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8 men ranked is a huge failure... its hould have been 4 men


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Name 1 mmo that has non-objective based pvp please. It sounds like you are looking for team death match on MW3. That's not this game breh.


If you really only want one how about World of Warcraft, you may have heard of it .. arenas.

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You don't need 4v4 or 2v2 though that would be fun and I'm all for it.


What you need is:


Cross Server

Solo ranked Queue

A matching system that takes into account you ranked score AND expertise. You match the best of solo ranks against the premades if necessary.


The bottom line is most people either solo queue or queue with a few people. You add the above to the game and you have thriving PvP.


I was stunned prior to 1.3 when several people were fine with no solo queue. It was shortsighted. I think most are learning that now.

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I think the 8 man ranked warzones are fine how they are. People who have put the time and effort into their characters can group up and play in a competitive environment. With that being said, I personally think 4v4's would be fun. It wouldn't work with the warzones we have now and would probably have to be arena-style. I mean a lot of servers already have player organized 4v4 tournaments. Maybe that's something bioware can think about for the future. I never understood why people argue against adding additional ways for players to pvp. If you don't like 8 man ranked's, dont do them. Same would apply to arenas. The rewards you get for them are cosmetic anyways. More content is never a bad thing in my opinion.


I'm also torn over the idea of solo queuing for rated warzones. It would help out smaller guilds and lower pop. servers, but I can also see people qq'ing about bad players hurting their ratings. It would depend on the matchmaking system I guess.

Edited by DCVAN
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Kind of amusing really everyone cried for ranked and now no one even ques

So really you didnt want it


And I honestly am sick of hearing people talk about how hard it is to get a group of 8. I mean it is truly pathetic tbh


Either you stayed on your dead server, or you need to read chats or change guilds

All day spam people looking for ranked, and why idk I guess so people can post their rating in an epeen match? lol


As far as solo queue for ranked then really it is the same as it was before. I know I wouldnt do it if I was solo


And the funny thing is you know there are guilds out there who disappeared from pvp to do their ranked and now theyre back so their 4 man can roll pugs again because it makes them feel superior when they got rolled by other premades


The whole thing is funny as hell to me


Idc if they add arena or not they should but doesn't affect me either way

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Doing 8 man RWZ's all the time with my guild. Use it to get my dailies done, its extremely fun. Win/lose is about 50/50 and they all been close, I love them. I can see alot people in this community would have a problem working with 7 others.
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We get games on Jedi Covenant once every 20-30 minutes and if we win the other team stops playing. This is frustrating.


I play on JC too, and I think there is a two-fold problem on the server.


  1. Some teams will not queue unless they have their select premade, maybe with a substitution or two.
  2. Other teams will grab whoever or a few PUGs and just play.
  3. Once the teams that only play in when optimized start to queue the other teams really don't do well against them
  4. The teams not doing well begin having people not want to queue until the right people log in to optimize their group rather than feed the other team points
  5. The other team stops getting games and goes off to do other things
  6. The team that lost finally optimizes but now the group they were hoping to fight is gone
  7. The new optimized group fights a PUG of some sort or a lower ranked team
  8. Return to #3 and the cycle repeats


I can think of two guilds off the top of my head that did not even have a WZ ranking last night because they had not played 10 games. These are strong teams that should have a high rating, but they seem to only queue with optimized groups and as a result have very few games.


My PUGs will normally keep playing against strong/optimized, but other times that is not an option (a healer or tank leaves and cannot be replaced...DPS seems easier, usually). Two really good teams my PUG has not beaten are Uncensored and Imperial Blood Guard. Yesterday, we played all day and did not see either guild until about 9 or 10pm EST. We fought and lost to Uncensored twice (I think) and had no real chance. We then had a game or two against another guild (The Turks), which were great fight between two groups that had not optimized. We then called it a night because it was late and we had three people leaving.


As an example of unoptimized, we have had groups with a Commando, Guardian, Operative, and Sage as our DPS with a Commando and Sage as healer and a Guardian (full defense) and undergeared Vanguard (full shield) as tanks. We still managed to have a winning record for the night; but other PUGs with less geared Assault Vanguards, Shadow Tanks, and Sentinels have played the same teams and done significantly better on other nights. I have not queued with the same group for more than one night since rated has been released (I do normally have four people that come from a pool of six with the other spots being filled by whoever is available).


I still get in at least 8 games a night and normally more like 10-15, normally starting at about 6:30pm EST.

Edited by Sladiex
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The situation is that with 8 men you have 1-2 premade teams owning everything and others dont even bother to make 8 men teams anymore.


Throwing 8 people together randomly is a PUG. Premades belong in ranked, PUGS do not. Ranked is for teams... competitive teams. They use voice comms and coordination. Things that a general PUG can't do.


The whole point of ranked 8 man is to have premades fight premades to see which team is best. There are guilds that are forming dedicated ranked teams. That is the point of ranked. If you can't do that then ranked is not for you.


The warzones are not designed around 4 man teams. So you have 2 options until solo ranked comes out. You can do non-ranked or ranked. If you can't get a premade going for ranked then stick to non-ranked. I don't see how this is hard to understand or a BioWare failure. More like a personal failure to me.

