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[PvP] What a joke...


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...I don't know if the Scoundrel is a really late bloomer all of a sudden (Level 33 right now), but I'm facing opponents which are 10-15 levels below me in the warzones and besides from the damage exploiters (18+ stacks of the damage buff, critting everyone for 41k) it's really hard for me to compete with the classes.


Sure I usualy come out on top, but it feels like all our attacks are REALLY weak. Yes, I said it. Weak! Even with the damage buff, 2 Upper Hand and everything it feels like I'm playing a class that has been nerfed to death.


I played the Scoundrel in the early beta and then on the Beta Weekend and I must say it feels like they nerfed it at about 30-40%. It's just a joke in my opinion.

I was just facing a Level 15 Sith Inquisitor with 30% HP left and he "stun locked" me.


The fight went as following:


  • He got the upper hand and attacked me first, I took a 3.4k Crit.
  • I approached him, kicked him in the balls, he instantly used his freeing move and pushed me away. I was rooted in place.
  • I restealthed with Vanishing Act, hit him with a back blast, pushed away by him again
  • Stood there, he slowed me down and then critted me 3x for about 4k each in under 5 seconds.

Heck, if everything works out, I can deal about 5000 damage in those 5 seconds but this is just a joke. A BAD joke.


My final result of this nerfed to death class:

I wish I would've chosen the Gunslinger

Edited by JackSmoke
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I mean I feel what you're saying, but apparently in the beta scoundrels were just insanely OP from what i've heard when it came to pvp. But i'm hoping they didn't get hit with the nerf cannon that hard.



I'm just gonna assume that from levels 1-49 I have to work insanely harder than others to come out on top. But i'm okay with that.

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Scrapper is very strong all game imo. At 33 I'm always top damage, top kills, and hardly ever die. And since we get our stealth opener at 36 and a big burst skill at 40...it'll only go up.


You should be opening with your dot, then back blast, blaster whip, sucker punch until back blast is up or you run out of upper hand. Keep your absorb shield up when you can, use your interrupt on casters, use dodge with 2+ on you. DA when you're being focused or you might die. Use your slow/root if they get out of melee range. Kite melees.


Don't overextend as a melee. Running into 5 of them and letting them focus you will always equal death unless you have a heal train. Scrapper can do decent damage while kiting. Use your free long range blaster shot, throw on dots, keep on healers and interrupt.

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Scrapper is very strong all game imo. At 33 I'm always top damage, top kills, and hardly ever die. And since we get our stealth opener at 36 and a big burst skill at 40...it'll only go up.


You should be opening with your dot, then back blast, blaster whip, sucker punch until back blast is up or you run out of upper hand. Keep your absorb shield up when you can, use your interrupt on casters, use dodge with 2+ on you. DA when you're being focused or you might die. Use your slow/root if they get out of melee range. Kite melees.


Don't overextend as a melee. Running into 5 of them and letting them focus you will always equal death unless you have a heal train. Scrapper can do decent damage while kiting. Use your free long range blaster shot, throw on dots, keep on healers and interrupt.



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Scrapper is very strong all game imo. At 33 I'm always top damage, top kills, and hardly ever die. And since we get our stealth opener at 36 and a big burst skill at 40...it'll only go up.


You should be opening with your dot, then back blast, blaster whip, sucker punch until back blast is up or you run out of upper hand. Keep your absorb shield up when you can, use your interrupt on casters, use dodge with 2+ on you. DA when you're being focused or you might die. Use your slow/root if they get out of melee range. Kite melees.


Don't overextend as a melee. Running into 5 of them and letting them focus you will always equal death unless you have a heal train. Scrapper can do decent damage while kiting. Use your free long range blaster shot, throw on dots, keep on healers and interrupt.


You sound like you know what you are doing.


Im level 20 and not doing as well as I would like. Am I short some crucial talents? You are describing some abilities that I dont have. I do feel like I need Tendon Blast and some kind of vanish ASAP.


I do ok at Voidstar, and Alderaan...but the Knockbacks in Huttball are murder.

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May i ask when the scoundrel gets an absorbshield?


And how did you all conter the CC of the other classes i am always in CC cause of no dimishing return every 2 min i can break it but the next 2 min hurt a lot :D

Edited by Haralin
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There was a nerf to scrapper I think the last beta build, mainly their damage output was too high on a few attacks, and probably if your problem now.


I find we are far more effective on a series/combo of attacks, then just 1-3 attacks, like a full rotation of 8+ skills on a target to wail on them.

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Flechette is probably what he is referring to.


Top if the scrapper tree.




I hit 40 and I'm critting for north of 3.5k with shoot first, the class is a **** train without breaks, 1v1 nothing can stand up to a scoundrel.

Edited by Sykskar
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May i ask when the scoundrel gets an absorbshield?


And how did you all conter the CC of the other classes i am always in CC cause of no dimishing return every 2 min i can break it but the next 2 min hurt a lot :D

Level 32.


I've learned to take 3 deep breaths, and by the time I'm done, I'm out of the crackly whirlwind of annoyance.

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I must say that yesterday afternoon i met a lvl 40 melee smugler that almost killed me during the stun time.

He poped out of stealth, knocked me down and by the time i could move again i was just 10% HP left.


Insane damage you got guys.

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Stood there, he slowed me down and then critted me 3x for about 4k each in under 5 seconds.

lol sir this is not possible...

for several reason.


1)if he slowed you down he was surely higher than lvl 15 and thats should be enough, anyway..

2) lets say that an assassin force pool is 100 at lvl 15 every backstab drain 50 FP every 1,5 sec(GCD) = that guy used 150 force, or no wait you where stunned / and slowed so that mean he start with 25 force and ended up using 225 force power plus a skill that he should not have at that level in around 6 second, non mentioning the fact that he always critted higher than me at lvl 26 with a full epic lvl 26 LS.....mate you where fighting a cheater...:confused:

Edited by eroscastaldi
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As a sawbones scoundrel I had troubles @pvp at the start. This playstyle was something new for me. So its going to take some time for a newcomer to access our brilliant class and to learn how to play it well versus others.


Actually, we are not faceroll dummy class that pushes 2-3 buttons, use some force tricks to stunlock things. We got some powerful tricks to own others, but you need practice, practice and patience to unlock them all.


First, as a sawbones scoundrel, you need lvl 20 to get our imbalanced HoT from talents. Then comes Disappearing act, dodge and, at lvl 30-32 both shield and instaheal. After that you got yourself pretty much everything for the really imbalanced sustained and powerful healing both PvP and PvE.


Of course at early levels sawbones can seem to be easy targets. But , believe me, once you hit even 20 and get some practice - you become a really imbalance healing machine that is very hard to kill and stop.


Good news that if you did some practice in WoW with restoration druids or discipline priests, you can get a nice feeling like your home here :p

Edited by Maybachh
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Its a thinking mans class.


The scoundrel is the quintessential rogue. Stuns, saps, slow downs, escapes, and good burst damage.


As a veteran of this class your job is to find the healer, and beat there face in. killing him/her is secondary, stopping them from healing the team is primary.


You should also do very well in 1vs1 encounters, as long as you play your toon correctly.


The times I usually find myself outplayed is when I dont get the luxury of opening the encounter on my terms, I get focused, or the other player has good use of there stuns, or gets me when im already in combat/ unable to stealth


I came over from rift where every class is macroed the heck out, my bigest problem is geting over that macro crutch, in the end however you have to be able to keep your enemy from damaging you as much as possible with locks stuns, and damage reducers. You wont win a straight dps match against a stright dps class thats being manned by a competent player.

Edited by Haystak
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