this system you have laid out (good thought though) . I believe instead there should be a time penalty for leaving a WZ! There should be no penalty for i-net issues as some people could have just had some bad weather roll in or other factors. If you implemented a time penalty system for players who quit , AFK this would usher them to do what PvP was meant for. Take a team , work together , and have fun. I would make this penalty progressive as well. This way if some thing arises in our lives like"little johnny " Pulling a lamp of the table or some other IRL instance occurs where you must leave the PC It really would not effect your game experience.

1st offense = 1 minute

2nd offense = 5 minutes

3rd offense = 10 mins

4th offence = 30 mins

5th offence = 1 hr

This will limit the amount of quitters in any arena , at any given time, and put you in group with more team minded people who will finish the WZ they signed up for. As you can see by the time you hit the 3rd offense you (as a quitter) are starting to border on being a habitual quitter, and limit your ability to ruin honest PvP'ers who want to play from start to finish with a complete team. This should be on a 24 hr cool down ,and any offense past the 5th should also bar them from Q'ing for 1 hr.

Some people would argue this would cause customer uproar; However i say it would only make the quitters rethink there position. As for regular player that have to leave there PC for some spontaneous reason a 1-5 minute Q ban would not harm them at all baecause what ever they had to leave in a rush for is more then likly take 5 mins.

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I am getting a bit tired getting into a warzone and having someone leave after it starts. I think we should implement a system that tracks how many times you bail on a Warzone and gives you an overall score others can see.

Here is a break down I been thinking about.


I don't think so. There are plenty of legitimate reasons to leave Warzones.


1. Leaving a Warzone because members of your party missed the queue.

2. Leaving a Warzone because your guild wants to do a group.

3. Leaving a Warzone because they have no healers and you want them to have a chance at winning by leaving in the hopes that they get a healer.


1. if you manually leave a warzone or get voted out, you loose 2 points.

2. If you get kicked from the warzone from the desertion buff you loose 1 point.

3. If you enter a match already in progress and manually leave, you only lose 1 point.

4. If you get disconnected from the game from your end (latency, disconnect, game shutdown.) you loose .5 points.

5. if you manually leave no less then 45 seconds before the battle starts you loose .25 points.

6. If you leave from a Group Finder Que, you loose 0 points.

7. If the game disconnects you, like server lag, shutdown and the like, you loose 0 points.

8. If you leave a warzone Que or leave a window pop for a warzone you loose 0 points.


These are way too harsh.


You can go into the negatives. -100 is the cap.


Loosing points means you are less reliable in a fight. The more negative points you have, the more problems you have. I don't want to deal with your personal baggage. There just isn't enough room in my cargo hold.


We don't want to deal with your baggage either though and you seem especially hung up on players that leave. Even if your score did happen, what can you do about it? Just vote kick anyone who has under a 50 or something? Come on.


You can also gain points. the higher the points you have, then more reliable your connect is, the less you /ragequit, and overall teamwork you represent.


1. If you complete a warzone that was already in progess you gain 1 points.

2. Each MVP vote you get, you gain .5 points.

3. If you complete a warzone you gain .25 points.

4. If you gain 5 medals you get .25 points.

5. If you get 10 medals or more you get additional .25 points.


You can gain points for reliability. 100 is the cap.


Too easily abused. People can get artificially high scores.


In one night of PVP, assuming 10 matches... Someone can get, with the help of their guild, up to 22.5 positive points.


I honestly don't care if your connection is bad. If your connect is bad, that is your problem. Either way, I still can not rely on you. If you leave cause you can't face defeat, then how am I to trust you when things get rough. I am sure we all have that story where someone yells at everyone, leaves, and then we stomp the enemies and win.


I want to play PvP with the people that will stick it out, have a good attitude and never back down from the fight. I want to rely on my teammates, more so in ranked PvP. I am not looking for the system to monitor wins or losses. You can still gain votes and medals even if you are not the winner. I do not want winning or loosing to factor in, I want people to stick it out. If you are going to hit that button to accept the warzone, accept it! You just made a commitment to 7 other people.



So with that thought out. Does anyone have any ways they would make this better? Any more opinions? I want to have a discussion on this. Tell me how I am right, and how I am wrong.


The problem is you are basing all of this purely on leaving/continuing Warzones. Sometimes, especially in non-rated Warzones, a match can be painful and frustrating and frankly I don't give a crap how my team mates may feel as I don't want to go through it.


