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cross server play is only real fix


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I believe the current ranked warzones are cross server, but cross server destroys the sense of community and creates anonymity which makes trolling and griefing much more rampant in PVE at least, probably not as bad on the PVP side of things though.


Interesting, the ONLY real argument against cross-server has been the duplicate names thing. How have they handled that in cross-server PvP?

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Now that servers are full, I don't see the point to cross server anything. Queues for Warzone and group content are fine.


As to the suggestion that CSLFG should have been implemented INSTEAD of server transfers, please explain how that would fix:


  • An empty GTN
  • An empty fleet
  • Empty planets
  • Never meeting or communicating with anyone in the open world


More people on each server is a good thing, and negates the need for cross server anything.

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x server means more people to show my skills off to

Also it Develops server pride and makes the game feel

More alive

As for ninjas and griefers and ruining community

What a load of Bantha flop in the years I have played wow

I have probly seen 2 blatant ninjas and they were booted from group real fast

Stop thinking everyone's out to ripp you off


+1 for x realm pvp and pve

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Cross server LFG would actually make queue times WORSE for some people. Look at it this way:


Your server has 50 tanks LFG, 40 healers, and 125 dps, thats enough for 40 4man groups with the single server structure. You are competing with 124 other dps for one of those 80 slots, theres a 64.5% chance you will be one to get in.


Another server has 20 tanks, 200 dps, and 30 healers lfg. These dps have a 20% chance to get in.


Combine the two into the same cross server pool:

The new total is 70 tanks, 325 dps, 70 healers. You are now competing with 325 people for 1 of 140 slots. There is now a 43.07% chance you will be one of the dps to get into a group.


The DPS on servers with fewer tanks and healers will get into groups more often, but the people on the servers that have a healthy population balance will get in slower than with single server.

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Cross server LFG would actually make queue times WORSE for some people. Look at it this way:


Your server has 50 tanks LFG, 40 healers, and 125 dps, thats enough for 40 4man groups with the single server structure. You are competing with 124 other dps for one of those 80 slots, theres a 64.5% chance you will be one to get in.


Another server has 20 tanks, 200 dps, and 30 healers lfg. These dps have a 20% chance to get in.


Combine the two into the same cross server pool:

The new total is 70 tanks, 325 dps, 70 healers. You are now competing with 325 people for 1 of 140 slots. There is now a 43.07% chance you will be one of the dps to get into a group.


The DPS on servers with fewer tanks and healers will get into groups more often, but the people on the servers that have a healthy population balance will get in slower than with single server.


some REAL math to help explain this issue to people who just dont get it


thank you +9001

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Like many have already said, cross server really won't make much of a dent on the que times due to the ratio or tanks/heals to dps. So far since patch my que times on my sentinel have been about the same as my dps toon from back in WOW.


Honestly, what'll help more than anything is to include Dual Spec and an incentive to queuing up as tank or heals.


Personally I still don't think that'll allow dps to get near instant ques. Ultimately many will want to just dps only regardless of the options put out before them, but that just comes with the territory of choosing to be dps. If you want faster ques, go tank or heals, otherwise suck it up.

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What we really need to make this work is a Cross Server GTN.


Dead servers are impossible to play on if you want to be able to buy or sell anything at all. And the current state of the overpopulated servers has the economy totally freaked. On one an item will go for 405 credits on another the same item goes for over 10,000. That's ridiculous. A cross server GTN would allow the economy to even out and become stable and everyone would be able to use it, not just those that transferred to barrenschat hell and are willing to pay millions of credits for the bare necessities.



Edited by Blackavaar
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I would trade a little longer que time for a raid and a 45+ login que. At least then I would still be in the game and playing, crafting, grinding, or whatever instead of waiting to play and getting nowhere. which is what you all traded up for with these transfers... that would have never been needed with xservers.


As for bad players.. there will always be bad players.. there will always be people to get kicked outta group.. the best thing to do is maybe try to educate the bad players or noobs instead of ripping on them.. my experience say a lot of those players just never had anyone attempt to help them or school them on their manners. But xservers will simply allow for a different style of play for people who don't want anything to to do with a high population server, lag issue to to the server size, login que (which is always lame) and simple overpopulation.

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x server means more people to show my skills off to

Also it Develops server pride and makes the game feel

More alive

As for ninjas and griefers and ruining community

What a load of Bantha flop in the years I have played wow

I have probly seen 2 blatant ninjas and they were booted from group real fast

Stop thinking everyone's out to ripp you off


+1 for x realm pvp and pve


Well said! Every bad behavior associated with xserver lfd happened in same server groups too and also in this game. It's already happening in the same server groups with this new tool. I find it funny how the naysayers talk about how the xserver groups were straight to the point, get the run done and move on without conversation...that describes the same server groups that I've already done with this new tool lol. Xserver does nothing to kill community. The only thing resembling community that I've seen in this game is via guilds...and those still exist Xserver or no.


As for the people saying that Xserver and its larger pool won't help queue times...I don't believe you when you say you played WoW. When they quit restricting it to Battlegroups, queue times plummeted, even for dps. (EDIT: That last couple of lines is probably overly harsh to those who quit WoW before the Battlegroup restriction was lifted).


With all that said, the merges plus the new tool have improved gameplay, so I'm happy for the time being. Will it last? We shall see (and if it does last, I'll admit I was wrong). :)

Edited by Skirata_Kal
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Makes absolute zero sense to do one and not the other.


LFG tool in PvE is bad enough now. No gear check. Whole team is punished with a mandatory restart (for bonus) when one goon quits. No avoidance for ninja looters. After an instance you can ignore the awful - I grant you that.


