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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Character Legacy Perks Not linked


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No, because the "Coming soon" section has said they would be character specific since 1.2, and they are in the section called "Character Perks", not "Global Unlocks". Edited by Daeada
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No, because the "Coming soon" section has said they would be character specific since 1.2, and they are in the section called "Character Perks", not "Global Unlocks".


However, it is understandable considering all Legacy rewards in the past were server wide.

Edited by Ignicity
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I do not understand why folks keep messing up with this. I also do not understand how folks could be upset about this.


As for messing up... accidently purchasing, thinking it was global. As someone else already pointed out, the description of each "character" perk specifically states "per character" not "per account" or not "per server". Character Perk is NOT Global Perk.


And as for being upset because they are per character and not per server/account... If I purchase bonus xp for a character, then that does NOT mean that I want bonus xp across all characters. Hence, the Per Character and not Global.


And the prices per character are fairly reasonable overall.

Edited by Spuck
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I do not understand why folks keep messing up with this. I also do not understand how folks could be upset about this.


As for messing up... accidently purchasing, thinking it was global. As someone else already pointed out, the description of each "character" perk specifically states "per character" not "per account" or not "per server". Character Perk is NOT Global Perk.


And as for being upset because they are per character and not per server/account... If I purchase bonus xp for a character, then that does NOT mean that I want bonus xp across all characters. Hence, the Per Character and not Global.


And the prices per character are fairly reasonable overall.


Well, I disagree. This new system should be it's own system all together, not tacked onto the Legacy system.


The Legacy system was created as a way to reward players for playing, by giving rewards to all characters on that server.


Why then does this new system, posing as part of the legacy system, work so differently?


That's the issue, and why so many people are unimpressed by it.

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Well, I disagree. This new system should be it's own system all together, not tacked onto the Legacy system.


The Legacy system was created as a way to reward players for playing, by giving rewards to all characters on that server.


Why then does this new system, posing as part of the legacy system, work so differently?


That's the issue, and why so many people are unimpressed by it.


It is a reward for having legacy levels. How do you not get that?

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I'm failing to see the reward... is it the ability to spend 3 million per alt on character perks? was that my reward?


The intention isn't for you to buy every single perk on every character. It's to let you get bonuses in specific areas so that your character progression can be more tailored towards how you want for that character.

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The intention isn't for you to buy every single perk on every character. It's to let you get bonuses in specific areas so that your character progression can be more tailored towards how you want for that character.


I understand the premise behind this feature, but fail to see how it has anything to do with Legacy (excluding the laughable legacy pre-requisites)

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Two important things with this:


1) I think some are disappointed because they think they can't purchase some of these goodies on their lvl50 main. But do remember there are level cap increases coming and the xp bonuses will help you. If you consider the ultimate level cap in most mmo's years out, 50 is sort only 2/3rds done or even half way to the eventual hard cap.


2) They are definitely considering F2P. There's no question about that in my mind anymore. I believe we will get a bit of content here and there over the next few months, but our next huge content patch will not come until late November and will be marketed as a "free expansion" complete with level cap increase, new wz's, flashpoints, and operations along with maybe a new class or race. The reason for the delay will be to market it as a "free expansion" right around Christmas as one last opportunity to boost sales and subs. If the transfers, along with 1.3 and possibly 1.4 are trending toward higher sales and subs and this new "free expansion" with a massive boost to content continues that trends then we will continue in this model. If it does not, F2P will come, and all of these little gimmicky bonuses will be the real currency money revenue money sinks. So it ultimately has to be this way from the start because they will need to nickle and dime you everywhere in F2P to essentially bring in the same revenue that subs would allow. And if they change these perks to being class only later after they have been across legacy now, there will be hell to pay.


I agree with some that there are far too many money sinks in this game, but I think if you start to look at the big picture with the question about their long term strategy it starts to make sense.

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I think many players just do not understand what those perks are for:


If i want to level an alt but because its my third republic toon i hate the idea to do all the sidequests again?

-> I buy i.e. all 3 pvp-perks once i reach level 10 and do nothing but PVP + Class Storyline


If you dont like pvp but love to run flashpoints?

->you can now buy the fp-perk at level 10 and start leveling you char by flashpoints + class Story only...


You where NEVER supposed to buy ALL perks but ONLY the ones you enjoy the most.

Edited by Davenmor
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It's not that bad at all, the prices are very reasonable. And you have to have Legacy levels to unlock them.


This isn't a case of people not wanting to spend money this is simply the case of entitled people that think they should only ever have to buy anything once. Because everything should free and super-easy.


Seriously get over it. The new unlocks are awesome per character and you buy them as it fits for your characters. There is unlimited money in this game and it's easy to make it.


Your just being lazy.

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It's not that bad at all, the prices are very reasonable. And you have to have Legacy levels to unlock them.


This isn't a case of people not wanting to spend money this is simply the case of entitled people that think they should only ever have to buy anything once. Because everything should free and super-easy.


Seriously get over it. The new unlocks are awesome per character and you buy them as it fits for your characters. There is unlimited money in this game and it's easy to make it.


Your just being lazy.


Do all of us a favor and stop assuming YOUR experiences are the same as everyone else. Or YOUR opinions are universal. We are not lazy, we are accustomed...that is, to a certain level of catering from our MMORPG developers. Bioware is not catering to us, though I can assure you this is not out of conscious decision but rather sloppy developing.


You call me lazy, I call you arrogant.

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Do all of us a favor and stop assuming YOUR experiences are the same as everyone else. Or YOUR opinions are universal. We are not lazy, we are accustomed...that is, to a certain level of catering from our MMORPG developers. Bioware is not catering to us, though I can assure you this is not out of conscious decision but rather sloppy developing.


You call me lazy, I call you arrogant.


Well said.

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No, because the "Coming soon" section has said they would be character specific since 1.2, and they are in the section called "Character Perks", not "Global Unlocks".




I hate patch day. General chat is filled with tons of people just like the OP who are simply too lazy to read or attempt to figure things out on their own.



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Did anyone made a mistake on purchasing legacy perks and thinking the character perks were linked with the rest of your alts in your legacy tree wasn't linked?




In fact, I had a question answered about why they were going with character-specific unlocks and made a thread (the first one in my signature) to request that there be an option to unlock them legacy-wide (i.e., for all characters).


If you were so affected, please support my thread on this. If enough people request it, maybe the devs will listen.

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In fact, I had a question answered about why they were going with character-specific unlocks and made a thread (the first one in my signature) to request that there be an option to unlock them legacy-wide (i.e., for all characters).


If you were so affected, please support my thread on this. If enough people request it, maybe the devs will listen.


Perhaps if more people bothered to actually log onto the PTS to see what changes were being made before each patch, or, at the very least, checked out the PTS forums to see what hot topics were, then they wouldn't be surprised by this kind of thing. And they would have seen that numerous people had already posted asking for that very thing and were soundly ignored the entire time the system was on Test. Good luck with your thread, I would expect no changes. Perhaps if enough people had logged into Test and posted before it went live, but now that it's live, I'd say we're stuck with it.

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Did anyone made a mistake on purchasing legacy perks and thinking the character perks were linked with the rest of your alts in your legacy tree wasn't linked?


The tooltip does say it's for that character only, however I feel for anyone who makes the mistake.


It could be clearer for sure.

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