Here is an example...


This is one from tonight - PUG Solo PVP.




Now... Lemme point that out to you for a second...


This was a Civil War map. My job in this map was to intercept enemies who were trying to run between points. Specifically my job was to keep running from Left to Right (we held Left/Right for most of the match) to reinforce whichever side was getting hit harder.


I had *four* kills. Yes, 4 kills and I had 5 deaths.


I had the third highest damage in the Warzone with 318,689 damage.

I was the highest person on my team in damage by over 150,000 damage.


Nobody on the enemy team died more than 3 times.


I stayed in that Warzone and we did win it... And it was the most boring match I have ever been in in my life.


I don't have any fun when I am relegated to "doing nothing but harass because killing an enemy is next to impossible."


Our team had 3 DPS classes... 2 of those were under geared...


It was simply impossible to kill enemies 90% of the time even when we were focus firing. It was simply too much healing. Granted... We got lucky and nabbed 2 turrets early and they couldn't kill us fast enough to cap... Which is why we won... However had they managed to actually get a second turret before the point of no return... We would have been toast.


Sometimes Warzones become like that... A stalemate.


Sadly, we also faced this same exact team in a game right after that with the reverse results. They managed to sneak through 1 door (couldn't get through the second one) of Voidstar, we couldn't break through a single door.




They were, more or less, immortal. We didn't have the DPS to take them down, and they didn't have the DPS to really take us down. It was boring. It was not fun.



This was a PUG not a guild game or a rated...


The simple fact was I wanted to leave the Voidstar because it wasn't fun. I wanted to leave the Alderaan Civil War because it wasn't fun. I stayed and it wasn't fun.


Do you know what I did?


The *second* I had my daily I logged off because I wasn't having any fun.


Me having fun > Not having fun being ineffective



To add...


Also, if you look at the actual number of deaths my team suffered... Combined...


32... Added together... Only one person even got killed 10 times in the entire Warzone. Their team suffered 7 total.

Edited by ProfessorWalsh
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Dunno why people feel the need to clutter up the forums by recreating the same topics over and over and over. There's at least a dozen on this already, including one that was just started yesterday. And people wonder why their stuff gets moved or deleted.




At any rate, no...quitters shouldn't be tracked or penalized in my opinion. There's no way for the game to distinguish between a ragequit and a disconnect, so the system would penalize the wrong people half the time. Even if it could, ragequitters would just pull the plug to abandon as a workaround. If you want to avoid quitters, run with a premade. Problem solved.


Quitters are annoying. The ones that tick me off the most are the ones who leave 5 secs before a match even begins, and your team is left starting with 7 instead of 8. The ones who quit when the team is horribad can at least be sympathized with on some level. But at the same time, sometimes RL issues do come up and people need to leave unexpectedly as opposed to just quitting because they're losing.

Edited by TheronFett
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I am getting a bit tired getting into a warzone and having someone leave after it starts. I think we should implement a system that tracks how many times you bail on a Warzone and gives you an overall score others can see.

Here is a break down I been thinking about.


1. if you manually leave a warzone or get voted out, you loose 2 points.

2. If you get kicked from the warzone from the desertion buff you loose 1 point.

3. If you enter a match already in progress and manually leave, you only lose 1 point.

4. If you get disconnected from the game from your end (latency, disconnect, game shutdown.) you loose .5 points.

5. if you manually leave no less then 45 seconds before the battle starts you loose .25 points.

6. If you leave from a Group Finder Que, you loose 0 points.

7. If the game disconnects you, like server lag, shutdown and the like, you loose 0 points.

8. If you leave a warzone Que or leave a window pop for a warzone you loose 0 points.


You can go into the negatives. -100 is the cap.


Loosing points means you are less reliable in a fight. The more negative points you have, the more problems you have. I don't want to deal with your personal baggage. There just isn't enough room in my cargo hold.





You can also gain points. the higher the points you have, then more reliable your connect is, the less you /ragequit, and overall teamwork you represent.


1. If you complete a warzone that was already in progess you gain 1 points.

2. Each MVP vote you get, you gain .5 points.

3. If you complete a warzone you gain .25 points.

4. If you gain 5 medals you get .25 points.

5. If you get 10 medals or more you get additional .25 points.


You can gain points for reliability. 100 is the cap.