Now add in increased anonymity from cross server queues and the ******tery will simply multiply. FPs can take an hour and a jerk quitter on the last boss screws the whole team.


PvP takes ten minutes and you still get some credit win or lose.


Makes sense to me.

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Makes absolute zero sense to do one and not the other.


Its funny all the talk of community and accountability.


Right now with the current system.


1. People ninja

2. People suddenly drop group without a word

3. People are bad players

4. People act like jerks


What would a X-server LFG do to make this worse? LOL

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Its funny all the talk of community and accountability.


Right now with the current system.


1. People ninja

2. People suddenly drop group without a word

3. People are bad players

4. People act like jerks


What would a X-server LFG do to make this worse? LOL


With increased anonymity more people would do it more frequently.

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Its funny all the talk of community and accountability.


Right now with the current system.


1. People ninja

2. People suddenly drop group without a word

3. People are bad players

4. People act like jerks


What would a X-server LFG do to make this worse? LOL


Those people will ruin their rep on their server, and in time, get instantly vote kicked from any group if they continue that behavior. Cross server would negate that.

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LFG tool in PvE is bad enough now. No gear check. Whole team is punished with a mandatory restart (for bonus) when one goon quits. No avoidance for ninja looters. After an instance you can ignore the awful - I grant you that.


Now add in increased anonymity from cross server queues and the ******tery will simply multiply. FPs can take an hour and a jerk quitter on the last boss screws the whole team.


PvP takes ten minutes and you still get some credit win or lose.


Makes sense to me.


I certainly never said the LFD tool is perfect and I agree there are things that can be done to improve it, but what we have is a huge step in the right direction. As for the increased anonymity...LMAO! Again, there isn't one single bad behavior that ever happened in a xserver group that hasn't also happened in a same server PuG. And you think there's no anonymity on same server? LMAO! I've seen numerous times in this game and in others where the person who reports a ninja is the one who ends up getting mocked and ostracized! Yes, there was a time back in Vanilla WoW where ninja-ing loot, even accidentally due to a mouse jump was the death of getting a group on that server for you...those self policing days died LONG before xserver came about though. The one point of yours that I'll concede is that it does suck that a jerk can keep you from credit in a PvE setting but not in the PvP setting. But I hardly think that justifies punishing the many good PvE players because of a few jerks. And let's be honest, PvP ain't perfect either. A baddie there can affect your game play too. At least they've worked out some ways to punish AFKers and I'm certainly open to them making improvements to the PvE side as well. Having a check to make sure someone is geared enough for what they're signing up for is definitely one that I would support.

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Those people will ruin their rep on their server, and in time, get instantly vote kicked from any group if they continue that behavior. Cross server would negate that.


I have witnessed no evidence of that 'self-policing' in this game, or any MMO for that matter since back in the Vanilla WoW days.

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Its funny all the talk of community and accountability.


Right now with the current system.


1. People ninja

2. People suddenly drop group without a word

3. People are bad players

4. People act like jerks


What would a X-server LFG do to make this worse? LOL


Exactly! And reporting someone as a ninja does no good, other than to get yourself branded as a 'Do not invite'

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I'd be ok with cross server if it meant you could guild/pvp/raid cross server. Until that is available the current system is fine. WoW became a much less friendly place when LFG was released. It made it harder to recruit for your guild because everyone you met in dungeons was a stranger.


I applaud Bioware in their firm stance on this. It makes me hopeful that they have figured out a definitive plan where they want to go with the game and that wasn't true at launch.

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Its funny all the talk of community and accountability.


Right now with the current system.


1. People ninja

2. People suddenly drop group without a word

3. People are bad players

4. People act like jerks


What would a X-server LFG do to make this worse? LOL


This is the very reason some people are advocating for x-server LFG tool so that can get away with the above.


But in my opinion if you are a healer and you have trouble getting in a group then you have the right to complain. If you are a tank and you have trouble getting into a group then you have a right to complain. Everyone else either needs to wait or reroll a healer or tank.

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I certainly never said the LFD tool is perfect and I agree there are things that can be done to improve it, but what we have is a huge step in the right direction. As for the increased anonymity...LMAO! Again, there isn't one single bad behavior that ever happened in a xserver group that hasn't also happened in a same server PuG. And you think there's no anonymity on same server? LMAO! I've seen numerous times in this game and in others where the person who reports a ninja is the one who ends up getting mocked and ostracized! Yes, there was a time back in Vanilla WoW where ninja-ing loot, even accidentally due to a mouse jump was the death of getting a group on that server for you...those self policing days died LONG before xserver came about though. The one point of yours that I'll concede is that it does suck that a jerk can keep you from credit in a PvE setting but not in the PvP setting. But I hardly think that justifies punishing the many good PvE players because of a few jerks. And let's be honest, PvP ain't perfect either. A baddie there can affect your game play too. At least they've worked out some ways to punish AFKers and I'm certainly open to them making improvements to the PvE side as well. Having a check to make sure someone is geared enough for what they're signing up for is definitely one that I would support.


I could take you much more seriously without the juvenile "LMAOs" and the wall of text. Apparently you support cross server tools. I happen to disagree. Thank you for agreeing with two of my points regarding current inadequacy of the existing LFG tool. Fix it first please then consider expansion.

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Those people will ruin their rep on their server, and in time, get instantly vote kicked from any group if they continue that behavior. Cross server would negate that.



This is absolute nonsense.

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This is the very reason some people are advocating for x-server LFG tool so that can get away with the above.


But in my opinion if you are a healer and you have trouble getting in a group then you have the right to complain. If you are a tank and you have trouble getting into a group then you have a right to complain. Everyone else either needs to wait or reroll a healer or tank.


People "get away with it" right now.

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