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1.4 and Beyond Expectations


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What I would like to see in the future:



  • Large scale on going 24/7 PvP battles (could be server vs. server even) where players could control all kind of vehicles. It would basically be like Battlefront styled game. Maybe they could even connect space missions with them somehow (when and If they will improve it to better).. like you could call air strikes from the space etc.
  • I would like to see more of Korriban (my fav planet) and other planets in the future. Give us some reason to go back there as a max lvl.
  • More open planets in the future with lots to explore.. like hidden caves that has surprises inside and no quest leads to them, you would have to find them by yourself.
  • Barber shop for players and companions. I would love being able to fully customize my companions for real unique looks. You should be able to customize everything from body type to skin color.


..and finally: Pazaak

Edited by Skorz
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Just as we've seen patches that introduced Legacy and Group Finder, I'd love to see an entire patch devoted to Space Combat and player/guild ships.


- True 3D combat.

- Improved AI (enemy and friendly) with Challenge Modes.

- Multiplayer (Flashpoint/Ops/Warzone).

- Customization options on Ship Tab of Character Sheet.


and give Too-Vee a blaster. Why can't he be programmed to hold a blaster?

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More things to do besides Warzones/PvP and Raids/FPs.


This game needs more open endness. Honestly I wish MMOs would get rid of the gear grind all together and focus on character development through other means.

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Swoop racing

A gear tab: I want to be able to change between my PvP set, tank set and DPS set by clicking only one button. It's so tedious to change gear atm.

More credits from hardmode flashpoints/Operations/Warzones. Yes, I hate dailies.

New Warzone

Character transfers between accounts


Pazaak and Swoop racing ASAP please!

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My chief topics of interest are:



  • More non-linear time sinks. I'd love an excuse to play one character, but there simply isn't enough content designed for that. No I did NOT say credit sinks. If you add one more credit sink any time soon, Bioware.. so help me.
  • Start the paid services. I have a character that I want transfered and I have characters that need recustomized.
  • More gearing styles for various classes (and companions for that matter). Guardians in particular don't have a whole lot of deviance from the hooded robe style.
  • --on the subject of Guardians and hooded robes, please for the love of his noodly-goodness fix the hooded robe bubble butt bug.
  • Legacy. I don't understand Bioware's general refusal to make this not suck. Teleports? Cool! Oh.. they all share the same way too long cooldown? No thanks. Field respec? Cool! Oh.. it still costs way too much to respec multiple times in a week. Xp bonuses? Cool! Oh.. they suck. Seriously Bioware there is so much awesome you could do with this, but you hamstring it every step of the way.
  • Class companion dailies. I hit 50 on my Guardian back in January and truth be told I'm starting to forget how cool my companions were since I never really interact with them. How about for the next set of dailies you release you make them class specific and they come from your companions?


I'm sure I could think of more, but that's all I've got for now.

Edited by Marak
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1) Companion customization

  • >Remove that ugly body suit
  • >More control over companion abilities


2) Cross-Server LFG

  • >At least for 4mans's


3) Less Effeminate clothing for the republic

  • >At the least fix republic cloth helms


4) New Story

  • >Please rethink jedi consular (worst story/animations/companions/voice acting)


5) Abandon Companion

  • >Please let me kick Tharan Cedrex off my ship
  • >Please...


6) New Advanced Class's at 50

  • > Let us take our current characters to new places


7) HK-51

  • >*spoiler* He kills my ship droid!

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  • Class companion dailies. I hit 50 on my Guardian back in January and truth be told I'm starting to forget how cool my companions were since I never really interact with them. How about for the next set of dailies you release you make them class specific and they come from your companions?

This! It would be another great way to gain affection with your comps and open up new story for them.

Edited by Troelsen
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Bioware hit at least two key things that were wanted by the players and community which was a group finder system and ranked warzones. There are still many expectations from the community for Bioware to implement into the game. A few ideas would be guild ship, paid character transfers, cross server warzones/ cross faction LFG system, addition race unlocks, and etc. So what are you expecting from the game next?


I dont think any of those are the highest pripority at the moment.


I think what we need now is more content. Raids with more bosses, more flashpoints, more huttball WZ's. As for features, the new space combat sounds promising even though i like the current one, i just dont have a reason to play it. Swoop bike racing on tatooine would also be a really cool mini-game to have with score boards and all that.

Pazaak could be good fun aswell.


Also, would be good to see the storyline expand a bit more and intesect both factions more openly (its a war afterall).

Edited by Nemmar
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1. Cybertech was supposed to have a group summoning ability/craft-able it was in beta where is it now?