I honestly don't care if your connection is bad. If your connect is bad, that is your problem. Either way, I still can not rely on you. If you leave cause you can't face defeat, then how am I to trust you when things get rough. I am sure we all have that story where someone yells at everyone, leaves, and then we stomp the enemies and win.


I want to play PvP with the people that will stick it out, have a good attitude and never back down from the fight. I want to rely on my teammates, more so in ranked PvP. I am not looking for the system to monitor wins or losses. You can still gain votes and medals even if you are not the winner. I do not want winning or loosing to factor in, I want people to stick it out. If you are going to hit that button to accept the warzone, accept it! You just made a commitment to 7 other people.



So with that thought out. Does anyone have any ways they would make this better? Any more opinions? I want to have a discussion on this. Tell me how I am right, and how I am wrong.


Or i can just leave a warzone full of chimps that can't kill anything or do objectives with no penalty and join a new warzone and continue having fun.

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yes it does matter... i work i have a family i play when i have some personal free time and i play to enjoy myself relax and meet people (not bots) that share my passion for mmorpg


my time is limited and i rather not waste it... add to the fact that if i finish the warzone and requeue togheter with them i will 70% end up in the same team of brainless bots if i quit in the middle i most probably end up with a different team it MAKES A HUGE DIFFERENCE


sorry but the time is mine and i do what i want with it and if people is proven stupid bot-like i rather play with different people


I fail to see how this really has much to do with what I said. You said "it matters" (I guess you are referring to winning) and then go on and not offer up any substantive reason as to why it matters.


I have a family also, that is why I don't care if people leave, I don't care if my team wins. I understand that SWTOR is not the most important thing in life. I do what I feel like doing and others can do the same, that's all I was saying.

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I think some of you miss the entire point why people quit matches. If you spent more time looking at your own ability in game, how you play and support your team, you may think twice.


Look at the reasons why people quit. A bomb is planted, a node is lost - why - because probably in 95% of cases, NO ONE CALLS for help/inc.


I had a battle this morning - two of us were ganked and my 'team' mate who died first - rather than call for help when he died, just buggered off to another point on the map. So I was left to hold of 3, call for help and prevent the point being capped.


Needless to say I hurled verbal abuse at this person because imo he deserved it for being so stupid. So going back to the start of my post, THINK and see why people leave because stupidity will be the ultimate cause and unfortunately, there is no ban you can issue for that.

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you loose 2 points.

you loose 1 point.

you only lose 1 point.

you loose .5 points

loose .25 points

you loose 0 points

you loose 0 points.

you loose 0 points


Loosing points means you are less reliable in a fight.


...I do not want winning or loosing to factor in


People Who Can't Spell "Lose" ..... Should They Be Tracked?


If so, you are at 10%. Or minus 90 by your system.


To answer your question, No.

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So you will get 15 posts saying, I quit b/c my team is bad, and 15 saying, I quit b/c Bioware this or that, for every one post from a normal person. Every time they read a post by a normal person saying how they are trying to play a match and hate when people quit, the quitter immediately responds with, "well you are bad." Childish.


The real solution is to somehow put all the quitters in their own pool of players. Then Bioware could charge money for spectators watching all of them blame each other. Win Win for Bioware and regular people and hopefully the quitters will quit the game and go destroy another MMO.


Quitters are so psychologically messed up they honestly think that every time a bomb is planted or a node is capped or a goal is scored against them, it is someone else's fault. Seriously, read these posts. It is impossible that the other team is good. I am sure if a good play is made against them they blame premades or gear, these quitters are a cancer.


This is a game so it is not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, I mean all they do is ruin others fun.It's like a little kid who steals your baseball so 18 people can't play. But, make no mistake about what kind of people quitters are and what kind of people the folks who play hundreds of matches and NEVER quit are. If you stick out a meaningless MMO match because you don't want to be unfair to whoever gets stuck filling your spot you are probably a decent human being.

Edited by Parali
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Quitters are so psychologically messed up they honestly think that every time a bomb is planted or a node is capped or a goal is scored against them, it is someone else's fault. Seriously, read these posts. It is impossible that the other team is good. I am sure if a good play is made against them they blame premades or gear, these quitters are a cancer.


Maybe you should get out more? Players get annoyed when there is no call, or like a bunch of sheep get drawn away from the door and someone ninjas in behind them to cap. When people play like that, they deserve to lose and those who dont wish to play with clowns like that, should be allowed to quit.


