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ETA on 1.4


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People were talking about when 1.4 is coming, well i could care less about 1.4, just give us what we were told was going to be in 1.3. I mean we were told lvl cap increase, new planet, even a word about a new companion for one class, but these aren't in 1.3, like we were told. Was i reading the post from earlier wrong or what? Or was i the only one reading this, and i'm wrong?


i'm sorry but you are mistaken, we were not told this was coming in 1.3. at E3 we were told all this is coming this year

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I am very pleased with this patch. If you like this game, I don't see how you couldn't like this patch. If you are one of those people who expect 10 new FPs with all new fight mechanics every week, then yes you would be disappointed, but I would also contend that your are not a fan of this game.


I'm certainly not some moronic fanboi who is pleased with petty releases, but to say I'm not a fan of this game would be completely incorrect.

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He's a fan, just a cynical one :p Look past it and you'll see his points are valid :D


Thank you psi :)


I LOVE this game! I want it to be the only f'ing MMO I ever play again. But for that to happen, there's a lot that needs to happen and it needs to happen quickly. MMOs don't get years to improve any longer. Once a game is LIVE, change needs to happen a helluva lot quicker.

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I do and I'm someone, so you're wrong. If you like this game, maybe you should care too. Rather than being smug, maybe accept that not everyone is as pleased with the rate or quality of releases as you are.




His attitude has been common since day one of the game. The attitude boils down to "I don't care what anyone else says, go away if you have an opinion not in line with mine."


It's a interesting point of view, since its selfish and self destructive at the same time. The only people that players should be wishing away are the people exploiting, hacking and being massive trolls to the community, not people who have legit concerns, opinions, fears or gripes about a game.


I used to get a big kick out of his type of comments when I was giving away free implants, medpacks and buffs to people on my server prior to server transfers. Yeah! I'm such a HUGE NEGATIVE DRAIN! :p



Anyway, like I said, the game has TONS of potential, for instance, think of space, which could be an entire full sized game on its own if implemented correctly. That realm, if were honest, hasn't even been touched yet.


When we get down to brass tacks, the MMO market has changed. WoW is WoW, and for any other MMO, if it wants to be worth remembering is going to need to be above and beyond what most imagined. That means fresh content, innovative ideas and killer game play. Do we have any of those right now? I don't think so. Is it to late to add them? No, but the clock is ticking, and like i said, the 6 month subs will be the next major wave of unsubs to wash across this game.


Sub retention has to be #1 right now. BW has already polled us unsubs about what we didnt like, and a lot of us continue to provide feedback on the forums (and the fanbois break out like drones blindly defending whoever).

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Thank you psi :)


I LOVE this game! I want it to be the only f'ing MMO I ever play again. But for that to happen, there's a lot that needs to happen and it needs to happen quickly. MMOs don't get years to improve any longer. Once a game is LIVE, change needs to happen a helluva lot quicker.


That's true. I think I roped a friend in (while she waits for ESO) who's coming from WoW. She likes the VO, and as someone who's come from a well-established game, would come to expect things like LFG and more. She'll get through the content quickly, undoubtedly, but the QoL things are needed, too.


You're neither a fanboi nor a constant QQ'er; but something inbetween - a concerned fan =P

Edited by psi_overtake
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I knew what 1.3 was going to be, so did the OP. He asked about 1.4, something I too am curious about.


Newsflash chief...this game NEEDS content, and fresh content, to survive. If you don't see that, you're blind.


This game has been out for 6 months and in that 6 months new content has been added along with a pretty cool in-game world event. I'm sorry that you've blown through everything and are now left with nothing to do (so you like to think). I'm sorry that you think that every patch must have new content in order to survive.


But the reality is this ... MMO gaming cannot pump out enough content to fill current demands by today's players. Not right now anyway. You can call me blind, you can call me whatever you want ... but at the end of the day, we need to keep things in perspective. If you feel that you're entitled to new content every single major patch in order to fill your gaming entertainment needs, then I am not sure what to tell you other than "MMO gaming might not be your thing."

