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Thank you Bioware for yet ANOTHER coms/valour screw up


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I think some peeps missed the memo. Ranked WZs do not exist for gear grinding. That's what the regular WZs are for. RWZs are for pitting the best against the best and creating good fights. It's about epeen, not rewards.


If rewards are what you want, then regular WZs are for you. Either that or assemble a kick azz team that can win some RWZ matches.

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What I hope this thread means... is that THIS is the fix to deter players from farming defender points.


Well done Bioware!


Edit: Oh yeah.... if this is a ranked WZ you're talking about... do you even understand this game at all? Read the above comment if not. If you still don't get it. Maybe when your sub runs out you'll have more fun on MW3 anyways. :rolleyes:


I only hope that it does not deter people from guarding/defending nodes/bunkers. I'll sacrifice the "fun" of going mid to help my team win. Quite frankly, the guy standing there is one of the most important roles in the match. He defends and calls out inc's (or at least should) so that you can balance your team on the map and move reinforcements accordingly. I will continue to do this regardless, but many people will leave the point unguarded to go get their medals/comms. I fully understand the point you're making, but it's a slippery slope to start taking away defender medals :(

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You clearly didn't read the completely valid second half of what you quoted. As ratings are determined, you should be better matched with less geared players or better geared players who have less skill than you. The idea of the ranking is to be able to make more competitive matches and give you more opportunites to win or allow you to enjoy the game more in losses. If you're that upset about the gear difference, then ranked WZs may not be the place for you as the most competitive 8 man teams that people can get together will be in there. Gonna ignore you, because you clearly don't understand the reasoning behind ranked WZs.


As to the OP, 20 ranked comms is 60 regular comms, so not that much different than a regular WZ loss. Due to the nature of using a ranked system, you should have more opportunities for wins when more teams have ratings and you're better matched. Getting a significant number of ranked comms for winning, will easily make up for this. Anyone have the numbers on rewards for winning ranked matches? I am surprised there is no money given to the losing side, but as there are no repair bills or anything, I don't really have a problem with it.

As I said, its all about time. Not everyone has the time to spend playing endless hours a day to get so few coms. Since med packs cant be used(rataka) and I cant make WZ medi packs now means that either I drop like a stone without healing or spend my few coms on WZ med packs, which defeats the object = spend 30-40 wz coms to win back 20.

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I only hope that it does not deter people from guarding/defending nodes/bunkers. I'll sacrifice the "fun" of going mid to help my team win. Quite frankly, the guy standing there is one of the most important roles in the match. He defends and calls out inc's (or at least should) so that you can balance your team on the map and move reinforcements accordingly. I will continue to do this regardless, but many people will leave the point unguarded to go get their medals/comms. I fully understand the point you're making, but it's a slippery slope to start taking away defender medals :(


i think he's talking about the jerk circles that end up happening around one node when some awful pre-made group of 4 figures they can't win.


Defending is always good. Better yet if it's a stealth class that calls out incs before they are in combat

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I only hope that it does not deter people from guarding/defending nodes/bunkers. I'll sacrifice the "fun" of going mid to help my team win. Quite frankly, the guy standing there is one of the most important roles in the match. He defends and calls out inc's (or at least should) so that you can balance your team on the map and move reinforcements accordingly. I will continue to do this regardless, but many people will leave the point unguarded to go get their medals/comms. I fully understand the point you're making, but it's a slippery slope to start taking away defender medals :(


That is not my point at all...


MY point... is the 3 pubs that will come into a WZ and within 30 seconds of only having 1 node they give up and begin farming defender points not contributing to the team at all. Only a fool would suggest not defending a node at all. But I have seen it multiple times. 3-4 camping a node within the first minute of a game with NO attackers. THAT is what people want deterred.


We are talking about very different things here...

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I only hope that it does not deter people from guarding/defending nodes/bunkers. I'll sacrifice the "fun" of going mid to help my team win. Quite frankly, the guy standing there is one of the most important roles in the match. He defends and calls out inc's (or at least should) so that you can balance your team on the map and move reinforcements accordingly. I will continue to do this regardless, but many people will leave the point unguarded to go get their medals/comms. I fully understand the point you're making, but it's a slippery slope to start taking away defender medals :(


The idea is lowering ALL rewards for losing teams, not just defender ones. No one is saying that defending the node isn't important, but we want to stop teams from giving up because they feel they will lose and still getting significant rewards for getting defender points. The slippery slope there is that the teams that win get gear faster and win even more often because of this. 8 team queues should eliminate anyone AFKing and should provide more balanced matches. I agree that it will not be something that can happen at 2am, but the 3-11 pm timeframe should give some pretty accurate matches assuming people get groups together for ranked.