You get very small returns for losing if you are chasing coms and to the majority, if you have a team of muppets, its best to leave and try another WZ.


So instead of looking at it from one narrow point of view, maybe broaden your search for the reasons why people DO quit.

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I have never once left a match and never plan to because I want my comms and cash at the end; win or lose. People who leave are only hurting themselves, so let them.


I am not going to defend nor am I going to chastise someone for leaving, there is just no point to it unless you enjoy frustrating yourself.

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Maybe you should get out more? Players get annoyed when there is no call, or like a bunch of sheep get drawn away from the door and someone ninjas in behind them to cap. When people play like that, they deserve to lose and those who dont wish to play with clowns like that, should be allowed to quit.


You get very small returns for losing if you are chasing coms and to the majority, if you have a team of muppets, its best to leave and try another WZ.


So instead of looking at it from one narrow point of view, maybe broaden your search for the reasons why people DO quit.


My original post is a response to this.

Keep blaming your teammates quitter.

Quitter rationale nonsense makes want to vomit so I will stay away from this thread. The normal people are in your groups, you don't fool us, we see you quitters quit. If we are lucky and get a quick replacement we usually do OK. The problem is when you quitters quit we often have to wait for reps and sometimes your cancerous quitting is contagious.

Edited by richardya
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I am getting a bit tired getting into a warzone and having someone leave after it starts. I think we should implement a system that tracks how many times you bail on a Warzone and gives you an overall score others can see.

Here is a break down I been thinking about.


1. if you manually leave a warzone or get voted out, you loose 2 points.

2. If you get kicked from the warzone from the desertion buff you loose 1 point.

3. If you enter a match already in progress and manually leave, you only lose 1 point.

4. If you get disconnected from the game from your end (latency, disconnect, game shutdown.) you loose .5 points.

5. if you manually leave no less then 45 seconds before the battle starts you loose .25 points.

6. If you leave from a Group Finder Que, you loose 0 points.

7. If the game disconnects you, like server lag, shutdown and the like, you loose 0 points.

8. If you leave a warzone Que or leave a window pop for a warzone you loose 0 points.


You can go into the negatives. -100 is the cap.


Loosing points means you are less reliable in a fight. The more negative points you have, the more problems you have. I don't want to deal with your personal baggage. There just isn't enough room in my cargo hold.


You can also gain points. the higher the points you have, then more reliable your connect is, the less you /ragequit, and overall teamwork you represent.


1. If you complete a warzone that was already in progess you gain 1 points.

2. Each MVP vote you get, you gain .5 points.

3. If you complete a warzone you gain .25 points.

4. If you gain 5 medals you get .25 points.

5. If you get 10 medals or more you get additional .25 points.


You can gain points for reliability. 100 is the cap.


I honestly don't care if your connection is bad. If your connect is bad, that is your problem. Either way, I still can not rely on you. If you leave cause you can't face defeat, then how am I to trust you when things get rough. I am sure we all have that story where someone yells at everyone, leaves, and then we stomp the enemies and win.


I want to play PvP with the people that will stick it out, have a good attitude and never back down from the fight. I want to rely on my teammates, more so in ranked PvP. I am not looking for the system to monitor wins or losses. You can still gain votes and medals even if you are not the winner. I do not want winning or loosing to factor in, I want people to stick it out. If you are going to hit that button to accept the warzone, accept it! You just made a commitment to 7 other people.

So with that thought out. Does anyone have any ways they would make this better? Any more opinions? I want to have a discussion on this. Tell me how I am right, and how I am wrong.


So you will get 15 posts saying, I quit b/c my team is bad, and 15 saying, I quit b/c Bioware this or that, for every one post from a normal noncancer person. Every time they read a post by a normal person saying how they are trying to play a match and hate when people quit, the quitter immediately responds with, "well you are bad." Childish.


The real solution is to somehow put all the quitters together and eliminate them literally. Then Bioware could charge money for spectators watching all of them blame each other. Win Win for Bioware and regular people and hopefully the quitters will quit the game and quit life.


Quitters are so psychologically messed up they honestly think that every time a bomb is planted or a node is capped or a goal is scored against them, it is someone else's fault. Seriously, read these posts. It is impossible that the other team is good. I am sure if a good play is made against them they blame premades or gear, these quitters are a cancer.


