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wow the jedi knight really holds the saber like this the entire time?


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everytime i take out my sith jugs lightsaber...i feel sorry for anyone playing a sith guardian ;/


Sounds like a typical Sith. We Jedi do not care about such things. Go back to torturing little animals, maybe it will make your epeen grow that much more!

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Actually the way the Jedi Guardian holds is saber is the opening stance for Ataru Form, I know it is really iconic and I find i pretty cool but please Bioware I'd like you to read a bit of the lore so you know that a knight who uses Soresu, Shien or Shii-Cho wouldn't hold his saber like this, maybe only Shii-Cho one.


PS: please take out Shii-Cho form from the Rage/Focus tree, I mean... a Sith using his rage with Shii-Cho form which is used by padawans? Put Niman instead^^




"To compensate for the relaxed focus on bladework, Form VI (Niman) encourages integrating Force powers into combat."

―Skarch Vaunk, Jedi battlemaster, in "The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force"[src]


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Actually the way the Jedi Guardian holds is saber is the opening stance for Ataru Form, I know it is really iconic and I find i pretty cool but please Bioware I'd like you to read a bit of the lore so you know that a knight who uses Soresu, Shien or Shii-Cho wouldn't hold his saber like this, maybe only Shii-Cho one.


PS: please take out Shii-Cho form from the Rage/Focus tree, I mean... a Sith using his rage with Shii-Cho form which is used by padawans? Put Niman instead^^




"To compensate for the relaxed focus on bladework, Form VI (Niman) encourages integrating Force powers into combat."

―Skarch Vaunk, Jedi battlemaster, in "The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force"[src]

To the best of my Knowlege Sith dont train in the use of the Niman (Form VI) because it is also known as the "Diplomats Form". Niman uses elements from the other 6 Forms in moderation and from what we have seen of Sith, Moderation is NOT in their vocabulary. Also Shii-Cho is Form I of lightsaber combat which every Force user learns reguardless of side . So I wouldnt be so eager to switch Shii-Cho out for Niman if I were you. Also BioWare got their info Wrong on Niman ALL the Forms require intergrating Force powers into combat in one way shape or form. The Guide "The Essential Guide To The Force: Jedi vs Sith" Talks about the 7 Lightsaber Forms in great detail including the intent behind them (Along with the forms that have more than 1 variant ex: Form V and Form VII). For Shien or Djem So they might since both Variants of Form V put priority on Strength than the other 6 Forms do.

Edited by Kyriosgundam
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two handed??? what do they look like when they sprint?


sith warriors hold them in one hand and the saber trails behind them cool when they sprint


whats with jedi knights holidng sabers 2handed?


because jedi use two hands because they are in complete control like a samurai


sith use 1 hand because they swing it in an attempt to do as much damage as possible as fast as then can. also they are brutes

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I have a jugger and when i play that i love the way it looks, feels and moves very aggresive like a sith warrior should, however i also love how the guardian looks, granted its only level 15 atm, but it feels very jedi. I feel that BW did a nice job making the same class look and feel different.


I actually prefer the guardian master strike animation over ravage.

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Actually its the Sith who looks like a sluggish brute and the Jedi who looks like the experienced swordsman.


Yeh but none of you jedi supporters are getting the point. its not about the origins of lightsaber stances or what they look like in the movies or how elegant the jedi knight fighting style is compared to the sith warrior. Star wars isnt real, the lightsabers dont exist, the jedi and sith dont exist. No casual gamer cares about the practicality etc of the jedi fighting stance if it makes them look like a goon, they only care about how visually appealing the stances are (since they make no difference in in-game combat). And the sith warrior stance although 'impractical' is soo much cooler with his lightsaber twirling and his lightsaber position while sprinting.


All in all the Jedi knight stance would be fine and very effective in portraying the classic jedi stereotype as it is now, but with the lightsaber position whilst running similair to that of the Sith warrior; the stance while standing still should be kept the same.

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Yeh but none of you jedi supporters are getting the point. its not about the origins of lightsaber stances or what they look like in the movies or how elegant the jedi knight fighting style is compared to the sith warrior. Star wars isnt real, the lightsabers dont exist, the jedi and sith dont exist. No casual gamer cares about the practicality etc of the jedi fighting stance if it makes them look like a goon, they only care about how visually appealing the stances are (since they make no difference in in-game combat). And the sith warrior stance although 'impractical' is soo much cooler with his lightsaber twirling and his lightsaber position while sprinting.


All in all the Jedi knight stance would be fine and very effective in portraying the classic jedi stereotype as it is now, but with the lightsaber position whilst running similair to that of the Sith warrior; the stance while standing still should be kept the same.


I have a solution for you:

Don't run around your weapon drawn. It looks childish and unprofessional.

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Im going to inject some logic into the Stances.


Jedi Knights and Guardians are actually holding their Saber in a proper stance, they keep at the ready and are ready to defend or attack against anything, the two handed stance also allows for better leverage against attacks, it is much harder to slam against a target supporting their sword with two hands than it is one with one hand supporting. you can also put more force against a two handed slash.