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OP. how many medals did you get? I can't remember the last time I got fewer than 40 comms...




As to the OP, 20 ranked comms is 60 regular comms, so not that much different than a regular WZ loss. Due to the nature of using a ranked system, you should have more opportunities for wins when more teams have ratings and you're better matched. Getting a significant number of ranked comms for winning, will easily make up for this. Anyone have the numbers on rewards for winning ranked matches? I am surprised there is no money given to the losing side, but as there are no repair bills or anything, I don't really have a problem with it.


Does this^ mean that ranked matches don't award ranked comms the exact same way regular matches award regular comms? Because I'm not sure I'm a fan of that...

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OP. how many medals did you get? I can't remember the last time I got fewer than 40 comms...






Does this^ mean that ranked matches don't award ranked comms the exact same way regular matches award regular comms? Because I'm not sure I'm a fan of that...


I may have mistakenly assumed that the OP was in a ranked match as I have never gotten less than 40 regular comms in a match and that is only when backfilling. I have not logged in to do ranked yet so i don't know the numbers, but I know that it does give ranked comms as opposed to regular. I would assume that ranked will not offer the same high numbers of comms though, or the war hero grind just disappeared like BM did. If someone has the numbers already, I'd love to see them...

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Can't lose your way to the best stuff anymore?

Hey, great! This is what people said after 1.2, and two weeks later there were 70% fewer people on the fleet. I suggest you let people "lose your way to the best stuff" or you'll end up alone again.


Edit - if the OP was talking about ranked warzones, maybe he should stick with unranked.

Edited by PhilCanuck
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I may have mistakenly assumed that the OP was in a ranked match as I have never gotten less than 40 regular comms in a match and that is only when backfilling. I have not logged in to do ranked yet so i don't know the numbers, but I know that it does give ranked comms as opposed to regular. I would assume that ranked will not offer the same high numbers of comms though, or the war hero grind just disappeared like BM did. If someone has the numbers already, I'd love to see them...


I entered a rank game that was part the way through. Then to rub more salt in the wounds, I entered a standard warzone where it actually just finished. Bioware shouldnt add until they fix GLARING issues first

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TBH, As long as Gear is the primary factor to PVP, your statement is mostly invalid.


PVP is not that fun when your trying to fight WH geared peeps in recruit gear or less.


Then what the hell are you thinking going into ranked warzones without full WH gear? That is your own fault and your own problem.

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You clearly didn't read the completely valid second half of what you quoted. As ratings are determined, you should be better matched with less geared players or better geared players who have less skill than you. The idea of the ranking is to be able to make more competitive matches and give you more opportunites to win or allow you to enjoy the game more in losses. If you're that upset about the gear difference, then ranked WZs may not be the place for you as the most competitive 8 man teams that people can get together will be in there. Gonna ignore you, because you clearly don't understand the reasoning behind ranked WZs.


As to the OP, 20 ranked comms is 60 regular comms, so not that much different than a regular WZ loss. Due to the nature of using a ranked system, you should have more opportunities for wins when more teams have ratings and you're better matched. Getting a significant number of ranked comms for winning, will easily make up for this. Anyone have the numbers on rewards for winning ranked matches? I am surprised there is no money given to the losing side, but as there are no repair bills or anything, I don't really have a problem with it.


So winning side only gets approximately 36 comms?

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Then what the hell are you thinking going into ranked warzones without full WH gear? That is your own fault and your own problem.


Never said I would go into a ranked WZ without full WH or close to it. This is not to say others won't try.


Try again professor.

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That is not my point at all...


MY point... is the 3 pubs that will come into a WZ and within 30 seconds of only having 1 node they give up and begin farming defender points not contributing to the team at all. Only a fool would suggest not defending a node at all. But I have seen it multiple times. 3-4 camping a node within the first minute of a game with NO attackers. THAT is what people want deterred.


We are talking about very different things here...


As long as PVP is entiredly gear based, this will continue to happen.


I predict that ranked WZs will be nrerly non-exsitant shortly after release when peeps figure out it is a waste of time vs. the faction that has more peeps to chose from. A repeat of history as it where.

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As long as PVP is entiredly gear based, this will continue to happen.


I predict that ranked WZs will be nrerly non-exsitant shortly after release when peeps figure out it is a waste of time vs. the faction that has more peeps to chose from. A repeat of history as it where.