This is a game so it is not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, I mean all they do is ruin others fun.It's like a little kid who steals your baseball so 18 people can't play. But, make no mistake about what kind of people quitters are and what kind of people the folks who play hundreds of matches and NEVER quit are. If you stick out a meaningless MMO match because you don't want to be unfair to whoever gets stuck filling your spot you are probably a decent human being.


My original post is a response to this.

Keep blaming your teammates quitter.

Quitter rationale nonsense makes want to vomit so I will stay away from this thread. The normal people are in your groups, you don't fool us, we see you quitters quit. If we are lucky and get a quick replacement we usually do OK. The problem is when you quitters quit we often have to wait for reps and sometimes your cancerous quitting is contagious.


So, in your "worlds" I should be punished for the events that happened on the 3rd when my daughter broker her leg? I'm sorry, but my real world life is far more important than a game's PvP Feature.


I stop everything that I am doing soon as I heard her cry happen to be in Void an attacking when it happened; NO I am not and did not take the few seconds to type, those seconds belong to my daughter now and every second counts.

Yes my toon will be idle; standing there where ever that area is; WZ, Open World, ect, and I careless how upset, or how nerdragy you get while wearing your sister's skinny jeans because I left suddenly and not responding to your barks and whimpers ingame, also just an FYI; any punishment outside of a 10 - 30minute "deserter debuff" is too much.

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So, in your "world" I should be punished for the events that happened on the 3rd when my daughter broker her leg? I'm sorry, but my real world life is far more important than a game's PvP Feature.


I stop everything that I am doing soon as I heard her cry happen to be in Void an attacking when it happened; NO I am not and did not take the few seconds to type, those seconds belong to my daughter now and every second counts.

Yes my toon will be idle; standing there where ever that area is; WZ, Open World, ect, and I careless how upset, or how nerdragy you get in your skinny jeans because I left suddenly and not responding to your barks and whimpers ingame, also just an FYI; any punishment outside of a 10 - 30minute "deserter debuff" is too much.


Any adult will understand and respect this. Kids on the other hand, well, who cares what they think anyways.

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Any adult will understand and respect this. Kids on the other hand, well, who cares what they think anyways.


Adult =/= Kids; I look at the maturity level.

There are plenty of immature "kids" on both sides who will not understand, they will nerdrage waving their limp-wrists about demanding things, but there is also mature individuals on both sides who do understand and respect others; those who will understand more, are the ones who do have children.

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So, in your "worlds" I should be punished for the events that happened on the 3rd when my daughter broker her leg? I'm sorry, but my real world life is far more important than a game's PvP Feature.


What in the world are you talking about? Do you really want me to list real world events that come before a PvP MMO? Are you serious? I was talking about the 90 posts about people quitting because of "bads" or "until bioware stops premades and pugs" "until bioware lets me choose my WZ" etc etc etc


Adult =/= Kids; I look at the maturity level.

There are plenty of immature "kids" on both sides who will not understand, they will nerdrage waving their limp-wrists about demanding things, but there is also mature individuals on both sides who do understand and respect others; those who will understand more, are the ones who do have children.


Enough with the sad attempt to morph what i said into "let a kid with a broken leg cry and finish a WZ"

Seriously, this is really poor sportsmanship. Then again, it's typical quitter mentality to blame others so continue....


Next you people will say I want soldiers in combat zones to ignore orders to protect civilian villlages and finish the WZ.


Any adult will understand and respect this. Kids on the other hand, well, who cares what they think anyways.


Are you joking? Where on earth do you people get this nonsense from? I am the kid???? This is some twisted arguing.


Have you no shame?

Edited by Parali
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I am getting a bit tired getting into a warzone and having someone leave after it starts. I think we should implement a system that tracks how many times you bail on a Warzone and gives you an overall score others can see.

Here is a break down I been thinking about.


1. if you manually leave a warzone or get voted out, you loose 2 points.

2. If you get kicked from the warzone from the desertion buff you loose 1 point.

3. If you enter a match already in progress and manually leave, you only lose 1 point.

4. If you get disconnected from the game from your end (latency, disconnect, game shutdown.) you loose .5 points.

5. if you manually leave no less then 45 seconds before the battle starts you loose .25 points.