2. Better end game armor set bonus' scoundrel healer set for example 4 piece is an ability we don't even use in healing rotation what a waste. Sure i can min/max by using the hollow shells i saved from centurion or champ or BM for the 15% increase to kolto cloud but why should I have to get pvp gear to min/max my PVE gear? or the new war hero relics. why should I have to farm war hero relics to compensate for PVE relics because the stats/passives are garbage?


3. End game set bonus' to vary per set. Cause yeah I have full campaign now and my set bonus' are the same as rakata, great how about some differences/originality so its not the same as up above in point 2.


4. More than one new raid per release of content requiring you to run one before running the next or at least harder raids with more interesting development. for example EV single tank for most part. original KP was single tank with updat its just a dual tank. EC is just pure tank swap. What kind of raiding evolution is that? at least its slowly getting better. The biggest problem is the game is going to casual. OK that's what story mode is for enjoy it but make something for the hardcores as well. Slow down raiding progression with harder mechanics and things that make people think and push and dedicate time. This way you're not farming the same content 24/7 since the 1st-3rd day of content release and you don't have people leaving because they're bored of not having new content to contend with.


5. Rep armor to not look like garbage. I understand that Reps are supposed to look Respectable/Light side ish but this plain no effort appearance armor is lame or how tionese/columi/rakata all look the same is just sad.


6. Dual spec


7. More speeders that do not all look the same sure the achievement ones are cool but they're all the same model with different colours. Why should I farm these I want to show something off for my accomplishments not sit on something with a different colour scheme.


8. Armor Dyes


9. Make rare drops in PVE/PVP specific to the level of difficulty so they can only be obtained through hardmode or nightmare or warlord/war hero. so being at that level you're gaining something more than just a title. So you can make individual crafting for GTN or craft a very demanded item for players. Giving everything to everyone reduces the economy.

Edited by Meleficent
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I play as an Inquisitor healer, so what I want is based on a healer point of view. I feel a lot like a disc priest from wow. I'd like to have some of the disc priests abilities. A "prayer of mending" ability would be nice, also, a "divine aegis" ability would be cool. I have too many direct heals without enough passive, and I severely lack mobility. The lightest armored class should not be a turret healer.


Prayer of Mending: http://www.wowhead.com/spell=33076/prayer-of-mending

Divine Aegis: http://www.wowhead.com/spell=47515/divine-aegis


I would also like for our skill animations to be more distinct as a sorcerer. Every single heal ability we cast as a healer, save for static barrier, is imo, underwhelming in appearance. They could use new graphics.


Other things I want:


I want a "Power Auras" feature in game. Tracking procs in this game is a real hassle for me. This would make the lightning spec a lot more fun and less of a hassle for me to play when I am dps spec.


Power Auras: http://powerauras.wikispaces.com/

(For those of you unfamiliar with power auras, that screen shot can look messy and intimidating. Those random bars and what have, would be assigned to certain procs. They would only appear when your ability procs, letting you you know it's time to use the proc. After used, the bar would disappear from your screen until procced again. For those who dislike a power auras like addition, make this optional, not forced.)


I want more interesting inquisitor outfits; especially some with pants. Why on earth is it so hard for me to wear pants as an inquisitor in this game!? Please no more swamp people outfits, or cone head helmets, uhg.




Please allow me to start being a political schemer and evil manipulator. Please allow me to manipulate people to further my own ends, and eliminate people in my way or when they have outlived their usefulness. A light side inversion of this for the non evil sith as well.


Please allow me to corrupt my companions, a certain "apprentice" has my attention. A light side inversion for the non evil sith as well.


Those two things up above, should have been imo, what the Inquisitor story line was about. Not becoming a Ghostbuster, accidentally not dying a few times, and accidentally finding yourself taking a certain person's position at the end of the current story.


General Game Enhancements:


Addons would be great in this game. I miss some of my old wow mods. Atlas loot, dps meters, omen threat meter, deadly boss mods, omni cc, to name a few. This could open a can of worms, so I am on the fence with this. A lot of mods can be bad for the community as well. (Gearscore during World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Litch King, uhg.)


All crafting professions offering a unique "buff" of sorts. Crafting minus biochem, is lame in this game. I'd like to get something more out of it; I think giving all of the crafters a unique buff or perk would be great. Also, please allow me to shift click link my entire profession in chat. I want to advertise that I am looking for work so people can see what I have to offer.


Please allow me the ability to shift click talents and spells in chat, even if I haven't spent the talent point. I could more easily compare talents and spells with my friends, without having to explain them this way.


Please allow me to double click someone's name in chat so I can view general information about them such their level, class, race and location. This would make inviting people to groups when not using lfg so much easier for min/maxing invites without having to ask every single person who sends you a tell what they they are, or if they are the appropriate level.


Please automatically stack items in the guild bank when depositing items, and please allow me to shift click an item's appearance in the guild bank to see what it looks like. Also, please allow us to preview items in the guild bank without having to withdraw them, this isn't always an option.


