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Wold you ever reroll over a facial choice?


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I have...though I was lvl 17. To answer your question YES, and I would do it if I were 20 also.


BW isn't likely to allow us to change stuff soon and in MMO's you're typically spending a lot of time on said toon...therefore don't hesitate to reroll early on.

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Reroll a toon over a choice that bugged you about their face (want a new face, new hairstyle, complexion, etc)? I mean at level 20?



I'm considering deleting my 50 sentinel for a marauder if that counts. I just like their aesthetics better.

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I would and I have. Worse than that, though, I re-rolled a level 35ish character for just that reason in a game which allowed you to change your facial features for in-game currency (of which said character had plenty). I just didn't know that was a feature until much later...
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When we were told the developers will not offer the ability to change character species, I made plans to reroll my Trooper as a Twi'lek. New server, new start. Much happiness, and finally the character I've wanted all along.


So yes, I would definitely reroll a character based on appearance.

Edited by HeavensAgent
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At 20? Sure. Fly through a starter planet and a flashpoint and you are more than halfway there. And if you use the XP legacy perk, you will be very close.


I almost did that with my trooper. I scarred him badly. He looks like Frankenstein's monster to be honest. But... he wears a helmet and I wanted him to be rough looking and show the marks of war.


If you have a slot, you can roll a new toon, level him up quick and transfer the gear from the toon you don't like.


If you are on the pub side, I would do it before Taris... that's enough of grind for me to suddenly like the looks of my character and avoid going through that hell hole again. lol

Edited by Rafaman
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I also recently got my Juggernaut up to level 16 and completed the quest "Friends of Old". You get this really cool looking collared chest piece after completing the quest. The only problem was, I chose a long hair style and my hair clipped horribly through the collar. I proceeded to remove all of his stuff, sold it all, sent the money to my main and then recreated him with shorter hair. He's once again level 16 and he's wearing that same chest piece. :)


I also rerolled my Sniper, Sorcerer and Marauder because I made them all male body type 2s. After playing body type 3 on my main, type 2 is way too skinny looking. So, now all 8 of my characters are body type 3.

Edited by Galbatorrix
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To be honest I considered it many times while leveling at around lv35 with my shadow, but I decided to wait until some day BW gives us the choice to change it using $


Games I care about did it for free for me, The min you give them cash you are letting EA live to keep us all in the dark ages.


P.S This is not a joke if you feel this is sarcastic or something silly.

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I have re-rolled a level 36 over the looks.


I have also re-rolled 2 level 50s, one Marauder, one Juggernaut over species after I was able to play them as a rattataki. What was really upsetting, is none of the armor I wanted for them was available for them since the armor was removed from the game. SO I lost out on Centurion gear over it.

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I've re-rolled a 50 because chiss wasn't an option when i made her. Considering doing it to a second. That still counts as me having a problem with the face right? Edited by Fende
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I've done this as well. It was at around level 15...but yeah. I wish there was a way to change your entire look - your size, face, etc. That would be awesome. Heck, EQ2 had a potion that you could buy to change your sex if you wanted.
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Well considering they will come out with new races. And we will know for a fact that it will be the same 4 bodies, humanoid, and slightly different color skin. And alot of people will create those races because they are new. So I would say alot of people would
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