6. If you leave from a Group Finder Que, you loose 0 points.

7. If the game disconnects you, like server lag, shutdown and the like, you loose 0 points.

8. If you leave a warzone Que or leave a window pop for a warzone you loose 0 points.


You can go into the negatives. -100 is the cap.


Loosing points means you are less reliable in a fight. The more negative points you have, the more problems you have. I don't want to deal with your personal baggage. There just isn't enough room in my cargo hold.


You can also gain points. the higher the points you have, then more reliable your connect is, the less you /ragequit, and overall teamwork you represent.


1. If you complete a warzone that was already in progess you gain 1 points.

2. Each MVP vote you get, you gain .5 points.

3. If you complete a warzone you gain .25 points.

4. If you gain 5 medals you get .25 points.

5. If you get 10 medals or more you get additional .25 points.


You can gain points for reliability. 100 is the cap.


I honestly don't care if your connection is bad. If your connect is bad, that is your problem. Either way, I still can not rely on you. If you leave cause you can't face defeat, then how am I to trust you when things get rough. I am sure we all have that story where someone yells at everyone, leaves, and then we stomp the enemies and win.


I want to play PvP with the people that will stick it out, have a good attitude and never back down from the fight. I want to rely on my teammates, more so in ranked PvP. I am not looking for the system to monitor wins or losses. You can still gain votes and medals even if you are not the winner. I do not want winning or loosing to factor in, I want people to stick it out. If you are going to hit that button to accept the warzone, accept it! You just made a commitment to 7 other people.


So with that thought out. Does anyone have any ways they would make this better? Any more opinions? I want to have a discussion on this. Tell me how I am right, and how I am wrong.


You came up with this whole convoluted system, but you forgot something important: Your system doesn't actually DO anything. So I have -100 points. So what? So other people can see my -100? So what? It doesn't have any effect on anything. What's the punishment for having -100 points? What's the reward for having +100 points?


So why go to all the trouble and waste all the development time on something that has ZERO impact on anything at all?

Edited by YanksfanJP
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You know, usually after a WZ comes to a really bad start and people immediately drop, better players take their place and we do better than before with the bailers. So I don't really want a penalty, usually the people that leave suck anyway.
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Because I think bailing on a WZ when losing is bad sportsmanship? No.


What in the world are you talking about? Do you really want me to list real world events that come before a PvP MMO? Are you serious? I was talking about the 90 posts about people quitting because of "bads" or "until bioware stops premades and pugs" "until bioware lets me choose my WZ" etc etc etc


Enough with the sad attempt to morph what i said into "let a kid with a broken leg cry and finish a WZ"

Seriously, this is really poor sportsmanship. Then again, it's typical quitter mentality to blame others so continue....


Next you people will say I want soldiers in combat zones to ignore orders to protect civilian villlages and finish the WZ.


Are you joking? Where on earth do you people get this nonsense from? I am the kid???? This is some twisted arguing.


Have you no shame?


I quoted you because of the extreme negativity that you used and how you wish to violently punish them.

Edited by RangKer
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You came up with this whole convoluted system, but you forgot something important: Your system doesn't actually DO anything. So I have -100 points. So what? So other people can see my -100? So what? It doesn't have any effect on anything. What's the punishment for having -100 points? What's the reward for having +100 points?


So why go to all the trouble and waste all the development time on something that has ZERO impact on anything at all?


I like you lol. i completely agree

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You came up with this whole convoluted system, but you forgot something important: Your system doesn't actually DO anything. So I have -100 points. So what? So other people can see my -100? So what? It doesn't have any effect on anything. What's the punishment for having -100 points? What's the reward for having +100 points?


So why go to all the trouble and waste all the development time on something that has ZERO impact on anything at all?


Thats sorta the point. Yank. It has NO impact on the PvP at all. Who wants more rules to play the PvP.

Hell, if you are perfectly honest with yourself, the Win and Lose records do almost nothing as well. You do not win on your own. You do not lose on your own. You get into bad games, does that mean you are a bad player.




Then again, maybe you are a poor sport. May be you do quit. This tracks... that. The players have the control if they invite you to a pre-made.


Cause that is what is boils down to. Are you worth making a pre-made for, if you are going to bail.


Can you honestly say, you would NOT want to have some prior knowledge if a player is going to have your back into a pre-made, more so with ranked matches.


You see exactly what the system does, I been saying the exact same thing, page...after page...after page.


You are right though.


What would you say if the -100 to +100 affected your overall Warzone rank?

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