What I was hoping the OP meant and I think it would strongly deter people from farming is... lower the amount of medals and coms given for defending and damn near everything else in a WZ and drastically increase the amount given for a win.


THIS... would push people to win. Simple as that. Right now there is a difference of what? A loss will give you approx 15% of what a win would get you? Make it less than 10% or something... I really don't know. And we need defenders so don't totally screw that guy either but maybe make defenders share the defender points so a single defender would get more for himself than a group of defenders that would share the points. Just ideas and whether good or bad... I would just love to see people have more incentive to push hard for a win instead of standing still to grind gear.


In the end... ranked WZ's are here and the people I group with will NOT be standing around just to farm gear. That's going to be a nice change of pace. :D

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i also loved how the new relics were suppose to fix the TTK. But everyone who played pvp knew this would make it much quicker to kill someone. Lets see u give me over 200 extra power at all times vs I get 700 to 800 extra power for 15 seconds every 3 minutes. TTK is way to fast again. Love the great work bioware.


Yep, I have already noticed I am dying rather more quickly today than I was yesterday..

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Hey, great! This is what people said after 1.2, and two weeks later there were 70% fewer people on the fleet. I suggest you let people "lose your way to the best stuff" or you'll end up alone again.


Edit - if the OP was talking about ranked warzones, maybe he should stick with unranked.

I'd rather not play with/against people who don't try to win.

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Then what the hell are you thinking going into ranked warzones without full WH gear? That is your own fault and your own problem.


Ah yet another silly response. This has NOTHING to do with having/not having WH gear. It has everything to do with making the grind longer. Naturally, if you Q for both warzones, ranked pops up first, you will play. If I recall, if you leave the Q once the box pops up, this counts as a loss - I could be wrong or its changed. Not sure.


It just adds a new layer of grinding that really isnt needed. Common sense would have said well lets reduce some of the costs involved in gaining WH gear. Even if you win a non rated warzone and score well, you still only get around 140 coms, a loss can be anywhere from 56-80 and lets not forget when you join a losing game almost at the end - you wont be able to get yr 8 medals unless some luck drops in to play.

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I'd rather not play with/against people who don't try to win.


Indeed. Lately I have seen people give up on Novra and Civil War even when its 320/510 and in Norva there is still always a remote chance of capping and winning even if you're at 2%.


I was hoping rated would at least have a player base of people who want to win but the low amount of coms just doesnt make it viable for anyone looking to purchase BM/WH gear. And when the so called best players get bored and level, there will be a huge void because you still have a base of players chasing coms to get their gear.

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Teams winning and getting 4x more comms than the losing team is akin to giving the World Champions the first pick in the draft. I'm not a fan of people conceding games for medals but some games are lost causes. You say, try harder? My wife just hit 50 on her sorc and going up again a WH premade she goes down within seconds, and dies over and over. Yes, she's not a very good player but in the end most people aren't very good and if you cater to the top 5% and piss on the 95% its going to affect the game.


I"m in full War Hero on my Operative and Marauder and winning is not an issue with my premade, but I still think the losing side needs some hope to gear up and not just 'get better'.


Also, if they nerfed cash to the point I have to do things other than pvp, I may be done. That was always one of the things I liked about this game.

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Give winning and losing teams the same amount of ranked warzone coms, increase the cash payout and valor for the winning side. High-ranked PVP'ers should gain a customized armor consumable that allows them to turn any armor piece in the game into a standard blank orange piece with augment slot usable by the player class.


Ranked PVP is all about the challenge, the thrill of a hard-earned win and the prestige of gaining gear that isn't easy to get. Take away the imbalance gear-farmed teams will have on the matchmaking system and PVP returns to it's purer form. Fast, fun, challenging and a level playing field where you can find out just how good you really are.

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Teams winning and getting 4x more comms than the losing team is akin to giving the World Champions the first pick in the draft. I'm not a fan of people conceding games for medals but some games are lost causes. You say, try harder? My wife just hit 50 on her sorc and going up again a WH premade she goes down within seconds, and dies over and over. Yes, she's not a very good player but in the end most people aren't very good and if you cater to the top 5% and piss on the 95% its going to affect the game.


I"m in full War Hero on my Operative and Marauder and winning is not an issue with my premade, but I still think the losing side needs some hope to gear up and not just 'get better'.


Also, if they nerfed cash to the point I have to do things other than pvp, I may be done. That was always one of the things I liked about this game.

Fantastic reply!!!!

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