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While I disagree that eight man is a failure I would like to see a four man team death match. It would be similar to wow arena but no 3v3 or 2v2 because of balance issues. Hope to see something like this.
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While I disagree that eight man is a failure I would like to see a four man team death match. It would be similar to wow arena but no 3v3 or 2v2 because of balance issues. Hope to see something like this.


Outlaw's Den... there is a perfect pit there begging for you to use it.


You can do faction vs faction teams and same faction vs same faction teams. Whatever group sizes you want.

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The only downside to 8 mans is your 8 man team likely works better with the same players all the time which means you either need to be on game all the time or you need to start planning when to pvp which likely due to RL stuff means a much smaller window in which to play. Either way, it starts to sound like long term a grind a lot of players will resist eventually. The only thing I can see to help is allowing solo pugs to queue in rwz's but BW has made it clear they dont want this....so here is what I see happening...ranked warzones will eventually become a ghost town. Certain players and guilds wanted a elite playing field..they got it. The problem is its elite and the vast majority of players are casual. So eventually players will get bored with this and already its harder for players to get a group. ilum was popular because it was open to everyone. I dont see why players cannot see that limiting how and when you play cannot help increase any population, its just a logistical fact that limiting pop is going to reduce your player base and increase your queue time. So live with this reality or change how the ranked warzones are setup. BW needs to stop listening to a select group of elites. Every MMO Ive ever played does this and the game starts to die.
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If it was 3 man then the team with the tank and operative would win against all expect the same enemy team. In a four man the team with the tank and operative would also win until whoever they were fighting coordinated to stun the operative and burn with at 35% health.


The reason it's 8 is to somewhat create variety in class mix.

Edited by LancelotOC
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I'm an average pvp'r. Not great, but not bad and know how to play the objectives. With that said and out of the way, Pugs in ranked have no place, period. We got a group together that was decently geared, BM with a few warhero thrown in. We got slaughtered.


The groups that have been queing together have a HUGE advantage. It's not just the gear difference, I can kill WH augmented wearers with work. No this is complete dominance by a well oiled group of people with tactics, group comp, and voice chat that move and think as one.


What stands out to me about these teams is that they focus the healers, the weak and then tanks and main dps. This alone stands in contrast to PUG's. It is this single minded thought process that makes the elite, elite. PUG's will never get this one rule down.


Just my 2 cents out of 5 and now I'm left with 3

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I'm really enjoying ranked on Canderous Ordo, but they do need to open up cross server here sooner rather than later. Even though we can get queues going fairly consistently during prime time it does often feel like you're playing the same folks.


I'm sure you are playing the same folks. Bottom line is now that winning or losing "matters" as in it affects your rating, people are hesitant to queue up. Getting rolled by a team that totally out gears you is frustrating when the only cost is 15 minutes of your time, now there is a lasting "penalty". I PVP a lot, and I am pretty good, not awesome, but much better than average. And I have to agree with my guildmates, that I have no intention of even bothering with ranked WZs until I have BiS gear.


Am I saying the only difference between me and the elite teams is gear? No. They are more skilled than me as well. Made more so by the fact that on my server, some of the best PVP guilds combined once 1.3 hit. But why would I voluntarily play someone that is slightly more skilled, and vastly out-gears me, when I can keep grinding that gear in non-ranked?

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The situation is that with 8 men you have 1-2 premade teams owning everything and others dont even bother to make 8 men teams anymore!


Its the problem with ranked SWTOR PVP... the girly PvPers are put to the sword by the manly hardcore PvPers that live and sleep SWTOR PvP and have perfect gear and have put 1000s of hours practicing team tactics now. Is there a point queuing if not fully organised for ranked. Short answer no, head back to un-ranked or 10-49 PvP and have fun.

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Its the problem with ranked SWTOR PVP... the girly PvPers are put to the sword by the manly hardcore PvPers that live and sleep SWTOR PvP and have perfect gear and have put 1000s of hours practicing team tactics now. Is there a point queuing if not fully organised for ranked. Short answer no, head back to un-ranked or 10-49 PvP and have fun.


I assume you are being at least partly sarcastic, or have we "progressed" to the point where manliness is measured by how much time one spends playing video games on their computer?

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Im playing on PVP server and i have a great PVE\PVP guild, we use to do PVE 16 man raids (4\4 HM EC) and constantly PVP as a 4-man team.

Since not all our member are mainly PVP-oriented we do not have an opportunity to run 8man RWZ.


So now as a rank 95+ full WH i basically have the following choice:

1. Ditch my guild and join PVP guild (we have only 2-3 competitive premades on republic side). No thank you

2. Play regular WZs with my guildies as we did pre 1.3 and hope that other guildies will eventually have enough intrerest in PVP and gear up their characters


I cannot say that 8man pre-season is a failure, but currently it is only available for a very limited percentage. Im running WHO-lvl 50 search regularly. We usually have 5-7 ranked people out of 100. So approximately 5-7% ever played RWZ, even less playing RWZ on a regular basis.


IMHO new 4-man maps could be very useful and allow the majority of players to take part in competition

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