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But the reality is this ... MMO gaming cannot pump out enough content to fill current demands by today's players. Not right now anyway. You can call me blind, you can call me whatever you want ... but at the end of the day, we need to keep things in perspective. If you feel that you're entitled to new content every single major patch in order to fill your gaming entertainment needs, then I am not sure what to tell you other than "MMO gaming might not be your thing."


This really is true. Playing a couple hours a day since launch, you'll probably have 2 level 50s that are well-geared. That might be good for some, but for those who don't want to roll another alt, they have a valid point. It's hard to balance the desire to spend a lot of money to satisfy the people who need more content with losing the few subs the vocal minority have. It'd be great to see everyone happy, but we can't, and that sucks. Hopefully a better solution is in the works.


@Dench: We fanbois do get tired of seeing "BW sucks, this game is fail, I'm unsubbing" and "unless X happens, I'm gonna unsub." Just to put it into perspective :p

Edited by psi_overtake
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But the reality is this ... MMO gaming cannot pump out enough content to fill current demands by today's players.


I'll play devils advocate: It sounds like the MMO industry is no longer sustainable then.




I think the business model needs to be changed, in order to meet the demands of an evolving gaming world.

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This game has been out for 6 months and in that 6 months new content has been added along with a pretty cool in-game world event. I'm sorry that you've blown through everything and are now left with nothing to do (so you like to think). I'm sorry that you think that every patch must have new content in order to survive.


But the reality is this ... MMO gaming cannot pump out enough content to fill current demands by today's players. Not right now anyway. You can call me blind, you can call me whatever you want ... but at the end of the day, we need to keep things in perspective. If you feel that you're entitled to new content every single major patch in order to fill your gaming entertainment needs, then I am not sure what to tell you other than "MMO gaming might not be your thing."

WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!!?!?? Care to make up anything else about what "I" would like? Geezus dude...I said NONE of that!


I don't feel I'm entitled to jack **edit**. I do, however, feel that Bioware is a business, and as a business, they have operated this game as poorly as anyone could have. They pissed away a hundred million dollars on voices, which go out after 15min of group play. We have LESS PvP content now than we did at release. We were promised that we'd be blown away by Ilum...instead, they removed every reason to go there. There are only THREE ops...Two of them take under 45min ea on HM/NM, yet I can only do them once a week...really?! FP's are restricted to 4 people - in an MMO, 4 player groups are too small. Content, at end game, needs to scale imo.


You can call me names and make **edit** up about me all ya like dude, but I assure you, I'm more right than you are. SWTOR needs content.

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The OP is right in this instance, while many of us appreciate how 1.3 makes the game more fully featured and polished. There's really not any new content outside of finally forming pre-season pvp teams and such. BioWare has stiff competition in the MMO space, and the speed in which they've updated the game hasn't been very impressive when you compare it to Trion with RIFT, which is a new company and that's their first actual game mind you, yet there's new updates constantly. I was hoping BioWare would move with this degree of momentum with SW:TOR and so far they haven't.
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I'll play devils advocate: It sounds like the MMO industry is no longer sustainable then.


I think the business model needs to be changed, in order to meet the demands of an evolving gaming world.


Nah...neither of you are right in your statements.


To turn this game around (or when designing a new one), it needs just a few things:


- Solid PvP: PvPers need some basic things, like incentive, but they largely create their own content. When things go bad in PvP, they swap to PvE for a break.

- Crafted consumables: Consumables need to offer some minimal, but desirable, edge in PvP to keep crafters happy (non-combat).

- Scalable/repeatable endgame content (FP's and Ops): Ops need to reset daily and Flashpoints need to scale from 2-8 people. Ops need to reset daily and Flashpoints need to scale from 2-8 people.


I'm not all doom and gloom. I have great hope for 1.4 and the new planet. I think my 'hope' may be a bit beyond reality, but I still have it.

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I'll play devils advocate: It sounds like the MMO industry is no longer sustainable then.