Sith Warriors and Juggernauts are although ready to use their iconic Force Push and Force Choke, are at a severe defencive and offensive disadvantage, if they tried to defend against someone like a Guardian the Guardian would probably dislocate their shoulder, or knock their saber out of their hands and beat the snot out of the Juggernaut, sure the one handed wield may "look" cooler, from a logical standpoint, it's a SEVERE disadvantage...


TL;DR Guardians are actually superior to Juggernauts.

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Recalling as best I can it seems as though for the most part in the films this was how it went as well: Jedi worked from more traditional two-handed stances most of the time. Qui Gon, Obi Wan, Anakin, before he initiated an attack anyway, and so on. Guess they're keeping things along those lines.
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two handed??? what do they look like when they sprint?


sith warriors hold them in one hand and the saber trails behind them cool when they sprint


whats with jedi knights holidng sabers 2handed?


I concur with you, It does look, I'll say (ODD) compare to Sith Warrior, And it should get a different animation for holding it.

But they most likely took the saber stance from Luke from the movies, and how he held his saber and the Sith from Vader's One handed holding of his saber. Now a lot of people made good sense with their comments, but when it comes right down to it. This whole argument is just semantics. There are more important things that need to get done that hinders playing this game that needs to be worked on than a saber stance.

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Im going to inject some logic into the Stances.


Jedi Knights and Guardians are actually holding their Saber in a proper stance, they keep at the ready and are ready to defend or attack against anything, the two handed stance also allows for better leverage against attacks, it is much harder to slam against a target supporting their sword with two hands than it is one with one hand supporting. you can also put more force against a two handed slash.


Sith Warriors and Juggernauts are although ready to use their iconic Force Push and Force Choke, are at a severe defencive and offensive disadvantage, if they tried to defend against someone like a Guardian the Guardian would probably dislocate their shoulder, or knock their saber out of their hands and beat the snot out of the Juggernaut, sure the one handed wield may "look" cooler, from a logical standpoint, it's a SEVERE disadvantage...


TL;DR Guardians are actually superior to Juggernauts.

Lul ya, I force choke your butt, how's your two handed stance even gonna help ;)


And @ all Jedi fanboys, Massacre animation>>>>>All Jedi Knight animations, only ones that come close are Master Strike and maybe a Sentinel's Slash which looks quite decent too :D

Edited by Tevzz
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Lul ya, I force choke your butt, how's your two handed stance even gonna help ;)


And @ all Jedi fanboys, Massacre animation>>>>>All Jedi Knight animations, only ones that come close are Master Strike and maybe a Sentinel's Slash which looks quite decent too :D


Technically, if your a master of the force i bet you could reflect a Force Choke with your lightsaber, but that's pure speculation since you CAN reflect Force Lightning with a Lightsaber.

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Technically, if your a master of the force i bet you could reflect a Force Choke with your lightsaber, but that's pure speculation since you CAN reflect Force Lightning with a Lightsaber.


Well, Force Lightning is energy based and so is the lightsaber, whereas a force choke isn't, it isn't even materialized, its not THERE for you saber to reflect it, just like you've never seen somebody reflect a force push with their saber, I doubt reflecting a force choke would be possible :confused:

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Well, Force Lightning is energy based and so is the lightsaber, whereas a force choke isn't, it isn't even materialized, its not THERE for you saber to reflect it, just like you've never seen somebody reflect a force push with their saber, I doubt reflecting a force choke would be possible :confused:


People do resist Force Push though, so I'd say the same can be done with choke, but I'd agree a saber isn't going to be a defense against it.

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i fenced (sport version of sword combat) about 10 years ago the way i held a foil, my body position everything made sense once properly explained. fencer's go 1 handed partly because our weapons are fairly light (i don't imagine light sabers are much heavier except maybe the doubblebladed) i don't see this as much on my guardian but my jugg definitely puffs his chest out and makes himself look big like he is trying to scare off a bear. now in Foil and Epee fighting only a hit from the tip of the blade counts, no swiping unless it is to parry your opponents blade. because of this fencers dont puff out their chest at it spreads out the target area, instead they show their enemy their side which is a much lower target area. now if you think about it a blaster bolt is nothing but a long range stab. so shouldnt it be better for a jedi to present her opponent with her side and not puff out her chest and look big (while increasing the target area on her body)?


also my own observations have provided a few details that may illuminate why one handed is better: 1 better range of movement the left arm does not have the same range of movement as the right and vice versa, by using 2 hands you can only use the range of movement that overlaps. 2 a light weapon, the movement speed differential while using a light weight weapon is very low going between the 2, i have gauged it by ear mostly, the sound of the foil's swipe through the air is distinctive, it changes little if i use 2 hands.


likely the only benefit of using 2 hands is if you need neither speed nor range of movement, so when your blade encounters strong resistance, maybe if you are fighting another sword user, but then again the Europeans have had Centuries to determine their best fighting style and its one handed ala fencing.

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