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Official Q&A Thread for July 6th Blog Post


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Although I overall love this game, there is one thing that annoys greatly.


The color texture on the sith gear. Let me come with an example. The new War Hero and Black Hole / Campaign gear has very cool designs; however they also have those different color textures. Being a really hardcore sith fan (I even have Darth Vader tattoo,) the lag of plain black gear really is a thorn in my side.


Now I know we have the color system, but mostly it’s the chest piece that define the character look, and that’s the color which item are matching too.


I also know that a lot of that MMOS has to make different color textures in order to prevent everyone looking alike, however have you considered adding some more black versions of the different gear, or perhaps a coloring slot on the items? (could also be a boost for crafter economy)

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Why does Sith Warrior have more romaceble companions (four) than other classes (usally only two sometimes three)?


Why isn´t the speeder paths connected on Dromund Kaas? I mean it´s the Empires capital they should be able to do it ;)

Edited by BulldogCFC
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Is there any plans for the future to add a place in the legacy system for all of my characters money. For example this system will allow all my characters to pick up money and be used by any of my other characters.
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What is the reasoning for blocking /emote <customtext> from being seen by the opposite faction when /say <customtext> is visible to the opposite faction? How could /emote be abused or used for griefing in any way that /say could not be?


I find this causes a lot of confusion in mixed-faction RP scenes. Many people (especially new people) end up using /emote without ever realizing that the other faction isn't seeing their responses.


Moreover, many RPers tend to prefer /emote over /say just because of the flexibility it gives you.


Is there a chance we'll see /emote <customtext> cross faction lines like /say <customtext>? Just to be super clear, I am not talking about "pre-canned" emotes like /laugh or /taunt, which can be seen across faction lines.

Edited by Nemarus
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With the release of The Secret World (published by EA) and their more mature story telling and setting are there any plans to take SWTOR is a more adult and complex gameplay direction?


Currently there is very little thinking involved in the TOR quests, the story is nice but lacks much complexity often forgotten moments after that aspect is over with quests almost always being a simple kill or kill and loot. Given TOR has been talking about bringing story to the MMO it doesn't seem to have taken it as far as it could and kept it rather superficial.

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I don't think we ever got a good explanation for the nerf to Death From Above's area of effect. Agents have Orbital Strike on an 8m area of effect, and sorcerors have Force Storm with an 8m area of effect, so why did bounty hunters get an area of effect reduction?
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Are you done with change to augment slot changes? If so, They're somewhat pointless and very disappointing.

The few crafters who can make augments are the same ones who can make slot kits exacerbating the problem of them being unnecessarily rare and a extortionately expensive on GTN because no vendor sells them to set a benchmark price. (major oversight from the beginning).

I expected all crafters would be able to make augments or at least the kits, or the kits would be available from PvP and Mission vendors fairly cheaply, like for the cost of a mod.

But like augments themselves, so few crafters make them available on GTN and those who do are profiteering from short supply.

I really expected this augment change to address the sad economics of fitting augments, do the math, 150K for a kit, upwards of 100K for the augment, 30K to have it fitted for what, 30 or so stats of something? It can cost several times the cost of item being modded.

Please reconsider and make this less frustrating and more satisfying, we are paying to have fun after all.

Everyone should be able to make augment kits and every craft that makes mods should make augments as well. (like Artifice, it very much needs more things to craft).

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I have something that I hope is a fun question


who are the most Hutt like players in the game? Specifically, can you let us know which are the top 3 richest players across all the servers


1) Total number of credits

2) server they reside on

3) faction they play


we don't necessarily need the names or other details - but I want to know just how grasping and Hutt like my fellow players are


cheers YT-Fog (50 Marauder, Corellian Run)

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Can you please explain the new ways for players to get social points post 1.3 please? I have noticed that you get social points for killing Champions in Flashpoints and Bosses in Operations, but if you run a Flashpoint you will not get social points if you are too high of a level it seemes, some clarity on this would be nice.
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Lore question: are the various stories ordered? Meaning, when does the questline of each Republic planet takes place compared to the Imperial questlines and the questlines of the other planets? This could be extended to the class stories, even though I assum they are all parallel.

Also, is there any canon defined? For example, is the Jedi Knight a man or a woman? (no one wants to lose identity with his or her character, but in the end even Revan was a man and Meetra Surik was a woman).

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Will there be any plans to adjust Heroics to allow for people to experiance these without having to beg and plead for help or groups due to low population in the zones. Since the heroics are not instanced most of the time, the group finder isnt going to be an option.
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Is there any way you guys might code the AoE targetting reticle to not be able to extend beyond its maximum range? This would be particularly useful when try to pass the HuttBall Up a ledge. It does not seem like a very difficult change as a couple other mmo's coded it after launch. It really makes no sense why my character would try to fire a mortar volley farther than its maximum effective range just to have the reticle poof and I have to re-click the ability and re-target.


Thanks for your input.

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You guys have said that you want us to have freedom with how our characters look, and you guys recently lowered the cost to remove the mods from a piece of gear. My question is that if you want us to have freedom with how we look, why not make removing mods free? If you're worried about potential economic impacts you could make removed mods bind to the player. Edited by Superninfreak
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Considering that a dps juggernaut benefits from strenght, why does the dps set for juggernauts have guardian armorings in them. the set for marauders always has the armorings with more str than endurance. why isn''t it the same with juggernaut dps set. This has been happening since columni... and at first i thought it was a bug .. but now .. it must be some design decision. why make this decision as juggernaut dps isnt "overpowered" in pve anyway.


thanks in advance for any answer,


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What is the logic behind adding emote text to emote actions? Do we really need to be notified when someone sits down or starts to weld something? Could it be possible to have some toggle to not send a emote text notification when we perform one of these visual actions.
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I have been wondering this for a while now. I love playing my Jedi Sentinel but I absolutely hate that I am forced to use two lightsabers, I rather use one but then I probably wouldn't be a very effective sentinel right?. Playing a guardian doesn't really work for me because I suck at being a tank. What was the reasoning behind the whole guardian gets one lightsaber, sentinel two and a shadow gets the saber staff? (and is it possible that this will ever change?)
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As we come to the end of our big must-have features (like Group Finder), updates are driven more and more by the community. Expect to see far more of the smaller quality of life requested features (color matching for companions, chat bubbles, etc.) start to get real traction under them in the near future.
As a follow up to last week's answer about chat bubbles and the reveal that they are coming in the near future, is it reasonable to expect them to be in the game by Game Update 1.4 (if nothing unexpected happens)? If not, which patch are they currently targeted for (bravely speaking)? Edited by Glzmo
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