I think the business model needs to be changed, in order to meet the demands of an evolving gaming world.


So the gaming industry needs to lose money by hiring extra people to pump out content for kids home for the summer, retirees and the unemployed?


And to heck with us working stiffs who put money into the stock of the companies that are going to lose money.

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You guys are nuts if you think 1.4 is a huge content patch. It'll have a flashpoint and maybe a new wz.


1.5 will hit around November. So this is the patch that they will market as a "free expansion" that will include a massive increase in content including the level cap increase to boost Christmas sales.


You gotta think about these things in terms of how content boosts sales and how it can be marketed. A massive content patch 10 weeks from now in the middle of September doesn't do much for increased sales and subs. A massive content patch right before Christmas however does.

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Nah...neither of you are right in your statements.


To turn this game around (or when designing a new one), it needs just a few things:


- Solid PvP: PvPers need some basic things, like incentive, but they largely create their own content. When things go bad in PvP, they swap to PvE for a break.

- Crafted consumables: Consumables need to offer some minimal, but desirable, edge in PvP to keep crafters happy (non-combat).

- Scalable/repeatable endgame content (FP's and Ops): Ops need to reset daily and Flashpoints need to scale from 2-8 people. Ops need to reset daily and Flashpoints need to scale from 2-8 people.


I'm not all doom and gloom. I have great hope for 1.4 and the new planet. I think my 'hope' may be a bit beyond reality, but I still have it.


I notice how you sound very PvP orientated. Though you did mention some PvE.


I understand that end-game is important, but before anyone gets there, everything else in-between needs to be sorted, fixed and working. Thus the current patches. Sure some may say "Shouldn't have been released if it was not ready!" but everyone had an idea what they were buying, they said on launch no LFG, so there wasn't now there is because it was necessary. Once these things are sorted they'll fully dedicate themselves to end-game content while still giving the end game a few more bits and bobs.


Oh and remember what the game is... A Story Driven Massive Multilayer Online Role Playing Game, so if it isn't story based... it 'doesn't' need to be in the game... it said it on the packaging.


FYI: I'm happy with the game, I love it because there's nothing wrong with it... only peoples comparisons against what they think it should be... no one looks at current FPS and thinks one should be like another. Because why would you want two of the same thing ?

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You guys are nuts if you think 1.4 is a huge content patch. It'll have a flashpoint and maybe a new wz.


1.5 will hit around November. So this is the patch that they will market as a "free expansion" that will include a massive increase in content including the level cap increase to boost Christmas sales.


You gotta think about these things in terms of how content boosts sales and how it can be marketed. A massive content patch 10 weeks from now in the middle of September doesn't do much for increased sales and subs. A massive content patch right before Christmas however does.


you might be right about 1.4 only being a small content patch, but if it is, then i would expect it soon. i also think you might be right about 1.5 being a big free expansion patch, but i would say dec 20 (1 year anniversary )


but its all speculation

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I don't get it.

I have never seen a MMO with that much content as you guys demand. Seriously.

If you played other MMOs, what the heck did you do in game?


If players feel like they have nothing to do in game, gather a buch of unoccupied players, go to some place, and defy the other faction to battle you.

In MMOs we gotta make the game happens, if you want the game to happen to you, then I agree with a post here, and say that MMOs might not be for these kind of thirsty for content players.

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I was a bit sad that no new content was added either in 1.3.


I know bug fixes are great and all, but why a big announcement for them?


I feel like we are paying each month for stuff that should have been fixed before launch.


People are getting excited for a group finder, character transfers, ranked WZ, etc....


All that stuff is good, but I would be a lot more excited to see, more worlds to explore, extended class stories, new 30+ raid zones, etc.

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Nah...neither of you are right in your statements.


To turn this game around (or when designing a new one), it needs just a few things:


- Solid PvP: PvPers need some basic things, like incentive, but they largely create their own content. When things go bad in PvP, they swap to PvE for a break.

- Crafted consumables: Consumables need to offer some minimal, but desirable, edge in PvP to keep crafters happy (non-combat).