Please give us the option to show or hide hoods, when hiding helmets on gear that has a hood.


Lastly, I would love to be able to preview all weapons just as I can preview any other set of gear. The ability to zoom in and out would be greatly appreciated as well.

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Two areas that I want expanded upon are new personal storyline mission continuation and grouping rewards. The latter to hopefully encourage more group play.


I would like to see social points on solo missions dropped but an ascending, automatic end of mission social point reward for simply completing every step of a mission with other players ( +2 with 1 other player, +4 with 2 players, +8 with 4 players). Also this reward should be repeatable with the next two suggestions / wants which would actually increase the value of grouping with others considerably.


I would like storyline quests to be to be shareable with others to the extent helpers get xp, social points just for grouping and a loot reward at the end. I would also like to see every quest, except your own personal story quests, have a repeatable function with decreasing end xp reward so that to repeat a quest once gives 75% xp, a third run at the quest 50% xp and a fourth run at the quest 25%. But each repeat should still give the same loot reward and social reward value as describe in the previous paragraph.


With an automatic social reward for just playing with others and quests having a repeatable reward structure, those folks who will already have done a certain quest once will have some encouragement to help other players in that quest again. This doesn't inhibit solo play at all but simply encourages grouping.

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1) The Ability to make any gear you get comparable to high end Columi/Rarkata gear. Meaning, you can pick the gear you like the look of and make it exactly the same stats as the Columi/Rakata Gear. Because let me tell you, Columi and most high gear is flat out UGLY for all classes. I hate the way I look. I want to look like a Sith, not some anime reject cyborg (Marauder). Whoever designed some of this high end gear should be fired. There needs to be a great deal more variety. I would not mind at all to pay a fee and copy the stats from the high end gear to the gear I like the looks of. The lvl 40 PVP Gear looks 10 times better than ANY high end gear, across the board for all classes. I hate spikes and sharp angles jutting out, I want robes and more tight fitting attire. Think Luke Skwalker in ROTJ with black robes. Darth Maul. Darth Talon. Vader, Palpatine. Maris Brood (not a sith but has cool clothes), Asajj Ventress (perfect clothes for Inquisitor), Komari Vosa. THOSE are what Sith should look like. Maybe people could have the ability to earn armor like that? Why not? I think that's a great idea. The ability to earn gear that is like characters in Star Wars you enjoy. I really don't understand the look of this high end gear, it's atrocious. I don't say this to "flame". It really is all ugly to me and not very "Star Wars". I prefer clothing like the ones I mentioned.


2) Armor dye system. Not what they have now with the Armor color chest synch, I want to be able to dye my armor the color I choose. And, this is something I thought was lacking in this game way back in the beta's, and it's still not added. At least a two color system. Black main with green highlights, for example. Similar to what you can do in Guild Wars.


3) End Game content and further character story line. Those need to be added ASAP. Doing dailies and raids get's old real fast. So boring. I want to continue my characters story already. To further my marriage to my companion, etc.


4) Specialized group finder addition for specific gear/items. People looking to earn the vehicles, pets, etc. I am yet to earn any vehicles because no one is ever wanting to do it. It would be nice to have a que for these things.


5) And, please. Let the Twi'Leks have hoods again!!!

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Many good ideas so far, my list..


Reasonable expectations for 1.4

Cross server ranked pvp

Put up/remove hood animation

New war zone

Some point to open world pvp

Balance OP pvp classes and boost the currently under performing ones

Legacy bank/mail – shared comms

Adjust resolve so I’m not stunned so much (shorter cd on cc break and/or more cc immunity time)



Dual spec

Ship decoration (artwork/furniture/trophies)

More warzones (maybe 4vs4 or bigger like 20vs20 on bigger maps with more objectives)

Probably on wall of crazy that will never get done

Do away with quest/vendor gear and make it all crafter based

Craftable mounts with stats/slots that can be used for POD RACING

Co-op or competitive space missions

Guild ships that can be used in space combat – think 4 – 8 seats each with own turret/missiles


I'm still enjoying TOR mostly, with some additions and improvements I will continue to happily pay my sub

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- Makeb has to be bigger than any existing planet, because it has to have enough content for 5 levels

- non linear dungeons/operations

- class stories

- stories not involving imperials/republic conflict (Czerka on Tattoine was great)

- less stand-alone quest types, more connected story arcs

- group quest arcs with multiple stages for great rewards


Space (Jump to Lightspeed is a good reference):

- Guild ship, Legacy ship/base/station

- free flight with story missions

- story content involving both space missions and on foot missions

- Space PvP

- Space leveling progression



- all high level items craftable/reverse engineerable for schematics (hilts, barrels, relics!)