- Scalable/repeatable endgame content (FP's and Ops): Ops need to reset daily and Flashpoints need to scale from 2-8 people. Ops need to reset daily and Flashpoints need to scale from 2-8 people.


I'm not all doom and gloom. I have great hope for 1.4 and the new planet. I think my 'hope' may be a bit beyond reality, but I still have it.


I think thats pretty much correct.



So the gaming industry needs to lose money by hiring extra people to pump out content for kids home for the summer, retirees and the unemployed?


And to heck with us working stiffs who put money into the stock of the companies that are going to lose money.


I said i was playing devils advocate! :p

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I don't get it.

I have never seen a MMO with that much content as you guys demand. Seriously.

If you played other MMOs, what the heck did you do in game?


If players feel like they have nothing to do in game, gather a buch of unoccupied players, go to some place, and defy the other faction to battle you.

In MMOs we gotta make the game happens, if you want the game to happen to you, then I agree with a post here, and say that MMOs might not be for these kind of thirsty for content players.


I have a feeling a lot of these people played Everquest. Maybe WoW, but I don't know that game. In Everquest, the best gear came from Raids. And those raids were 40+ people. The key is with traveling time, raids may do 3-4 mobs a night that at most dropped 3 loots. (I know Plane of Time was different for any know it alls)


Anyway, so only maybe 10 loots were given out between 40 people on a given night. And some nights you may get nothing as you wipe. So it takes months to fill oh say 10 equipment slots. The problem with today's games is you can fill out equipment in a short time. It is nothing like EQ was, so folks starve for content.


One thing is for sure, hardcore to the hilt can not get enough content. I don't have a problem with that though as there are tons of games out there to play. It does not have to be just one. The casuals will have plenty to do for the most part.

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1.4 LMAO....... Half the people cant even get 1.3 to work for them, I've been "patching and repairing" for almost 6 hours and still cant even play, so yeah they can stick 1.4 where ze sun dont shineth unless they actually you know TEST IT OUT PROPERLY first.....
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I don't get it.

I have never seen a MMO with that much content as you guys demand. Seriously.

If you played other MMOs, what the heck did you do in game?


I agree with you. I spent 6 years in FFXI. We didn't even get all the content from an expansion when it launched. The stories and content from the expansion would eek out via updates over the next two years. The last expansion in that game came out in 2009 and people just got to finish the story line involved in it last year.


Hell, because of the lack of players on my original server all I did was PvP. Up until last week I had only done 2 flashpoints and I still haven't done any operations.


Now with rated I can go hard after War Hero, and I have gotten about half my Columi since the transfers and can start going after Rakata. I'm in grad school and work and still consider myself a pretty hardcore player and all that will keep me busy for a long time.


So I'm with you. I don't know what game these people are playing where they get new instanced content every 10 days or whatever.

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I have a feeling a lot of these people played Everquest. Maybe WoW, but I don't know that game. In Everquest, the best gear came from Raids. And those raids were 40+ people. The key is with traveling time, raids may do 3-4 mobs a night that at most dropped 3 loots. (I know Plane of Time was different for any know it alls)


Anyway, so only maybe 10 loots were given out between 40 people on a given night. And some nights you may get nothing as you wipe. So it takes months to fill oh say 10 equipment slots. The problem with today's games is you can fill out equipment in a short time. It is nothing like EQ was, so folks starve for content.


One thing is for sure, hardcore to the hilt can not get enough content. I don't have a problem with that though as there are tons of games out there to play. It does not have to be just one. The casuals will have plenty to do for the most part.


I have played UO, Lineage, WOW, among other, and content was never a problem. Even for hardcore players, the idea was to have fun, and to have to fun, we would unite and battle.


Today I became a casual player, cause I played TOR since lauch, and I dont have any lvl 50 character. I'm not focusing in just one character, Im enjoying the history and exploring places, but, thats my way of playing until Im lvl 50.


Then, I intend to find players like me, and try to have fun.

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