- experimentation system for crafting similar to Star Wars Galaxies, i.e. creating own schematics

- "subscribing" to crafting missions

- longer crafting missions with greater rewards



- A Legacy Ship/Base for all your toons

- ship costumization/trophies

- shared bank/credits

- tier tokens bound to legacy

- central terminal to give orders to all your legacy's companions

- Commendations bound to legacy

- shared codex

- mission terminals on your ships



- Debuffs visibility

- options to only see your debuffs/dots

- debuff timer tracker

- ingame news/databank/lore/missions/boss info via ony Holonet accessible by all players

- raid/event planner

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A political system in Star Wars: The Old Republic would be GENIUS! Just imagine being able to go to the Senate tower inside and representing either your guild, or another person or something. Politician or Ambassador class where you would get dark/light points for either being honorable and truthful *light* or dark, deceiving and manipulative who is nothing but a liar *dark* THAT would be amazing! You could even introduce planets later on in the game's future of having the "zones" of the planets be controlled by different parts of either the guilds or Republic/Empire. You could also rule in some voting there through the capitals :)


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More Content.


More Species.


Continuation of the Story.


Meaningful Story.


Real Space Combat.


Real PvP rather than MW style PvP matches that are just about trading kills to get rank and gear.


As it stands we are 7 months in and BW have been offering very little to keep people playing. Ranked Warzones only really appeal to FPS Xbox players and are then a poor substitue for a real MW style battle. Most people have completed their class story 6 months ago and could have shelved the game after the first free month for how much this has progressed.


And for all BW hyping the story it turns out to be meaningless. For all the effect the story has on anything I may as well have mashed 1 and space bar. None of the choices have any real effect and are ignored as soon as that slight aspect of the game is over. Even something as massive as the conclusion of Chapter 3 and being on the Dark Coucil is a non event as any future conversations no one gives a damn and you are still spoken down to by lowly Darths and other Sith.


Space combat was a mistake and nearly everyone involved in that choice has since abandoned ship, EA should have sued them for what they did only to leave when the mess becomes apparant. There really can't be much confidence in the product with so many of the dession makers jumping ship after deciding Stylised graphics were a good idea, or full VO resulting in almost no new content as the expense becomes apparant and ignoring open world PvP cause etc.


As for the choice of species, its an MMO in a galaxy far far away and we are all coloured humans. Our Companions at least have some variety. Shame this wasn't offered to players.

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In 1.4 i would like to see:

1) Double spec! I love pve, but i like pvp too, and pve specs are different from pvp specs

2) A program for the exchange of equipment instant (like wow)

3) Some unique rewards for the completion of ops (Why would i ever do Kp normal for columi gear? Fp hm are a lot more easier and for weapon i can do ev nm that is much easier), maybe level 56/58/61 augmets?

4) subtitles in all languages! I understand that the dubbing is not possible in any language, but at least the subtitles ... I am italian, i pay like the french or deutch people and i cannot understand why i must play with google translator open..

5) A bigger pvp warzone where to play in 16

6) A Crew skill's improvement. right now the only ones with a sense are biochem and cybertech. Byochem for adrenals and cybertech for stun grenades (for pvp)

7) more gear customization, like modificable colours

8) implants, schields and earpieces modifiable (i hate sin tank's columi, rakata and bh shleds that gives a lot of useless accuracy)

9) More sensible augments. ( 18 main 12 end for dps and 18main 12 POWER for tanks... WHY?)

10) An armor upgarde for sin tanks! After 1.3 very bad nerfed, sin tanks cannot tank ops (unless they are a lot beyond the requested gear level)

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Quote from BioWare (about layoffs):


BioWare Austin is currently staffed to ensure the continued delivery of new, high quality game content for The Old Republic, and at a more frequent cadence. In the weeks ahead, we will announce plans for growing The Old Republic with new content, new players and new ways to play.


Sounds like we have information about 1.4 soon.


My 2 cents and more much as possible and unfortunately we see.


- a new OP

- a new FP

- a new spacemap

- a new daily quests.


Probably for 1.5 we can see cathars, makeb and warzone?


But I still hope they add some new fresh stuff...

Edited by Stumkrav
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Have characters in a players legacy appear in each others game in some way as a nod to their relationship in the legacy. I dont know how this could work though but to me it woulld be cool to run across other characters in my legacy during my current characters adventuring. Its probably pie in the sky though. Just far too difficult.
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Quote from BioWare (about layoffs):


BioWare Austin is currently staffed to ensure the continued delivery of new, high quality game content for The Old Republic, and at a more frequent cadence. In the weeks ahead, we will announce plans for growing The Old Republic with new content, new players and new ways to play.


Not seeing this in the dev tracker, may I ask where you saw it?

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